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Fox Business ha riferito che il numero $BTC è aumentato del 315,678% dal 2013 📈 Charles Payne ha rivelato il motivo per cui le persone amano Bitcoin dicendo: “Il 28% dei giovani ha detto di volerlo e ti dirò perché. Tornando al 2013 e all’asset con la performance numero uno: Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin…”#btc#Bitcoin $BTC $ETH $BNB
Fox Business ha riferito che il numero $BTC è aumentato del 315,678% dal 2013 📈
Charles Payne ha rivelato il motivo per cui le persone amano Bitcoin dicendo: “Il 28% dei giovani ha detto di volerlo e ti dirò perché. Tornando al 2013 e all’asset con la performance numero uno: Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin…”#btc#Bitcoin $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Restituzione del prezzo PEPE al supporto a lungo termine L'industria delle monete meme nel suo complesso è crollata del 14,5% nell'ultimo giorno, con il prezzo del PEPE in calo del 18,29%. Secondo le indicazioni tecniche, potremmo vedere presto ulteriori cali. Con questo, il già precipitoso calo del 36,09% del PEPE da venerdì scorso è ancora più pronunciato. Meme Coin sembra essersi finalmente arreso; attualmente sono in ritardo rispetto ad altre grandi criptovalute come Bitcoin (BTC) ed Ethereum (ETH). Nonostante un calo del 46,78% questo mese, PEPE ha ancora un notevole rendimento annuo del 405,12%, superando di gran lunga le altre principali criptovalute. Un'ulteriore prova dell'aumento dell'attività e dell'interesse del mercato è l'aumento del 37,33% del volume degli scambi di PEPE a 1,30 miliardi di dollari nelle ultime 24 ore. Il prezzo di PEPE raggiunge il livello di supporto a lungo termine: resta sintonizzato per ulteriori vendite! Se si crede al grafico dei prezzi PEPE, questo picco di volume può essere un segno di ulteriore pressione di vendita. Analisi di mercato PEPE e grafico dei prezzi. Citazione: Binance. Nello specifico, intorno a $ 0,00000764, il prezzo PEPE sta rivalutando un importante supporto a lungo termine. Un forte rimbalzo dei prezzi da questo livello suggerirebbe che il mercato sia resiliente di fronte all’attuale tendenza ribassista. Ciò ha senso poiché l'indice di forza relativa (RSI) di PEPE è 30 (viola), collocandolo in territorio ipervenduto. Una possibile interpretazione è che l’attività sia sottovalutata, il che indicherebbe che è necessaria una correzione. Tuttavia, tendenze più ampie sollevano dubbi su questa possibilità. La cosa più importante da notare è che la 30DMA (gialla) ha replicato la flessione della 200DMA (blu) e ora sta scendendo rapidamente. Una forte tendenza al ribasso è stata confermata dall’allineamento delle medie mobili sia a breve che a lungo termine in una direzione verso il basso. Questa vulnerabilità non è temporanea; probabilmente rimarrà. Da quello che possiamo vedere, queste fondamenta sicuramente crolleranno nel lungo periodo. Il prossimo importante livello di supporto, intorno a 0,00000637$, potrebbe rappresentare il crollo del prezzo del PEPE.$BTC $ETH $BNB
Restituzione del prezzo PEPE al supporto a lungo termine
L'industria delle monete meme nel suo complesso è crollata del 14,5% nell'ultimo giorno, con il prezzo del PEPE in calo del 18,29%.
Secondo le indicazioni tecniche, potremmo vedere presto ulteriori cali.
Con questo, il già precipitoso calo del 36,09% del PEPE da venerdì scorso è ancora più pronunciato. Meme Coin sembra essersi finalmente arreso; attualmente sono in ritardo rispetto ad altre grandi criptovalute come Bitcoin (BTC) ed Ethereum (ETH).
Nonostante un calo del 46,78% questo mese, PEPE ha ancora un notevole rendimento annuo del 405,12%, superando di gran lunga le altre principali criptovalute.
Un'ulteriore prova dell'aumento dell'attività e dell'interesse del mercato è l'aumento del 37,33% del volume degli scambi di PEPE a 1,30 miliardi di dollari nelle ultime 24 ore.
Il prezzo di PEPE raggiunge il livello di supporto a lungo termine: resta sintonizzato per ulteriori vendite!
Se si crede al grafico dei prezzi PEPE, questo picco di volume può essere un segno di ulteriore pressione di vendita.
Analisi di mercato PEPE e grafico dei prezzi. Citazione: Binance.
Nello specifico, intorno a $ 0,00000764, il prezzo PEPE sta rivalutando un importante supporto a lungo termine. Un forte rimbalzo dei prezzi da questo livello suggerirebbe che il mercato sia resiliente di fronte all’attuale tendenza ribassista.
Ciò ha senso poiché l'indice di forza relativa (RSI) di PEPE è 30 (viola), collocandolo in territorio ipervenduto. Una possibile interpretazione è che l’attività sia sottovalutata, il che indicherebbe che è necessaria una correzione. Tuttavia, tendenze più ampie sollevano dubbi su questa possibilità.
