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Xの起訴状では、この非政府組織が以前Twitterとして知られていたプラットフォームを「破壊」するためにデータを「操作」したと主張している。 ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームXの起訴状では、この非政府組織が、以前は#Twitter として知られていたプラットフォームを「破壊」するためにデータを「操作」したと主張している。 月曜日にテキサス州で起こされた訴訟の中で、Xの弁護士は、「メディア・マターズは、広告主をプラットフォームから遠ざけ、X社を潰すために、これらの画像とその結果得られたメディア戦略の両方を意図的かつ悪意を持ってデザインした」と主張し、X社の主張を提示した。法廷へ。 土曜日、マスク氏はメディア・マターズと「当社に対するこの不正攻撃に協力した者全員」に対して「熱核」訴訟を起こすと誓った。 この事件に関する最初の声明で、非政府組織はイーロン・マスク氏を「いじめ」で非難した。メディア・マターズのアンジェロ・カルソーネ会長は、自分たちに対して起こされた訴訟には勝つだろうと述べ、「#Musk は表現の自由の擁護者であると主張するどころか、自分が認めているニュースを黙らせるために虚偽の訴訟を起こすと脅すいじめっ子だ」と述べた。真実。" $BTC $ETH $BNB


ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームXの起訴状では、この非政府組織が、以前は#Twitter として知られていたプラットフォームを「破壊」するためにデータを「操作」したと主張している。



この事件に関する最初の声明で、非政府組織はイーロン・マスク氏を「いじめ」で非難した。メディア・マターズのアンジェロ・カルソーネ会長は、自分たちに対して起こされた訴訟には勝つだろうと述べ、「#Musk は表現の自由の擁護者であると主張するどころか、自分が認めているニュースを黙らせるために虚偽の訴訟を起こすと脅すいじめっ子だ」と述べた。真実。"


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返信 2


Asset Management Company Fidelity Announces Investors Who Are Favorable to Bitcoin ETFs! According to Fidelity Digital Assets Vice President Manuel Nordeste, retirement planners are slowly warming up to the idea of ​​investing in crypto assets. Retirees Examine Crypto Investments, Fidelity Sees $4.7 Trillion Opportunity Speaking at an event in London, Nordeste revealed that defined benefit plans and other pension funds have begun discussing crypto assets with their investment committees. While the crypto market is largely dominated by small-scale but sophisticated investors such as family offices and high-net-worth individuals, larger institutional investors are starting to show interest. Nordeste noted that Fidelity Digital Assets, founded in 2018, initially attracted interest from family offices, private asset managers and hedge funds, but has now begun to engage with larger institutional investors and companies. A survey by Fidelity Digital Assets found that 80% of high-net-worth individuals have a positive view of digital assets, compared to only 23% of retirement plans. Additionally, while 48% of these individuals invested in digital assets, only 7% of their retirement plans invested in digital assets. Pension funds, known for their conservative strategies, are taking a cautious approach to the volatile crypto market. Additionally, while 48% of these individuals invested in digital assets, only 7% of their retirement plans invested in digital assets. Pension funds, known for their conservative strategies, are taking a cautious approach to the volatile crypto market. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Terraform Labs' legal team disputed the SEC's claims. Terraform Labs' legal team has strongly disputed the Securities and Exchange Commission's (#SEC ) allegations, arguing that token offerings and sales occurred predominantly outside the United States. In a brief filed Wednesday, Terraform's lawyers emphasized that activities related to token sales were conducted "almost entirely outside the United States." This statement contradicts the SEC's claim that the firm specifically targeted US investors, which led the agency to demand that #Terraform pay $5.3 billion in fines, primarily fines. Terraform's legal representatives also disputed the SEC's allegations, stating that the agency did not provide any evidence to support its claim that limited activities within the United States directly caused the losses alleged by the SEC. The lawyers emphasized that there was no evidence linking Terraform's operations in the United States to the significant losses for which the SEC sought compensation. In February 2023, the SEC charged Terraform and its co-founder Do Kwon over algorithmic stablecoin Terra USD (UST), which suffered a dramatic crash a year ago. Following a civil fraud trial, a jury last month found that both Terraform and Kwon misled investors, holding them liable for civil fraud. Algorithmic stablecoins like Terra use algorithms and market incentives to maintain a stable price. Terra's stability was linked to Luna, a governance token used to stabilize prices. UST's collapse in May 2022 resulted in losses exceeding $50 billion. $BTC $LUNA $LUNC
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