Binance Square
Binanceはどの程度安全ですか?Binanceは一般的に安全な取引所ですが、2019年に大規模なハッキングを受け、取引所から4000万ドル相当の7,000ビットコインが盗まれました。Binanceはそれ以来セキュリティを強化し、すべての損失を保険基金を通じて回復することを約束しています。Binanceは、ユーザーアカウントの安全を確保するために2要素認証(2FA)を使用しています。BinanceのCEOであるChangpeng Zhao(CZ)がユーザーに安心感を与えるために使用する有名な表現は「SAFU」であり、Binanceの資金が安全であることを意味します。当初は資金が安全であるという意味だけでしたが(仕組みはこちら)、現在は「Secure Asset Fund for Users」、つまり緊急時の「雨の日」保険基金の略です。Binanceは以前にも当局と協力してハッキングされた資産や犯罪者のアカウントを凍結しましたが、独自のブロックチェーンBinance Smart Chain(BSC)のハッキングをロールバックすることはありません。

Binanceはどの程度安全ですか?Binanceは一般的に安全な取引所ですが、2019年に大規模なハッキングを受け、取引所から4000万ドル相当の7,000ビットコインが盗まれました。Binanceはそれ以来セキュリティを強化し、すべての損失を保険基金を通じて回復することを約束しています。Binanceは、ユーザーアカウントの安全を確保するために2要素認証(2FA)を使用しています。BinanceのCEOであるChangpeng Zhao(CZ)がユーザーに安心感を与えるために使用する有名な表現は「SAFU」であり、Binanceの資金が安全であることを意味します。当初は資金が安全であるという意味だけでしたが(仕組みはこちら)、現在は「Secure Asset Fund for Users」、つまり緊急時の「雨の日」保険基金の略です。Binanceは以前にも当局と協力してハッキングされた資産や犯罪者のアカウントを凍結しましたが、独自のブロックチェーンBinance Smart Chain(BSC)のハッキングをロールバックすることはありません。

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How Do Crypto Savings Accounts Compare to Traditional Bank Accounts? Traditional and crypto-backed savings accounts have quite a bit in common. Both require you to deposit funds, and both pay interest based on the amount of currency you’ve deposited. You also have the ability to deposit or withdraw funds for each type of account, though some of the rules relating to that access can vary. One of the major differences between the two kinds of savings accounts — and the driving force behind much of the interest in crypto-backed variety — is the interest rate. The average interest rate on a traditional savings account is just 0.06%. Even with high-yield savings accounts, interest rates still often fall below 1%, barring a few outliers. Crypto savings accounts provide far better yields. While the amount can vary depending on the provider, timing and the digital currency involved, you may find some cryptocurrency-based accounts offering double-digit returns. When it comes to withdrawing funds, traditional savings accounts usually let you withdraw what you’ve deposited at any time, as long as you make no more than six withdrawals monthly. With crypto-backed accounts, the rules vary between providers. Some may prevent you from withdrawing the cryptocurrency for a certain length of time after depositing it. You may also encounter withdrawal fees, something you don’t see with traditional accounts in most cases. Another big difference involves federal account protection. Traditional bank accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), an agency that protects accountholders and ensures they can recoup money they’ve deposited — up to a limit of $250,000 — if the bank somehow fails. The same goes for credit union savings accounts through National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) insurance. With cryptocurrency savings accounts, there’s no guarantee that any kind of insurance is in place. If the provider or platform fails and you’re cut off from access to the wallet holding your deposits, you might never be able to recover that digital currency.
What Are Crypto Savings Accounts, and How Do They Work? On the surface, crypto savings accounts work like traditional savings accounts — they’re financial accounts that you deposit cryptocurrency into so you can begin earning interest on its value. You deposit whatever amount of cryptocurrency you’d like; whether you choose to deposit some or all of your holdings is up to you. You simply use crypto instead of a fiat currency, like dollars, to fund this type of account. Functionally speaking, cryptocurrency savings accounts are pretty straightforward. Once you open an account with a provider, you’ll deposit your desired amount of cryptocurrency by sending it to a new crypto wallet that’s associated with your account. Once there, other platforms can borrow those crypto assets. Whenever those digital coins are borrowed, you earn interest. The amount of interest you’ll earn is determined before other platforms borrow your crypto, giving you clear insights into the earning potential of your digital currency. However, the interest rates can change over time, meaning they can fluctuate in response to financial market conditions or adjust based on other factors. For example, when demand for cryptocurrency is high, interest rates typically rise. When demand declines, interest rates fall. While market conditions play a big role in the equation, other elements also come into play. For instance, the provider you select matters, as some offer more competitive interest rates than others. Additionally, like all financial accounts, you could encounter savings platforms that charge fees or have other costs associated with the service, even though not all do. It’s also important to note that the type of currency you receive as your interest payments may vary. The same goes for interest schedules, with some platforms paying interest out on a daily basis and others making monthly payments. Whether or not the interest is compounding may also change depending on the provider platform.
When I started at Binance approximately one year ago, I was shocked by the layers of security protocols that new employees had to go through to get set up. Little did I know, the onboarding process was the easy part. Binance employees across the globe undergo regular training and random security checks to ensure they abide by the strict cybersecurity rules in place.  Despite having previously led one of the world’s largest cybersecurity teams and managed some of the largest data breaches in history (US OPM, Ashley Madison, etc.), I was not prepared for the onslaught of cyberattacks, phishing attacks, and scams that regularly target the crypto community. Now I understand why Binance goes to the lengths it does.  However, criminals will almost always find a way to adapt to and circumvent even the most secure system. Over the past month, I’ve received several online messages thanking me for taking the time to meet with project teams regarding potential opportunities to list their assets on This was odd because I don’t have any oversight of or insight into Binance listings, nor had I met with any of these people before. It turns out that a sophisticated hacking team used previous news interviews and TV appearances over the years to create a “deep fake” of me. Other than the 15 pounds that I gained during COVID being noticeably absent, this deep fake was refined enough to fool several highly intelligent crypto community members.  Beyond this latest incident, there’s been a recent spike in hackers pretending to be Binance employees and executives on platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, etc. We are prepared to defend our users and our ecosystem. After all, we have the largest and most experienced cybersecurity team in the industry, complete with leading investigators with experience at the FBI, US Secret Service, IRS, Europol, and other reputable agencies with a proven track record of fighting cybercrime. These world-class experts are here to help Binance build a digital asset ecosystem that is safe and secure for all users.
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