La cosa più importante da notare è che la 30DMA (gialla) ha replicato la flessione della 200DMA (blu) e ora sta scendendo rapidamente.
Una forte tendenza al ribasso è stata confermata dall’allineamento delle medie mobili sia a breve che a lungo termine in una direzione verso il basso. Questa vulnerabilità non è temporanea; probabilmente rimarrà.
Da quello che possiamo vedere, queste fondamenta sicuramente crolleranno nel lungo periodo. Il prossimo importante livello di supporto, intorno a 0,00000637$, potrebbe rappresentare il crollo del prezzo del PEPE.$BTC $ETH $BNB
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Il dollaro NMT appare rialzista oggi, confermando il suo supporto primario a 5,5 dollari. Questo supporto definisce il percorso verso il nostro obiettivo di 12,1 dollari. Ci auguriamo che Bitcoin continui il suo slancio rialzista in questo momento. In precedenza, abbiamo registrato un profitto del 310%. $SOL $BNB $BTC
Il dollaro NMT appare rialzista oggi, confermando il suo supporto primario a 5,5 dollari. Questo supporto definisce il percorso verso il nostro obiettivo di 12,1 dollari. Ci auguriamo che Bitcoin continui il suo slancio rialzista in questo momento.
In precedenza, abbiamo registrato un profitto del 310%. $SOL $BNB $BTC
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🔥Blackrock $BLK ha accettato di acquisire il fornitore di dati britannico 🇬🇧 Preqin per 3,22 miliardi di dollari in contanti per rafforzare le sue capacità di dati - WSJ #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $BNB
🔥Blackrock $BLK ha accettato di acquisire il fornitore di dati britannico 🇬🇧 Preqin per 3,22 miliardi di dollari in contanti per rafforzare le sue capacità di dati - WSJ
#IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Aggiornamento delle ultime notizie! Avviso: la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti ha ottenuto una vittoria rivoluzionaria per l'industria delle criptovalute! 🚀 Ribaltando un precedente vecchio di 40 anni, la corte ha notevolmente ostacolato la capacità della SEC di far rispettare normative ambigue. Questa decisione storica potrebbe rallentare gli sforzi della SEC per regolamentare il mercato delle criptovalute. 🎉In sostanza, la Corte ha eliminato la dottrina della "deferenza Chevron", che in precedenza consentiva ai regolatori di interpretare leggi poco chiare in attesa di una legislazione più precisa da parte del Congresso. La corte ha criticato questa dottrina definendola "impraticabile" e fonte di "instabilità ingiustificata". 🛑 Questa sentenza segna un'importante vittoria per i leader delle criptovalute come Coinbase, Ripple, Binance e Kraken, che da tempo contestano l'autorità di regolamentazione della SEC. La Corte ha ora affermato che i regolatori non possono interpretare le leggi unicamente a causa della loro ambiguità. 🏆 Cosa ne pensi di questo sviluppo? Ciò apre la strada a una maggiore chiarezza normativa nel settore delle criptovalute o si tratta semplicemente di una pausa temporanea? Partecipa alla discussione nella sezione commenti!#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions#LayerZero#CPIAlert#IntroToCopytrading #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert $ETH $BNB $BTC
Aggiornamento delle ultime notizie! Avviso: la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti ha ottenuto una vittoria rivoluzionaria per l'industria delle criptovalute!
🚀 Ribaltando un precedente vecchio di 40 anni, la corte ha notevolmente ostacolato la capacità della SEC di far rispettare normative ambigue. Questa decisione storica potrebbe rallentare gli sforzi della SEC per regolamentare il mercato delle criptovalute. 🎉In sostanza, la Corte ha eliminato la dottrina della "deferenza Chevron", che in precedenza consentiva ai regolatori di interpretare leggi poco chiare in attesa di una legislazione più precisa da parte del Congresso.
La corte ha criticato questa dottrina definendola "impraticabile" e fonte di "instabilità ingiustificata". 🛑 Questa sentenza segna un'importante vittoria per i leader delle criptovalute come Coinbase, Ripple, Binance e Kraken, che da tempo contestano l'autorità di regolamentazione della SEC. La Corte ha ora affermato che i regolatori non possono interpretare le leggi unicamente a causa della loro ambiguità. 🏆 Cosa ne pensi di questo sviluppo?
