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When Could Bitcoin Peak In This Bull Market If The Current Cycle Remains Accelerated? When Bitcoin rallied to new All Time Highs in mid-March 2024, Bitcoin was accelerating in its cycle by 260 days compared to traditional Halving Cycles However, since Bitcoin has been consolidating for the past two months or so, this rate of acceleration has decreased to 210 days So we are currently seeing deceleration in the cycle and it's possible this will still continue for a while longer The longer this deceleration takes, the more resynchronised this cycle will become with the typical Halving cycle where Bitcoin tends to peak 518-546 days after the Halving Until this resynchronisation occurs however, it's worth considering when Bitcoin could peak in its Bull Market if the current cycle remains accelerated to some extent So instead of using the Halving as a reference point for measuring a potential future Bull Market peak, perhaps it would be worth using old All Time Highs as a reference point for measuring that Bitcoin tends to perform a Bull Market Top 266-315 days after it breaks its old All Time High Bitcoin broke its old All Time Highs in mid March 2024 The next Bull Market Peak may thus occur in 266-315 days That's very late November 2024 or very late January 2025 However, as Accelerated as this cycle may be... It appears that the amount of days that Bitcoin spends beyond old All Time Highs is actually lengthening In 2013, Bitcoin rallied for 268 days before topping out In 2017, this figure rose to 280 days (an increase by 14 days) In 2021, this figure rose to 315 days (an increase by 35 days compared to 2017) Historically, the amount of days that Bitcoin has spent beyond old All Time Highs have increased by approximately 14 days to 35 days So how much time could Bitcoin spend beyond old All Time Highs before performing its Bull Market Peak in this cycle? If we add 14-35 days to the initial Bull Market Peak range of 266-315 days, that would bring the total to 280-350 days
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