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🚨 Notizie importanti per i possessori di $BTC 🚨

Il prezzo di $BTC sta scendendo di giorno in giorno, è molto negativo per noi. Ora sta scendendo e il suo prezzo attuale è di $ 56.100. Quindi ti consiglio di vendere le tue monete e di mettere al sicuro i tuoi fondi nei portafogli, perché nei prossimi giorni il suo prezzo crollerà ulteriormente a $ 50.000, alcuni grandi trader pubblicano su Twitter che il prezzo di BTC crollerà ulteriormente a $ 35.000. Se non vendi le tue monete, dovrai affrontare una perdita enorme. Spero che seguirai il mio consiglio.

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🚨Annuncio di Binance sulla moneta TAP SWAP🚨

Ora le ore di attesa sono finite, la moneta Tap Swap verrà lanciata il mese prossimo e non appena verrà lanciata varrà $ 5, manca poco perché venga lanciata l'8 ottobre 2024 alle 12:00 UTC+.
quando verrà lanciata il 5 ottobre, quindi non comprarla, aspetta solo qualche ora quando il suo prezzo scende e sostituiscila, quindi acquistala e tienila. Spero che seguirai il mio consiglio.

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Ciao BINANCIAN Secondo @Doctor-signal-74 Ha detto Ciao ragazzi 🤠 🚨La nuova moneta Hamster 🐹 Kombat verrà lanciata🚨 Il più grande exchange di criptovalute al mondo BINANCE ha annunciato Hamster Kombat L'elenco di Hamster Kombat sarà il 26 settembre 2024 alle 05:00 UTC, costerà circa $ 0,01000 quando verrà lanciato. OKX e Bitget hanno confermato ufficialmente che $HMTSR sarà quotato sul posto in questa data Hamster ha aggiunto una scheda di prelievo per OKX nel bot. Clicca qui sotto 👇 e scopri di più Segui @Doctor-signal-74 per avere maggiori informazioni #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoMarketMoves #BNBChainMemecoins

Secondo @DOCTOR_SIGNaLs Ha detto Ciao ragazzi 🤠
🚨La nuova moneta Hamster 🐹 Kombat verrà lanciata🚨
Il più grande exchange di criptovalute al mondo BINANCE ha annunciato Hamster Kombat
L'elenco di Hamster Kombat sarà il 26 settembre 2024 alle 05:00 UTC, costerà circa $ 0,01000 quando verrà lanciato.
OKX e Bitget hanno confermato ufficialmente che $HMTSR sarà quotato sul posto in questa data
Hamster ha aggiunto una scheda di prelievo per OKX nel bot. Clicca qui sotto 👇 e scopri di più

Segui @DOCTOR_SIGNaLs per avere maggiori informazioni

#TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoMarketMoves
Ciao ragazzi 🤠

🚨La nuova moneta Hamster 🐹 Kombat verrà lanciata🚨

Il più grande exchange di criptovalute al mondo BINANCE ha annunciato Hamster Kombat
L'elenco di Hamster Kombat sarà il 26 settembre 2024 alle 05:00 UTC, costerà circa $ 0,01000 al momento del lancio.

OKX e Bitget hanno confermato ufficialmente che $HMTSR sarà quotato sul posto in questa data
Hamster ha aggiunto una scheda di prelievo per OKX nel bot.

Quasi tutti i principali exchange hanno lanciato $HMSTR prima del mercato. Binance ha aggiunto il prezzo di Hamster al sito web. IMHO - $HMSTR sarà quotato su Binance il 26 settembre con una probabilità del 99%.

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#CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE #PowellAtJacksonHole #BNBChainMemecoins
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🚨 Importanti buone notizie per i possessori di $BTC 🚨

Ieri il prezzo di $BTC è crollato a $ 57.130.
e oggi sta aumentando lentamente e il suo prezzo attuale è di $ 58.630. È molto buono per noi. Nei prossimi 2 giorni il suo prezzo aumenterà ulteriormente a $ 60.000. Quindi ti consiglio di non trattenerlo a lungo perché lo riporterà a $ 53.000 o $ 48.000 facendo trading laterale al ribasso. Spero che seguirai il mio consiglio.

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#CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE #BlackRockETHOptions #PowellAtJacksonHole $BTC
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Bullish and Bearish Month for Bitcoin in 2024.
Now I will tell you about $BTC Bearish Months From 2010 to 2024 .which are two months for BTC that are very useless in which the price of BTC goes down all the time That is (1) August (2) September , In this month BTC is always going downward and its price Crashes all ,My main goal is that Not to do much trading during these two months You can see below 👇 Chart . Click on the Chart then you will see clear.
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🚨 Importanti buone notizie per i possessori di $TRB 🚨

La moneta $TRB non è stata pompata per alcuni giorni ieri quando il mercato è sceso il prezzo è sceso anche a $ 59,31, quando il mercato è migliorato un po', il prezzo della moneta TRB è salito a $ 68 e ora è sceso un po' a $ 64,25 questa è una buona opportunità per acquistarla al prezzo attuale e tenerla per alcuni giorni Nei prossimi giorni pomperà ancora molto duramente e il suo prezzo raggiungerà $ 85 o $ 90. Spero che tu segua il mio segnale.

