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Non si può tornare indietro, avanti! 🌟Totale scambi effettuati 4,06 milioni 🌟Volume totale $ 6,28 miliardi 🌟THE $0.28.36 🌟TVL $32,9 milioni #Thena
Non si può tornare indietro,

🌟Totale scambi effettuati 4,06 milioni

🌟Volume totale $ 6,28 miliardi

🌟THE $0.28.36

🌟TVL $32,9 milioni

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#THENA_FI Strategia In questi momenti in cui tutto è più o meno verde e tutti sono di buon umore, non voglio cambiare neanche io il buon umore e le cose belle, e mi attengo a strategie collaudate: #ichifoundation volta singola e #LiquidDriver liveTHE. Il potere dei depositi di liquidità a token singolo Una delle caratteristiche principali dei depositi Yield IQ è la capacità di effettuare depositi unilaterali di asset blue-chip, come Bitcoin o Ethereum. Questi depositi vengono poi abbinati al token Thena, $THE, per aumentare la sua liquidità e rafforzare la sua posizione sul mercato.136 Questa stretta connessione tra asset blue-chip e token $THE si traduce in una maggiore resilienza contro la volatilità del mercato, a vantaggio dell’intera comunità Thena. A volte un uomo ha bisogno del lusso! Ma bisogna pagare per questo, e sono felice di pagare a Liquid Driver il 18,5% per votare a mio nome. Con un impressionante APR del 99%, Liquid Driver offre un incentivo interessante per gli utenti che desiderano massimizzare i propri rendimenti riducendo al minimo l'impegno in termini di tempo. E con $THE in crescita del 20% per due giorni consecutivi, le opportunità di crescita sono infinite.
#THENA_FI Strategia

In questi momenti in cui tutto è più o meno verde e tutti sono di buon umore, non voglio cambiare neanche io il buon umore e le cose belle, e mi attengo a strategie collaudate: #ichifoundation volta singola e #LiquidDriver liveTHE.

Il potere dei depositi di liquidità a token singolo

Una delle caratteristiche principali dei depositi Yield IQ è la capacità di effettuare depositi unilaterali di asset blue-chip, come Bitcoin o Ethereum.

Questi depositi vengono poi abbinati al token Thena, $THE, per aumentare la sua liquidità e rafforzare la sua posizione sul mercato.136

Questa stretta connessione tra asset blue-chip e token $THE si traduce in una maggiore resilienza contro la volatilità del mercato, a vantaggio dell’intera comunità Thena.

A volte un uomo ha bisogno del lusso!
Ma bisogna pagare per questo, e sono felice di pagare a Liquid Driver il 18,5% per votare a mio nome.

Con un impressionante APR del 99%, Liquid Driver offre un incentivo interessante per gli utenti che desiderano massimizzare i propri rendimenti riducendo al minimo l'impegno in termini di tempo.

E con $THE in crescita del 20% per due giorni consecutivi, le opportunità di crescita sono infinite.
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#BNBChain e #opBNB la catena non si ferma! Molti investimenti e progetti vengono lanciati quasi ogni giorno. Quando #BinanceLabs investe in un progetto, sappiamo già che c'è un grande potenziale, ma sta a noi verificare se siamo abbastanza presto per investire per ottenere un buon R: R Puffer Finance è uno di quei progetti. Un protocollo di restaking liquido nativo decentralizzato e senza autorizzazione (nLRP) che combina lo staking liquido di Ethereum con il restaking nativo su EigenLayer. Il Binance Inscriptions Marketplace, integrato all'interno di Binance Web3 Wallet, offre un modo semplice e intuitivo per scambiare e coniare una vasta gamma di token di iscrizione. Il Marketplace supporta 60.000 dei BRC-20 più popolari Il 2024 sarà l’anno della svolta per i giochi Web3? Nuove narrazioni Trasferimento di valore > Premi finanziari L'universo dei contenuti Web2 Game Studios passa a Web3 #BNBChainHackathon2024 ✨Il prossimo protocollo per le risorse popolari ✨Sbloccare la potenza dei plugin ✨Canale Catena-IBC BNB ✨Sfida di tokenizzazione sociale PROSPETTIVE DELLA CATENA BNB 2024 Grandi idee, grandi piani, grandi team e tanti lavori per il 2024 per rendere la DeFi un posto migliore #Write2Earn
#BNBChain e #opBNB la catena non si ferma!

Molti investimenti e progetti vengono lanciati quasi ogni giorno.

