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BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 👉 According to the 15m chart, BTC has entered a Bullish Momentum now. So, BTC can rise above 52800-53300. Everyone can open a long position with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Always keep your Liquidation price at a 4000$ price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates. 👉 This is my analysis expectation information. Nobody is forced to follow this information. You can take this information for your reference or do trade with your analysis and your risk. Whoever accepts any losses or profits can follow this information. Otherwise, leave from here. BTC is currently trading at 51700 Thanks for your support and love ❤️.
BTC 15m chart Latest Update:
👉 According to the 15m chart, BTC has entered a Bullish Momentum now. So, BTC can rise above 52800-53300. Everyone can open a long position with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Always keep your Liquidation price at a 4000$ price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates.
👉 This is my analysis expectation information. Nobody is forced to follow this information. You can take this information for your reference or do trade with your analysis and your risk. Whoever accepts any losses or profits can follow this information. Otherwise, leave from here.
BTC is currently trading at 51700
Thanks for your support and love ❤️.
Good morning, Everyone. 👉 What a miracle! #BTC has maintained bearish momentum for more than 40 hours; still, it hasn't changed. Why has this happened? Are BTC buyers not available? Let's analyze the current market sentiment. 👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC is still maintaining #bearishmomentum . When can BTC enter bullish momentum? It will happen if BTC rises above 52150 or by 8 AM IST today. If it doesn't change within this timeframe or fails to reach the mentioned price, BTC will continue in bearish momentum. Let's see what unfolds. 👉 Always trade with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Keep your liquidation price in the $4000 range. If anyone is following our analysis, please follow it diligently. I will provide updates if any changes occur. Thanks for your support and love ❤️
Good morning, Everyone.
👉 What a miracle! #BTC has maintained bearish momentum for more than 40 hours; still, it hasn't changed. Why has this happened? Are BTC buyers not available? Let's analyze the current market sentiment.
👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC is still maintaining #bearishmomentum . When can BTC enter bullish momentum? It will happen if BTC rises above 52150 or by 8 AM IST today. If it doesn't change within this timeframe or fails to reach the mentioned price, BTC will continue in bearish momentum. Let's see what unfolds.
👉 Always trade with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Keep your liquidation price in the $4000 range. If anyone is following our analysis, please follow it diligently. I will provide updates if any changes occur.
Thanks for your support and love ❤️
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Ciao a tutti, 👉 Oggi mattina ho condiviso le informazioni una volta, poi sono andato offline perché il mercato è laterale e non si stanno verificando cambiamenti. 👉 Tieni presente che siamo nella zona 50k, quindi un aumento o un calo di $ 500 in BTC comporterà una variazione dell'1%. BTC ha un'elevata volatilità, quindi può facilmente aumentare o diminuire dell'1-2%. Alcuni potrebbero pensare che una fascia di prezzo di $ 1000 sia piccola, ma considero la percentuale di variazioni. Nella zona 20 o 30k, un aumento o un calo dell'1% in BTC comporta perdite di $ 200-300 se hai una posizione aperta con 1 BTC. Tuttavia, se adesso hai una posizione aperta con 1 BTC, la tua perdita o profitto sarà maggiore. 👉 Per coloro che aprono sempre posizioni con un margine di $100 con leva x100, se BTC subisce un rialzo o un calo dell'1%, dovrai affrontare un profitto o una perdita di $100. Pertanto, la selezione del margine è cruciale. Prima di aprire qualsiasi operazione, pensaci e calcola il tuo rischio. 👉 Oggi, sembra probabile che il mercato BTC scenda a 51900 per poi salire a 52400. Il trading di ETF BTC non è disponibile oggi. Molti trader dipendono dal trading di ETF BTC, quindi quando non è disponibile, molti si prendono una pausa o investono in altcoin. 👉 Secondo il grafico a 15 mesi, BTC sta ancora mantenendo un momento#ribassistae BTC ha una resistenza a 52428. Oggi più volte si trova ad affrontare un rifiuto sulla Resistenza, quindi si prevede una caduta di #BTC. Quindi tutti devono aspettare il calo o un cambiamento nello slancio rialzista. Fai sempre trading con fondi sufficienti ed esegui un'adeguata gestione del rischio. Suggerisco sempre di mantenere il prezzo di liquidazione nella fascia di prezzo di $ 4000. Se si verificano cambiamenti, fornirò aggiornamenti. Nota: se non ti senti bene qui, non vuoi seguire la nostra analisi e non puoi accettare alcuna perdita, puoi andartene. Nessuno è costretto a restare qui. Grazie per il vostro supporto e amore ❤️.
