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🟢Codice USDT gratuito da 25🟢

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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. 📣$5>$100 Sfida - Giorno 7 Margine: $ 50 ⛔SHORT $YGG / USDT 25x Obiettivo: - 100% Stop Loss: -20% Per partecipare alla sfida commerciale di Filp 📍LEGGI IL MIO POST APPUNTATO SU X
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

📣$5>$100 Sfida - Giorno 7
Margine: $ 50
Obiettivo: - 100%
Stop Loss: -20%
Per partecipare alla sfida commerciale di Filp
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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. $BOME Se torno per testare nuovamente la fascia di prezzo 0,008x, comprerò la lotteria del 5% e non applicherò la strategia DCA con#BOMEse il prezzo scende. A volte devi scaldarti i nervi, tentare la fortuna per vedere se hai fortuna con le monete meme 😂 Quando si arriva alla stagione 3, ogni volta che ti diletti con i meme, devi ridurre le perdite del 20% perché hai sempre cattivi pensieri su progetti simili a meme. 😬 Nota: questa è solo un'opinione personale, non un consiglio di investimento.#BinanceVietnamSquare#hotTrends#TrendingTopic#Write2Earn
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

$BOME Se torno per testare nuovamente la fascia di prezzo 0,008x, comprerò la lotteria del 5% e non applicherò la strategia DCA con#BOMEse il prezzo scende. A volte devi scaldarti i nervi, tentare la fortuna per vedere se hai fortuna con le monete meme 😂 Quando si arriva alla stagione 3, ogni volta che ti diletti con i meme, devi ridurre le perdite del 20% perché hai sempre cattivi pensieri su progetti simili a meme. 😬
Nota: questa è solo un'opinione personale, non un consiglio di investimento.#BinanceVietnamSquare#hotTrends#TrendingTopic#Write2Earn
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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. $BOME segnale futuro 🚦🚦🚦🚦🚦🚦 bome è pronto a creare una tendenza altalenante e presto vedrò il suo prezzo su 0,025 guadagnare tempo è questo compralo e tienilo per un mese a pronti e in futuro prendi profitto e compra di nuovo 💕 acquista 0,013 tp 0,015 tp 0,016 tp 0,017 tp 0,018 tp 0,019 tp 0,020 imposta il prezzo liquido su 0,0050 gestisci sempre il tuo livello di rischio non fare un'alta resk lento e costante vinci la partita 🎯🎯🎯🎯#Write2Earrnpremi "Mi piace" e premi "Tip". Buon Ramadan 🌷💝 #waheed2690
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