Ciò apre la strada a una maggiore chiarezza normativa nel settore delle criptovalute o si tratta semplicemente di una pausa temporanea? Partecipa alla discussione nella sezione commenti!#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions#LayerZero#CPIAlert#IntroToCopytrading #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert $ETH $BNB $BTC
$ETH $BNB 🔥 **🚀 Pepe Coin was listed on Binance on May 5, 2023, with its initial price being around $0.000000057.** 🐸💥 🔥 **📈 Today, May 17, the price is $0.00001013.** 💸💰 🔥 **💹 If a trader bought Pepe Coin and held it for a year, then sold it at its current price, can you imagine how much he earned?** 🤑💵 🔥 **📊 According to news, Pepe Coin is expected to take a high pump by the end of this year.** 🚀🔝 🔥 **🌟 In my opinion, Pepe can pump even before 2025.** 💸📈 --- ### **Disclaimer:** 🔥 **🧐 This is only my opinion. Complete your research before buying any coin.** 📑⚠️$BTC
$ETH $BNB 🔥 **🚀 Pepe Coin was listed on Binance on May 5, 2023, with its initial price being around $0.000000057.** 🐸💥
🔥 **📈 Today, May 17, the price is $0.00001013.** 💸💰
🔥 **💹 If a trader bought Pepe Coin and held it for a year, then sold it at its current price, can you imagine how much he earned?** 🤑💵
🔥 **📊 According to news, Pepe Coin is expected to take a high pump by the end of this year.** 🚀🔝
🔥 **🌟 In my opinion, Pepe can pump even before 2025.** 💸📈
### **Disclaimer:**
🔥 **🧐 This is only my opinion. Complete your research before buying any coin.** 📑⚠️$BTC
😱🐸PEPE managed to attract attention with a 20% price increase in 24 hours #PEPE has risen by 20.5% in the last 24 hours and is trading at $0.00000740 at the time of writing. The asset's market capitalization increased to $ 2.92 billion, making it the 35th. he made it into the largest digital currency. Moreover, the daily trading volume of meme coin reached $ 1.14 billion, an increase of 24%. Inspired by the popular Pepe the Frog meme of the 2000s, the Pepe token was created in April 2023. The asset has recorded a rise of 12,200% since its inception, reaching an all-time high of $0.0000107 on March 14, bringing its market capitalization to $4.2 billion. It is important to note that Pepe is currently the third largest meme coin after Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). According to the data provided by Centiment, the PEPE currency inflow has decreased from 5.57 trillion tokens to 5.47 trillion tokens in the last 24 hours. However, the stock market output recorded a small increase and is hovering at 6 trillion pepe. This market behavior suggests that investors are slightly hoarding the meme token instead of selling it for short-term profit. Data from the market intelligence platform shows that the number of daily active addresses of Pepe has increased consistently over the past three days - from 2,670 on April 29 to 3,249 unique wallets at the time of reporting. When the price rises along with the number of active addresses, lower price volatility is usually expected due to the lower chance of whale manipulation. On the other hand, PEPE showed signs of overheating, with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) rising from 64 to 72 percent. At this point, the RSI indicator indicates that pepe is moderately overvalued and high price volatility is generally expected under these market conditions. an RSI below the 50 mark could potentially suggest further price increases for PEPE. #PEPEUSDT #Memecoins #binance
😱🐸PEPE managed to attract attention with a 20% price increase in 24 hours
#PEPE has risen by 20.5% in the last 24 hours and is trading at $0.00000740 at the time of writing. The asset's market capitalization increased to $ 2.92 billion, making it the 35th. he made it into the largest digital currency.
Moreover, the daily trading volume of meme coin reached $ 1.14 billion, an increase of 24%.
Inspired by the popular Pepe the Frog meme of the 2000s, the Pepe token was created in April 2023. The asset has recorded a rise of 12,200% since its inception, reaching an all-time high of $0.0000107 on March 14, bringing its market capitalization to $4.2 billion.
It is important to note that Pepe is currently the third largest meme coin after Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB).
According to the data provided by Centiment, the PEPE currency inflow has decreased from 5.57 trillion tokens to 5.47 trillion tokens in the last 24 hours. However, the stock market output recorded a small increase and is hovering at 6 trillion pepe.
This market behavior suggests that investors are slightly hoarding the meme token instead of selling it for short-term profit.
Data from the market intelligence platform shows that the number of daily active addresses of Pepe has increased consistently over the past three days - from 2,670 on April 29 to 3,249 unique wallets at the time of reporting.
When the price rises along with the number of active addresses, lower price volatility is usually expected due to the lower chance of whale manipulation.
On the other hand, PEPE showed signs of overheating, with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) rising from 64 to 72 percent. At this point, the RSI indicator indicates that pepe is moderately overvalued and high price volatility is generally expected under these market conditions.
an RSI below the 50 mark could potentially suggest further price increases for PEPE.
#PEPEUSDT #Memecoins #binance
$BNB Today, there are very important data releases on the US side. Both the PMI precursor data and the #Fed interest rate decision will cause significant volatility in the market. Especially,#xauusd and #nasdaq sides will show strong movements. "At 21:00 today, the FED interest rate decision will be announced. Expectations are that the FED will keep the interest rate unchanged, which is also my view. The part that concerns us is the statements Powell will make at 21:30. Why? Markets are now pricing in the FED's interest rate cuts based on the date. The current expectation is that the FED will cut rates only once by the end of the year (in December). Powell's speech is therefore important because if his remarks lead to earlier rate cuts and more than one cut, it would be favorable for #BTC $ETH
$BNB Today, there are very important data releases on the US side. Both the PMI precursor data and the #Fed interest rate decision will cause significant volatility in the market. Especially,#xauusd and #nasdaq sides will show strong movements.
