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リップルのCEOが2024年に向けて大胆な予測をしました。 仮想通貨市場は5兆ドルになるという主張 仮想通貨市場の合計価値は現在約2.58兆ドルです。ガーリングハウス氏は、合計価値は今年残りで5兆ドルまで上昇すると主張しました。これは、仮想通貨の合計価値が今後8か月で2倍になることを意味します。 ガーリングハウス氏はどのような要因でその主張を裏付けましたか? リップルのCEOは、合計価値が今年2倍になるという主張は、2つの主な要因によるものだと述べました。マクロ経済要因が引き続き仮想通貨セクターへのトレンドを支えると主張し、ガーリングハウス氏はまた、新しい機関投資家がETFを通じてこのセクターに参入し続けると考えています。ただし、ビットコインの半減期も上昇に寄与すると考えられています。 ブラッド・ガーリングハウス氏は、彼らは長い間この業界に携わっており、同様のトレンドは以前にも現れては消えていったと述べました。ガーリングハウス氏は、過去の期間と現在の期間にはいくつかの違いがあることを強調し、仮想通貨を裏付けとしたETFが初めて実際の機関投資家を引き付け始めたことを強調した。半減期を迎えてBTCの1日あたりの供給量が減少し始める今年は、ETFを通じたビットコインの需要増加のプラス効果が強調される。 3月のデータを見ると、ビットコインマイナーが約28,500 BTCを生産し、スポットビットコインETFを通じて66,000 BTC以上が購入されたことがわかる。リップルのCEOは、需要が増加し供給が減少すると何が起こるかを予測するのに経済学者である必要はないと付け加えた。その結果、ブラッド・ガーリングハウス氏は、新しいトレンドを考えると、仮想通貨市場の価値は簡単に2倍になる可能性があると主張している。 ガーリングハウス氏は2024年に期待している リップルのCEOは今年初め、2024年は大きな年になると主張し、XRPに前向きなシグナルを送った。 XRPコミュニティは、ガーリングハウス氏がこれほど明確に強気な主張をしたのは初めてだと述べた彼の言葉を歓迎した。リップル社が最近重要なプロジェクトを立ち上げたことで、コミュニティは XRP の将来に期待を寄せています。 $BTC $XRP







3月のデータを見ると、ビットコインマイナーが約28,500 BTCを生産し、スポットビットコインETFを通じて66,000 BTC以上が購入されたことがわかる。リップルのCEOは、需要が増加し供給が減少すると何が起こるかを予測するのに経済学者である必要はないと付け加えた。その結果、ブラッド・ガーリングハウス氏は、新しいトレンドを考えると、仮想通貨市場の価値は簡単に2倍になる可能性があると主張している。



XRPコミュニティは、ガーリングハウス氏がこれほど明確に強気な主張をしたのは初めてだと述べた彼の言葉を歓迎した。リップル社が最近重要なプロジェクトを立ち上げたことで、コミュニティは XRP の将来に期待を寄せています。


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Attention Arbitrum (ARB) investors: Breath held! Arbitrum (ARB), which saw a huge sale with the retreat in Bitcoin, caused panic by reaching the lowest level of the last six months. Arbitrum (ARB), which saw a huge sale with the retreat in Bitcoin, caused panic by reaching the lowest level of the last six months. Bitcoin, which has been turbulent in recent days, continues to deal a blow to altcoins. Especially the decline in some parities did not go unnoticed. Arbitrum, which has a significant place in the Turkish crypto ecosystem, is one of the leading projects. The popular coin, which is followed with curiosity by influencers and investors, has approached the bottom level of the last six months with its short-term decline. So will the decline in ARB continue? What level for ARB? With the decline of Bitcoin (BTC), Arbitrum (ARB), which dropped to $ 0.85, worried both its ecosystem and investors. The popular coin, which has been hovering near the bottom levels of the last six months, continues to pose danger. ARB, which has difficulty exceeding $ 1.2338 in a short time period, may retreat to the range of $ 0.80 - $ 0.73 if it cannot hold at $ 0.99. If this area is lost, it is highly likely that there will be a huge selling pressure on the parity. Bitcoin’in 70.000 dolar üzerinde günlük kapanış yapması, BTC dominansının düşüşü, jeopolitik gerilimin durulması veya Katman-2 trendinin gelmesi halinde Arbitrum’dan beklentiler artacaktır. Böyle bir senaryoda ARB yatırımcılarının direnç olarak takip etmesi gereken noktalar sırasıyla 1,23 – 1,45 – 1,70 -1,80 – 2,10 ve 2,43 dolar. According to Google Trens data, there is a huge decrease in searches for the word Arbitrum. Arbitrum research, which reached 100 Google Trends points on March 13, dropped to 27 as the parity started to decline. This development, which was reflected in social metrics with the recent decline of ARB, did not go unnoticed. In order to observe a possible ARB bull, attention should be paid to this metric being above 50. $BTC $ARB
How did Ripple respond to the SEC's fine request? What was the market reaction? In the legal fight between Ripple and the SEC, the focus has turned to the $ 2 billion fine that the SEC demanded from the Blockchain company. While the SEC demands $876 million in compensation from Ripple, it also demands nearly $200 million in interest. The regulator also said the company must pay an additional $876 million to cover civil penalties. This means that Ripple may end the legal process by paying a penalty of nearly 2 billion dollars. However, it seems that the Blockchain company does not accept the SEC's fine. Not sure how to redeem the code? You can watch the video we show step by step. In its response to the court on April 22, Ripple stated that the case was not caused by careless transactions or did not constitute fraud, and offered to pay a much lower fine. Accordingly, Ripple has a plan to pay a civil penalty of $10 million in its summary response. In his statement, Ripple lawyer Stuart Alderoty interpreted the SEC's request as a step taken to intimidate the crypto industry in the USA. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse made similar statements rejecting the fine, warning that the SEC's actions and policies would have negative effects in the long term. In its summary response, Ripple also claimed that necessary updates had been made, that XRP sales had been brought into compliance in accordance with the court order, and that they were in compliance with regulatory requirements both in the US and internationally. Ripple also stated that they are willing to cooperate within the law in the future. The low probability of a settlement in the litigation process, which is considered the biggest problem for XRP trading, seems to have disappointed the XRP community in general. $BTC $XRP


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