$BOME segnale futuro 🚦🚦🚦🚦🚦🚦
bome è pronto a creare una tendenza altalenante
e presto vedrò il suo prezzo su 0,025
guadagnare tempo è questo
compralo e tienilo per un mese a pronti e in futuro prendi profitto e compra di nuovo 💕
acquista 0,013
tp 0,015
tp 0,016
tp 0,017
tp 0,018
tp 0,019
tp 0,020
imposta il prezzo liquido su 0,0050
gestisci sempre il tuo livello di rischio
non fare un'alta resk
lento e costante vinci la partita 🎯🎯🎯🎯#Write2Earrnpremi "Mi piace" e premi "Tip".
Buon Ramadan 🌷💝
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Svelato il Launchpool della Saga: il tuo biglietto per potenziali guadagni ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. 🚀👑 Attenzione a tutti gli appassionati di criptovalute! Il Saga Launchpool è ufficialmente iniziato, offrendo un'allettante opportunità per puntare i tuoi BNB e raccogliere i frutti in monete Saga. Il lancio è previsto per il 9 aprile alle 14:00 UTC (ora del Pakistan: 19:00), questo evento promette un viaggio emozionante per gli investitori più esperti. 💰 Ma prima di tuffarti a capofitto nella frenesia, ascolta questo consiglio fondamentale: la pazienza è la chiave. Non affrettarti a investire presto; attendi invece circa un'ora dopo il lancio prima di fare la tua mossa. Perché? Perché il tempismo è tutto. Cerca di colpire quando il ferro è caldo e il prezzo è inferiore a $ 1 per ottenere i massimi guadagni potenziali. 🕒 Tieni d'occhio l'orologio e, se Saga viene lanciato sotto l'ambita soglia di $ 1, cogli l'occasione d'oro senza esitazione. Ricorda, la fortuna aiuta gli audaci, ma premia anche i pazienti. 🔮 Ora, riavvolgiamo alcune previsioni del passato. Ricordi il mio consiglio sulle monete ENA? Anche se potrebbe aver toccato brevemente $ 1,29, il viaggio non finisce qui. Ricordatevi le mie parole, l'ENA è destinata a salire oltre i 2 dollari nel prossimo futuro. Rimani vigile, rimani informato e segui i miei approfondimenti per investimenti redditizi. 💼 Per coloro che si sono persi i profitti delle monete ENA e Wormhole, non temere! Un’altra opportunità promettente sta bussando alla tua porta. Investi saggiamente ed esercita la pazienza. Attendi almeno due ore dopo il lancio per profitti assicurati, Insha Allah. In conclusione, il Saga Launchpool invita con promesse di prosperità ed eccitazione. Ma ricorda, il successo nel mondo delle criptovalute richiede una combinazione di strategia, pazienza e lungimiranza. Quindi punta i tuoi BNB, allacciati le cinture e preparati per un viaggio emozionante verso potenziali guadagni. Rendiamo questo lancio una saga da ricordare!
Svelato il Launchpool della Saga: il tuo biglietto per potenziali guadagni
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.
🚀👑 Attenzione a tutti gli appassionati di criptovalute! Il Saga Launchpool è ufficialmente iniziato, offrendo un'allettante opportunità per puntare i tuoi BNB e raccogliere i frutti in monete Saga. Il lancio è previsto per il 9 aprile alle 14:00 UTC (ora del Pakistan: 19:00), questo evento promette un viaggio emozionante per gli investitori più esperti.
💰 Ma prima di tuffarti a capofitto nella frenesia, ascolta questo consiglio fondamentale: la pazienza è la chiave. Non affrettarti a investire presto; attendi invece circa un'ora dopo il lancio prima di fare la tua mossa. Perché? Perché il tempismo è tutto. Cerca di colpire quando il ferro è caldo e il prezzo è inferiore a $ 1 per ottenere i massimi guadagni potenziali.
🕒 Tieni d'occhio l'orologio e, se Saga viene lanciato sotto l'ambita soglia di $ 1, cogli l'occasione d'oro senza esitazione. Ricorda, la fortuna aiuta gli audaci, ma premia anche i pazienti.
🔮 Ora, riavvolgiamo alcune previsioni del passato. Ricordi il mio consiglio sulle monete ENA? Anche se potrebbe aver toccato brevemente $ 1,29, il viaggio non finisce qui. Ricordatevi le mie parole, l'ENA è destinata a salire oltre i 2 dollari nel prossimo futuro. Rimani vigile, rimani informato e segui i miei approfondimenti per investimenti redditizi.
💼 Per coloro che si sono persi i profitti delle monete ENA e Wormhole, non temere! Un’altra opportunità promettente sta bussando alla tua porta. Investi saggiamente ed esercita la pazienza. Attendi almeno due ore dopo il lancio per profitti assicurati, Insha Allah.
In conclusione, il Saga Launchpool invita con promesse di prosperità ed eccitazione. Ma ricorda, il successo nel mondo delle criptovalute richiede una combinazione di strategia, pazienza e lungimiranza. Quindi punta i tuoi BNB, allacciati le cinture e preparati per un viaggio emozionante verso potenziali guadagni. Rendiamo questo lancio una saga da ricordare!
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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. Cosa è meglio coltivare il nuovo token SAGA? $BNB o $FDUSD? Sto puntando 1BNB e 568 FDUSD (stesso valore $ ). Tra poche ore ti dirò qual è il metodo migliore per coltivare, quindi SEGUImi per conoscere il risultato! È la quarta volta che faccio questo esperimento, quindi se vuoi sapere qual è il migliore per coltivare $ENA chiedi semplicemente nei commenti#BinanceLaunchpool#sagacoin $BNB $BTC
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