"At 21:00 today, the FED interest rate decision will be announced. Expectations are that the FED will keep the interest rate unchanged, which is also my view.
The part that concerns us is the statements Powell will make at 21:30.
Markets are now pricing in the FED's interest rate cuts based on the date. The current expectation is that the FED will cut rates only once by the end of the year (in December).
Powell's speech is therefore important because if his remarks lead to earlier rate cuts and more than one cut, it would be favorable for #BTC $ETH
📢🔥 Attention Bitcoin (BTC) Investors: Brace Yourselves for FED Chairman Jerome Powell's Speech Tomorrow! 🚀💼 The cryptocurrency industry faces yet another whirlwind as sudden declines in Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins spark investor pressure. But fear not, as tomorrow's speech by US Federal Reserve (FED) chairman Jerome Powell could provide clarity and potentially influence the crypto market's direction. 🎙️ What to Expect from Powell's Speech: As per market experts, Powell may hint at the need for more time before policy adjustments, suggesting a possible rate cut in the future. The Fed is likely to adopt a wait-and-see approach until gaining clarity on inflation. 📉 Bank of America Economists' Insights: Economists anticipate quantitative tightening to slow down, with the US Treasury's monthly redemption limit possibly halved. Powell is expected to express satisfaction with the market's pricing of this year's rate cuts. 💡 Expert Opinions: While some foresee a smooth path ahead, others caution about potential market challenges post-rate cuts. Powell's tone and stance tomorrow could significantly impact market sentiment and direction. 🌟 Potential Impact on the Crypto Market: A softer stance from FED officials could potentially alleviate some pressure on the crypto market, leading to a partial recovery. Stay tuned for Powell's speech tomorrow night, as it could shape the trajectory of both traditional and crypto markets! 🚀🔍 #HKETF #BitcoinETFs #Megadrop #Fed
📢🔥 Attention Bitcoin (BTC) Investors: Brace Yourselves for FED Chairman Jerome Powell's Speech Tomorrow! 🚀💼
The cryptocurrency industry faces yet another whirlwind as sudden declines in Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins spark investor pressure. But fear not, as tomorrow's speech by US Federal Reserve (FED) chairman Jerome Powell could provide clarity and potentially influence the crypto market's direction.
🎙️ What to Expect from Powell's Speech:
As per market experts, Powell may hint at the need for more time before policy adjustments, suggesting a possible rate cut in the future. The Fed is likely to adopt a wait-and-see approach until gaining clarity on inflation.
📉 Bank of America Economists' Insights:
Economists anticipate quantitative tightening to slow down, with the US Treasury's monthly redemption limit possibly halved. Powell is expected to express satisfaction with the market's pricing of this year's rate cuts.
💡 Expert Opinions:
While some foresee a smooth path ahead, others caution about potential market challenges post-rate cuts. Powell's tone and stance tomorrow could significantly impact market sentiment and direction.
🌟 Potential Impact on the Crypto Market:
A softer stance from FED officials could potentially alleviate some pressure on the crypto market, leading to a partial recovery.
Stay tuned for Powell's speech tomorrow night, as it could shape the trajectory of both traditional and crypto markets! 🚀🔍
#HKETF #BitcoinETFs #Megadrop #Fed
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Miliardi di Shiba Inu (SHIB) di Coinbase in 24 ore: cosa sta succedendo? SHIBUSD −7,44% Miliardi di token Shiba Inu sono stati trasferiti da Coinbase a un indirizzo sconosciuto nelle ultime 24 ore. Questo movimento fa parte di un modello più ampio di transazioni ad alto volume che coinvolgono SHIB, che include numerosi trasferimenti di grandi dimensioni da e verso vari indirizzi, come quelli facilitati da Uniswap e altre grandi entità crittografiche. Il trasferimento da parte di Coinbase, che coinvolge 100.009 miliardi di SHIB, ha un valore di circa 2,37 milioni di dollari. Tali movimenti possono spesso essere attribuiti a diverse ragioni strategiche o operative, tra cui la gestione della liquidità, le transazioni dei clienti istituzionali o la riorganizzazione del portafoglio. Fonte: IntoTheBlock Questa recente transazione arriva in un momento in cui i parametri a catena per Shiba Inu suggeriscono un aumento dell’attività. Sono stati osservati grandi volumi di transazioni, con un picco recente, come mostrato nei dati blockchain. Questi parametri sono cruciali in quanto forniscono informazioni sulle dinamiche di mercato e sul comportamento degli investitori riguardo a SHIB. Da un punto di vista tecnico, il prezzo di SHIB ha subito delle fluttuazioni, attualmente oscillando attorno ai livelli chiave di supporto e resistenza. Il prezzo dell'asset ha recentemente testato la resistenza a 0,00002270 $, ma non è riuscito a sfondarla, portando a un nuovo test dei livelli di supporto inferiori vicino a 0,00002172 $. Se SHIB riuscisse a consolidarsi al di sopra di questo supporto, potrebbe esserci il potenziale per un rally verso la resistenza a 0,00002396 dollari, fornendo uno scenario di crescita per l'asset. L'incapacità di mantenere il livello di supporto potrebbe spingere il prezzo di SHIB verso ulteriori minimi, possibilmente testando il prossimo supporto significativo vicino a $ 0,00001741 che coincide con 200 EMA. Sarà fondamentale tenere d’occhio tali movimenti, poiché potrebbero dettare il sentiment del mercato a breve termine e il comportamento commerciale attorno allo SHIB. Nel complesso, i grandi trasferimenti e gli attuali dati on-chain per Shiba Inu dipingono il quadro di una rete attiva con un interesse fluttuante degli investitori.8927555879#HKETF#Fed #shibabullbear
Miliardi di Shiba Inu (SHIB) di Coinbase in 24 ore: cosa sta succedendo?
