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*****💰 PASSIVE INCOME ON SOLANA 💰***** Easy money? Let's see... The project is called **Grass**. They are an oracle for decentralized AI and the first incentivized web scraping protocol. Grass is allowing users to pre-mine tokens BEFORE it goes live by simply selling unused internet bandwidth. So far i've earned **~1,000 Grass** over the past couple of days. **Three easy steps if you'd also like to participate:** 1) Use this referral link to join: 2) Download the Grass extension 3) Connect and start mining Additional notes of interest so you know what this project is all about, and what's to come, etc. By participating in this service, users contribute to the growth of artificial intelligence, as AI labs are major customers of this network. All personal data is kept secure and private as all user activity remains protected. As soon as the network has enough unique IP addresses, it will go live, and your points will be converted into actual compensation. As of December 1st there has been 103,000 downloads and 1.4M unique IP addresses so the network is expanding rapidly. Users can currently mine from their web browser, and Solana's Saga, but soon with iPhone, and Android. 👈 This is where I believe we will see the network effect. I think Solana will be a key player during the bull run, know that AI is here to stay, and Grass is a necessary and ethical data collector that is seeing rapid expansion. Pre-mining a token before launch could end up being a smart play here. *This post is not to be taken as financial advice. It is my own personal research and something that I am currently doing. Do your own research.* #PassiveIncome #Solana-SOL #mining #FreeEarnings #freecrypto

Easy money? Let's see...

The project is called **Grass**. They are an oracle for decentralized AI and the first incentivized web scraping protocol.

Grass is allowing users to pre-mine tokens BEFORE it goes live by simply selling unused internet bandwidth. So far i've earned **~1,000 Grass** over the past couple of days.

**Three easy steps if you'd also like to participate:**

1) Use this referral link to join:

2) Download the Grass extension
3) Connect and start mining

Additional notes of interest so you know what this project is all about, and what's to come, etc.

By participating in this service, users contribute to the growth of artificial intelligence, as AI labs are major customers of this network. All personal data is kept secure and private as all user activity remains protected.

As soon as the network has enough unique IP addresses, it will go live, and your points will be converted into actual compensation.

As of December 1st there has been 103,000 downloads and 1.4M unique IP addresses so the network is expanding rapidly.

Users can currently mine from their web browser, and Solana's Saga, but soon with iPhone, and Android. 👈 This is where I believe we will see the network effect.

I think Solana will be a key player during the bull run, know that AI is here to stay, and Grass is a necessary and ethical data collector that is seeing rapid expansion. Pre-mining a token before launch could end up being a smart play here.

*This post is not to be taken as financial advice. It is my own personal research and something that I am currently doing. Do your own research.*
#PassiveIncome #Solana-SOL #mining #FreeEarnings #freecrypto
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Novità entusiasmanti! 🚀 $GRASS viene attualmente scambiato tra $ 0,003 e $ 0,006 (e forse anche di più) sui banchi Solana OTC! 💸 A tutti i nostri devoti agricoltori che sono stati con noi, il vostro duro lavoro sta per ripagare alla grande! 🌱💰 Preparati a raccogliere questi frutti! 🎉 Inizia a coltivare $GRASS con me #Solana🚀 #sol #AirdropAlerts $SOL
Novità entusiasmanti! 🚀 $GRASS viene attualmente scambiato tra $ 0,003 e $ 0,006 (e forse anche di più) sui banchi Solana OTC! 💸

A tutti i nostri devoti agricoltori che sono stati con noi, il vostro duro lavoro sta per ripagare alla grande! 🌱💰 Preparati a raccogliere questi frutti! 🎉

Inizia a coltivare $GRASS con me
#Solana🚀 #sol #AirdropAlerts

Easy money? Let's see...

The project is called **Grass**. They are an oracle for decentralized AI and the first incentivized web scraping protocol.

Grass is allowing users to pre-mine tokens BEFORE it goes live by simply selling unused internet bandwidth. So far i've earned **~1,000 Grass** over the past couple of days.

**Three easy steps if you'd also like to participate:**

1) Use this referral link to join:

2) Download the Grass extension
3) Connect and start mining

Additional notes of interest so you know what this project is all about, and what's to come, etc.

By participating in this service, users contribute to the growth of artificial intelligence, as AI labs are major customers of this network. All personal data is kept secure and private as all user activity remains protected.

As soon as the network has enough unique IP addresses, it will go live, and your points will be converted into actual compensation.

As of December 1st there has been 103,000 downloads and 1.4M unique IP addresses so the network is expanding rapidly.

Users can currently mine from their web browser, and Solana's Saga, but soon with iPhone, and Android. 👈 This is where I believe we will see the network effect.

