Binance Square
今、あなたがしていることに非常に注意を払ってください!! $BTC - 65,000 ドルで 30 億ドルのロングが清算 まず、堅実な暗号プロジェクトを購入するのに最適な時期は、あなたのすべての部分が現金化して逃げろと言っているときであり、他の誰もが急いでいるときではありません。 現在暗号資産で見られる動きはレバレッジです!! $BTC は 65,000 ドルまで下落して 30 億ドルを清算します!!! 私は否定的でしょうか? いいえ!! この流動性は市場への関心を示しており、恐怖と貪欲の指数も同様です。保有者にとってこれは驚くべきことですが、FOMO や高レバレッジのエントリーにとっては、これはあなたが後悔する決定を下すときです! BTC が今後数か月で 10 万ドルまで急上昇すると思いますか? 絶対にありません。きっかけがありません。 ご注意ください。 ETF の流入は減少しています ビットコインは年初来ですでに大幅に上昇しており、10 万ドルの範囲に達するには半減期よりもはるかに高い値が必要です。 高レバレッジは一時的な信念であり、堅実ではありません。 ビットコインは流動性を見つけるのが大好きです。 さまざまなファンドのクライアントが保有する ETF の平均購入価格は約 57,000 ドルです。これらのファンドは高リスク投資用ではなく、分散投資してまともなリターンを得るためのものです。このようなファンドに投資する人は年間 10% を超える利益を期待していません。ビットコインが数か月で 40% 上昇することを望んでいるわけではありません。 今、高レバレッジで FOMO しないでください。数日、数週間後には泣くことになるでしょう。 ENA、ワームホールなどについてコメントしているスクエアの皆さん、まだポジションを保持していて、撤退したいのであれば、今がそうする時です。先週詐欺だと思ったとしても、何も変わっていません。これらのプロジェクトを信じているのであれば、そのままにしておいてください。(私はWとENAを保持しています) 現実的な暗号通貨の予測をしたい、学びたいのであれば、私をフォローすることを検討してください。いいねはいつでも大歓迎です😊 賢く行動してください。 ✌️ #ENAUSDT🚨 #wusdt #altcoins #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool


$BTC - 65,000 ドルで 30 億ドルのロングが清算



$BTC は 65,000 ドルまで下落して 30 億ドルを清算します!!!

私は否定的でしょうか? いいえ!! この流動性は市場への関心を示しており、恐怖と貪欲の指数も同様です。保有者にとってこれは驚くべきことですが、FOMO や高レバレッジのエントリーにとっては、これはあなたが後悔する決定を下すときです!

BTC が今後数か月で 10 万ドルまで急上昇すると思いますか? 絶対にありません。きっかけがありません。


ETF の流入は減少しています

ビットコインは年初来ですでに大幅に上昇しており、10 万ドルの範囲に達するには半減期よりもはるかに高い値が必要です。



さまざまなファンドのクライアントが保有する ETF の平均購入価格は約 57,000 ドルです。これらのファンドは高リスク投資用ではなく、分散投資してまともなリターンを得るためのものです。このようなファンドに投資する人は年間 10% を超える利益を期待していません。ビットコインが数か月で 40% 上昇することを望んでいるわけではありません。

今、高レバレッジで FOMO しないでください。数日、数週間後には泣くことになるでしょう。





#ENAUSDT🚨 #wusdt #altcoins #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool

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A project to own in your spot portfolio. Brain DAO $IQ Current price 0.00906 Market cap $166 million FDV $ 190 million Circulating supply 87.5% I have recently added IQ to my portfolio based on a few factors which include the project,current and possible future valuation and use case. This is purely based on my research and ideas, I like to find legit projects that offer good potential for growth and profit and to me this is exactly that. This is purely a SPOT investment idea, not short term entries. Firstly, My main concern when researching was that they can mint tokens but I found this decision is voted on by the community,not the project team, and is based on the staking rewards,halvings and inflation,it is done in a systematic way and the total token supply cap will always remain at 21 billion.(If you are a community member and I made a mistake please let me know so I can update) My personal reason for investing, People are pushing the AI decentralised narrative but currently we can’t compete with centralised AI because AI is evolving so fast. We need the backbone and foundation to build on. I feel projects like Brain DAO(tokenised as $IQ ) will be pivotal in the success of decentralised AI moving forward, this might not happen soon, we need the foundation to compete with centralised AI and I feel projects like IQ will be where the growth and foundation starts. AI is the future but until we can compete with centralised AI there is limited use cases for Crypto AI projects, the hype is meaningless unless we get real world use and it becomes more convenient,secure and cost effective compared to centralised. I would much rather be in early if you have the capital and patience to hold Spot for some time. Overall I think IQ at the current prices offer a low risk investment opportunity that should offer good returns in the years to come, it also has the MC room for decent growth. This is only my beliefs so please do your own research. Peace ✌️ #IQtoken #altcoins #AiNarratives #btc70k
My thoughts for the coming week. Choppy, moderately Bullish conditions until Friday. As we start the week we notice the Crypto Market cap is rising which is a Bullish start to the week. Over the last week we have seen a lot of indecision in the market based on the overall Crypto market cap, if you look at the daily candles you see multiple doji candles( this shows neither bulls nor bears have had control) I think we could see $BTC go above $70k and based on the high impact news outcomes in the following days, we could test $73k before friday. Many of the ALTS that have pumped a LOT over the past few days are already correcting but i feel across ALTS we could see steady Bullish momentum in the coming days, i dont see any parabolic Bull run starting. This week has a minefield of high impact news,key focus will be unemployment data, most important will be the Non-Farm payroll and unemployment numbers on Friday. If you dont understand Forex, basically there are a few key areas the US FED looks at to decide on Policy(interest rates) and Non-Farm change and unemployment is one of them.(The friday numbers are expected to be as predicted or slightly better for employment change, this will be neutral, slightly bad for Crypto) As always we will have volitilaty around high impact USD news events and we have many events happening this week, monitor these events before entering short term trades.(Forex Factory is the site i use) If you are looking to enter trades for the week make sure your leverage and margin level can survive sharp price movements around high impact news. Also note, should the $ETH ETF get S-1 approval in the coming week it will shake things up and market conditions could be volitile. It is a new day, week and month, set yourself realistic goals(even small ones) and achieve them, that is how you will stay profitable and mentally strong, win after win, they all compound and will make you succesful. Have a great week Peace #Megadrop #altcoins #btc70k#ETHETFsApproved
$JASMY WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!! Firstly, if you go back to my previous posts and read the comments you will see weeks ago (i only started posting a few weeks ago) i was telling people that i think Jasmy had good potential. This was not for me to pump the Token so i could dump on people, i am not that sort of person as you will see from the content i post, my girlfriend holds Jasmy based on my recomendation. Jasmy and apple HAVE NOT confirmed it will be incorporated in apple products for the "My Number" function, this hype comes because Jasmy is already used as the blockchain for another Japanese company CyberTrust which uses the blockchain for a similar purpose as apple might look to implement, basically Jasmy has already proved its use case through another project so using it for apple COULD make sense. Also note, As we recently saw with the fake news HBAR pump(when it was falsely tied to Blackrock) hbar pumped and then dumped quickly based on further clarification(this happened in hours), Jasmy price has not done that. *I sold all my HBAR at this time and will NEVER buy again because i feel like they did this on purpose.* While nothing has been confirmed the Jasmy price remains bullish, to me this shows there could be more to come regarding this news, if it was a fake news pump and nothing more the price of Jasmy (like Hbar) would have dropped rapidly already. Jasmy has a $1.7 Billion market cap with a 98.6% circulating supply(No massive unlocks coming to flood the market) When i purchased Jasmy the market cap was around $1 billion and i saw good upside based on this, i still see upside based on its current market cap regardless of the apple news. I have researched the project and the team behind it and IMO it is legit, while we might see price movement based on this news i am still very confident it is a great project to have in your SPOT portfolio for the next couple years. I try my absolute best to give good advice to people who read or follow me but doing your own research is also key. Peace. #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #altcoins
There is only 1 chart you need to look at! Stop being naive and wake up! The overall Crypto market cap! I see so many misleading posts across many platforms saying how bitcoin will hit 100k and AlTs are going up 40-200% in some cases.(Soon) I said in an early post if we see $BTC $75k + and AlTS pump 30%+ in the next months I’m out, this was not based on nothing it was based on the Crypto MC. In 2021 when Crypto hit $3 trillion the financial world was far different,inflation was rising but MOST importantly INTEREST RATES were 80-90% LESS what they are now globally. Monetary policy was eased and there was $billions in government fiscal stimulus,hundreds of $billions worldwide. What does this mean, It means people,institutions could borrow money and re finance money at FAR lower rates. Today interest rates are high and have been across the world for over a year, all the people,companies borrowing money are paying far far more AND delinquency on this is rising, they can’t afford to repay the debt,when this happens it has a snowball effect,companies fall ,smaller banks and so on and so on. This is CURRENTLY happening,not could happen,IT IS HAPPENING!. We need another $500 billion injection in Crypto to go over $3 trillion MC and to reach the numbers some people are saying we need $trillions more.From where? If Trump is elected,makes promises during this election, don’t be fooled, he faces a US economy in big trouble. Yesterdays FOMC minutes proved the FED is lost,there is no direction only stalling. China, Japan are selling off billions in in US backed treasuries and assets, the BRICS currency is a threat to the dollar,also nations looking for the $ to not be the std in the commodities trade,Trump WILL NOT allow Crypto to threaten the USD dominance even more I promise. Stop looking at YT shorts or false signs of a parabolic bull run coming, for that to happen we need money,Crypto MC at $3T is a 3x in a year,we are around the point the bubble will pop I promise, any further upside to $3 trillion and GET OUT. #ETHETFS #altcoins #BTC #BlackRock
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