Quando #BinanceLabs investe in un progetto, sappiamo già che c'è un grande potenziale, ma sta a noi verificare se siamo abbastanza presto per investire per ottenere un buon R: R

Puffer Finance è uno di quei progetti.

Un protocollo di restaking liquido nativo decentralizzato e senza autorizzazione (nLRP) che combina lo staking liquido di Ethereum con il restaking nativo su EigenLayer.

Il Binance Inscriptions Marketplace, integrato all'interno di Binance Web3 Wallet, offre un modo semplice e intuitivo per scambiare e coniare una vasta gamma di token di iscrizione.

Il Marketplace supporta 60.000 dei BRC-20 più popolari

Il 2024 sarà l’anno della svolta per i giochi Web3?

Nuove narrazioni

Trasferimento di valore > Premi finanziari
L'universo dei contenuti
Web2 Game Studios passa a Web3


✨Il prossimo protocollo per le risorse popolari

✨Sbloccare la potenza dei plugin

✨Canale Catena-IBC BNB

✨Sfida di tokenizzazione sociale


Grandi idee, grandi piani, grandi team e tanti lavori per il 2024 per rendere la DeFi un posto migliore

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🔱#ThenaFi 🔱 ---𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐐𝟏 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐩 --- 🔱𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐔𝐈 & 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐩𝐁𝐍𝐁 🔱𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀 🔱𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐀 𝐕𝟑 🔱𝐁𝐍𝐁 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧 🔱Thena è destinata ad avere un impatto significativo approdando @symm_io 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀 su#opBNBquasi senza gas Questo sviluppo apre l’accessibilità a molti utenti e consente loro di partecipare più attivamente. 🔱𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀 offre ai trader uno spazio per mostrare le proprie capacità e competere con gli altri. I trader avranno l'opportunità di partecipare a varie competizioni, guadagnando premi in base alle loro prestazioni di trading. 🔱𝐕𝟑 L'aggiornamento porterà miglioramenti significativi alla piattaforma. Una delle aggiunte più attese è #CryptoAlgebra 2.0, nota anche come Algebra Integral. -Commissioni dinamiche -Ordini limitati -Supporto per token deflazionistici -Agricoltura integrata 🔱𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐍𝐁 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧 sfida tutti gli sviluppatori di talento a dimostrare le proprie capacità tecniche e i primi tre si divideranno un premio di $ 20.000 Oltre a una roadmap del primo trimestre così promettente, possiamo solo immaginare cosa il team THENA può offrirci come utenti in quest’anno di dimezzamento di BTC #Write2Guadagna
🔱#ThenaFi 🔱

---𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐐𝟏 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐩 ---

🔱𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐔𝐈 & 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐩𝐁𝐍𝐁



🔱𝐁𝐍𝐁 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧

🔱Thena è destinata ad avere un impatto significativo approdando @symm_io 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀 su#opBNBquasi senza gas

Questo sviluppo apre l’accessibilità a molti utenti e consente loro di partecipare più attivamente.

🔱𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀 offre ai trader uno spazio per mostrare le proprie capacità e competere con gli altri.

I trader avranno l'opportunità di partecipare a varie competizioni, guadagnando premi in base alle loro prestazioni di trading.

🔱𝐕𝟑 L'aggiornamento porterà miglioramenti significativi alla piattaforma. Una delle aggiunte più attese è #CryptoAlgebra 2.0, nota anche come Algebra Integral.

-Commissioni dinamiche
-Ordini limitati
-Supporto per token deflazionistici
-Agricoltura integrata

🔱𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐍𝐁 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧 sfida tutti gli sviluppatori di talento a dimostrare le proprie capacità tecniche e i primi tre si divideranno un premio di $ 20.000

Oltre a una roadmap del primo trimestre così promettente, possiamo solo immaginare cosa il team THENA può offrirci come utenti in quest’anno di dimezzamento di BTC

Visualizza originale
🖤BNB Catena Intelligente💛 Nel 2024, la#BNBchainè emersa come una forza dominante nel mondo della DeFi. Con un TVL di ben 3.775.549.918 dollari, la BNB Smart Chain è diventata la piattaforma di riferimento per investitori e utenti. Il suo volume di scambi di 24 ore di $ 549.670.435 ha dimostrato la fiducia e la fiducia che gli utenti ripongono nella piattaforma. Ciò che distingue davvero#BNBchainè la sua affascinante gamma di 2796 monete diverse. Dalle criptovalute consolidate ai nuovi token promettenti. Mentre la#BNBchaincontinuava a crescere, attirava l'attenzione di investitori, sviluppatori e appassionati di tutto il mondo. Le sue funzionalità innovative, come#opBNBe #BNBGreenfield, lo hanno reso la scelta ideale per coloro che desiderano creare dApp. Classifiche Protocolli - Entrate #Thena #BNBChain⚡️
🖤BNB Catena Intelligente💛
Nel 2024, la#BNBchainè emersa come una forza dominante nel mondo della DeFi.
Con un TVL di ben 3.775.549.918 dollari, la BNB Smart Chain è diventata la piattaforma di riferimento per investitori e utenti.