SHIBUSD −7,44%
Miliardi di token Shiba Inu sono stati trasferiti da Coinbase a un indirizzo sconosciuto nelle ultime 24 ore. Questo movimento fa parte di un modello più ampio di transazioni ad alto volume che coinvolgono SHIB, che include numerosi trasferimenti di grandi dimensioni da e verso vari indirizzi, come quelli facilitati da Uniswap e altre grandi entità crittografiche.
Il trasferimento da parte di Coinbase, che coinvolge 100.009 miliardi di SHIB, ha un valore di circa 2,37 milioni di dollari. Tali movimenti possono spesso essere attribuiti a diverse ragioni strategiche o operative, tra cui la gestione della liquidità, le transazioni dei clienti istituzionali o la riorganizzazione del portafoglio. Fonte: IntoTheBlock
Questa recente transazione arriva in un momento in cui i parametri a catena per Shiba Inu suggeriscono un aumento dell’attività. Sono stati osservati grandi volumi di transazioni, con un picco recente, come mostrato nei dati blockchain. Questi parametri sono cruciali in quanto forniscono informazioni sulle dinamiche di mercato e sul comportamento degli investitori riguardo a SHIB.
Da un punto di vista tecnico, il prezzo di SHIB ha subito delle fluttuazioni, attualmente oscillando attorno ai livelli chiave di supporto e resistenza. Il prezzo dell'asset ha recentemente testato la resistenza a 0,00002270 $, ma non è riuscito a sfondarla, portando a un nuovo test dei livelli di supporto inferiori vicino a 0,00002172 $.
Se SHIB riuscisse a consolidarsi al di sopra di questo supporto, potrebbe esserci il potenziale per un rally verso la resistenza a 0,00002396 dollari, fornendo uno scenario di crescita per l'asset.
L'incapacità di mantenere il livello di supporto potrebbe spingere il prezzo di SHIB verso ulteriori minimi, possibilmente testando il prossimo supporto significativo vicino a $ 0,00001741 che coincide con 200 EMA. Sarà fondamentale tenere d’occhio tali movimenti, poiché potrebbero dettare il sentiment del mercato a breve termine e il comportamento commerciale attorno allo SHIB.
Nel complesso, i grandi trasferimenti e gli attuali dati on-chain per Shiba Inu dipingono il quadro di una rete attiva con un interesse fluttuante degli investitori.8927555879#HKETF#Fed #shibabullbear
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Tutti voi coraggiosi possessori di monete $PEPE. Presto arriveranno buone notizie. Aspetta e divertiti. Inoltre, non essere troppo avido. Vendilo quando raggiunge $ 0,0000098 perché poi scenderà di nuovo a $ 0,0000076. È la possibilità di acquistare nuovamente e vendere a $ 0,00001. Entro la fine di quest'anno godrai di 000 zeri e guadagnerai almeno 10x o 15x$BTC $ETH $BNB
Tutti voi coraggiosi possessori di monete $PEPE. Presto arriveranno buone notizie. Aspetta e divertiti. Inoltre, non essere troppo avido. Vendilo quando raggiunge $ 0,0000098 perché poi scenderà di nuovo a $ 0,0000076. È la possibilità di acquistare nuovamente e vendere a $ 0,00001. Entro la fine di quest'anno godrai di 000 zeri e guadagnerai almeno 10x o 15x$BTC $ETH $BNB
$BTC BTC.Dominance broke out and alts are taking hit, as you guys were warned. #HKETF #Megadrop #Fed #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
BTC.Dominance broke out and alts are taking hit, as you guys were warned.
#HKETF #Megadrop #Fed #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
ETHER ON THE RISE?🚀 #Ethereum Exchange Supply Dwindles Faster Than Bitcoin Glassnode data reveals a fascinating trend: $ETH exchange supply is dropping faster than Bitcoin's.😱 This suggests investors are actively moving #ETH off exchanges, potentially into long-term positions. What's Your Thoughts on this ??? $BTC $BNB $BNB
ETHER ON THE RISE?🚀 #Ethereum Exchange Supply Dwindles Faster Than Bitcoin
Glassnode data reveals a fascinating trend: $ETH exchange supply is dropping faster than Bitcoin's.😱
This suggests investors are actively moving #ETH off exchanges, potentially into long-term positions.
