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Come funziona Onyxcoin? XCNOnyxcoin funge da base all'interno del protocollo Onyx, una piattaforma decentralizzata progettata per prestiti e prestiti peer-to-peer di vari asset digitali sulla blockchain. Utilizza contratti intelligenti per transazioni non in custodia, garantendo sicurezza e trasparenza. Gli utenti forniscono asset digitali, tra cui Ether e diversi tipi di token ERC, in un pool unificato da cui possono prendere in prestito, utilizzando questi asset o NFT come garanzia. Unica di Onyxcoin è la sua concessione di linee di credito perpetue, a condizione che gli utenti mantengano garanzie sufficienti, eliminando le limitazioni tradizionali come scadenze o pagamenti mensili. Inoltre, #Onyxcoin ha un duplice scopo: agisce come token di governance, dando ai titolari diritti di voto sulle decisioni del protocollo, e come token di utilità, facilitando varie attività all'interno del sistema e mantenendo il suo equilibrio economico.

Come funziona Onyxcoin? XCN

Onyxcoin funge da base all'interno del protocollo Onyx, una piattaforma decentralizzata progettata per prestiti e prestiti peer-to-peer di vari asset digitali sulla blockchain. Utilizza contratti intelligenti per transazioni non in custodia, garantendo sicurezza e trasparenza. Gli utenti forniscono asset digitali, tra cui Ether e diversi tipi di token ERC, in un pool unificato da cui possono prendere in prestito, utilizzando questi asset o NFT come garanzia. Unica di Onyxcoin è la sua concessione di linee di credito perpetue, a condizione che gli utenti mantengano garanzie sufficienti, eliminando le limitazioni tradizionali come scadenze o pagamenti mensili. Inoltre, #Onyxcoin ha un duplice scopo: agisce come token di governance, dando ai titolari diritti di voto sulle decisioni del protocollo, e come token di utilità, facilitando varie attività all'interno del sistema e mantenendo il suo equilibrio economico.
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Cos'è Onyxcoin (XCN)?Onyx Protocol è una piattaforma decentralizzata che facilita un protocollo di prestito sul mercato monetario peer-to-peer. Il protocollo Onyx supporta una varietà di risorse digitali, come Ether (ETH), token ERC-20, token ERC-721 e token ERC-1155, che possono essere forniti o presi in prestito attraverso un saldo aggregato e unificato, supportato da non- custodia cautelare tramite contratti intelligenti decentralizzati. Inoltre, gli NFT possono essere forniti come garanzia per migliorare la capacità di prestito del conto corrispondente. Il meccanismo sottostante del protocollo Onyx è alimentato da Onyxcoin (XCN), una risorsa digitale decentralizzata sulla blockchain di Ethereum che funge sia da governance che da token di utilità del protocollo. Le linee di credito accessibili e prese in prestito tramite il Protocollo Onyx non hanno pagamenti mensili o date di scadenza e rimangono perpetue finché la garanzia è ritenuta sufficiente.#xcn #chain #eth #ERC20

Cos'è Onyxcoin (XCN)?

Onyx Protocol è una piattaforma decentralizzata che facilita un protocollo di prestito sul mercato monetario peer-to-peer. Il protocollo Onyx supporta una varietà di risorse digitali, come Ether (ETH), token ERC-20, token ERC-721 e token ERC-1155, che possono essere forniti o presi in prestito attraverso un saldo aggregato e unificato, supportato da non- custodia cautelare tramite contratti intelligenti decentralizzati. Inoltre, gli NFT possono essere forniti come garanzia per migliorare la capacità di prestito del conto corrispondente. Il meccanismo sottostante del protocollo Onyx è alimentato da Onyxcoin (XCN), una risorsa digitale decentralizzata sulla blockchain di Ethereum che funge sia da governance che da token di utilità del protocollo. Le linee di credito accessibili e prese in prestito tramite il Protocollo Onyx non hanno pagamenti mensili o date di scadenza e rimangono perpetue finché la garanzia è ritenuta sufficiente.#xcn #chain #eth #ERC20
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Il CEO dell'azienda che gestisce miliardi di dollari si è rivelato un fan di Bitcoin e TetherHoward Lutnick, CEO di Cantor Fitzgerald, una delle più importanti società di servizi finanziari con sede negli Stati Uniti, ha dichiarato di essere un massimalista di Bitcoin e di ammirare anche Tether.Mentre #Bitcoin continua a mantenere saldamente la sua posizione di principale criptovaluta, quando si parla di stablecoin, questo posto spetta a USDT... Howard Lutnick, CEO di Cantor Fitzgerald, una delle più importanti società di gestione patrimoniale, ha affermato di essere un fan di queste due criptovalute."Non come Ethereum o altri layer 1"