Il suo volume di scambi di 24 ore di $ 549.670.435 ha dimostrato la fiducia e la fiducia che gli utenti ripongono nella piattaforma.
Ciò che distingue davvero#BNBchainè la sua affascinante gamma di 2796 monete diverse. Dalle criptovalute consolidate ai nuovi token promettenti.

Mentre la#BNBchaincontinuava a crescere, attirava l'attenzione di investitori, sviluppatori e appassionati di tutto il mondo. Le sue funzionalità innovative, come#opBNBe #BNBGreenfield, lo hanno reso la scelta ideale per coloro che desiderano creare dApp.

Classifiche Protocolli - Entrate
#Thena #BNBChain⚡️
Visualizza originale
BNB 💛 Il 2023 è stato un anno fondamentale per @BNBCHAIN, sottolineando la democratizzazione delle tecnologie Web3. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, l’azienda ha lanciato una suite di soluzioni incentrate sull’utente, come opBNB e BNB Greenfield, che miravano a semplificare le interazioni con le applicazioni decentralizzate. Come parte di questo impegno, BNB Chain ha creato un approccio multi-catena che integra BSC, opBNB e Greenfield, concentrandosi sull'interconnettività senza soluzione di continuità per lo sviluppo versatile di dApp. Sia opBNB che Greenfield sono stati attivati, concentrandosi principalmente sui dati programmabili e sulla compatibilità EVM Per garantire scalabilità e convenienza, opBNB è stato implementato come soluzione Layer 2 con elevata capacità di gas, basse commissioni di transazione e rapida generazione di blocchi; mentre Greenfield è stato progettato per aprire la strada a un nuovo approccio alla gestione dei dati e all’economia nella sfera blockchain Per supportare gli sviluppatori, BNB Chain ha lanciato varie iniziative come il Programma MVB con CMC Labs, che accelera la crescita delle startup e il Founder Track, dedicato all'incubazione di nuove idee adatte all'implementazione di BNB Chain, supportato da Binance Labs. #BNBChain⚡️ offre servizi essenziali come il controllo di sicurezza con il suo programma Kickstart e fornisce supporto finanziario a progetti che aggiungono valore significativo all'ecosistema della catena BNB attraverso Builder Grants. Per celebrare il suo terzo anniversario, BNB Chain presenta Nex come rappresentante del marchio avatar AI, formando partnership strategiche e ospitando hackathon come la serie Zero to Hero Builder e Hackvolution. Alla fine di questo thread, daremo uno sguardo solo ad una piccola parte delle possibilità di opBNB. In un breve periodo TVL di 3,7 milioni #Thena e #BNBChain⚡️ spingono insieme i confini

Il 2023 è stato un anno fondamentale per @BNBCHAIN, sottolineando la democratizzazione delle tecnologie Web3. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, l’azienda ha lanciato una suite di soluzioni incentrate sull’utente, come opBNB e BNB Greenfield, che miravano a semplificare le interazioni con le applicazioni decentralizzate.

Come parte di questo impegno, BNB Chain ha creato un approccio multi-catena che integra BSC, opBNB e Greenfield, concentrandosi sull'interconnettività senza soluzione di continuità per lo sviluppo versatile di dApp. Sia opBNB che Greenfield sono stati attivati, concentrandosi principalmente sui dati programmabili e sulla compatibilità EVM

Per garantire scalabilità e convenienza, opBNB è stato implementato come soluzione Layer 2 con elevata capacità di gas, basse commissioni di transazione e rapida generazione di blocchi; mentre Greenfield è stato progettato per aprire la strada a un nuovo approccio alla gestione dei dati e all’economia nella sfera blockchain

Per supportare gli sviluppatori, BNB Chain ha lanciato varie iniziative come il Programma MVB con CMC Labs, che accelera la crescita delle startup e il Founder Track, dedicato all'incubazione di nuove idee adatte all'implementazione di BNB Chain, supportato da Binance Labs.