What's Your Thoughts on this ???
What is my trading strategy and how can you trade with it? ------------------------- Let's say the current price of $BTC is $63,000 and you think the price will move between $63,000 and $65,000 for a few days. Let your principal be $10,000. If you buy $10,000 directly at the $63,000 price, you'll only be able to look at the price if it goes down. Rather than buying with all your money, you can enter buy orders by dividing your money by 10 in the area where BTC over 1%. For example, instead of buying $10,000 directly at $63,000, you could buy $1,000 at $63,000, $1,000 at $62,900, $1,000 at $62,800. In this way, if the price goes down, you can make a DCA and move your entry point to a better place. You can think of this example in reverse. The price is currently at $65,000 and you want to open a short position. Instead of opening a short position of $10,000, it would be better for you to enter sell orders piecemeal. This trading strategy requires a really strong psychology because sometimes you can miss opportunities, but it is definitely the safest trading strategy you can do. Today was an extremely active market and you can see how much I traded in the image below. Not going all-in on a position always gives you an advantage and space in the game. If you take action in this way, you won't be upset if the price goes up or down, you can profit either way. I am using this strategy to challenge from $4,000 to $400,000. I will be sharing my current chart from time to time. I traded $ETH & $BTC a lot. I am sharing my previous positions below.
What is my trading strategy and how can you trade with it?
Let's say the current price of $BTC is $63,000 and you think the price will move between $63,000 and $65,000 for a few days.
Let your principal be $10,000. If you buy $10,000 directly at the $63,000 price, you'll only be able to look at the price if it goes down.
Rather than buying with all your money, you can enter buy orders by dividing your money by 10 in the area where BTC over 1%.
For example, instead of buying $10,000 directly at $63,000, you could buy $1,000 at $63,000, $1,000 at $62,900, $1,000 at $62,800. In this way, if the price goes down, you can make a DCA and move your entry point to a better place.
You can think of this example in reverse. The price is currently at $65,000 and you want to open a short position. Instead of opening a short position of $10,000, it would be better for you to enter sell orders piecemeal.
This trading strategy requires a really strong psychology because sometimes you can miss opportunities, but it is definitely the safest trading strategy you can do.
Today was an extremely active market and you can see how much I traded in the image below. Not going all-in on a position always gives you an advantage and space in the game. If you take action in this way, you won't be upset if the price goes up or down, you can profit either way.
I am using this strategy to challenge from $4,000 to $400,000. I will be sharing my current chart from time to time.
I traded $ETH & $BTC a lot. I am sharing my previous positions below.
$PEPE $BTC 🚀 **Pepe Coin's Rise Post-Coinbase Listing: A Signal for Dogeverse's Potential?** 🌟 The crypto market is wild! 📈 Recently, Pepe Coin moonwalked 🌕 after getting listed on Coinbase. 🎉 It did a 20% cha-cha 💃 in value! But wait, could Dogeverse be the next rocket ship? 🚀🐶 🔍 **Pepe's Journey**: Pepe Coin's value went brrr 📈, soaring over 700% since February. 🚀 Then, Coinbase added it to their VIP list 📝, and boom! 🎆 The price did the Macarena. 💃 🐕 **Enter Dogeverse**: Imagine Dogecoin with a twist! 🌀 Dogeverse is like Dogecoin's cool cousin. It's all about community vibes 🤝 and cross-chain magic. ✨ 📈 **Price Predictions**: Experts predict Dogeverse could hit $0.00065 by 2024. 🌠 That's like finding a unicorn 🦄 in a meme forest! 🌲 🚨 **Disclaimer**: Crypto rides are wilder than a rollercoaster 🎢. Buckle up, do your research 📚, and remember: 🚫 Not financial advice! 🙅‍♂️ Stay tuned! 📺 Dogeverse might just be the next moonshot! 🌙🚀 #PEPE❤️ #BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop
🚀 **Pepe Coin's Rise Post-Coinbase Listing: A Signal for Dogeverse's Potential?** 🌟
The crypto market is wild! 📈 Recently, Pepe Coin moonwalked 🌕 after getting listed on Coinbase. 🎉 It did a 20% cha-cha 💃 in value! But wait, could Dogeverse be the next rocket ship? 🚀🐶
🔍 **Pepe's Journey**: Pepe Coin's value went brrr 📈, soaring over 700% since February. 🚀 Then, Coinbase added it to their VIP list 📝, and boom! 🎆 The price did the Macarena. 💃
🐕 **Enter Dogeverse**: Imagine Dogecoin with a twist! 🌀 Dogeverse is like Dogecoin's cool cousin. It's all about community vibes 🤝 and cross-chain magic. ✨
📈 **Price Predictions**: Experts predict Dogeverse could hit $0.00065 by 2024. 🌠 That's like finding a unicorn 🦄 in a meme forest! 🌲
🚨 **Disclaimer**: Crypto rides are wilder than a rollercoaster 🎢. Buckle up, do your research 📚, and remember: 🚫 Not financial advice! 🙅‍♂️
Stay tuned! 📺 Dogeverse might just be the next moonshot! 🌙🚀
$BTC Solo miner strikes lucky! Against all odds, a Bitcoin miner just solved a block solo, earning 3.125 $BTC (around $200,000). This is only the 282nd time this has happened in Bitcoin's history! Mining solo is super difficult because it requires immense computational power. With network hash rate at 618 EH/s, miners usually join pools to combine power. This lucky miner had a hash rate of 120PH, just 0.02% of the network! Congrats to the winner! #bitcoinhalving #BTC #bitcoin #Mining100Million #cryptoniteuae $SOL
$BTC Solo miner strikes lucky! Against all odds, a Bitcoin miner just solved a block solo, earning 3.125 $BTC (around $200,000). This is only the 282nd time this has happened in Bitcoin's history! Mining solo is super difficult because it requires immense computational power. With network hash rate at 618 EH/s, miners usually join pools to combine power. This lucky miner had a hash rate of 120PH, just 0.02% of the network! Congrats to the winner!