I think Solana will be a key player during the bull run, know that AI is here to stay, and Grass is a necessary and ethical data collector that is seeing rapid expansion. Pre-mining a token before launch could end up being a smart play here.

*This post is not to be taken as financial advice. It is my own personal research and something that I am currently doing. Do your own research.*
#PassiveIncome #Solana-SOL #mining #FreeEarnings #freecrypto
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Partecipa al Masa Airdrop seguendo semplici passaggi
Partecipa al Masa Airdrop seguendo semplici passaggi
******Avviso lancio aereo*******

Masa sta costruendo un “Google decentralizzato”, un’economia aperta, sicura e incentivata per i dati personali di tutto il mondo. Riporta il potere ai singoli individui, senza compromettere la privacy dei dati, sfruttando crittografie all’avanguardia a conoscenza zero e completamente omomorfe.

La rete Masa e il token verranno lanciati nel primo trimestre del 2024.

Come partecipare alla missione Airdrop MASA

Guadagna gettoni $MASA unendoti alla comunità Masa. Completa tutti i passaggi della missione per coniare il tuo gettone soulbound MASA Airdrop Badge.

Vai alla campagna MASA Airdrop Quest


Collega il tuo portafoglio: fai clic su "Connetti portafoglio" nell'angolo in alto a destra.
Passa alla rete Binance Smart Chain per visualizzare la campagna.

Basta seguire 3 account su Twitter e unirti a Discord e Telegram, quindi coniare l'SBT

Semplici passaggi e avrai diritto all'airdrop.

#AirdropAlert #AirdropOpportunity #freemoney #BSCchain #Airdrop
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******Avviso lancio aereo******* Masa sta costruendo un “Google decentralizzato”, un’economia aperta, sicura e incentivata per i dati personali di tutto il mondo. Riporta il potere ai singoli individui, senza compromettere la privacy dei dati, sfruttando crittografie all’avanguardia a conoscenza zero e completamente omomorfe. La rete Masa e il token verranno lanciati nel primo trimestre del 2024. Come partecipare alla missione Airdrop MASA Guadagna gettoni $MASA unendoti alla comunità Masa. Completa tutti i passaggi della missione per coniare il tuo gettone soulbound MASA Airdrop Badge. Vai alla campagna MASA Airdrop Quest Visita: Collega il tuo portafoglio: fai clic su "Connetti portafoglio" nell'angolo in alto a destra. Passa alla rete Binance Smart Chain per visualizzare la campagna. Basta seguire 3 account su Twitter e unirti a Discord e Telegram, quindi coniare l'SBT Semplici passaggi e avrai diritto all'airdrop. #AirdropAlert #AirdropOpportunity #freemoney #BSCchain #Airdrop
******Avviso lancio aereo*******

Masa sta costruendo un “Google decentralizzato”, un’economia aperta, sicura e incentivata per i dati personali di tutto il mondo. Riporta il potere ai singoli individui, senza compromettere la privacy dei dati, sfruttando crittografie all’avanguardia a conoscenza zero e completamente omomorfe.

La rete Masa e il token verranno lanciati nel primo trimestre del 2024.

Come partecipare alla missione Airdrop MASA

Guadagna gettoni $MASA unendoti alla comunità Masa. Completa tutti i passaggi della missione per coniare il tuo gettone soulbound MASA Airdrop Badge.

Vai alla campagna MASA Airdrop Quest


Collega il tuo portafoglio: fai clic su "Connetti portafoglio" nell'angolo in alto a destra.
Passa alla rete Binance Smart Chain per visualizzare la campagna.

Basta seguire 3 account su Twitter e unirti a Discord e Telegram, quindi coniare l'SBT

Semplici passaggi e avrai diritto all'airdrop.

#AirdropAlert #AirdropOpportunity #freemoney #BSCchain #Airdrop
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*******Allerta lancio di aerei********** Grande opportunità!🚀 I co-fondatori del **Data Ownership Protocol** appartengono agli stessi team fondatori di **Cardano** e **Chiliz**. Quindi non mi sorprende che dal lancio del testnet DOP, ci siano stati oltre **1,2 milioni di utenti unici in 157 paesi** che hanno creato un portafoglio DOP e testato il protocollo DOP. Quindi, se stai cercando di essere coinvolto nell'unico protocollo che consente una trasparenza flessibile su Ethereum, ecco cosa farei personalmente 👇 Ho appena completato il #DOPtestnet🔐 e ora mi qualifico per i futuri premi in token DOP! @dop_org affronta l'eccessiva trasparenza della blockchain, offrendo agli utenti il ​​controllo dei propri dati finanziari. Completa subito le attività di testnet per futuri premi in token: #AirdropAlert #freemoney #freebies #EthereumBlockchainUseCases #ETH
*******Allerta lancio di aerei**********
Grande opportunità!🚀

I co-fondatori del **Data Ownership Protocol** appartengono agli stessi team fondatori di **Cardano** e **Chiliz**. Quindi non mi sorprende che dal lancio del testnet DOP, ci siano stati oltre **1,2 milioni di utenti unici in 157 paesi** che hanno creato un portafoglio DOP e testato il protocollo DOP.

