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👉👉👉 #CryptoMarket が今日下落しているのはなぜですか? 主な理由は次のとおりです 今日、#cryptocurrency 市場は、地政学的緊張と経済的不確実性によって引き起こされた従来の市場でのより広範な売りの反響に呼応して、大幅な下落を経験しました。従来の市場がつまずくと、暗号通貨はすぐにそれに追随しました。 米国の午後の取引中、ビットコインは66,000ドルを下回り、最近のピークである71,000ドル付近から後退しました。 この記事の執筆時点で、ビットコインは69,934ドルまで回復し、過去24時間で5%の下落を記録しています。#Ethereum も12%の急落を経験し、最初は3,100ドルまで下落した後、3,230ドルまで回復しました。 この下落は急速で急激な損失を特徴とし、特にレバレッジをかけたトレーダーに影響を与えました。先物市場のデータによると、わずか 1 時間で 4 億ドルを超える大規模な清算が行われたことが明らかになりました。 最も大きな打撃を受けたのは Binance と OKX 取引所で、清算額はそれぞれ 1 億 7,100 万ドルと 1 億 5,800 万ドルでした。Coinglass によると、市場全体では、過去 24 時間以内に 270,993 人のトレーダーが 8 億 6,000 万ドルという驚くべき金額を失っています。 この市場の下落は、3 か月連続の加速を示す新しいインフレ データに反応して、米国株式市場の下落と一致しました。消費者物価指数 (#cpi ) の予想外の上昇により、短期的な連邦準備制度理事会の金利引き下げへの期待が弱まり、インフレ抑制への懸念が悪化しました。 混乱にもかかわらず、ビットコインは市場支配率を 56% 近くまで高め、この市場サイクルのピークに達しました。これは、市場の混乱の中でも主要な暗号通貨としてのビットコインの回復力を浮き彫りにしています。 今後、暗号通貨コミュニティは4月21日に予定されている半減期イベントを予想しています。アーサー・ヘイズの洞察を含む過去のパターンと専門家の分析は、このイベントがさらなる価格調整を引き起こす可能性があることを示唆しています。 今日の市場の動きは、投資家の感情、経済指標、そして近い将来に起こる重要な暗号通貨イベントへの期待の複雑な相互作用を反映しています。 出典 - #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫

👉👉👉 #CryptoMarket が今日下落しているのはなぜですか? 主な理由は次のとおりです

今日、#cryptocurrency 市場は、地政学的緊張と経済的不確実性によって引き起こされた従来の市場でのより広範な売りの反響に呼応して、大幅な下落を経験しました。従来の市場がつまずくと、暗号通貨はすぐにそれに追随しました。


この記事の執筆時点で、ビットコインは69,934ドルまで回復し、過去24時間で5%の下落を記録しています。#Ethereum も12%の急落を経験し、最初は3,100ドルまで下落した後、3,230ドルまで回復しました。

この下落は急速で急激な損失を特徴とし、特にレバレッジをかけたトレーダーに影響を与えました。先物市場のデータによると、わずか 1 時間で 4 億ドルを超える大規模な清算が行われたことが明らかになりました。

最も大きな打撃を受けたのは Binance と OKX 取引所で、清算額はそれぞれ 1 億 7,100 万ドルと 1 億 5,800 万ドルでした。Coinglass によると、市場全体では、過去 24 時間以内に 270,993 人のトレーダーが 8 億 6,000 万ドルという驚くべき金額を失っています。

この市場の下落は、3 か月連続の加速を示す新しいインフレ データに反応して、米国株式市場の下落と一致しました。消費者物価指数 (#cpi ) の予想外の上昇により、短期的な連邦準備制度理事会の金利引き下げへの期待が弱まり、インフレ抑制への懸念が悪化しました。

混乱にもかかわらず、ビットコインは市場支配率を 56% 近くまで高め、この市場サイクルのピークに達しました。これは、市場の混乱の中でも主要な暗号通貨としてのビットコインの回復力を浮き彫りにしています。