#BNBChain⚡️ offre servizi essenziali come il controllo di sicurezza con il suo programma Kickstart e fornisce supporto finanziario a progetti che aggiungono valore significativo all'ecosistema della catena BNB attraverso Builder Grants.

Per celebrare il suo terzo anniversario, BNB Chain presenta Nex come rappresentante del marchio avatar AI, formando partnership strategiche e ospitando hackathon come la serie Zero to Hero Builder e Hackvolution.

Alla fine di questo thread, daremo uno sguardo solo ad una piccola parte delle possibilità di opBNB.
In un breve periodo TVL di 3,7 milioni

#Thena e #BNBChain⚡️ spingono insieme i confini
#ThenaFi a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the SOLIDLY model, has evolved into a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem on the #BNBChain . While initially focused on being a ve(3,3) DEX, the team`s vision extends beyond that. They aim to become a hub for both users and projects, providing them with efficient liquidity hosting solutions. In addition to being a DEX for users to trade digital assets securely and seamlessly, THENA has transformed into a full-fledged DeFi ecosystem. Thena provides opportunities for projects to host their liquidity effectively within the platform. By providing efficient liquidity hosting solutions and serving as a hub for both users and projects, THENA can contribute significantly to the advancement of DeFi on the #BNBChain
#ThenaFi a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the SOLIDLY model, has evolved into a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem on the #BNBChain . While initially focused on being a ve(3,3) DEX, the team`s vision extends beyond that.

They aim to become a hub for both users and projects, providing them with efficient liquidity hosting solutions.
In addition to being a DEX for users to trade digital assets securely and seamlessly, THENA has transformed into a full-fledged DeFi ecosystem.

Thena provides opportunities for projects to host their liquidity effectively within the platform. By providing efficient liquidity hosting solutions and serving as a hub for both users and projects, THENA can contribute significantly to the advancement of DeFi on the #BNBChain
Yield farming can be an attractive opportunity for users to earn rewards by providing liquidity to #DEFI protocols. FUSION pools powered by #GammaStrategies & #CryptoAlgebra : 🪙CSIX-USDT 148% APR 🪙USDT-TON 92% 🪙TWT-BNB 89% 🪙axlLqdr-BNB 113% 🪙ankrBNB-DUSD 71% 🪙ETH-USDT 44% The Trinity: #THENA , Gamma & Algebra, made it possible!
Yield farming can be an attractive opportunity for users to earn rewards by providing liquidity to #DEFI protocols.

FUSION pools powered by #GammaStrategies & #CryptoAlgebra :
🪙TWT-BNB 89%
🪙axlLqdr-BNB 113%
🪙ankrBNB-DUSD 71%

The Trinity: #THENA , Gamma & Algebra, made it possible!
THENA Strategies ♟️♟️ has introduced a revolutionary product called liveTHE.  This solution allows users to access veTHE yields without the need to lock any $THE tokens. With liveTHE, LiquidDriver aims to provide a seamless and convenient experience for individuals looking to benefit from veTHE yields. Traditionally, users would have to lock their tokens for a specific period of time in order to earn these yields. However, liveTHE eliminates this requirement, allowing users to freely access and utilize veTHE yields without any restrictions. This feature opens up new possibilities for investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who want to maximize their returns without locking up their assets. By removing the need for token locking, liveTHE offers greater flexibility and liquidity while still enabling users to enjoy the benefits of veTHE yields. One notable aspect of this offering is the ability to later redeem liveTHE for veTHE tokens. However, it’s important to note that there is a 3.5% conversion fee associated with this process. This fee ensures that the platform can maintain liquidity and provide a seamless experience for its users. Direct access is possible through a simple swapping process on or  by minting THE for liveTHE at a 1:1 ratio. Currently, the total supply of liveTHE that has been staked amounts to 19,054,211 tokens. APR stands at 98%. The fact that individuals are compounding their investments and remaining engaged with liveTHE after several months indicates their contentment with its performance and potential benefits. At the moment as I`m writing this thread, I have 2 LPs on Thena. Of course, it`s obvious they are powered by two giants of DeFi. Gamma Strategies and Algebra.  ETH/USDT NARROW  💰TVL $375.86k  💰APR 31.72% CSIX/USDT NARROW  💰TVL $41.92k  💰APR 141.19% Just to mention Carbon Browser Fastest Web 3 Browser, Decentralized integrated AdBlock, Multichain Wallet with a 100% Privacy!
THENA Strategies ♟️♟️