Cosa è meglio coltivare il nuovo token SAGA?
Sto puntando 1BNB e 568 FDUSD (stesso valore $ ).
Tra poche ore ti dirò qual è il metodo migliore per coltivare, quindi SEGUImi per conoscere il risultato!
È la quarta volta che faccio questo esperimento, quindi se vuoi sapere qual è il migliore per coltivare $ENA chiedi semplicemente nei commenti#BinanceLaunchpool#sagacoin $BNB $BTC
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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. Cronologia dei prezzi: Primo dimezzamento (2012) BTC era a $ 12 e ha pompato il 𝟵,𝟵𝟬𝟬% dopo il primo halving. 2° dimezzamento (2016) BTC era a $ 680 ed è aumentato del 𝟮,𝟵𝟬𝟬% dopo il 2° Halving 3° Halving (2020) BTC era a $ 8.590 e BTC ha pompato il 𝟳𝟬𝟬% dopo il 3° Halving 4° Halving (2024) Qualcuno riesce a indovinare il prezzo massimo di $BTC dopo il 4° Halving? #BullorBear
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

Cronologia dei prezzi:

Primo dimezzamento (2012)
BTC era a $ 12 e ha pompato il 𝟵,𝟵𝟬𝟬% dopo il primo halving.
2° dimezzamento (2016)
BTC era a $ 680 ed è aumentato del 𝟮,𝟵𝟬𝟬% dopo il 2° Halving
3° Halving (2020)
BTC era a $ 8.590 e BTC ha pompato il 𝟳𝟬𝟬% dopo il 3° Halving
4° Halving (2024)
Qualcuno riesce a indovinare il prezzo massimo di $BTC dopo il 4° Halving?
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. $ENA Technical Analysis of ENA/USDT Background Information: Current price: $1.04 Change in 24 hours: -16.36% Volume in 24 hours: 989.56 million ENA and 900.08 million USDT Highest price in 24 hours: $1,320 Lowest price in 24 hours: $0.907 Technical analysis indicators: Moving averages: MA(5): 5,550,764.07 MA(7): 1.067 MA(10): 6,094,610.50 MA(25): 1.103 MA(99): 1.081 Relative Strength Index (RSI): 9.1% MACD Indicator: Negative KDJ indicator: K: 42.24 D: 28.04 J: 19.88 Bollinger Bands indicator: Upper range: $1,179 Lower band: $0.951 Analysis: Trend: Down Support levels: $1.02, $0.94 Resistance levels: $1,099, $1,168 comments: The current price indicates a downtrend. The RSI is indicating oversold territory, which may indicate the possibility of a rebound. The MACD indicator indicates the intersection of signal lines, which may indicate the possibility of a trend change. The KDJ and Bollinger Bands indicators indicate selling pressure. Recommendations: To buy: Waiting for a test of the support level at $1.02 or $0.94, while checking for positive signals from technical analysis indicators. Sell: Continue selling when the resistance level is broken at $1,099 or $1,168. #Binance #BitcoinHalvingDrama #ENA
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

$ENA Technical Analysis of ENA/USDT
Background Information:
Current price: $1.04
Change in 24 hours: -16.36%
Volume in 24 hours: 989.56 million ENA and 900.08 million USDT
Highest price in 24 hours: $1,320
Lowest price in 24 hours: $0.907
Technical analysis indicators:
Moving averages:
MA(5): 5,550,764.07
MA(7): 1.067
MA(10): 6,094,610.50
MA(25): 1.103
MA(99): 1.081
Relative Strength Index (RSI): 9.1%
MACD Indicator: Negative
KDJ indicator:
K: 42.24
D: 28.04
J: 19.88
Bollinger Bands indicator:
Upper range: $1,179
Lower band: $0.951
Trend: Down
Support levels: $1.02, $0.94
Resistance levels: $1,099, $1,168
The current price indicates a downtrend.
The RSI is indicating oversold territory, which may indicate the possibility of a rebound.
The MACD indicator indicates the intersection of signal lines, which may indicate the possibility of a trend change.
The KDJ and Bollinger Bands indicators indicate selling pressure.
To buy: Waiting for a test of the support level at $1.02 or $0.94, while checking for positive signals from technical analysis indicators.
Sell: Continue selling when the resistance level is broken at $1,099 or $1,168.
#Binance #BitcoinHalvingDrama #ENA
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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. Ieri il mio portafoglio valeva solo 5.000 dollari, ma da un giorno all'altro è aumentato fino a 11.000 dollari. Esatto, tutto grazie a #ENA Tengo ENA 3000$ a 0,5 Continuo a detenere $ 1000 al prezzo di 0,6 Continuo a detenere $ 1000 al prezzo di 0,8 Continuo a detenere $ 1000 al prezzo di 1,0 E ora l'ENA è arrivata a 1,3 Continuerò a monitorare le onde per mantenerle Quando hai paura, questa è la tua occasione Grazie per aver letto #BinanceVietnamSquare
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