Il CEO dell'azienda che gestisce miliardi di dollari si è rivelato un fan di Bitcoin e Tether

Howard Lutnick, CEO di Cantor Fitzgerald, una delle più importanti società di servizi finanziari con sede negli Stati Uniti, ha dichiarato di essere un massimalista di Bitcoin e di ammirare anche Tether.Mentre #Bitcoin continua a mantenere saldamente la sua posizione di principale criptovaluta, quando si parla di stablecoin, questo posto spetta a USDT... Howard Lutnick, CEO di Cantor Fitzgerald, una delle più importanti società di gestione patrimoniale, ha affermato di essere un fan di queste due criptovalute."Non come Ethereum o altri layer 1"
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Binance Square Official
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BinanceWish Announcement
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La FED ha lasciato i tassi di interesse invariati ALIMENTATO: - L'inflazione è in calo ma ancora elevata - La decisione è stata presa all'unanimità. - Sono previste politiche monetarie e condizioni creditizie più restrittive. #bitcoin #ethereum #xcn #btc #eth @teknolojidunyasi
La FED ha lasciato i tassi di interesse invariati

- L'inflazione è in calo ma ancora elevata
- La decisione è stata presa all'unanimità.
- Sono previste politiche monetarie e condizioni creditizie più restrittive.

#bitcoin #ethereum #xcn #btc #eth @teknolojidunyasi
All eyes are on the FED interest rate decision on Bitcoin!While the FED's interest rate decision to be announced today is awaited in Bitcoin, expectations are focused on the #FED keeping interest rates constant.The USA implemented a tightened monetary policy to combat increasing inflation since the end of 2021 and continued by increasing interest rates.While inflation began to cool down in the USA, which is struggling with the highest inflation of the last 40 years, the FED did not increase the interest rate in November and kept it constant between 5.25% and 5.5%.At this point, while all eyes are on the FED's interest rate decision to be announced today (UTC 19:00), expectations are once again focused on the FED keeping interest rates constant.As you may remember, Powell stated in his speech at Spelman College in Atlanta at the beginning of December that it was still early for interest rate cuts and easing. "It would still be early to conclude that we have reached a sufficiently restrictive stance or to comment on when policy may be eased." We are ready to tighten further if necessary, and the Fed will raise interest rates again if necessary to reduce inflation. The FED policy rate has entered the restrictive zone, but the FOMC continues to act cautiously.” He gave the message that they could progress more firmly.FOLLOW, DON'T MISS IMPORTANT INFORMATION!#btc #bitcoin #xcn #eth

All eyes are on the FED interest rate decision on Bitcoin!

While the FED's interest rate decision to be announced today is awaited in Bitcoin, expectations are focused on the #FED keeping interest rates constant.The USA implemented a tightened monetary policy to combat increasing inflation since the end of 2021 and continued by increasing interest rates.While inflation began to cool down in the USA, which is struggling with the highest inflation of the last 40 years, the FED did not increase the interest rate in November and kept it constant between 5.25% and 5.5%.At this point, while all eyes are on the FED's interest rate decision to be announced today (UTC 19:00), expectations are once again focused on the FED keeping interest rates constant.As you may remember, Powell stated in his speech at Spelman College in Atlanta at the beginning of December that it was still early for interest rate cuts and easing. "It would still be early to conclude that we have reached a sufficiently restrictive stance or to comment on when policy may be eased." We are ready to tighten further if necessary, and the Fed will raise interest rates again if necessary to reduce inflation. The FED policy rate has entered the restrictive zone, but the FOMC continues to act cautiously.” He gave the message that they could progress more firmly.FOLLOW, DON'T MISS IMPORTANT INFORMATION!#btc #bitcoin #xcn #eth
Is Bitcoin anonymous? #Bitcoin users have their own unique address when performing their financial transactions. The character length of these addresses is 30 characters. It is very difficult to remember these addresses if they are not recorded in any way. It is basically unknown who is behind the addresses. It is impossible to find the owner of the addresses unless the person himself discloses them in any way. Using the same address repeatedly while making transactions may reveal your identity. People specialized in analysis processes can establish a connection between the address and the person by looking at information such as transaction times and transaction amounts. If you want solid privacy and security, you can be careful to use a new address for every transaction you make. On the other hand, it is not possible to talk about Bitcoin's anonymity today. Today, there are countless useful tools for monitoring the Bitcoin blockchain. It is known that transactions made in Bitcoin are monitored by many states and companies. When the ongoing studies to increase privacy in Bitcoin are concluded, we can say that Bitcoin has a more anonymous structure. You can check out the Bitcoin news section to follow the latest developments regarding privacy. DON'T MISS THE POSTS, FOLLOW ME! #teknolojidunyasi
Is Bitcoin anonymous?