Quindi, se stai cercando di essere coinvolto nell'unico protocollo che consente una trasparenza flessibile su Ethereum, ecco cosa farei personalmente 👇

Ho appena completato il #DOPtestnet🔐 e ora mi qualifico per i futuri premi in token DOP!

@dop_org affronta l'eccessiva trasparenza della blockchain, offrendo agli utenti il ​​controllo dei propri dati finanziari.

Completa subito le attività di testnet per futuri premi in token:

#AirdropAlert #freemoney #freebies #EthereumBlockchainUseCases #ETH
Visualizza originale
*****Avviso lancio di aerei****** Ho appena completato il #DOPtestnet🔐 e ora mi qualifico per i futuri premi in token DOP! @dop_org affronta l'eccessiva trasparenza della blockchain, offrendo agli utenti il ​​controllo dei propri dati finanziari. Completa subito le attività di testnet per futuri premi in token:
*****Avviso lancio di aerei******

Ho appena completato il #DOPtestnet🔐 e ora mi qualifico per i futuri premi in token DOP!

@dop_org affronta l'eccessiva trasparenza della blockchain, offrendo agli utenti il ​​controllo dei propri dati finanziari.

Completa subito le attività di testnet per futuri premi in token:
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RayHan bros
Presto l'annuncio del nome dei Bros Winner 🎉

📌 So che lo stai aspettando. I vincitori verranno annunciati molto presto, quindi restate con me ❤️

👉 Seguimi
👉 Metti mi piace a questo post
👉Citazioni e condividere questo post ❤️

**💰 PASSIVE INCOME ON SOLANA 💰** Easy money? Let's see... The project is called **Grass**. They are an oracle for decentralized AI and the first incentivized web scraping protocol. Grass is allowing users to pre-mine tokens BEFORE it goes live by simply selling unused internet bandwidth. So far i've earned **~1,000 Grass** over the past couple of days. **Three easy steps if you'd also like to participate:** 1) Use this referral link to join: 2) Download the Grass extension 3) Connect and start mining Additional notes of interest so you know what this project is all about, and what's to come, etc. By participating in this service, users contribute to the growth of artificial intelligence, as AI labs are major customers of this network. All personal data is kept secure and private as all user activity remains protected. As soon as the network has enough unique IP addresses, it will go live, and your points will be converted into actual compensation. As of December 1st there has been 103,000 downloads and 1.4M unique IP addresses so the network is expanding rapidly. Users can currently mine from their web browser, and Solana's Saga, but soon with iPhone, and Android. 👈 This is where I believe we will see the network effect. I think Solana will be a key player during the bull run, know that AI is here to stay, and Grass is a necessary and ethical data collector that is seeing rapid expansion. Pre-mining a token before launch could end up being a smart play here. *This post is not to be taken as financial advice. It is my own personal research and something that I am currently doing. Do your own research.*

Easy money? Let's see...

The project is called **Grass**. They are an oracle for decentralized AI and the first incentivized web scraping protocol.

Grass is allowing users to pre-mine tokens BEFORE it goes live by simply selling unused internet bandwidth. So far i've earned **~1,000 Grass** over the past couple of days.

**Three easy steps if you'd also like to participate:**

1) Use this referral link to join:

2) Download the Grass extension
3) Connect and start mining

Additional notes of interest so you know what this project is all about, and what's to come, etc.

By participating in this service, users contribute to the growth of artificial intelligence, as AI labs are major customers of this network. All personal data is kept secure and private as all user activity remains protected.

As soon as the network has enough unique IP addresses, it will go live, and your points will be converted into actual compensation.

As of December 1st there has been 103,000 downloads and 1.4M unique IP addresses so the network is expanding rapidly.

Users can currently mine from their web browser, and Solana's Saga, but soon with iPhone, and Android. 👈 This is where I believe we will see the network effect.

I think Solana will be a key player during the bull run, know that AI is here to stay, and Grass is a necessary and ethical data collector that is seeing rapid expansion. Pre-mining a token before launch could end up being a smart play here.