Ieri il mio portafoglio valeva solo 5.000 dollari, ma da un giorno all'altro è aumentato fino a 11.000 dollari.
Esatto, tutto grazie a #ENA
Tengo ENA 3000$ a 0,5
Continuo a detenere $ 1000 al prezzo di 0,6
Continuo a detenere $ 1000 al prezzo di 0,8
Continuo a detenere $ 1000 al prezzo di 1,0
E ora l'ENA è arrivata a 1,3
Continuerò a monitorare le onde per mantenerle
Quando hai paura, questa è la tua occasione
Grazie per aver letto
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ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post. Non sono affatto esperto di criptovalute ma oggi ho notato una cosa e stavo pensando che se funzionerà... Ho analizzato le possibilità oggi di $ENA e ho pensato che se vendessi ENA a 1,15 e comprerò di nuovo a meno di 1,1, ogni volta che lo faccio otterrò un profitto, potrei farlo +10 volte oggi... Quindi quando arriva a 1,15 venderò (potrei aspettare se vedessi un rapido incremento per ottenere maggiori profitti), e la cosa buona è che ogni volta che il capitale aumenterà. Sarà: 1.269$ primo capitale Poi 1.400 Poi 1.602 Poi 1.952 E così via Utilizzo medio da 1,04 a 1,15 utilizzando 1.269$ come capitale. Non ho calcolato con 1,2 $ anche se posso vendere quando lo raggiunge o più, e non ho calcolato con meno di 1 $ anche se a volte scende al di sotto di esso, ho provato a utilizzare possibilità medie.#ENA#Investire"
ricevi premi FDUSD gratuiti dal mio profilo in post.

Non sono affatto esperto di criptovalute ma oggi ho notato una cosa e stavo pensando che se funzionerà...
Ho analizzato le possibilità oggi di $ENA e ho pensato che se vendessi ENA a 1,15 e comprerò di nuovo a meno di 1,1, ogni volta che lo faccio otterrò un profitto, potrei farlo +10 volte oggi...
Quindi quando arriva a 1,15 venderò (potrei aspettare se vedessi un rapido incremento per ottenere maggiori profitti), e la cosa buona è che ogni volta che il capitale aumenterà. Sarà:
1.269$ primo capitale
Poi 1.400
Poi 1.602
Poi 1.952
E così via
Utilizzo medio da 1,04 a 1,15 utilizzando 1.269$ come capitale.
Non ho calcolato con 1,2 $ anche se posso vendere quando lo raggiunge o più, e non ho calcolato con meno di 1 $ anche se a volte scende al di sotto di esso, ho provato a utilizzare possibilità medie.#ENA#Investire"
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post $LUNC buy it with 5-10% of your total money and wait 4 years you will win. This coin has to burn itself more before we will more profit. ‼️Not good for all in Buy some for waiting new. My prediction is not 100%, but I am talking with possibility and volume of the market.
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post