#Bitcoin users have their own unique address when performing their financial transactions. The character length of these addresses is 30 characters. It is very difficult to remember these addresses if they are not recorded in any way. It is basically unknown who is behind the addresses.

It is impossible to find the owner of the addresses unless the person himself discloses them in any way. Using the same address repeatedly while making transactions may reveal your identity. People specialized in analysis processes can establish a connection between the address and the person by looking at information such as transaction times and transaction amounts. If you want solid privacy and security, you can be careful to use a new address for every transaction you make.

On the other hand, it is not possible to talk about Bitcoin's anonymity today. Today, there are countless useful tools for monitoring the Bitcoin blockchain. It is known that transactions made in Bitcoin are monitored by many states and companies. When the ongoing studies to increase privacy in Bitcoin are concluded, we can say that Bitcoin has a more anonymous structure. You can check out the Bitcoin news section to follow the latest developments regarding privacy.

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin, which was coined by #SatoshiNakamoto in 2008 with the definition of "peer-to-peer electronic cash system" and was released in January 2009, is a cryptocurrency that is not managed by any authority, like physical currencies. #Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency by market value today.
What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin, which was coined by #SatoshiNakamoto in 2008 with the definition of "peer-to-peer electronic cash system" and was released in January 2009, is a cryptocurrency that is not managed by any authority, like physical currencies. #Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency by market value today.
What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency; It is an internet-based currency based on cryptography. The basis of cryptocurrencies lies in Blockchain technology, which provides decentralization, transparency and immutability. The most important feature of a #cryptocurrency is that it is not controlled by any central authority. The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes cryptocurrencies theoretically resistant to government control and interference. Cryptocurrencies can be sent and received directly between two parties using private and public keys. There is no intermediary in cryptocurrency transactions. Cryptocurrencies eliminate the middleman. At the same time, these transfers are made cost-effectively, without the high fees charged by traditional financial institutions. Although studies on cryptocurrency date back to the 1980s, the main breakthrough occurred with the launch of #Bitcoin in 2009.
What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency; It is an internet-based currency based on cryptography. The basis of cryptocurrencies lies in Blockchain technology, which provides decentralization, transparency and immutability.

The most important feature of a #cryptocurrency is that it is not controlled by any central authority. The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes cryptocurrencies theoretically resistant to government control and interference.

Cryptocurrencies can be sent and received directly between two parties using private and public keys. There is no intermediary in cryptocurrency transactions. Cryptocurrencies eliminate the middleman. At the same time, these transfers are made cost-effectively, without the high fees charged by traditional financial institutions.

