Binance Square
GMファム! 4月はどう始まりますか?ジョークを期待しているのはわかっていますが、そうではありません...私は投資に関するジョークは言いません。これはあなたの心理に影響を与える可能性があることを知っているからです。私は人の精神的健康をもてあそぶつもりはありません。だからあなたは何をしなければならないか知っています 今日最も注目されている仮想通貨 (Binance によると) は次のとおりです: $BOME $JTO $JUP - それでは、それぞれの概要を見てみましょう。 🚀🌐 Book of Meme (#BOME ) へようこそ: ミーム、分散ストレージ、暗号カオスを融合することで、Web3 の精神を揺るがすことを目的とした革新的なプロジェクトです。この大胆な冒険は、ミーム文化の精神をデジタル大冊である Book of MEME にカプセル化し、ブロックチェーン上で永久に不滅にすることを目的としています。 Solana、Arweave、IPFS 上の BOME ミームコインが基盤を提供し、ビットコインの永遠不変性を見据えたこの取り組みは、分散型ソーシャル メディアのパラダイム シフトを示し、ミームが境界を突破できるようにします。 🚀🌐 地頭ネットワークってどうなってるの? Jito Network は、主に JitoSOL リキッド ステーキング プールと一連の MEV 製品を通じて、Solana エコシステムで大きな役割を果たしています。ユーザーは自分の SOL を JitoSOL に交換できます。そうすることで、SOLの流動性とDeFiの可能性をサポートするだけでなく、ステーキング報酬も獲得できます。 JitoSOL は、Solana での MEV 採掘による取引収益の一部を保有者に与えることで、契約を有利にしています。 では、#jto はどうでしょうか? JTO は、トークン所有者に Jito Network の方向性についての発言権を与え、Jito Network の成長と利害関係者のニーズおよびより広範な Solana コミュニティとの連携を確保します。 🚀🌐 それで、これをチェックしてください! #Jupiter🪐 は単なる平均的な暗号プラットフォームではありません、いや!特に Solana の世界では、スワップ アグリゲーションの王様のようなものです。全員に十分な流動性を確保することがすべてです。さらに、彼らは指値注文、DCA/TWAP、ブリッジコンパレーター、無期限取引オプションなど、あらゆる種類の優れた機能を備えて、DeFiサービスを大幅に拡張しています。木星は間違いなく注目すべき星です!

GMファム! 4月はどう始まりますか?ジョークを期待しているのはわかっていますが、そうではありません...私は投資に関するジョークは言いません。これはあなたの心理に影響を与える可能性があることを知っているからです。私は人の精神的健康をもてあそぶつもりはありません。だからあなたは何をしなければならないか知っています

今日最も注目されている仮想通貨 (Binance によると) は次のとおりです: $BOME $JTO $JUP - それでは、それぞれの概要を見てみましょう。

🚀🌐 Book of Meme (#BOME ) へようこそ: ミーム、分散ストレージ、暗号カオスを融合することで、Web3 の精神を揺るがすことを目的とした革新的なプロジェクトです。この大胆な冒険は、ミーム文化の精神をデジタル大冊である Book of MEME にカプセル化し、ブロックチェーン上で永久に不滅にすることを目的としています。 Solana、Arweave、IPFS 上の BOME ミームコインが基盤を提供し、ビットコインの永遠不変性を見据えたこの取り組みは、分散型ソーシャル メディアのパラダイム シフトを示し、ミームが境界を突破できるようにします。

🚀🌐 地頭ネットワークってどうなってるの?

Jito Network は、主に JitoSOL リキッド ステーキング プールと一連の MEV 製品を通じて、Solana エコシステムで大きな役割を果たしています。ユーザーは自分の SOL を JitoSOL に交換できます。そうすることで、SOLの流動性とDeFiの可能性をサポートするだけでなく、ステーキング報酬も獲得できます。 JitoSOL は、Solana での MEV 採掘による取引収益の一部を保有者に与えることで、契約を有利にしています。

では、#jto はどうでしょうか?

JTO は、トークン所有者に Jito Network の方向性についての発言権を与え、Jito Network の成長と利害関係者のニーズおよびより広範な Solana コミュニティとの連携を確保します。

🚀🌐 それで、これをチェックしてください! #Jupiter🪐 は単なる平均的な暗号プラットフォームではありません、いや!特に Solana の世界では、スワップ アグリゲーションの王様のようなものです。全員に十分な流動性を確保することがすべてです。さらに、彼らは指値注文、DCA/TWAP、ブリッジコンパレーター、無期限取引オプションなど、あらゆる種類の優れた機能を備えて、DeFiサービスを大幅に拡張しています。木星は間違いなく注目すべき星です!