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💥💥💥 Here's What $100 In Dogecoin Would Be Worth If You Invested 10 Years Ago 💥💥💥 In the early days of cryptocurrency, when it was little more than a curiosity for internet enthusiasts, a few daring souls made investments that would change their lives forever. Among these pioneers was Dogecoin (DOGE), a token initially created as a joke in 2013. For years, DOGE languished in obscurity, its value barely registering above a fraction of a cent. However, in 2021, fueled by social media hype and endorsements from influential figures like Elon Musk, DOGE soared to unprecedented heights, reaching almost $0.75 in just months—a staggering increase of over 13,000%. Although DOGE's price has since retreated from its peak, it has shown remarkable resilience, with a strong floor around $0.12 and notable gains in 2024. A decade ago, DOGE could be acquired for a minuscule fraction of a cent, but by 2024, its value had surged to as high as $0.23—an incredible surge of nearly 230,000%. From its humble beginnings to its peak in 2021, DOGE had multiplied in value by an astonishing 740,000%. One visionary—or perhaps reckless—investor seized the opportunity in 2014 when they acquired 5 billion DOGE for $4 million, amassing 3.49% of the total DOGE supply. Holding steadfastly through the fluctuations, this investor's wallet has seen its value soar to over $3.5 billion at its peak, now settling around $700 million. The market capitalization of DOGE also skyrocketed from under $10 million in 2014 to over $30 billion in 2024, surpassing the valuations of household names like HP Inc., eBay Inc., and DraftKings Inc. Dogecoin's improbable journey over the past decade has captivated investors and spectators alike, generating billions in investment despite offering little tangible utility. It has minted millionaires and billionaires seemingly out of thin air, leaving many to ponder what the future holds for this enigmatic token. As DOGE continues to defy expectations, its story serves as a testament to the unpredictable and exhilarating world of cryptocurrency.
💥💥💥 Why #bitcoin , #Ethereum , and #Dogecoin‬⁩ Surged Today The #cryptocurrency market surged after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted at a potential rate cut, catching many investors off guard, as they had anticipated a hike. With a more accommodative monetary policy on the horizon, risk assets like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Dogecoin (DOGE) all saw gains of 3.8%, 2.2%, and 4% respectively, by 4 p.m. ET Thursday. Besides Powell's comments, specific factors are influencing these digital assets: - Bitcoin's Outlook: Despite concerns about momentum loss, Bitcoin's near and medium-term outlook is bullish. Lower interest rates are expected to weaken the U.S. dollar, benefiting commodities and store-of-value assets like Bitcoin. - Ethereum's Prospects: Ethereum stands to gain from capital inflows into cryptocurrencies. Expectations for SEC approval of spot Ethereum ETFs and its transition to a proof-of-stake protocol enhance bullish sentiment. - Dogecoin's Appeal: Dogecoin remains a speculative asset favored by traders seeking short-term gains. Recent liquidation data may have contributed to its pronounced move during the rally. - Sustainability of the Rally: While the surge is significant, broader context is crucial. Bitcoin remains below its all-time high, and the rally's sustainability depends on factors like additional catalysts and market sentiment. Monitoring Bitcoin is key, as it often dictates the direction of the overall cryptocurrency market. Source -
👉👉👉 BlockDAG Adds #shibaInu as Payment Option for Its Native Token In a bid to cater to the diverse preferences of its users, BlockDAG has introduced a wide array of new #cryptocurrencies as payment options for those interested in acquiring BDAG. The goal is to enhance accessibility and convenience for potential investors. Traditionally, cryptocurrencies like #bitcoin , #Ethereum , and #Solana⁩ have dominated the landscape. However, BlockDAG is challenging this status quo by offering an expanded selection. Users can now utilize popular coins such as BTC, USDT (Tron), Doge, SHIB, Solana, XRP, Polygon (MATIC), Kaspa, Fantom, and Cardano to purchase its native token, currently in pre-sale. Catering to Investor Preferences - With over $22 million secured in pre-sale funds and a promised $100 million in liquidity, BlockDAG is reportedly capturing the attention of investors beyond traditional Bitcoin and Ethereum enthusiasts. Its blend of blockchain and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technologies, as outlined in DAGPaper V2, is enticing to investors seeking alternative opportunities in the crypto space. Ultimately, by accommodating a variety of cryptocurrencies, BlockDAG ensures that users can transact seamlessly according to their preferences. The Mobile Mining Advantage - BlockDAG's approach goes beyond payment options. The introduction of mobile mining through the BlockDag X1 miner revolutionizes crypto mining by leveraging the power of smartphones. With no need for specialized hardware or excessive energy consumption, users can effortlessly mine BDAG coins directly from their mobile devices. - With a total supply of 150 billion coins and a halving event every 12 months, BlockDAG implements measures to manage growth responsibly and prevent excessive inflation. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose also do your own research. Source -
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