Ciao a tutti,
👉 Oggi mattina ho condiviso le informazioni una volta, poi sono andato offline perché il mercato è laterale e non si stanno verificando cambiamenti.
👉 Tieni presente che siamo nella zona 50k, quindi un aumento o un calo di $ 500 in BTC comporterà una variazione dell'1%. BTC ha un'elevata volatilità, quindi può facilmente aumentare o diminuire dell'1-2%. Alcuni potrebbero pensare che una fascia di prezzo di $ 1000 sia piccola, ma considero la percentuale di variazioni. Nella zona 20 o 30k, un aumento o un calo dell'1% in BTC comporta perdite di $ 200-300 se hai una posizione aperta con 1 BTC. Tuttavia, se adesso hai una posizione aperta con 1 BTC, la tua perdita o profitto sarà maggiore.
👉 Per coloro che aprono sempre posizioni con un margine di $100 con leva x100, se BTC subisce un rialzo o un calo dell'1%, dovrai affrontare un profitto o una perdita di $100. Pertanto, la selezione del margine è cruciale. Prima di aprire qualsiasi operazione, pensaci e calcola il tuo rischio.
👉 Oggi, sembra probabile che il mercato BTC scenda a 51900 per poi salire a 52400. Il trading di ETF BTC non è disponibile oggi. Molti trader dipendono dal trading di ETF BTC, quindi quando non è disponibile, molti si prendono una pausa o investono in altcoin.
👉 Secondo il grafico a 15 mesi, BTC sta ancora mantenendo un momento#ribassistae BTC ha una resistenza a 52428. Oggi più volte si trova ad affrontare un rifiuto sulla Resistenza, quindi si prevede una caduta di #BTC. Quindi tutti devono aspettare il calo o un cambiamento nello slancio rialzista. Fai sempre trading con fondi sufficienti ed esegui un'adeguata gestione del rischio. Suggerisco sempre di mantenere il prezzo di liquidazione nella fascia di prezzo di $ 4000. Se si verificano cambiamenti, fornirò aggiornamenti.
Nota: se non ti senti bene qui, non vuoi seguire la nostra analisi e non puoi accettare alcuna perdita, puoi andartene. Nessuno è costretto a restare qui.
Grazie per il vostro supporto e amore ❤️.
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✋️Aspetta ✋️ $BTC - Ha preso la liquidità sopra 52,2K e rifiutato nel grafico LTF. Questo non è un buon momento per entrare in una nuova posizione lunga. Dovresti aspettare un pullback o una chiusura sopra questo livello nel grafico giornaliero. Puoi anche notare una divergenza RSI ribassista nel grafico H1 e anche il finanziamento è molto alto. Un finanziamento elevato è normale nel mercato rialzista, ma anche un piccolo calo è normale. Ti consiglierei di andare short, ma aspettare è un'opzione migliore.
✋️Aspetta ✋️
$BTC - Ha preso la liquidità sopra 52,2K e rifiutato nel grafico LTF.
Questo non è un buon momento per entrare in una nuova posizione lunga. Dovresti aspettare un pullback o una chiusura sopra questo livello nel grafico giornaliero.
Puoi anche notare una divergenza RSI ribassista nel grafico H1 e anche il finanziamento è molto alto. Un finanziamento elevato è normale nel mercato rialzista, ma anche un piccolo calo è normale.
Ti consiglierei di andare short, ma aspettare è un'opzione migliore.