$LUNC buy it with 5-10% of your total money and wait 4 years you will win.
This coin has to burn itself more before we will more profit.
‼️Not good for all in
Buy some for waiting new.
My prediction is not 100%, but I am talking with possibility and volume of the market.
#BTC and other cryptocurrencies are experiencing volatility. get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. BTC briefly rose to around $70,000 but then dropped below $69,000. If the price stays below $69,000 on the 4-hour chart, it suggests a bearish trend. Advice: Consider selling or taking profits if the price is between $69,000 and $74,000. If the price drops below $69,000, the market could continue to decline, especially affecting meme altcoins. Be careful and don't use too much leverage. Note: This is not financial advice. Make sure to do your own research before trading. #Write2Earn #BullorBear #TrendingPredictions #Memecoins
#BTC and other cryptocurrencies are experiencing volatility.
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.
BTC briefly rose to around $70,000 but then dropped below $69,000. If the price stays below $69,000 on the 4-hour chart, it suggests a bearish trend.
Advice: Consider selling or taking profits if the price is between $69,000 and $74,000. If the price drops below $69,000, the market could continue to decline, especially affecting meme altcoins. Be careful and don't use too much leverage.
Note: This is not financial advice. Make sure to do your own research before trading.
#Write2Earn #BullorBear #TrendingPredictions #Memecoins
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. 🔥 $ENA UPDATE 🚀 ☘️ Pattern: Falling Wedge (Bullish) 🚀Resolution: Bullish 2nd Signal: MACD -- Bullish 3rd Signal: Morning Star (Candle Pattern -- Formed in the 5min scale), Bullish Expected top: $1.260 (~10% increase) Close position if: Below $1.038 🕜 Time Limit: 30 minutes after this has been posted. If you're seeing this post too late, it doesn't apply anymore. ⚖️ Trading Tip: If you intend to stay a long time in a trade, move your OCO up as the price goes in a favorable direction. Example (Entry= 1.100): OCO¹: 1.040-1.220 (2:1) Price went up to 1.140: OCO²: 1.080- 1.260 (2:1) Reasoning: Eventually the trade will become neutral (either you lose nothing, or you win), and then positive (either you win a bit, or a lot) Never move your OCO against you (that is, never move your OCO towards an unfavorable direction)
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

☘️ Pattern: Falling Wedge (Bullish)
🚀Resolution: Bullish
2nd Signal: MACD -- Bullish
3rd Signal: Morning Star (Candle Pattern -- Formed in the 5min scale), Bullish
Expected top: $1.260 (~10% increase)
Close position if: Below $1.038
🕜 Time Limit: 30 minutes after this has been posted. If you're seeing this post too late, it doesn't apply anymore.
⚖️ Trading Tip: If you intend to stay a long time in a trade, move your OCO up as the price goes in a favorable direction.
Example (Entry= 1.100): OCO¹: 1.040-1.220 (2:1)
Price went up to 1.140: OCO²: 1.080- 1.260 (2:1)
Reasoning: Eventually the trade will become neutral (either you lose nothing, or you win), and then positive (either you win a bit, or a lot)
Never move your OCO against you (that is, never move your OCO towards an unfavorable direction)
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. where are the bulish guys saying "BTC is going to moon" take long at 72k+ bla bla bla.? 🤣🤣🤣 All long openers got liquidated 🤣 Thats why education is needed to spread statements. You are not a trader when you can read chart. At least common sense is compulsory even if you dont count psychology,fomo,greed,RR,PD,etc A trader with no valid style or prior background is dangerous!! now #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 will again go up and these rat-traders will again come out of their hole and say "see, this is exactly how btc went above in my premium call" Dont get into premium calls guys,other wise you will make money but you wont be educated. So educate yourself first!! i encourage people to learn, study,and develop edge,etc Always been a well wisher and willing to give free education to those who is interested. would appreciate if you follow and read my past and upcoming post. Trust me you will learn more than any premium course for free and in return i only ask from you is "keep me in your prayers " i will help you learn things that i learned spending thousands of hours and from expensive courses so that you dont have to spend like me and dont have to Hit you SL. Deal?? if yes hit follow and comment to be a better version of yourself!! Thanks #BullorBear ? none!! we are Sniper not machinegunner!! #Write2Earrn #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

