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Guess what? the Meromai AI just joined the WAX blockchain. Mark your calendars. The Meromai App is making an awesome comeback, but now is on WAX io blockchain and others. Stay massive on WAX io X-page here for future updates. It is as well re-launching on Ethereum, Base and Solana. You will recall how the WAX io blockchain have been an umbrella for surviving so many blockchain projects with its large, supportive and efficient blockchain that have support projects success, just for example the WUFFI a meme coin who just got launched on the WAX blockchain and the Solana blockchain. Earning rewards on Meromai is pretty easy! The platform uses a special token called $AIMR to encourage people to participate. There’s a limited amount available (1 billion total), and everyone has a fair shot at earning them. Unlike some other projects, Meromai didn’t create a bunch of tokens for themselves or sell them privately beforehand. You can start earning $AIMR right now 💰 Meromai is all about making powerful AI models accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world. They achieve this by using a decentralized network, like a giant computer made up of lots of individual computers. Let me show you how it works: Meromai uses different types of AI models (multimodal) that are open-source, in this case anyone can see how they work and contribute to their development. You can help Meromai in a few ways: You can basically lend your computer’s processing power, give the AI prompts to complete tasks, improve the AI’s responses by suggesting better answers, and rate the quality of the outputs too. For your contributions, you earn points. These points can eventually be converted into $AIMR, a special Meromai token for users. This means that Meromai is a collaborative effort where anyone can participate and be rewarded for helping build and improve powerful AI tools. Get the Meromai Phase 2 Roadmap🛣️ at the official website stay tuned for more updates guys
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