$BTC 5m chart Latest Update: 👉 As per the 5m chart, BTC has now entered bearish momentum, so it could possibly drop below 50500. Currently, the BTC 15m chart is attempting bearish momentum, so it will likely enter bearish momentum as well. Once it does, I will provide updates. 👉 Everyone can engage in short trades with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Always keep your Liquidation price in the 4000$ price range.#BTC is currently trading at 51500. Thanks for your support and love ❤️
$BTC 5m chart Latest Update:

👉 As per the 5m chart, BTC has now entered bearish momentum, so it could possibly drop below 50500.

Currently, the BTC 15m chart is attempting bearish momentum, so it will likely enter bearish momentum as well. Once it does, I will provide updates.

👉 Everyone can engage in short trades with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades.

Always keep your Liquidation price in the 4000$
price range.#BTC is currently trading at 51500.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️
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My Love $BTC ha raggiunto $1T nel giorno di San Valentino. BTC ha fatto questo regalo a BTC Lover's. BTC Prossimo obiettivo 52300-52900 . Potrebbe essere possibile stasera raggiungere i 53k.
My Love $BTC ha raggiunto $1T nel giorno di San Valentino. BTC ha fatto questo regalo a BTC Lover's.
BTC Prossimo obiettivo 52300-52900 .
Potrebbe essere possibile stasera raggiungere i 53k.
Visualizza originale
Ciao a tutti, $BTC ha un forte slancio rialzista, quindi vi prego tutti di mantenere la vostra posizione lunga fino a quando non riceverete un aggiornamento ribassista. Il nostro obiettivo previsto di 51.000 è stato raggiunto (guadagno del 3%). Se qualcuno ha preso profitti, potete prendere in considerazione di riaprire la posizione lunga 51550-51200. BTC subisce alcuni cali, poi salirà. Grazie per il vostro supporto e amore ❤️.
Ciao a tutti, $BTC ha un forte slancio rialzista, quindi vi prego tutti di mantenere la vostra posizione lunga fino a quando non riceverete un aggiornamento ribassista.
Il nostro obiettivo previsto di 51.000 è stato raggiunto (guadagno del 3%). Se qualcuno ha preso profitti, potete prendere in considerazione di riaprire la posizione lunga 51550-51200. BTC subisce alcuni cali, poi salirà.
Grazie per il vostro supporto e amore ❤️.
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 In the last update, I mentioned that BTC entered bearish momentum, but now BTC has shifted the market momentum. Everyone, follow the current market sentiment. 👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC has now entered bullish momentum, so everyone can open long positions with enough funds. BTC is possible to rise above 50500-51000. Always take trades without high risk, and keep your Liquidation price at 4000$. If any changes occur in the market, I will provide updates.#BTC is currently trading at 49550.
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:
👉 In the last update, I mentioned that BTC entered bearish momentum, but now BTC has shifted the market momentum. Everyone, follow the current market sentiment.
👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC has now entered bullish momentum, so everyone can open long positions with enough funds. BTC is possible to rise above 50500-51000.
Always take trades without high risk, and keep your Liquidation price at 4000$. If any changes occur in the market, I will provide updates.#BTC is currently trading at 49550.
$BTC 5m chart Latest Update : 👉 In the last update i am said like BTC will drop below 47400 as per 1H chart . But 5m chart has now bullish momentum so BTC will possible to rising above 49500 . 👉 Please keep in mind this is 5m chart analysis , it is always frequently changing the market momentum so do trade with your own risk . #BTC is currently trading at 48980Thanks for your support and love ❤️ .
$BTC 5m chart Latest Update :
👉 In the last update i am said like BTC will drop below 47400 as per 1H chart . But 5m chart has now bullish momentum so BTC will possible to rising above 49500 .
👉 Please keep in mind this is 5m chart analysis , it is always frequently changing the market momentum so do trade with your own risk .
#BTC is currently trading at 48980Thanks for your support and love ❤️ .