has introduced a revolutionary product called liveTHE. 
This solution allows users to access veTHE yields without the need to lock any $THE tokens.
With liveTHE, LiquidDriver aims to provide a seamless and convenient experience for individuals looking to benefit from veTHE yields. Traditionally, users would have to lock their tokens for a specific period of time in order to earn these yields. However, liveTHE eliminates this requirement, allowing users to freely access and utilize veTHE yields without any restrictions.
This feature opens up new possibilities for investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who want to maximize their returns without locking up their assets. By removing the need for token locking, liveTHE offers greater flexibility and liquidity while still enabling users to enjoy the benefits of veTHE yields.
One notable aspect of this offering is the ability to later redeem liveTHE for veTHE tokens. However, it’s important to note that there is a 3.5% conversion fee associated with this process. This fee ensures that the platform can maintain liquidity and provide a seamless experience for its users.
Direct access is possible through a simple swapping process on or 
by minting THE for liveTHE at a 1:1 ratio.
Currently, the total supply of liveTHE that has been staked amounts to 19,054,211 tokens. APR stands at 98%. The fact that individuals are compounding their investments and remaining engaged with liveTHE after several months indicates their contentment with its performance and potential benefits.
At the moment as I`m writing this thread, I have 2 LPs on Thena. Of course, it`s obvious they are powered by two giants of DeFi. Gamma Strategies and Algebra. 
💰TVL $375.86k 
💰APR 31.72%
💰TVL $41.92k 
💰APR 141.19%
Just to mention Carbon Browser Fastest Web 3 Browser, Decentralized integrated AdBlock, Multichain Wallet with a 100% Privacy!
BNB Update ThreadBNB Chain continues to advance and build and not pay attention to FUD. Chain GPT has launched on the opBNB mainnet, offering AI infrastructure for Blockchain, Crypto, and Web3. is the world's first digital tool for direct lithium investmentBenefits of $LTH Token Used Upcoming Products Chirpley with the aim to disrupt the nano-micro segment of influencer marketing, has integrated with BNB Greenfield.Ethos Finance is using BNB Greenfield for pre-calculating derivative prices, enhancing trading apps efficiency. Switch is bringing derivatives to you. It combines the utility of derivatives with the simplicity of token trading. Let's break it down. FlappyMoonbird is a free H5 gamefi. FlappyMoonbird will store data of the upcoming auto chess game. Hamster has integrated with Greenfield. Hamster is a Web3+AI Modular Blockchain Development Protocol that aims to build the largest data-driven incubation platform for Web3 mass adoption. Carbon Browser is now powered by #Greenfield testnet #BNBCHAIN . This brings storage flexibility, advanced data configurations to empower greater scalability and accessibility Polyhedra Network  launched the zkBridge Fast Finality on #opBNB . Polyhedra Network aims to build the infrastructure for Web3 interoperability with zero-knowledge proofs #Ryder_ID , the first hardware wallet secured by social circle, has announced support for BNB Chain TURNUP is a Social DEX for digital membership. Zypher Games now live on #opBNB testnet! It recently achieved a milestone of 18,600+ transactions on the opBNB mainnet!As we can see a lot of innovations, a lot of new perspective projects, and with a small euphoria we can say the BNB Chain and the crypto globally are on the right path
BNB Update ThreadBNB Chain continues to advance and build and not pay attention to FUD.

Chain GPT has launched on the opBNB mainnet, offering AI infrastructure for Blockchain, Crypto, and Web3.
is the world's first digital tool for direct lithium investmentBenefits of $LTH Token
Upcoming Products
Chirpley with the aim to disrupt the nano-micro segment of influencer marketing, has integrated with BNB Greenfield.Ethos Finance is using BNB Greenfield for pre-calculating derivative prices, enhancing trading apps efficiency.
Switch is bringing derivatives to you. It combines the utility of derivatives with the simplicity of token trading. Let's break it down.
FlappyMoonbird is a free H5 gamefi. FlappyMoonbird will store data of the upcoming auto chess game.

Hamster has integrated with Greenfield. Hamster is a Web3+AI Modular Blockchain Development Protocol that aims to build the largest data-driven incubation platform for Web3 mass adoption.