Although studies on cryptocurrency date back to the 1980s, the main breakthrough occurred with the launch of #Bitcoin in 2009.
It seems the more you tell people not to FOMO, the more they do it. 🤷‍♂️😂
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wrote about Bitcoin 10 years agoThe Bitcoin article written 10 years ago by Sam Altman, who was removed from his position as the CEO of OpenAI in the past weeks but was later reinstated, especially under the pressure of Microsoft, has been revealed. While praising Bitcoin's decentralization, Altman states that it could be a world currency, but also criticizes its use in speculative and anonymous transactions in those days.It was known that Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, had been following Bitcoin for a long time. A blog post that the famous manager wrote 10 years ago about the largest cryptocurrency has become the center of attention again these days.“Not without legal proceedings” In the article written on December 1, 2013, Altman touches on the importance of using Bitcoin legally worldwide and uses the following statements: “Maybe Bitcoin will fail, maybe it will turn into a world currency. Or it will remain a niche investment tool. In order for Bitcoin to become a world currency in the long term, its use in official and legal transactions must increase. An asset whose main use is illegal operations will eventually fail. Currently, Bitcoin's usage area appears to be speculation and illegal transactions. Its volume in legal transactions is still very low… Its usage here is generally to convert it into dollars… People still see Bitcoin as a method of money laundering. “The fact that legal businesses that accept Bitcoin immediately return to dollars after receiving it shows that there is little trust in it.”“The main goal is still to get rich quick…” Stating that when he was asked how to buy Bitcoin, he first asked, "Why do you want to buy Bitcoin?", Altman stated that everyone sees it as a tool to get rich quickly: “When my friends ask me how to buy Bitcoin, I also ask them why they want to buy Bitcoin before giving them a guide. They generally want to buy to get rich quickly. Acting thinking that someone else will pay you much more for that asset is actually no different from tulip madness. As long as these occur, Bitcoin cannot be a reserve currency. "But if you buy it as a hedge against inflation, if everyone does it in small amounts, that can happen."“I have never seen gold as an investment tool”Comparing gold, the most valuable metal, with Bitcoin, seen as digital gold, Altman slightly criticizes the yellow metal: “I have never seen gold as an investment tool. Some people do a lot of transactions with gold, while others see it as a show-off or ornamental material. “Many people I know prefer something they can hold in their hands to Bitcoin or other digital assets.”“Don't convert all your dollars to Bitcoin” At the end of his article, Altman states that it is not right for investors to buy Bitcoin with all their assets: “Don't buy Bitcoin with all your dollars. That would be stupid. It would also be foolish to ignore what happened. Track legal transaction volume in Bitcoin. “If this increases significantly then you can buy Bitcoin.”Altman also states that he also bought a small amount of Bitcoin for the long term as a hedge against inflation.DON'T NEGLECT TO FOLLOW TO GET MORE INFORMATION!

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wrote about Bitcoin 10 years ago

The Bitcoin article written 10 years ago by Sam Altman, who was removed from his position as the CEO of OpenAI in the past weeks but was later reinstated, especially under the pressure of Microsoft, has been revealed. While praising Bitcoin's decentralization, Altman states that it could be a world currency, but also criticizes its use in speculative and anonymous transactions in those days.It was known that Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, had been following Bitcoin for a long time. A blog post that the famous manager wrote 10 years ago about the largest cryptocurrency has become the center of attention again these days.“Not without legal proceedings” In the article written on December 1, 2013, Altman touches on the importance of using Bitcoin legally worldwide and uses the following statements: “Maybe Bitcoin will fail, maybe it will turn into a world currency. Or it will remain a niche investment tool. In order for Bitcoin to become a world currency in the long term, its use in official and legal transactions must increase. An asset whose main use is illegal operations will eventually fail. Currently, Bitcoin's usage area appears to be speculation and illegal transactions. Its volume in legal transactions is still very low… Its usage here is generally to convert it into dollars… People still see Bitcoin as a method of money laundering. “The fact that legal businesses that accept Bitcoin immediately return to dollars after receiving it shows that there is little trust in it.”“The main goal is still to get rich quick…” Stating that when he was asked how to buy Bitcoin, he first asked, "Why do you want to buy Bitcoin?", Altman stated that everyone sees it as a tool to get rich quickly: “When my friends ask me how to buy Bitcoin, I also ask them why they want to buy Bitcoin before giving them a guide. They generally want to buy to get rich quickly. Acting thinking that someone else will pay you much more for that asset is actually no different from tulip madness. As long as these occur, Bitcoin cannot be a reserve currency. "But if you buy it as a hedge against inflation, if everyone does it in small amounts, that can happen."“I have never seen gold as an investment tool”Comparing gold, the most valuable metal, with Bitcoin, seen as digital gold, Altman slightly criticizes the yellow metal: “I have never seen gold as an investment tool. Some people do a lot of transactions with gold, while others see it as a show-off or ornamental material. “Many people I know prefer something they can hold in their hands to Bitcoin or other digital assets.”“Don't convert all your dollars to Bitcoin” At the end of his article, Altman states that it is not right for investors to buy Bitcoin with all their assets: “Don't buy Bitcoin with all your dollars. That would be stupid. It would also be foolish to ignore what happened. Track legal transaction volume in Bitcoin. “If this increases significantly then you can buy Bitcoin.”Altman also states that he also bought a small amount of Bitcoin for the long term as a hedge against inflation.DON'T NEGLECT TO FOLLOW TO GET MORE INFORMATION!
#Binance newly listed BRC-20 token Binance announced that it will list a new BRC-20 token. The exchange, which listed ORDI in the past weeks, will offer #1000SATS to its users this time. While deposits of 1000SATS are already open, withdrawals will be opened tomorrow. There will be no transaction fees for trades made with #BNB In the 48-hour period following the opening of spot transactions, the token will also be opened for isolated margin transactions. The trading pair here will be 1000SATS/USDT.
#Binance newly listed BRC-20 token