#bitcoinhalving #BTC #bitcoin #Mining100Million #cryptoniteuae
$USDC "Want to make $50,000 with Shiba Inu (SHIB)? Here's how many tokens you'd need at different price points: - $0.0065: approximately 7,692,307 SHIB - $0.02: approximately 2,500,000 SHIB - $0.19: approximately 263,157 SHIB Remember, cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate greatly and may result in significant losses or gains. Additionally, fees associated with buying or selling SHIB are not included in this calculation. Always do your own research and consider the risks before making investment decisions. $BTC $BNB
$USDC "Want to make $50,000 with Shiba Inu (SHIB)? Here's how many tokens you'd need at different price points:
- $0.0065: approximately 7,692,307 SHIB
- $0.02: approximately 2,500,000 SHIB
- $0.19: approximately 263,157 SHIB
Remember, cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate greatly and may result in significant losses or gains. Additionally, fees associated with buying or selling SHIB are not included in this calculation. Always do your own research and consider the risks before making investment decisions. $BTC $BNB
‼️‼️‼️These memecoins could turn $1,000 into $100,000 (by market cap): 1. $WIF ($2.58B) 2. $BOME ($516.2M) 3. $MEW ($479M) 4. $BODEN ($431.6M) 5. $SLERF ($208.5M) 6. $WEN ($169.7M) 7. $TOSHI ($156.1M) 8. $MYRO ($150.2M) 9. $PONKE ($77M) 10. $ROOST ($30.5M) 11. $CONAN ($21M) 12. $DUKO ($16.1M) 13. $SOLAMA ($12.1M) 14. $GME ($3.7M) Any others?👇 #Memecoins #Altcoinseason2024 #SolanaMemeCoin
‼️‼️‼️These memecoins could turn $1,000 into $100,000 (by market cap):
1. $WIF ($2.58B)
2. $BOME ($516.2M)
3. $MEW ($479M)
4. $BODEN ($431.6M)
5. $SLERF ($208.5M)
6. $WEN ($169.7M)
7. $TOSHI ($156.1M)
8. $MYRO ($150.2M)
9. $PONKE ($77M)
10. $ROOST ($30.5M)
11. $CONAN ($21M)
12. $DUKO ($16.1M)
13. $SOLAMA ($12.1M)
14. $GME ($3.7M)
Any others?👇 #Memecoins #Altcoinseason2024 #SolanaMemeCoin
#MarketSentimentToday In May, $SHIB Should Reach New ATH Changelly predicted Shiba Inu's price from May to End of 2024 on Wednesday, April 24. Shiba Inu fell 14.06% after reaching record highs of $0.00004, according to CoinMarketCap. Changelly analysts expect Shiba Inu prices to surpass all-time highs next month. They forecast the cryptocurrency to rise slowly to $0.000312 in April before exploding to $0.000087 by May. Changelly expects May Shiba Inu prices to average $0.000034 and drop to $0.0000061. Analysts say Shiba Inu has been rising 22.22% in recent days due to good pricing fundamentals. The cryptocurrency dropped sharply in March due to declining demand for meme coins. Changelly expects Shiba Inu to climb 11.97% by April 26, 2024. According to CoinMarketCap, the coin is trading at $0.000025, up 1.35% in 24 hours and 12.58% in 7 days. Changelly boldly stated that Shiba Inu may become a “solid asset” in the volatile cryptocurrency industry if it breaks adverse trends and rises to projected levels. Price Will Fall After Bullish Surge Due to price swings, Changelly expects Shiba Inu to fall after its positive price projection in May. Crypto exchange analysts expect a June decrease of $0.00005, with a low of $0.000024 and a high of $0.000075. Shiba Inu may fall to $0.000025 by July 2024. From August to October, Shiba Inu prices are expected to rise to over $0.00008. Changelly has warned that the cryptocurrency may plummet in December despite its positive forecast. Shiba Inu may reach new lows of $0.000014 on average, with a minimum and highest trading value of $0.000014 and $0.000013. #SHIB #Memecoins #BTC SHIB 0.00002495 +0.56% Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. Share with friends now Give a Tip 0 people tipped the creator. 14.7k Views 26 Likes 0 Quotes 3 Shares 4 Replies Most Relevant Most Recent Shawanda Suren rTHP
In May, $SHIB Should Reach New ATH
Changelly predicted Shiba Inu's price from May to End of 2024 on Wednesday, April 24. Shiba Inu fell 14.06% after reaching record highs of $0.00004, according to CoinMarketCap.
