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ウクライナ、戦争危機の資金密輸業者の口座を凍結へ。 🇺🇦💰 ウクライナがロシアとの長期にわたる紛争が3年目に入って複雑な状況に直面している中、議会は義勇兵の減少に対処するために断固とした措置を講じた。重要な動きとして、徴兵を回避した人々の銀行口座を凍結する提案とともに、軍への新兵動員に関するより厳格な規制が承認された。これにより、潜在的な金融検閲に直面した仮想通貨の役割に関する議論が活発化しました。 ゼレンスキー大統領の50万人の追加兵力要求はEU諸国の抵抗に直面しており、議会は動員規制を強化し、強制動員年齢を引き下げる法案の承認を促している。 前例のない措置として、政府は徴兵忌避者の銀行口座と資産を凍結する予定だ。これらの措置は、兵士不足に対処し、危機時の国家の回復力を強化することを目的としている。 政府による歴史的な通貨発行の管理は、口座の凍結と相まって、倫理的な懸念を引き起こしています。ここで、暗号通貨は、価値を保存および転送するための分散型で検閲に耐性のある手段として登場します。 暗号通貨の根幹であるブロックチェーン技術は、透明性、セキュリティ、不変性を保証します。政治的混乱や経済的不確実性の時代において、暗号通貨は個人が自分の資産を管理できるようにすることで個人に力を与えます。 ハイパーインフレと金融規制に直面しているベネズエラのような国から教訓を得て、ビットコインは経済的救済を提供することが証明されています。仲介者を通さない個人間の直接取引は、経済的な自主性と自由を提供します。 現在、ビットコインを使用している人は世界人口の 1% 未満ですが、特に個人の 50% 以上が権威主義的政権の下で住んでいる地域では、導入が増加する大きな可能性があります。 #Ukraine #Russia #PYTH #PIXEL #DYM

ウクライナ、戦争危機の資金密輸業者の口座を凍結へ。 🇺🇦💰







現在、ビットコインを使用している人は世界人口の 1% 未満ですが、特に個人の 50% 以上が権威主義的政権の下で住んでいる地域では、導入が増加する大きな可能性があります。

#Ukraine #Russia #PYTH #PIXEL #DYM

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Turkish crypto influencer claims his wallet was hacked after raising money for Memecoin. 💻🪙 Turkish crypto influencer The Pau raised about $90,000 with his highly anticipated memecoin project called BRO. However, these hopes turned into a nightmare with the claim that The Pau's wallet was hacked. In a statement on social media, The Pau stated that all assets in his wallet were stolen. This announcement was met with harsh reactions from global investors. The incident became even more complicated with the posts of a social media user named Damael. Damael claimed that the hacking allegation was false and accused The Pau of fraud. In the screenshots he shared, it was seen that the SOLs in the wallet were converted to USDC and transferred to another wallet. This situation further eroded the trust of investors in The Pau, with many demanding the return of their funds. In his statement, The Pau expressed that his main wallet, the wallet distributing the BRO contract, and the wallet containing the funds were all stolen. Describing this as a huge disappointment, The Pau is struggling to alleviate his investors' concerns. The incident brought trust issues in the cryptocurrency market back to the forefront. Investors were warned to be more cautious when investing in memecoins and similar projects. Although no legal action has been taken so far, pressure from investors continues. This scandal once again highlighted the serious extent of fraud and trust issues in the crypto world. This event, which serves as an important lesson for cryptocurrency investors, reiterated the necessity of being careful in the market. source: Özgür Umut Demirci | Coinkolik #BRO #ThePau #memecoin #Coinkolik
RWA Inc. and 5ire Join Forces to Propel Sustainable Tokenization. 🌐🤝 In a groundbreaking partnership, RWA Inc. has teamed up with 5ire, a forward-thinking layer-1 blockchain ecosystem. This strategic collaboration aims to revolutionize the tokenization landscape, emphasizing sustainability and the promise of decentralized finance (DeFi). 🔹RWA Inc.: Leading the Tokenization Revolution RWA Inc. stands out as a premier tokenization protocol, providing cutting-edge decentralized systems to tokenize various assets. From art and real estate to data and luxury goods, RWA Inc. offers a comprehensive suite of services for fund managers, businesses, and individual users. Central to its offerings is the RWA Launchpad, a platform that facilitates the secure and efficient tokenization of real-world assets. Additionally, RWA Inc. introduces fractional exposure tokens, enabling large assets to be divided into smaller, tradable units, thus democratizing access to high-value investments. 🔹5ire: Pioneering Sustainable Blockchain Solutions 5ire is on a mission to spearhead the 5th industrial revolution with a strong focus on sustainability. As a rapidly growing blockchain ecosystem, 5ire achieved unicorn status within a year, gaining support from governments and educational foundations. Known for its innovation, 5ire offers a $20M grant program to drive ecosystem improvements, further cementing its commitment to sustainable technology. 🔹Synergizing for a Sustainable Future This partnership will see RWA Inc. leveraging 5ire’s sustainable infrastructure, enhancing the overall network sustainability. The collaboration opens new avenues for market expansion, offering broader access to the tokenization community and tapping into the trillion-dollar potential of the tokenization industry. With shared goals and complementary strengths, RWA Inc. and 5ire are poised to lead the charge in the upcoming industrial revolution, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable digital economy. #RWAInc #RWA #5irechain #5ire #Partnership


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