Binance announced that it will list a new BRC-20 token. The exchange, which listed ORDI in the past weeks, will offer #1000SATS to its users this time.

While deposits of 1000SATS are already open, withdrawals will be opened tomorrow. There will be no transaction fees for trades made with #BNB

In the 48-hour period following the opening of spot transactions, the token will also be opened for isolated margin transactions. The trading pair here will be 1000SATS/USDT.
Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto sent his last message 13 years ago todaySatoshi Nakamoto, whose identity and even whether he is alive or not, appeared for the last time to the #Bitcoin community 13 years ago today and never returned.Satoshi Nakamoto... Perhaps he will go down not only in finance but also in world history and will be one of the most talked about names in the future. The creator of Bitcoin, which we know today as the person who started the cryptocurrency and block chain technology, wrote his last message on the forum on December 12, 2010. In his last message to the community that day, Satoshi said, "We have more work to do against DoS attacks." DoS attacks are known as cyber attacks that aim to overload a network so that it cannot provide its services to users. Stating that he took various precautions against DoS attacks, Satoshi also stated that there were many attack methods and made warnings.Bitcoin was around $0.20Satoshi, who attended the forum in November 2009, was at the forefront with his active participation there. At that time, when Bitcoin was priced around $0.20, the network was still not resilient to DoS attacks, according to Satoshi.He also opposed Wikileaks: We will be in shamblesOn the other hand, those were the days when Wikileaks was most discussed and a lawsuit was filed against its founder, Julian Assange. While many people in the forum stated that Wikileaks should be supported, Satoshi stated that Bitcoin was not ready for this. Nakamoto said the following in his message on December 9 (2010): “No, I do not support this campaign. The project has to grow gradually. Only in this way can software become stronger. I call on Wikileaks not to use Bitcoin. This project is still in its infancy and lives with its small beta community. It cannot withstand taking more than 3-5 cents worth of Bitcoins in your pocket. This intensity would probably shatter us..." #SatoshiNakamoto who wrote a total of 575 messages in the forum, has neither written a message nor been online in the forum since that day.FOLLOW ME TO GET MORE INFORMATION!

Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto sent his last message 13 years ago today

Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity and even whether he is alive or not, appeared for the last time to the #Bitcoin community 13 years ago today and never returned.Satoshi Nakamoto... Perhaps he will go down not only in finance but also in world history and will be one of the most talked about names in the future. The creator of Bitcoin, which we know today as the person who started the cryptocurrency and block chain technology, wrote his last message on the forum on December 12, 2010. In his last message to the community that day, Satoshi said, "We have more work to do against DoS attacks." DoS attacks are known as cyber attacks that aim to overload a network so that it cannot provide its services to users. Stating that he took various precautions against DoS attacks, Satoshi also stated that there were many attack methods and made warnings.Bitcoin was around $0.20Satoshi, who attended the forum in November 2009, was at the forefront with his active participation there. At that time, when Bitcoin was priced around $0.20, the network was still not resilient to DoS attacks, according to Satoshi.He also opposed Wikileaks: We will be in shamblesOn the other hand, those were the days when Wikileaks was most discussed and a lawsuit was filed against its founder, Julian Assange. While many people in the forum stated that Wikileaks should be supported, Satoshi stated that Bitcoin was not ready for this. Nakamoto said the following in his message on December 9 (2010): “No, I do not support this campaign. The project has to grow gradually. Only in this way can software become stronger. I call on Wikileaks not to use Bitcoin. This project is still in its infancy and lives with its small beta community. It cannot withstand taking more than 3-5 cents worth of Bitcoins in your pocket. This intensity would probably shatter us..." #SatoshiNakamoto who wrote a total of 575 messages in the forum, has neither written a message nor been online in the forum since that day.FOLLOW ME TO GET MORE INFORMATION!
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