where are the bulish guys saying "BTC is going to moon" take long at 72k+ bla bla bla.? 🤣🤣🤣
All long openers got liquidated 🤣
Thats why education is needed to spread statements.
You are not a trader when you can read chart. At least common sense is compulsory even if you dont count psychology,fomo,greed,RR,PD,etc
A trader with no valid style or prior background is dangerous!!
now #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 will again go up and these rat-traders will again come out of their hole and say
"see, this is exactly how btc went above in my premium call"
Dont get into premium calls guys,other wise you will make money but you wont be educated.
So educate yourself first!!
i encourage people to learn, study,and develop edge,etc
Always been a well wisher and willing to give free education to those who is interested.
would appreciate if you follow and read my past and upcoming post.
Trust me you will learn more than any premium course for free and in return i only ask from you is "keep me in your prayers "
i will help you learn things that i learned spending thousands of hours and from expensive courses
so that you dont have to spend like me and dont have to Hit you SL.
if yes hit follow and comment to be a better version of yourself!!
#BullorBear ?
we are Sniper not machinegunner!!
#Write2Earrn #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. Looking back at October 2023: The price of PEPE is 0.00000061 ​ At that point, if you had invested $1,000, you might now own a staggering 1,995,081,9672 coins. Now, let's fast forward to today's price of $0.00000736, and your initial $1,000 investment may now be worth approximately $11,175.6. ​ However, if you had held onto these coins until PEPE peaked at $0.00001084, your investment could have skyrocketed to approximately $16,630.92. ​ To put it simply, if you had invested $1,000 in PEPE 6 months ago and held on to it, it would have been worth $11,175.6, or an impressive $16,630.92 at its peak. ​ Look, if we have more patience and do a good job in spot trading, the overall return will be higher than that of the contract, and the key point is that the risk is small. Not everyone is the chosen one. Only if you live long enough in the market can you make enough money. Very few gamblers can make a fortune, but those who open casinos can make a lot of money. I also advise everyone to stay away from small platforms and just use BN. If you are greedy for commission rebates, people will be interested in your principal. ​ If you think these insights are helpful to you, please express your support by liking and following. #PEPE‏ #BNB‬
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

Looking back at October 2023: The price of PEPE is 0.00000061

At that point, if you had invested $1,000, you might now own a staggering 1,995,081,9672 coins.
Now, let's fast forward to today's price of $0.00000736, and your initial $1,000 investment may now be worth approximately $11,175.6.

However, if you had held onto these coins until PEPE peaked at $0.00001084, your investment could have skyrocketed to approximately $16,630.92.

To put it simply, if you had invested $1,000 in PEPE 6 months ago and held on to it, it would have been worth $11,175.6, or an impressive $16,630.92 at its peak.

Look, if we have more patience and do a good job in spot trading, the overall return will be higher than that of the contract, and the key point is that the risk is small. Not everyone is the chosen one. Only if you live long enough in the market can you make enough money. Very few gamblers can make a fortune, but those who open casinos can make a lot of money. I also advise everyone to stay away from small platforms and just use BN. If you are greedy for commission rebates, people will be interested in your principal.

If you think these insights are helpful to you, please express your support by liking and following.
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. Hello guys👋 Markets is down you all know and lost of the people are in huge loss I am also in a loss but just holding mh positions…. The market will recover soon as possible $BTC will start pumping soon. #BTC、 halving have only 16 days remaining then bitcoin halving will be start so just hold your positions amd don’t follow any wrong My threee postions screenshot check I am also in a loss but patience juat hold your open positions…. Thank you guys….. #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool $ETH $BTC
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

Hello guys👋
Markets is down you all know and lost of the people are in huge loss I am also in a loss but just holding mh positions….
The market will recover soon as possible $BTC will start pumping soon.
#BTC、 halving have only 16 days remaining then bitcoin halving will be start so just hold your positions amd don’t follow any wrong
My threee postions screenshot check I am also in a loss but patience juat hold your open positions….
Thank you guys…..
#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool $ETH $BTC
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. SELL! SELL!! SELL!!! If you look at the Bitcoin market chart, you will see clearly a double top pattern in the daily chart, other timeframes like 4hrs, you will see a triple top. This is because the market is positioned to SELL and Bitcoin can only rise a bit maybe around $67,900 and then fall to respect the double top call. The fundamental part of the market are all positioned to push Bitcoin down. Bitcoin halving is close, people are selling off to get this current profits then re-enter after halving. Only thing that can cancel the Bitcoin double top formation is a strong market manipulation. For me, I will be looking to SHORT Trades in the market. Stay Active and Stay Safe✌️
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