Carbon Browser is now powered by #Greenfield testnet #BNBCHAIN . This brings storage flexibility, advanced data configurations to empower greater scalability and accessibility

Polyhedra Network  launched the zkBridge Fast Finality on #opBNB . Polyhedra Network aims to build the infrastructure for Web3 interoperability with zero-knowledge proofs

#Ryder_ID , the first hardware wallet secured by social circle, has announced support for BNB Chain

TURNUP is a Social DEX for digital membership.

Zypher Games now live on #opBNB testnet!
It recently achieved a milestone of 18,600+ transactions on the opBNB mainnet!As we can see a lot of innovations, a lot of new perspective projects, and with a small euphoria we can say the BNB Chain and the crypto globally are on the right path
11 hours ago, Fresh Whale 0x425 deposited 387.7K ($4.3M) to at $11.09, earning $1.96M (84%) profit.Notably, this token amount was accumulated at the dip of $6.01.Moreover, our @0xNerdBot also noticed that Smart Money started selling ($-91K in last 24H).
11 hours ago, Fresh Whale 0x425 deposited 387.7K ($4.3M) to at $11.09, earning $1.96M (84%) profit.Notably, this token amount was accumulated at the dip of $6.01.Moreover, our @0xNerdBot also noticed that Smart Money started selling ($-91K in last 24H).
CORE's approach to permissionless trading competitions is an exciting development for the crypto trading community. It's designed to enhance engagement and trading activities on the @THENA platform, potentially increasing trading volume and transaction fees. These competitions could provide additional incentives for traders, contributing to the liquidity of the platform. By integrating off-chain liquidity sources like @Binance into the spot market, CORE aims to expand the trading options and opportunities for users.
CORE's approach to permissionless trading competitions is an exciting development for the crypto trading community. It's designed to enhance engagement and trading activities on the @THENA platform, potentially increasing trading volume and transaction fees. These competitions could provide additional incentives for traders, contributing to the liquidity of the platform. By integrating off-chain liquidity sources like @Binance into the spot market, CORE aims to expand the trading options and opportunities for users.
#PeckShieldAlert #Unibot Exploiter #1 has swapped the stolen coins for ~355.75 $eth (worth ~$640K) and laundered them via #TornadoCash
#PeckShieldAlert #Unibot Exploiter #1 has swapped the stolen coins for ~355.75 $eth (worth ~$640K) and laundered them via #TornadoCash
Crypto Weekly Roundup: Bitcoin According to Deribit, the combined notional open interest in $BTC and Ether options listed on the platform has surged to a historic high of $20 billion. Ethereum $ETH is currently traversing a large upward-sloping channel, and last touched bottom around two weeks ago at a price of just over $1,500. AltcoinsAltcoins like Injective ($INJ) and Solana ($SOL) are surfing the Bitcoin surge in order to make even better gains than the big daddy itself. Decentralized blockchain oracle network Chainlink has announced the next big step in its staking journey by unveiling Chainlink Staking V0.2.  Technology The Fantom Foundation has announced the launch of testnets for its revamped tech stack, Sonic.  Polygon Labs has announced it has deployed contracts for its next-generation cryptocurrency, POL, on the Ethereum mainnet.  Coinbase’s layer-2 network Base has made its code repositories and smart contracts accessible to the public.  CBDC Spain’s central bank, Banco de España, joins a host of European banking institutions preparing its customers for the potential benefits of the EU’s CBDC – the digital euro.  Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX) has confirmed using China's Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) for cross-border trade.
Crypto Weekly Roundup:
According to Deribit, the combined notional open interest in $BTC and Ether options listed on the platform has surged to a historic high of $20 billion.

$ETH is currently traversing a large upward-sloping channel, and last touched bottom around two weeks ago at a price of just over $1,500.

AltcoinsAltcoins like Injective ($INJ) and Solana ($SOL) are surfing the Bitcoin surge in order to make even better gains than the big daddy itself.
Decentralized blockchain oracle network Chainlink has announced the next big step in its staking journey by unveiling Chainlink Staking V0.2. 

The Fantom Foundation has announced the launch of testnets for its revamped tech stack, Sonic. 
Polygon Labs has announced it has deployed contracts for its next-generation cryptocurrency, POL, on the Ethereum mainnet. 
Coinbase’s layer-2 network Base has made its code repositories and smart contracts accessible to the public. 

