Binance Square
Starting from yesterday's early trading, 3.45 is used as the starting point of the stage, and 3.63 is used as the strength during the day. This is the first time I tried it during the live broadcast. It is strong when it stands, and there is no short-selling expectation. Standing above 3.68 is the stop of decline. Although the position and ideas are shared, execution still depends on yourself. Maybe you are not at the bottom, but you have to consider exiting since 3.63. Brothers who are trapped in the quilt, follow Uncle Ai, at least they don’t need to cut their flesh with others. #bitcoinetf

Starting from yesterday's early trading, 3.45 is used as the starting point of the stage, and 3.63 is used as the strength during the day. This is the first time I tried it during the live broadcast. It is strong when it stands, and there is no short-selling expectation. Standing above 3.68 is the stop of decline.

Although the position and ideas are shared, execution still depends on yourself.

Maybe you are not at the bottom, but you have to consider exiting since 3.63.

Brothers who are trapped in the quilt, follow Uncle Ai, at least they don’t need to cut their flesh with others.


免責事項:第三者の意見を含みます。当社による財務上の助言ではありません。 利用規約をご覧ください。


【4.18日行情研报——短期看跌期权继续加码,BTC持续偏弱,日线变盘位颈线位能否起到支撑?右肩不去,继续下探?减半这几日,合约多做保护】 ------------------------------------ 1.BTC (日线依然偏空,看跌期权继续加码) 周线日线看趋势,这点是一点的,周线偏空,日线偏空【但是在区间底部支撑】,4H判断位置,15分钟找进场。这是一步步的拆开来做的事、 昨日6.48的压力,会所我是明确确认趋势线是可以做的,趋势线的压力 关键位的地方 目标与区间 多为多共振的位置 这样的地方都可以做 做多这两日大饼一直在说的就是 背靠6.05 5.95这样的位置才能做。 大周期来讲:现货 5.2 4.8 4.2都是可以补的 【 减半这几日会更为震荡,日线盘面的信号就是偏空,短期看跌期权多,中长期依然是call多,所以这几日数据和技术面来讲,现货布局,到位置补仓 日内还是以那个趋势线做 反弹做空的位置在6.25-6.3 趋势线突破回踩支撑不破 这时候就得走 支撑不变6.05 【日内多注意震荡走出趋势线,震荡走出趋势线与支撑共振的地方】 2. ETH 以太这几日的关键位一直在3096,,这里不上去就看不到上面的目标 再看昨日跌破区间,反弹区间底部,这个位置是可以干嘛的? 所以有些时候技巧我经常说,但是不复盘,都以为技巧用不上 昨日关于小级别结构,我再次重复了一遍如何参与,有新高就是震荡上行,这个没出现吧? 跌破区间,反抽这里就是空,是不是无非就这两种玩法。 以太3096-3125这里不上去,就是持续偏空偏弱 支撑2920 2850 中长线 2300 2000 1600 这些继续补 3.山寨 很多山寨已经跌到了日线,周线级别的位置 多做板块布局,主叙事的板块为重点 我们猜不到哪个板块一定牛逼,但是毫无疑问的是,常说的铭文,AI 存储 RWA 链游 模块化 去中心化 公链 预言机 这些都是最基础的。 板块细分就不讲了,简单点 跟着叙事的板块做布局 有些东西,你可以不多,但是你得有 我称之为 抗焦虑的
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