If you look at the Bitcoin market chart, you will see clearly a double top pattern in the daily chart, other timeframes like 4hrs, you will see a triple top.
This is because the market is positioned to SELL and Bitcoin can only rise a bit maybe around $67,900 and then fall to respect the double top call.
The fundamental part of the market are all positioned to push Bitcoin down.
Bitcoin halving is close, people are selling off to get this current profits then re-enter after halving.
Only thing that can cancel the Bitcoin double top formation is a strong market manipulation.
For me, I will be looking to SHORT Trades in the market.
Stay Active and Stay Safe✌️
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. When a new cryptocurrency like ENA is listed and experiences a sharp increase in value, such as the 164% surge it recently underwent, it often grabs the attention of investors. However, it's important to exercise caution amidst the excitement. Despite its current trading price of 0.8, it's essential to consider its recent trading history. On platforms like Binance, ENA's lowest trading point within the last 24 hours has been 0.3. This indicates significant volatility, suggesting that the price could drop substantially in the near future. To manage this uncertainty, one strategy is to set a buy limit at 0.3, essentially placing an order to purchase the coin at its recent low point. By setting a buy limit at this level, investors can potentially capitalize on any further price fluctuations. However, it's crucial to conduct thorough research into ENA and its underlying fundamentals before making any investment decisions. Additionally, it's important to remember that the current popularity of a coin doesn't guarantee its long-term viability. Therefore, approaching investments with careful consideration and diligence is paramount to making informed decisions in the cryptocurrency market.
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

When a new cryptocurrency like ENA is listed and experiences a sharp increase in value, such as the 164% surge it recently underwent, it often grabs the attention of investors. However, it's important to exercise caution amidst the excitement. Despite its current trading price of 0.8, it's essential to consider its recent trading history.
On platforms like Binance, ENA's lowest trading point within the last 24 hours has been 0.3. This indicates significant volatility, suggesting that the price could drop substantially in the near future. To manage this uncertainty, one strategy is to set a buy limit at 0.3, essentially placing an order to purchase the coin at its recent low point.
By setting a buy limit at this level, investors can potentially capitalize on any further price fluctuations. However, it's crucial to conduct thorough research into ENA and its underlying fundamentals before making any investment decisions. Additionally, it's important to remember that the current popularity of a coin doesn't guarantee its long-term viability. Therefore, approaching investments with careful consideration and diligence is paramount to making informed decisions in the cryptocurrency market.
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. #XVG/USDT: Playing the dangerously game by outmoving the bots and taking quick profits from going short on $XVG and gaining good profits even its small its worthwhile and staying safe from loosing big but REMEMBER TRADING IN CRYPTO IS ALWAYS A BIG RISK SO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND NEVER TRADE IN MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOOSE IF SOMETHING SHOOT HAPPEN #XVG #Futures_Trading #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #SinfinityWorxFeed
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

#XVG/USDT: Playing the dangerously game by outmoving the bots and taking quick profits from going short on $XVG and gaining good profits even its small its worthwhile and staying safe from loosing big but REMEMBER TRADING IN CRYPTO IS ALWAYS A BIG RISK SO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND NEVER TRADE IN MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOOSE IF SOMETHING SHOOT HAPPEN #XVG #Futures_Trading #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #SinfinityWorxFeed
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post. #XVG dump will be more strong than its pump 😄 Clearly, the $XVG whales are artificially inflating the price to trap the fishes and i have seen it happen before. Gravity is s thing that bulls can’t fight for long. So, if you are in profit, make sure to secure your gains before it’s all gone. I’m not trading and watching it from sides because i don’t trade futures but It will be fun to watch the dump and educational for many at the same time. Sharing my thoughts to reflect back in the coming days. Just to make it clear, It is not a NFA but my thoughts only.
get free FDUSD rewards from my profile in post.

#XVG dump will be more strong than its pump 😄
Clearly, the $XVG whales are artificially inflating the price to trap the fishes and i have seen it happen before. Gravity is s thing that bulls can’t fight for long. So, if you are in profit, make sure to secure your gains before it’s all gone.
I’m not trading and watching it from sides because i don’t trade futures but It will be fun to watch the dump and educational for many at the same time.
Sharing my thoughts to reflect back in the coming days. Just to make it clear, It is not a NFA but my thoughts only.

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