Spain’s central bank, Banco de España, joins a host of European banking institutions preparing its customers for the potential benefits of the EU’s CBDC – the digital euro. 
Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX) has confirmed using China's Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) for cross-border trade.
Impersonation scams in the crypto world are common and involve fraudsters pretending to be celebrities, influencers, customer support, or fake platforms to trick users into sending cryptocurrencies or disclosing personal information. They may pose as offering investment opportunities, freebies, or other enticing offers to lure victims into contributing cryptocurrency or personal information. Once victims comply, the scammers disappear with the funds or data. Common types of impersonation scams in the crypto space include: 1️⃣Fake Social Media Profiles: Scammers create fake social media profiles that closely resemble those of celebrities or crypto influencers. 2️⃣Phishing Emails and Websites: Scammers send phishing emails or create fake websites that imitate reputable crypto platforms. These emails or websites contain links that lead to fake sites designed to steal private keys or login information. 3️⃣Telegram and Discord Scams: Scammers set up fake Discord or Telegram channels that imitate legitimate crypto communities, enticing users with fake investment opportunities or airdrops. 4️⃣Customer Support Impersonation: Scammers pose as customer service agents for well-known Bitcoin exchanges or wallet providers, attempting to obtain sensitive data through phishing emails or fake websites. 5️⃣Fake Wallets and Apps: Scammers create and sell fake crypto wallet apps that put users' funds at risk. 6️⃣Ponzi Schemes and Investment Clubs: Con artists set up fraudulent investment clubs or Ponzi schemes, promising investors significant profits but ultimately causing financial losses.To recognize crypto impersonators and protect against such scams, individuals should: Be cautious of grammatical errors in messages.Avoid offers that seem too good to be true.Never share sensitive personal information.Double-check domain names for authenticity.Stay cautious of unsolicited messages and high-pressure tactics.
Impersonation scams in the crypto world are common and involve fraudsters pretending to be celebrities, influencers, customer support, or fake platforms to trick users into sending cryptocurrencies or disclosing personal information. They may pose as offering investment opportunities, freebies, or other enticing offers to lure victims into contributing cryptocurrency or personal information. Once victims comply, the scammers disappear with the funds or data.

Common types of impersonation scams in the crypto space include:
1️⃣Fake Social Media Profiles: Scammers create fake social media profiles that closely resemble those of celebrities or crypto influencers.
2️⃣Phishing Emails and Websites: Scammers send phishing emails or create fake websites that imitate reputable crypto platforms. These emails or websites contain links that lead to fake sites designed to steal private keys or login information.
3️⃣Telegram and Discord Scams: Scammers set up fake Discord or Telegram channels that imitate legitimate crypto communities, enticing users with fake investment opportunities or airdrops.
4️⃣Customer Support Impersonation: Scammers pose as customer service agents for well-known Bitcoin exchanges or wallet providers, attempting to obtain sensitive data through phishing emails or fake websites.
5️⃣Fake Wallets and Apps: Scammers create and sell fake crypto wallet apps that put users' funds at risk.
6️⃣Ponzi Schemes and Investment Clubs: Con artists set up fraudulent investment clubs or Ponzi schemes, promising investors significant profits but ultimately causing financial losses.To recognize crypto impersonators and protect against such scams, individuals should:
Be cautious of grammatical errors in messages.Avoid offers that seem too good to be true.Never share sensitive personal information.Double-check domain names for authenticity.Stay cautious of unsolicited messages and high-pressure tactics.
In the last month, Bitcoin's price has experienced a significant surge, with its price increasing by 30% and reaching a new yearly high of $35,000, which is 10% above its previous peak for the year. Interestingly, while Bitcoin has been performing well, the broader cryptocurrency market has not kept pace. The Altcoin market cap, which represents the total cryptocurrency market cap excluding Bitcoin, has been trading within a descending triangle pattern. This pattern is characterized by lower highs and equal lows, typically indicating a bearish trend. It suggests that sellers are gradually becoming more dominant in the market.A breakout from this pattern is generally seen as a bullish sign, with the target being the level of the first peak. In this case, if there's a breakout, the Altcoin market cap could potentially see another 15% increase, matching the yearly highs in April. However, the contrasting trends of Bitcoin reaching new yearly highs while the Altcoin market cap forms lower highs suggest that Bitcoin is gaining market share from the rest of the cryptocurrency market. This phenomenon is often referred to as 'Bitcoin Season.' Bitcoin's market share is currently at 54%, the highest it has been in over two years.
In the last month, Bitcoin's price has experienced a significant surge, with its price increasing by 30% and reaching a new yearly high of $35,000, which is 10% above its previous peak for the year. Interestingly, while Bitcoin has been performing well, the broader cryptocurrency market has not kept pace.
The Altcoin market cap, which represents the total cryptocurrency market cap excluding Bitcoin, has been trading within a descending triangle pattern. This pattern is characterized by lower highs and equal lows, typically indicating a bearish trend. It suggests that sellers are gradually becoming more dominant in the market.A breakout from this pattern is generally seen as a bullish sign, with the target being the level of the first peak. In this case, if there's a breakout, the Altcoin market cap could potentially see another 15% increase, matching the yearly highs in April.