*This post is not to be taken as financial advice. It is my own personal research and something that I am currently doing. Do your own research.*
RayHan bros
Hey My All Lovely Bros,

🗣️ I'm requesting for the first time, need your support for our community. We have 19.8k members, but only a few are casting votes.I spend more than 13hr on the community, providing accurate signal,btc update and more informations, but our community members can't spent 1 minute for voting 💔

👉 Today 3rd day but i received only 1k votes and 22th place 💔.If nobody is ready to spend 1 minute for our community, why should i spend more time here? 💔

👉 Vote if you like me. You can vote 3 times per day.

📌 Click here and vote me daily 3 times 🙏

👉 Share the link after voting for "Rayhanbros" to boost winning chances.

Make sure every day you wake up and vote for " @RayHan_bros "

👉 Vote the same name 3 times every day once you wake up early in the morning

👉 Vote me 3 daily till 15th and comment Done.

🗣️ Remember: A lot of hard work goes into providing you with the best investment articles. Your generous tips would empower our mission and help us work even harder to give the best investment advice.

#etf #BTC #XAI
RayHan bros
𝗕𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼 𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗻 𝟮𝟰 :

APT : $212 Million (8%)
INJ : $143 Million (4.53%)
OP : $75 Million (2.65%)

AXS : $25 Million (2.53%)
APE : $21 Million (4.23%)
ID : $14.1 Million (12.37%)

YGG : $8.49 Million (5.94%)
CYBER : $8.3 Million (8.51%)

📌 Bros today 3rd day for vote 👉 click here and vote me. Showed your fams
RayHan bros
💰 Don’t miss it bros - Free 500$💰

📌 If I get 15000 votes,then 10 people get it

🟢 How to get 👇

1) Click here and vote me daily 3 times
2) Follow and like this post
3) Quotes and share this post
4) Comment Done 🥰

🗣️ Must be complete above requirement 🥰

📌 Note : Next 5 days vote me 3 times daily then you will get give 🥰🤩

#etf #BTC #XAI
RayHan bros
🗣️ Hey Bros Are You Ready? Only 1 Day left!

🎖️ Random 5 people get 1000$ usdt, If ETF Approve 💰🤑

👉 Join Requirements 👇

1) Click Here and vote me 3 time daily.Vote and comment done ❤️
2) Follow me and like this post
3) Share and quote this post
4) Comment Done 👇❤️

📌 Note : No investment requirement.Only free
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RayHan bros
What is ETF ? ETF Approve??
ETF : Exchange Traded Fund. You all probably know that if Bitcoin ETF is approved, Bitcoin will pump massively. But many do not know what is Bitcoin ETF?Let's find out. Before understanding Bitcoin ETF, we need to understand about exchange history, many years ago Gold was used as a medium of exchange. But gradually it changed and the practice of using paper currency equivalent to gold was developed which is still there today. The fact that we are using this paper currency means that we all use gold as a medium of exchange.Because the bank has given us the security of paper currency of equivalent value to gold, but we rely on paper currency for exchange. This means that the Bank/Central Bank has the full right of intervention over our Assets. (This System is ETF)We all know our old world depends on US Currency. For this, the US government is able to control the maximum country. But Bitcoin stands as a threat to their system. Since everyone is now slowly accepting Bitcoin, the US Government wants to make mandatory Bitcoin ETF Approved through big institutions companies like Blackrock, Fidelity, Wisdom Tree. As a result, the US will have more Bitcoin holdings in the future. We know that many countries in the world follow the US. That's why we hope that the whole world will one day recognize Bitcoin/Digital Currency as a means of exchange.Note: The probability of Bitcoin ETF being approved is very high. It may be fixed time or may take more time than specified time. It is better not to buy based on this for short term. If you want to buy for long term then you can buy 30% of your portfolio in Strong Coin.📌 If you like our article, Click here and vote me ❤️🔄 Don’t forget like,comment, share and follow me ❤️#etf #BTC #BONK #XAI
RayHan bros
🗣️ Hey Bros now your time 🥰

💰 Stand a Chance to earn $10,000 usdt in the share pool by voting daily 💰🤑

🟢 So far I have done for you, now you do a little for me.

👉 Vote for @RayHan_bros .

👉 If you like me Click here and vote me ❤️🥰

or go to Event and search Rayhan bros then showed me profile thn vote me please bros.

📌 task 1 : Follow 5 new creator's and cast 5 daily votes.
📌 Task 2 : Share and quotes this post

👉 Vote me and comment Done🥰❤️

🗣️ Bros please vote me 🥰 just need yours support bros ❤️
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RayHan bros
🎁🎁 My All Lovely Bros 🎁🎁

🎁 This Is time to win Free $25,000🎁

👉 Share your Christmas Wish with #BinanceWish to enter

Check 👉 @Binance Square Official

👉 Check Binance square post post and comment & make sure you are following me

👉 Don’t ask why 👇🏼

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🔄🔄 Just Drop address 👇👇👇
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