According to my Boss $BTC Latest Update :👉 In the last update i am given Bearish update while BTC Trading at 49880 and i am said it will drop below 48900-48400 . BTC max dropped 48356 and it has gained 3% . How many members got the profits 3% ? 👉 I hope our Information is useful to everyone . As per 1H chart , BTC can possible to drop below 47400. Who booked profits you can open short position again in current market price . If any changes in market i will provide the updates . 👉 If our information is useful to everyone, you can show your support by giving likes to this post and sending tips of at least $1 or more. With more support, everyone will receive more accurate analysis. 👉 Please trade with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Always keep your liquidation price within the $4000 price range.#BTC is currently trading at 49100. Thanks for your support and love ❤️
According to my Boss
$BTC Latest Update :👉 In the last update i am given Bearish update while BTC Trading at 49880 and i am said it will drop below 48900-48400 . BTC max dropped 48356 and it has gained 3% . How many members got the profits 3% ?
👉 I hope our Information is useful to everyone . As per 1H chart , BTC can possible to drop below 47400. Who booked profits you can open short position again in current market price . If any changes in market i will provide the updates .
👉 If our information is useful to everyone, you can show your support by giving likes to this post and sending tips of at least $1 or more. With more support, everyone will receive more accurate analysis.
👉 Please trade with enough funds and avoid high-risk trades. Always keep your liquidation price within the $4000 price range.#BTC is currently trading at 49100.
Thanks for your support and love ❤️
According to my Crypto Boss😎 $BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 In the last update, I provided another bullish momentum update while BTC was trading at 50200. BTC reached a maximum of 50428, then couldn't rise further. Our last update faced a 0.63% loss. Yesterday, we gave a BTC bullish update while BTC was trading at 48770, stating it would rise above 50300. That happened, and it gained a maximum of 3.1%. Now, BTC has changed the market momentum. 👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC entered bearish momentum. So, BTC is possible to drop below 48900-48400. Everyone, please trade with enough funds. Always keep your Liquidation price within the 4000$ price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates. #BTC is currently trading at 49880Thanks for your support and love ❤️ (For All) BXT#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #ibit #bearishmomentum Feed-Creator- Enterprise
According to my Crypto Boss😎

$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:
👉 In the last update, I provided another bullish momentum update while BTC was trading at 50200. BTC reached a maximum of 50428, then couldn't rise further.
Our last update faced a 0.63% loss. Yesterday, we gave a BTC bullish update while BTC was trading at 48770, stating it would rise above 50300. That happened, and it gained a maximum of 3.1%. Now, BTC has changed the market momentum.
👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC entered bearish momentum. So, BTC is possible to drop below 48900-48400.
Everyone, please trade with enough funds. Always keep your Liquidation price within the 4000$ price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates.
#BTC is currently trading at 49880Thanks for your support and love ❤️ (For All)
BXT#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #ibit #bearishmomentum
Feed-Creator- Enterprise
According to my Crypto Boss😎 $BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:👉 In the last few hours, BTC attempted bearish momentum, but it declined and now entered bullish momentum. So, BTC will be rising soon above. 👉 BTC is possible to rise above 51200-51700. So, trade with enough funds. Please keep your Liquidation price above 4000$ price range. If there are any changes, I will provide updates. 👉 As per the 1D chart, BTC has growing potential of 51850-54200. So, those holding in spot positions can hold until this price range.#BTC is currently trading at 50200.
According to my Crypto Boss😎

$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:👉 In the last few hours, BTC attempted bearish momentum, but it declined and now entered bullish momentum. So, BTC will be rising soon above.
👉 BTC is possible to rise above 51200-51700. So, trade with enough funds.
Please keep your Liquidation price above 4000$ price range. If there are any changes, I will provide updates.
👉 As per the 1D chart, BTC has growing potential of 51850-54200. So, those holding in spot positions can hold until this price range.#BTC is currently trading at 50200.
🚨 1,235 BTC (61,244,881 USD) transferred from Coinbase Institutional to an unknown new wallet #DYORAlways
🚨 1,235 BTC (61,244,881 USD) transferred from Coinbase Institutional to an unknown new wallet
According to my Crypto Boss 😎 $BTC Possible to drop below 49500 Within few minutes , i think . So if anybody long position holding now better to take profit at 49900-50000. Then need to wait for next Update . Our Expecting target 50300 already reached . Thanks for your support and love ❤️
According to my Crypto Boss 😎

$BTC Possible to drop below 49500 Within few minutes , i think . So if anybody long position holding now better to take profit at 49900-50000. Then need to wait for next Update . Our Expecting target 50300 already reached .