However, the contrasting trends of Bitcoin reaching new yearly highs while the Altcoin market cap forms lower highs suggest that Bitcoin is gaining market share from the rest of the cryptocurrency market. This phenomenon is often referred to as 'Bitcoin Season.' Bitcoin's market share is currently at 54%, the highest it has been in over two years.
PeckShieldAlert, a blockchain security team, recently reported that a whale who held 19,000 $BTC for 11 months had moved these Bitcoins to a new address. The 19,000 $BTC was valued approximately at $317.84 million back on November 18, 2022; however, the blockchain security team claimed that the transferred Bitcoins would be worth around $649.63 million at the reported time.
PeckShieldAlert, a blockchain security team, recently reported that a whale who held 19,000 $BTC for 11 months had moved these Bitcoins to a new address. The 19,000 $BTC was valued approximately at $317.84 million back on November 18, 2022; however, the blockchain security team claimed that the transferred Bitcoins would be worth around $649.63 million at the reported time.
Dexs volume in #BNBChain 💰Total volume (24h) $278.2m 💰Total volume (7d) $1.976b 📈Weekly change 46.67% @ThenaFi_ 💰Weekly change +71.44%📈 💰Volume 24H $8.75m 💰Volume 7D $55.66m 💰TVL $31.69m 💰Fees 24H $7,841
Dexs volume in #BNBChain
💰Total volume (24h) $278.2m 💰Total volume (7d) $1.976b
📈Weekly change 46.67%

💰Weekly change +71.44%📈
💰Volume 24H $8.75m
💰Volume 7D $55.66m
💰TVL $31.69m
💰Fees 24H $7,841
$BTC has reached all-time high prices in Turkey and Nigeria due to declining national fiat currencies and economic instability. Despite $BTC trading 50% below its peak in U.S. dollar terms, recent price surges have caused Bitcoin to surpass previous price records against the Turkish lira and the Nigerian naira. As of the latest data, Bitcoin traded at 9.6 million Turkish lira (TRY) and 27.4 million Nigerian naira (NGN), reflecting monthly gains of up to 30% in local currency terms. This trend is driven by factors such as high inflation and economic uncertainty in these countries, which lead many residents to turn to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a store of value and a means of preserving their wealth.
$BTC has reached all-time high prices in Turkey and Nigeria due to declining national fiat currencies and economic instability. Despite $BTC trading 50% below its peak in U.S. dollar terms, recent price surges have caused Bitcoin to surpass previous price records against the Turkish lira and the Nigerian naira.
As of the latest data, Bitcoin traded at 9.6 million Turkish lira (TRY) and 27.4 million Nigerian naira (NGN), reflecting monthly gains of up to 30% in local currency terms. This trend is driven by factors such as high inflation and economic uncertainty in these countries, which lead many residents to turn to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a store of value and a means of preserving their wealth.
@CryptoHayes the former CEO of BitMEX, has emphasized the importance of $BTC in the context of the global financial landscape. He pointed out that real interest rates in the United States are, in fact, negative. This was calculated by subtracting the 3Q23 nominal GDP growth rate of 6.3% from the one-year Treasury yield of 5.4%, resulting in a real rate of -1.1%. He encouraged individuals to make careful financial choices, warning against letting the government profit at their expense. Instead, he recommended investing in technology stocks, gold, and to safeguard and enhance their purchasing power.
@CryptoHayes the former CEO of BitMEX, has emphasized the importance of $BTC in the context of the global financial landscape. He pointed out that real interest rates in the United States are, in fact, negative. This was calculated by subtracting the 3Q23 nominal GDP growth rate of 6.3% from the one-year Treasury yield of 5.4%, resulting in a real rate of -1.1%.

He encouraged individuals to make careful financial choices, warning against letting the government profit at their expense. Instead, he recommended investing in technology stocks, gold, and to safeguard and enhance their purchasing power.
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