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#CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE #BlackRockETHOptions #PowellAtJacksonHole $TRB
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🚨 Important News For $DOGS Holders 🚨

Few hours ago $DOGS Coin dump to $0.0010401 and now its current price is $0.0011050 , So I advise you Don't buy it now because its price will more dump to $0.000900 . Then buy it and hold it for few weeks ,In up coming weeks it will pump very hardly and its price will reach out to $0.001500 or $0.001800 , You will see SOON TRB will Go to the Moon🚀🚀🚀and will Gains 100%.

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🚨 Important News For $1000SATS Holders 🚨

13 Hours ago The price of $1000SATS dumped to $0.0002647, and now it is pumping slowly and its current price is $0.0003026 , So I advise you buy it now on current rate and hold it for few days in up coming days it will pump very hardly and its price will reach out to $0.0004100 , You will see SOON 1000SATS will Go to the Moon 🚀.
I Hope you will Follow my Advice .

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🚨Lunching Date of ($BLUM)New launch pool🚨

New Coin ($BLUM) will be Launching on the world largest Crypto currency exchange "BINANCE".
It will Launch on 20 September 2024 , So I advise you , Don't buy this coin when it launches, buy it when it goes down a bit and replace it and Hold it for few days and get a good profit from this Coin . Hope you will Follow my Advice .

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🚨Very Important News For $PEPE Holders🚨

$PEPE Coin is doing Downward Sideway Trading , PEPE Coin Belongs to Memes Coin Block chain and its current price is $0.00000750 ,So it is very Bad for us, In up coming days it will more dump to $0.00000690 or $0.00000630 , So I advise you to sell PEPE Coin, When it dump to the above Targets then Buy it and hold it for few weeks , In December 2024 Memes Coins will pump very hardly and SOON You will see PEPE will Go to the Moon 🚀🚀🚀. Hope you will Follow my advice .

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#CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #BlackRockETHOptions #DOGSONBINANCE #PowellAtJacksonHole

فیڈرل ریزرو اور بڑے بینک $HBAR کو قبول کر رہے ہیں! ہیڈرا کا $HBAR بڑے مالیاتی اداروں کی طرف سے خاصی توجہ حاصل کر رہا ہے۔ FedNow سروس میں ہیڈرا پر مبنی ڈراپ کے اضافے کے بعد، HBAR روایتی مالیاتی نظام میں انضمام کی طرف پیش قدمی کر رہا ہے۔ HBAR اور Hedera کی بلاکچین ٹیکنالوجی کی صلاحیت کو ظاہر کرتا ہے تاکہ ڈیجیٹل ادائیگیوں کی کارکردگی اور حفاظت کو بڑھایا جا سکے۔ فیڈرل ریزرو اور کلیدی بینکوں کی طرف سے Hedera کی صلاحیتوں کو تلاش کرنے کے ساتھ، HBAR کو اپنانے میں اضافہ دیکھا جا سکتا ہے، جو ممکنہ طور پر طویل مدت میں ترقی کا باعث بنتا ہے۔ 🌟 ڈائر: کسی بھی کریپٹو کرنسی میں سرمایہ کاری کرنے سے پہلے خود تحقیق کریں، ذمہ داری سے سرمایہ کاری کریں! ڈاکٹر سگنل کو فالو کرو وہ بہت اچھی سگنل دیتا ہے اور اسے @Doctor-signal-74 روزانہ ووٹ بھی دیا کروباخبر اور اس ترقی پر نظر رکھیں!🚀 #CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole #TelegramCEO #BlackRockETHOptions #LowestCPI2021 $HBAR {spot}(HBARUSDT)
فیڈرل ریزرو اور بڑے بینک $HBAR کو قبول کر رہے ہیں!
ہیڈرا کا $HBAR بڑے مالیاتی اداروں کی طرف سے خاصی توجہ حاصل کر رہا ہے۔ FedNow سروس میں ہیڈرا پر مبنی ڈراپ کے اضافے کے بعد، HBAR روایتی مالیاتی نظام میں انضمام کی طرف پیش قدمی کر رہا ہے۔ HBAR اور Hedera کی بلاکچین ٹیکنالوجی کی صلاحیت کو ظاہر کرتا ہے تاکہ ڈیجیٹل ادائیگیوں کی کارکردگی اور حفاظت کو بڑھایا جا سکے۔
فیڈرل ریزرو اور کلیدی بینکوں کی طرف سے Hedera کی صلاحیتوں کو تلاش کرنے کے ساتھ، HBAR کو اپنانے میں اضافہ دیکھا جا سکتا ہے، جو ممکنہ طور پر طویل مدت میں ترقی کا باعث بنتا ہے۔ 🌟
ڈائر: کسی بھی کریپٹو کرنسی میں سرمایہ کاری کرنے سے پہلے خود تحقیق کریں، ذمہ داری سے سرمایہ کاری کریں!
ڈاکٹر سگنل کو فالو کرو وہ بہت اچھی سگنل دیتا ہے اور اسے @DOCTOR_SIGNaLs روزانہ ووٹ بھی دیا کروباخبر
اور اس ترقی پر نظر رکھیں!🚀

#CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole #TelegramCEO #BlackRockETHOptions #LowestCPI2021

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🚨Important Updates For $1000SATS Holders🚨

Few hours ago $1000SATS Price dumped to $0.0002870 and its current price is $0.0003045 .
In up coming days its price will more dump to $0.0002600 or $0.0002250 , It is is Good for us to Buy on this rate, and hold it for few weeks ,In up coming weeks it will more pump hardly and its price will reach out to $0.0004500 , and Those Traders who want to hold 1000SATS Coin for the long term can do so as the coin pumped up even more to $0.0006500 at the start of December 2024 . Hope You will Follow My Signals .

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🚨 Important News about Delisting Coins 🚨

The World Largest Crypto Currency exchange "BINANCE" Will Delist Spot Trading pair $MATIC Coin . $MATIC /USDT will delisted at 2024-9-10 08:00 UTC+5 please pay attention to the Risk When trading . So I advise you to sell MATIC Coin and safe your Funds in wallets . Hope you will Follow my News.

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🚨 New launch pool $EURI in Binance 🚨

New listing in binance is $EURI Coin on top, As soon as it launched it went down and its current price is $1.1100 , its price is very low ,now you can see it ,it isa Good Chance to buy it , So Buy it now on current rate and hold it for few hours ,it will pump hardly and its price will pump 2X , As soon as it is pumped then sell immediately , I hope you will follow my signal.

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🚨 Good News For $NOT and $TON Holders 🚨

Both NOT Coin and TON Coin are getting pumped slowly,( both are opposite to each other in Alphabet spelling) So buy it now at current price and hold for a few days, The Good News is that. 👇
Many Big Traders have hold these Coins , and Of all the coins in Binance, NOT Coin and TON Coin have the highest buying pressure , Except of Memes Coins . For the next few days The price of both coins will pump hardly , SOON you will see NOT Coin and TON Coin will go to the Moon 🚀🚀🚀 ,Hope you follow my signal.

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#CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #LowestCPI2021 #PowellAtJacksonHole #BinanceBlockchainWeek

🚨 Important updates For $BTC Holders 🚨 $BTC is in Danger Zone ⚠️ Be Alert The price of BTC is going downward day by day it is very Bad For BTC In up coming days its price will more dump to $53K or $48K .The selling pressure of BTC is very High .So
🚨 Important updates For $BTC Holders 🚨

$BTC is in Danger Zone ⚠️ Be Alert The price of BTC is going downward day by day it is very Bad For BTC In up coming days its price will more dump to $53K or $48K .The selling pressure of BTC is very High .So I advise you to sell your coins and Safe your Funds in wallets .
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#CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #LowestCPI2021 #TelegramCEO #BinanceBlockchainWeek

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🚨 Important Updates about $DOGS Coin 🚨

$DOGS Coin is doing straight Sideway Trading , and its current price is $0.0012100 , So Don't buy it, first its price will dump to $0.008500 , then buy it, In the Start of December it will pump hardly and its price will reach out to $0.0150000 and get a good profit from this coin. The Market of DOGS Coin is ($257.50B).
See below 👇 I will do the Technical Analysis of DOGS Coin , I mentioned Buying Zone and Selling Zone of DODS Coin, Hope you will Followed my signals, You will see SOON DOGS will go to the Moon 🚀.

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🚨 Important Good News For $GFT Holders 🚨

A few days ago coin price was dump to $0.01821, $GFT Coin belongs to monitoring coin , now it is pumping and its current price is $0.02160 , when it will do replaces below then buy it ,and hold for few days , In up coming days it will more pump hardly and its price will reach out to $0.03000 or $0.03500 , You will see SOON GFT will go to the Moon 🚀.

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#CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #LowestCPI2021 #BinanceBlockchainWeek #PowellAtJacksonHole

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🚨 Important Updates about $NOT Coin 🚨

$NOT Coin belongs to gaming Blockchain , its price is going down day by day. and its current price is $0.00860, it price will dump more to $0.00550, when it hits this price, then buy it and hold it for 3 Months , The Project of NOT Coin is very Good project So Don't worry about a big dump of NOT Coin ,In November 2024 its price will pump hardly and its price will reach out to $0.020000 or $0.025000, You will see SOON NOT Will Go to the Moon 🚀. Hope you follow my signal.
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🚨Important Good News For $FLOKI Holders🚨

ALL the coins in BINANCE are going downward but one coin which is not going down and has a lot of chances to get pumped is $FLOKI coin its current price is $0.00015200 , buy it now on current rate and hold it for few days In up coming days it will pump very hardly and its price will reach out to $0.0002100 or $0.0002500 and get a good profit from this coin . You will see SOON FLOKI will go to the Moon 🚀 ,Hopefully you will follow my signal.

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