Thanks for your support and love ❤️
According to Crypto Boss😎 $BTC Max Reached 49966 (2.46%)In Dec 2021, BTC was trading in the 50,000 zone. 👉 Upcoming days' trades look like very high volatility, with a range of 1000-2000$, easily able to rise or drop. So everyone needs to trade with enough funds. If BTC rises or drops within a 500$ price range, that will be considered 1%. So don't panic if there are 500$ price range fluctuations in the BTC market. If you are worried about 200$ price range fluctuations, you are not qualified to trade in the BTC market.👉 BTC still maintains bullish momentum, so everyone can hold their position until they get a bearish update or use our expected target. 👉 In the upcoming days, our analysis will be more accurate. So everyone needs to trade with enough funds, and only those who can accept small losses, up to 1%, can follow our analysis. 👉 #BTC 50,000 why can't reach ? Because more liquidity at 50,000 . If once rise above 50,000 BTC will suddenly rise 50700 . Thanks for your support and love ❤️
According to Crypto Boss😎
$BTC Max Reached 49966 (2.46%)In Dec 2021, BTC was trading in the 50,000 zone.
👉 Upcoming days' trades look like very high volatility, with a range of 1000-2000$, easily able to rise or drop.
So everyone needs to trade with enough funds.
If BTC rises or drops within a 500$ price range, that will be considered 1%. So don't panic if there are 500$ price range fluctuations in the BTC market. If you are worried about 200$ price range fluctuations, you are not qualified to trade in the BTC market.👉 BTC still maintains bullish momentum, so everyone can hold their position until they get a bearish update or use our expected target.
👉 In the upcoming days, our analysis will be more accurate. So everyone needs to trade with enough funds, and only those who can accept small losses, up to 1%, can follow our analysis.
👉 #BTC 50,000 why can't reach ? Because more liquidity at 50,000 . If once rise above 50,000 BTC will suddenly rise 50700 .
Thanks for your support and love ❤️
According to my Boss😎😎 $BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, so we expected it to drop below 47150, but it couldn't drop more, so it dropped until 47711, then it raised. 👉 BTC ETF trading opened 30 minutes ago, so now manipulating the market has affected the change in market momentum. BTC has now entered bullish momentum. Everyone can open a long position. The last update faced a 1.4% loss, but don't worry, this update will provide gains, and you can recover and make profits. BTC is possible to rise above 49800-50300. 👉 Please keep your Liquidation price within the $3000 price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates.#BTC is currently trading at 48770.
According to my Boss😎😎
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:
👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, so we expected it to drop below 47150, but it couldn't drop more, so it dropped until 47711, then it raised.
👉 BTC ETF trading opened 30 minutes ago, so now manipulating the market has affected the change in market momentum.
BTC has now entered bullish momentum. Everyone can open a long position.
The last update faced a 1.4% loss, but don't worry, this update will provide gains, and you can recover and make profits. BTC is possible to rise above 49800-50300.
👉 Please keep your Liquidation price within the $3000 price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates.#BTC is currently trading at 48770.
$BTC 15m chart : What you think about it ? Share your opinion #BTC #TrendingTopic #ibit #bearishmomentum
$BTC 15m chart :
What you think about it ? Share your opinion
#BTC #TrendingTopic #ibit #bearishmomentum
7 minutes ago, BTC ETF trading has opened . So only like this rise . But anytime it will drop . if any changes in market I will provide the updates
7 minutes ago, BTC ETF trading has opened . So only like this rise . But anytime it will drop . if any changes in market I will provide the updates
As per the 15m chart, BTC has currently entered Bearish momentum, so we expect BTC to possibly drop below 47150. Everyone, open a short position with enough funds. 👉 Please always keep your Liquidation price within the $3000 price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates. #BTC is currently trading at 48120.Thanks for your support and love ❤️
As per the 15m chart, BTC has currently entered Bearish momentum, so we expect BTC to possibly drop below 47150.
Everyone, open a short position with enough funds.
👉 Please always keep your Liquidation price within the $3000 price range.
If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates.
#BTC is currently trading at 48120.Thanks for your support and love ❤️
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