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アナリストはビットコインが10万ドルに達する可能性はFRB次第と語る! ビットコインは4月の半減期前に前回の最高値を突破し、新たな#ATH に到達した。 アナリストは概ねこの質問に「はい」と答えるが、新たな最高値レベルに関しては意見が分かれている。 現時点では、BTCの最初の目標として10万ドルが集中しているが、有名な仮想通貨アナリストのティモシー・ピーターソン氏は、#BTC は2024年第4四半期、遅くとも2025年第2四半期には10万ドルに達する可能性があると述べた。 しかし、ピーターソン氏は、10万ドルに達するには1つの主要な指標だけが必要であり、すべては米国連邦準備制度理事会次第だと主張した。 ピーターソン氏はCointelegraphに対し、BTCが10万ドルに上昇するには米国の高利回りが下がる必要があると主張した。 「米国の金利はビットコインにとって素晴らしい指標であり、BTC の新たな最高値には 6% または 7% を下回る必要があります。 金利が 6% または 7% の範囲に下がれば、ビットコインは 2024 年第 4 四半期、遅くとも 2025 年第 2 四半期までに、待望の 10 万ドルの価格水準に達する可能性があります。」 $BTC $ETH $BNB


ビットコインは4月の半減期前に前回の最高値を突破し、新たな#ATH に到達した。


現時点では、BTCの最初の目標として10万ドルが集中しているが、有名な仮想通貨アナリストのティモシー・ピーターソン氏は、#BTC は2024年第4四半期、遅くとも2025年第2四半期には10万ドルに達する可能性があると述べた。



「米国の金利はビットコインにとって素晴らしい指標であり、BTC の新たな最高値には 6% または 7% を下回る必要があります。

金利が 6% または 7% の範囲に下がれば、ビットコインは 2024 年第 4 四半期、遅くとも 2025 年第 2 四半期までに、待望の 10 万ドルの価格水準に達する可能性があります。」


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$2 billion maturity expires in Bitcoin and Ethereum: What happens now? Today is an important day in the cryptocurrency world. In total, more than $2 billion worth of options will expire in the Bitcoin and Ethereum markets. According to data on the derivatives market, 18,000 Bitcoin options worth a total of $1.2 billion and 320,000 Ethereum options worth $930 million will expire. This large expiration can have significant impacts on the direction and volatility of markets. Currently, Bitcoin is trading at $65,569 while Ethereum is trading at $2,944. The situation of the markets before this critical day provides important clues in terms of how investors take their positions and understanding the general atmosphere in the market. Put-Call Ratios and Investor Behaviors Put-call ratio is an important metric used to understand which direction investors are more inclined in the options market. The put-call ratio was recorded as 0.63 for Bitcoin options and 0.28 for Ethereum options. A put-call ratio below 1 indicates that more call options are purchased than put options. This shows that investors generally have bullish expectations in the market. Effect of Options Market on Market Prices As options expire, investors may have to close or hedge their positions. This process can often create additional buying or selling pressure in the spot market, resulting in short-term fluctuations in prices. The impact of today's major expiry in the Bitcoin and Ethereum markets on prices will be closely monitored. Performance of Spot #Bitcoin ETFs in the US This week, spot Bitcoin #ETFs in the US showed a more positive performance compared to previous weeks. Spot ETFs play an important role in the adoption and liquidity of cryptocurrencies. The positive performance of spot ETFs could contribute to improving overall market sentiment and support Bitcoin's price movements. $BTC $ETH
US Treasury Department Released a Statement About Cryptocurrencies! The US Treasury Department has published a new report about cryptocurrencies. The report also includes details about the upcoming period. The US Treasury Department has expressed its intention to enhance anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures regarding digital assets. The Ministry published the 2024 "National Strategy to Combat Terrorism and Other Illegal Financing" strategy today. The document outlines its priorities in combating illicit financing and notes its ongoing work on cryptocurrencies. These efforts include sanctions against some exchanges and groups such as Bitzlato and Lazarus, and the agreement with Binance. The strategy document identified four key priorities: closing gaps in anti-money laundering regulations, supporting a more effective and risk-focused framework, improving the effectiveness of law enforcement and leveraging technological innovations. The document suggests that updating existing regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies would support these priorities. This could include working on global implementation of Financial Action Task Force standards, as well as potential updates to the U.S. regulatory framework to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. “Successful application of the existing Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism oversight and enforcement framework to virtual asset activities requires the United States to allocate adequate oversight and enforcement resources and provide analysts with greater expertise on new technologies, including the analysis of publicly available blockchain data.” “This requires continuing to invest in technology and training for inspectors and regulators.” During the press conference, a Treasury official revealed that Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo and Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson discussed with lawmakers the department's request for greater authority and oversight regarding certain crypto issues.
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