免責事項:第三者の意見を含みます。当社による財務上の助言ではありません。 利用規約をご覧ください。
返信 3


Did you buy OMNI above the current price? Been there, done that! I also wanted to snag coins as soon as they 'dropped' to sell them for more and make quick cash. But check it out, buying 'fast' right off the bat can also get tricky... because BEFORE you let emotions take over, you gotta think COLDLY. What am I buying here? Does it have good projections? What has LocademiaCripto said about the behavior of cryptos listed after a Launchpool? Well, here in this free knowledge space I share, I've dropped some valuable tips and knowledge nuggets that few people appreciate! But hey... what if you got carried away by emotions and bought blindly, emotionally, with the gut feeling that you'll make money! As I show you in the chart, it's only been 6 hours since OMNI hit the market, so it's too early to make predictions with less margin of error. What I show in the chart could be seen as an interesting resistance around the $29 price. If you're like those who've hit me up with queries, your options are: 1) Hold tight to see if after the shakeout period, the project flies back above the purchase price. 2) If the price is between 30 and 33; you can set an OCO order with these settings 33 / 30 SL 29.90 and see if it hits 33 or sell at 29.90 ... getting liquidity back, and with that money, you can opt for other opportunities or while you decide, put it to work in EARN (like a bank fixed deposit). 3) Do some technical analysis and make your own decisions. 4) Sell everything and learn a very important lesson (that you need to study before making emotional purchases). __ 🌟 Your support means the world to me! If you enjoyed this content, a simple like or share would mean a lot. It fuels my passion for creating valuable content for you! $OMNI #OMNICOIN #FAQ #TradingStrategies💼💰
In my previous post, I talked about the two possibilities. If you are on path 1, it means that in your SPOT wallet, you have OMNI that has not represented a real cost for you. You do not have a "purchase" price since it is a reward that Binance gave you for being a faithful user (Binancian) and having BNB and/or FDUSD within the platform! Considering the guide I published (here), in the first few minutes after a psychological limit that the market accepts as a key number, in the case of OMNI, it has obviously been between $48, $50, and $55... there is a PANIC SELL of all binancians who have OMNI and who feel that if they do not sell now, it will be worse later. And generally, facts prove this theory by itself, and right now as I write this post, OMNI is dropping below that limit I marked for them. So, if you are on PATH 1 (like me), I used a trading order type against USDT, OCO order. Upper limit $50... lower $48, selling limit price: $45 - Selling quantity: 100% What does this mean? It means that the system places TWO sell orders for 100%. If the price goes up to the upper limit I set, it sells at that price. And if it drops to the lower price, it places the sell order at the LIMIT price, it would be like a STOP LOSS. As I write this paragraph now, the price of OMNI/USDT is $42... so you already know the result of my strategy. Right now, in my SPOT wallet, I have liquid USDT to take advantage of another opportunity that this great cryptocurrency market holds for me. $OMNI $BNB #OMNILAUNCHPOOL #BinanceLaunchpool You might think it's too late to place the OCO order... but hey, a rule you gotta set in your mind is IT'S NEVER TOO LATE, it's only late when we've left this planet (and nobody knows when that's gonna happen!), so you gotta switch up your mindset and set new challenges for yourself! If you're in the "path 2" scenario, I covered here.
Good day, dear readers! I posted that we were all eagerly anticipating the trading debut of the OMNI coin, a currency that many people have received as a reward for holding $BNB and/or $FDUSD within Binance and putting it to "work" in what is known as Launchpool. In my previous post, I made a statement like this: "I hope you know what to do," and some of you asked me what to do or what I was going to do. So, let me summarize it for you: - Considering my quick guide on launches and listings, I always apply the basic rule (which is in this guide), so I recommend READING IT if you still don't know what I'm talking about. - Listing Guide (here) - The amount of OMNI distributed was not "high" compared to other projects that went through the Launchpool, which gave me the indication that the price this asset would reach in the first 3 minutes of the launch was going to be high, close to $50 according to my own projections and past analysis. - So, with that said, here are two possible paths to take the decision of WHAT TO DO if you were at this hour, connected during the listing of the new $OMNI coin. Path 1: If you participated in the Launchpool and received OMNI at ZERO cost (Read here) Path 2: If you did not participate in the Launchpool and did not have OMNI at the time of the launch (listing) within Binance - (Read here) They are two different paths, although path 1 may intersect and use the strategies of path 2 when you know how to use trading strategies well. I've edited this post to include links to the different paths with their strategies! ASK me in the comments and I'll answer you as soon as I can!
Alright, now I'm gonna lay out what to do if you're in scenario number 2 with OMNI (to understand what I'm talking about or if you're in scenario 1, read this post here). Now, let's see what to do if you are on path 2 (when in your SPOT wallet, you do not have the cryptocurrency BEFORE the listing). Here too, you have to take into account the guide I mentioned because it is FUNDAMENTAL to know if the new coin already exists for other users or not; there are launches where the coin DOES NOT exist before the listing. In this case of OMNI, you must understand that there is passive selling pressure, which means that at any moment, a whale with $OMNI may appear and decide to sell, making the market HYPER-VOLATILE for this asset. So, MY strategy, on this path 2, is NOT to buy. Not at least during the first 2 weeks, so that the market for this asset is PURGED. Later on, I will write about my purging theory hehehe to avoid making a bible out of this... I hope you understood what to do... if this is your first time reading me! I swap relevant news and educational guides for your Like, for life! Don't think twice, smash that 👍 button and stay tuned because there's plenty more coming your way soon! Remember, I'm always gonna have your back and push you to learn new stuff. I ain't selling you smoke (unlike others), nor telling you to claim prizes or sign up for sketchy websites (most of them!). All I ask is for some love (shower me with likes) and for you to stick around! If you follow the right folks, you'll learn at your own pace! PS: Post to Path 1 (camino 1)
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