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Crypto De Nostradame
ビットコインは7万ドルの水準を超え、売り圧力は終息しつつある。 昨日7万ドルを超えた後、#Bitcoin (BTC)はおなじみの取引範囲に後退し、横ばいの値動きを続けた。 時価総額で最大の暗号通貨は、執筆時点で約69,000ドルで、過去24時間で2%上昇している一方、イーサリアムのネイティブトークン#Ether (ETH)は3,800ドル弱で推移している。CoinDesk 20 Indexは過去24時間で1.6%上昇した。 ビットコインと暗号通貨市場全体は、#BTC が73,000ドルを超える記録的な価格に達した3月以来、2か月以上にわたって安定的に取引されている。 「調整フェーズは終わりに近づいているようだ」と、Bitfinexのアナリストは昨日公開した市場レポートで述べた。レポートによると、長期保有者による売りがビットコインが史上最高値から下落した主な理由の1つだった。しかし、ブロックチェーンデータによると、これらの保有者は2023年12月以来初めて#BTC を再び蓄積し始めている。 BitfinexのアナリストはCryptoQuantのデータを引用し、先月ビットコインとイーサリアムの新規蓄積アドレスの数が増加し、価格が安定しているにもかかわらず上昇傾向にあることを示していると付け加えた。 暗号分析会社Swissblockは、70,000ドルと73,000ドルの水準がBTC価格を制限する重要な抵抗となっていると述べた。「短期的な引き戻しは買いの機会と考えられており、67,000ドルの水準は信頼できるサポートであることが証明されている」とSwissblockはレポートで述べた。暗号デリバティブ取引業者アルベロス・マーケッツの共同創業者ジョシュア・リム氏は、コインデスクとのインタビューで、インフレデータの発表とFRBの会合により両方向のボラティリティが高まる可能性があるため、来週は「待ち遠しい1週間になるかもしれない」と語った。 $BTC $ETH


昨日7万ドルを超えた後、#Bitcoin (BTC)はおなじみの取引範囲に後退し、横ばいの値動きを続けた。

時価総額で最大の暗号通貨は、執筆時点で約69,000ドルで、過去24時間で2%上昇している一方、イーサリアムのネイティブトークン#Ether (ETH)は3,800ドル弱で推移している。CoinDesk 20 Indexは過去24時間で1.6%上昇した。

ビットコインと暗号通貨市場全体は、#BTC が73,000ドルを超える記録的な価格に達した3月以来、2か月以上にわたって安定的に取引されている。

「調整フェーズは終わりに近づいているようだ」と、Bitfinexのアナリストは昨日公開した市場レポートで述べた。レポートによると、長期保有者による売りがビットコインが史上最高値から下落した主な理由の1つだった。しかし、ブロックチェーンデータによると、これらの保有者は2023年12月以来初めて#BTC を再び蓄積し始めている。




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At the top of the FBI's wanted list... Did the mafia kill the Crypto Queen, who has been missing for years? The allegations against Dr Ruja Ignatova, who has been known as the Crypto Queen and has not been heard from since she disappeared with 3.3 billion pounds in October 2017, attracted attention. Dr Ruja Ignatova, an Oxford graduate, began to climb the career ladder rapidly in 2014. Millions of people around the world trusted the Bulgarian-born entrepreneur with their life savings and believed in his vision for a new online currency. However, Ignatova, known as the Queen of Crypto, disappeared without any explanation in 2017. Authorities in the US are accusing him of fraud as they believe he has run away with £3.3bn worth of investments from supporters of the OneCoin cryptocurrency in around 175 countries. And even though years have passed, not much is still known about what happened to Ignatova. However, according to BBC news; Ignatova may even have been killed. It is stated that the disappearance of the Crypto Queen is extremely mysterious due to suspicious mafia connections. Ruja Ignatova failed to attend a meeting with promoters in Lisbon in October 2017 and mysteriously disappeared. Ignatova, who was accused of fraud, actually graduated from #Oxford and spent six years with McKinsey. She was confident and assured her supporters that her project, #OneCoin , would take off. Within months, millions of people around the world believed in him and purchased packs online of a new currency they believed would one day change the world. Recently, local media established tentative links between Ruja and Christoforos Amanatidis, a man in his native Bulgaria who is alleged to be the head of the country's organized crime network. Documents seized in the house of a former police chief who was assassinated in Sofia in 2022 revealed allegations that Ruja Ignatova was killed on behalf of Amanatidis in November 2018. Now there is a suspicion that Ignatova may be dead. 
AMD is competing with Nvidia... New artificial intelligence chips introduced Technology company AMD introduced its new artificial intelligence chips. AMD is expected to compete with Nvidia, one of the most important chip manufacturers of recent times, with its new artificial intelligence-supported chips that will be used in a wide range of applications, from data centers to laptops.  Demand for specialized processors like #ChatGPT that help develop, train and run AI applications has exploded in the last two years.  Processor maker AMD has emerged as one of Nvidia's most serious rivals, and #CEO Lisa Su said it has the strength to compete with its rivals.  Su said,  “AI is our number one priority, and we are at the beginning of an incredibly exciting time for the industry as AI reshapes every part of the computing market.” said. Su also announced that one of AMD's newest products, the Instinct MI325X, is scheduled to be released later this year. Establishing partnerships with some of the world's largest laptop companies, Su brought together the leaders of technology giants Microsoft, HP, Lenovo and Asus, who wanted AMD's Ryzen processors to be included in their artificial intelligence-supported computers. Microsoft has become one of the leading companies in artificial intelligence by investing billions in #ChatGPT maker #OpenAI and also rapidly integrating artificial intelligence features into its products.  Earlier this month, Microsoft introduced Copilot+ computers, called "AI PCs" that will run the Windows operating system with built-in artificial intelligence. These machines will feature AMD's Ryzen processors, #Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said on Monday. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Chamath Palihapitiya Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach $500,000 by Year-End: Halving Cycle Analysis. In the latest episode of the All-In Podcast, #Palihapitiya analyzed Bitcoin's historical price trends after each halving event. In particular, it was noted that 18 months after the third halving in May 2020, the Bitcoin price increased 7.8 times. Bitcoin's halving is a scheduled decrease in the rate of new BTC production and occurs approximately every four years. It is theorized that this event created a supply shock that pushed the price of Bitcoin higher. The last halving took place on April 20, 2024, and the daily Bitcoin issuance was reduced from 900 BTC to 450 #BTC , which was an important turning point for the cryptocurrency market. Based on post-third halving performance, Palihapitiya predicts that Bitcoin could reach $497,977 by October 2025. Using the average performance metric between the second and third halvings, this estimate could go as high as $1.14 million. Palihapitiya predicts that “an increasing number of countries” such as El Salvador may adopt a dual-currency system, which could increase demand for Bitcoin. “Countries can use local currencies for their daily transactions and Bitcoin as a permanent asset for store of value,” Palihapitiya added. If Bitcoin reaches a price above $500,000, he believes it will literally replace gold and even become a trading vehicle for high-value assets. Palihapitiya also highlighted the impact of newly launched Bitcoin ETFs (exchange-traded funds) on expanding adoption by commercializing Bitcoin. Standard Chartered analysts predict that Bitcoin could reach $200,000 by the end of 2025 due to these strong #ETF inflows.
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