Changelly analysts expect Shiba Inu prices to surpass all-time highs next month. They forecast the cryptocurrency to rise slowly to $0.000312 in April before exploding to $0.000087 by May.
Changelly expects May Shiba Inu prices to average $0.000034 and drop to $0.0000061. Analysts say Shiba Inu has been rising 22.22% in recent days due to good pricing fundamentals.
The cryptocurrency dropped sharply in March due to declining demand for meme coins. Changelly expects Shiba Inu to climb 11.97% by April 26, 2024.
According to CoinMarketCap, the coin is trading at $0.000025, up 1.35% in 24 hours and 12.58% in 7 days. Changelly boldly stated that Shiba Inu may become a “solid asset” in the volatile cryptocurrency industry if it breaks adverse trends and rises to projected levels.
Price Will Fall After Bullish Surge
Due to price swings, Changelly expects Shiba Inu to fall after its positive price projection in May. Crypto exchange analysts expect a June decrease of $0.00005, with a low of $0.000024 and a high of $0.000075.
Shiba Inu may fall to $0.000025 by July 2024. From August to October, Shiba Inu prices are expected to rise to over $0.00008.
Changelly has warned that the cryptocurrency may plummet in December despite its positive forecast. Shiba Inu may reach new lows of $0.000014 on average, with a minimum and highest trading value of $0.000014 and $0.000013.
#SHIB #Memecoins #BTC
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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Shawanda Suren rTHP
#Ways P2P scammers tricked me and stole all my savings of $10,000 P2P trading on Binance can be a convenient way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, but it also comes with risks. Scammers are constantly devising new schemes to trick unsuspecting traders. Here are some common scams to watch out for: Phishing Scams: Scammers may create fake websites or impersonate legitimate users to steal your login credentials or personal information. Payment Reversal Scams: Scammers send funds through a payment app, claim they made a mistake, and ask for a refund. Once you refund the money, they reverse the initial payment. Fake Payment Confirmation: Scammers create fake payment confirmation screenshots to trick you into releasing your goods or services without actually paying. Overpayment Scams: Scammers overpay for an item and ask for a refund of the excess amount. The initial payment is fake, leaving you out of pocket. Escrow Impersonation: Scammers pose as reputable escrow services, offering to hold funds until the transaction is complete. They disappear once you've sent your items or released the funds. Identity Theft: Sharing personal #ScamRiskWarning for verification purposes can lead to identity theft or other fraudulent activities. Remote Access Scams: Scammers convince you to install remote access software under the pretext of assisting with the transaction. They can then steal sensitive information or manipulate the trade. To protect yourself: Use Reputable Platforms: Stick to well-known and reputable P2P trading platforms like Binance. Verify Payments: Always verify payments in your account before proceeding with a trade. Double-Check Details: Scrutinize all trade details and reach out to official customer support if something seems off. Secure Communication: Use the platform's secure messaging system and avoid sharing personal contact information too early. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest scams and tactics used by scammers in P2P trading. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from falling victim to these scams.
#Ways P2P scammers tricked me and stole all my savings of $10,000
P2P trading on Binance can be a convenient way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, but it also comes with risks. Scammers are constantly devising new schemes to trick unsuspecting traders. Here are some common scams to watch out for:
Phishing Scams: Scammers may create fake websites or impersonate legitimate users to steal your login credentials or personal information.
Payment Reversal Scams: Scammers send funds through a payment app, claim they made a mistake, and ask for a refund. Once you refund the money, they reverse the initial payment.
Fake Payment Confirmation: Scammers create fake payment confirmation screenshots to trick you into releasing your goods or services without actually paying.
Overpayment Scams: Scammers overpay for an item and ask for a refund of the excess amount. The initial payment is fake, leaving you out of pocket.
Escrow Impersonation: Scammers pose as reputable escrow services, offering to hold funds until the transaction is complete. They disappear once you've sent your items or released the funds.
Identity Theft: Sharing personal #ScamRiskWarning for verification purposes can lead to identity theft or other fraudulent activities.
Remote Access Scams: Scammers convince you to install remote access software under the pretext of assisting with the transaction. They can then steal sensitive information or manipulate the trade.
To protect yourself:
Use Reputable Platforms: Stick to well-known and reputable P2P trading platforms like Binance.
Verify Payments: Always verify payments in your account before proceeding with a trade.
Double-Check Details: Scrutinize all trade details and reach out to official customer support if something seems off.
Secure Communication: Use the platform's secure messaging system and avoid sharing personal contact information too early.
Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest scams and tactics used by scammers in P2P trading.
Stay vigilant and protect yourself from falling victim to these scams.
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