Binance Square
Islam Muhammad Shah
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$BTC$ETH$BNB 🛑🛑🛑 Aggiornamento urgente ultime novità Il crimine crittografico è troppo facile Se non possiamo contribuire a proteggere le finanze delle persone nel 2024, cosa significa questo per il futuro dei nostri sistemi finanziari? 1️⃣ Le ingenti somme di denaro perse a causa di truffe e frodi legate alle criptovalute rappresentano probabilmente il più grande saccheggio finanziario nella storia degli Stati Uniti. L’FBI ha registrato perdite per oltre 12,5 miliardi di dollari nel 2023, il 22% in più rispetto all’anno precedente. L'Internet Crime Center dell'agenzia ha ricevuto la cifra record di 880.418 denunce da parte di americani riguardo potenziali furti di criptovalute e online. Considerando che la maggior parte delle persone prese di mira non denuncia i propri casi alle forze dell’ordine, queste statistiche implicano una realtà ancora più agghiacciante. Abbiamo bisogno di un’azione collettiva per risolvere questa situazione, da solide soluzioni di sicurezza a quadri normativi e politici innovativi. È l’unica via d’uscita – e molti già colpiti hanno tempo in prestito. 2️⃣ Chiediamo ai leader delle comunità, ai politici e ai decisori politici di farsi avanti e proteggere le comunità vulnerabili. Le circostanze attuali richiedono da parte loro misure proattive e durature. Questa è una battaglia tra il bene e il male, in cui i regolatori e gli innovatori delle criptovalute dovrebbero essere alleati, non avversari. Che piaccia o no, le criptovalute sono qui per restare: ma non possono persistere nella sua forma attuale. Dobbiamo dare priorità alla responsabilità e alla trasparenza per consentire a questa tecnologia innovativa di prosperare e garantire che più persone prosperino in un panorama finanziario sicuro. Rendiamo di nuovo illegale il crimine. Parte 1️⃣ ♥️ Grazie per aver guardato il mio post ♥️ ♥️Puoi supportarmi con suggerimenti per fornire contenuti migliori♥️#ScamRiskWarning#btc#eth#bnb #scam
🛑🛑🛑 Aggiornamento urgente ultime novità
Il crimine crittografico è troppo facile
Se non possiamo contribuire a proteggere le finanze delle persone nel 2024, cosa significa questo per il futuro dei nostri sistemi finanziari?
1️⃣ Le ingenti somme di denaro perse a causa di truffe e frodi legate alle criptovalute rappresentano probabilmente il più grande saccheggio finanziario nella storia degli Stati Uniti.
L’FBI ha registrato perdite per oltre 12,5 miliardi di dollari nel 2023, il 22% in più rispetto all’anno precedente. L'Internet Crime Center dell'agenzia ha ricevuto la cifra record di 880.418 denunce da parte di americani riguardo potenziali furti di criptovalute e online. Considerando che la maggior parte delle persone prese di mira non denuncia i propri casi alle forze dell’ordine, queste statistiche implicano una realtà ancora più agghiacciante.
Abbiamo bisogno di un’azione collettiva per risolvere questa situazione, da solide soluzioni di sicurezza a quadri normativi e politici innovativi. È l’unica via d’uscita – e molti già colpiti hanno tempo in prestito.
2️⃣ Chiediamo ai leader delle comunità, ai politici e ai decisori politici di farsi avanti e proteggere le comunità vulnerabili. Le circostanze attuali richiedono da parte loro misure proattive e durature. Questa è una battaglia tra il bene e il male, in cui i regolatori e gli innovatori delle criptovalute dovrebbero essere alleati, non avversari.
Che piaccia o no, le criptovalute sono qui per restare: ma non possono persistere nella sua forma attuale. Dobbiamo dare priorità alla responsabilità e alla trasparenza per consentire a questa tecnologia innovativa di prosperare e garantire che più persone prosperino in un panorama finanziario sicuro.
Rendiamo di nuovo illegale il crimine.
Parte 1️⃣

♥️ Grazie per aver guardato il mio post ♥️
♥️Puoi supportarmi con suggerimenti per fornire contenuti migliori♥️#ScamRiskWarning#btc#eth#bnb #scam
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🚨 Aggiornamento urgente: 20 miliardi di dollari congelati su Binance, trading di Bitcoin sospeso! 💰🛑 🔒 Asset bloccati: rapporti scioccanti rivelano 20 miliardi di dollari congelati su Binance, un importante scambio di criptovalute, scatenando ondate di speculazione e preoccupazione tra gli investitori. ❓ Svelare il mistero: l'origine e le parti dietro questo massiccio trasferimento rimangono avvolte nel mistero, lasciando sia gli investitori che gli analisti alla ricerca di risposte. 🌐 Effetto a catena: le ripercussioni si propagano oltre Binance, gettando incertezza sull'economia russa e sulla sua resilienza di fronte a potenziali sconvolgimenti finanziari. 💼 Stabilità economica in gioco: i dubbi incombono sulla robustezza economica della Russia, sollevando interrogativi sulla sua capacità di resistere alle ricadute di asset di criptovaluta inaccessibili. 🔍 Rimani vigile: tieni gli occhi aperti man mano che si svelano ulteriori dettagli sui fondi congelati su Binance e il loro impatto di vasta portata sul mercato delle criptovalute e sull'economia globale!📈💼
🚨 Aggiornamento urgente: 20 miliardi di dollari congelati su Binance, trading di Bitcoin sospeso! 💰🛑
🔒 Asset bloccati: rapporti scioccanti rivelano 20 miliardi di dollari congelati su Binance, un importante scambio di criptovalute, scatenando ondate di speculazione e preoccupazione tra gli investitori.
❓ Svelare il mistero: l'origine e le parti dietro questo massiccio trasferimento rimangono avvolte nel mistero, lasciando sia gli investitori che gli analisti alla ricerca di risposte.
🌐 Effetto a catena: le ripercussioni si propagano oltre Binance, gettando incertezza sull'economia russa e sulla sua resilienza di fronte a potenziali sconvolgimenti finanziari.
💼 Stabilità economica in gioco: i dubbi incombono sulla robustezza economica della Russia, sollevando interrogativi sulla sua capacità di resistere alle ricadute di asset di criptovaluta inaccessibili.
🔍 Rimani vigile: tieni gli occhi aperti man mano che si svelano ulteriori dettagli sui fondi congelati su Binance e il loro impatto di vasta portata sul mercato delle criptovalute e sull'economia globale!📈💼
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Il nostro aggiornamento del prezzo da BTC a USD in tempo reale mostra il prezzo attuale di Bitcoin pari a $ 65.061,9 USD. La nostra più recente previsione del prezzo del Bitcoin indica che il suo valore aumenterà dell'11,62% e raggiungerà i 72.614 dollari entro il 23 aprile 2024.
Il nostro aggiornamento del prezzo da BTC a USD in tempo reale mostra il prezzo attuale di Bitcoin pari a $ 65.061,9 USD. La nostra più recente previsione del prezzo del Bitcoin indica che il suo valore aumenterà dell'11,62% e raggiungerà i 72.614 dollari entro il 23 aprile 2024.
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Avviso ultime notizie 🚨 Gli esperti di Token2025 a New York, negli Stati Uniti, hanno fatto previsioni per le 10 principali monete: 1) $BTC dovrebbe raggiungere gli 80.000 dollari a maggio. 2) Si prevede che ETH raggiungerà i 4.500 dollari entro maggio-giugno. 3) BNB previsto a 650$ nel periodo maggio-giugno. 4) Si prevede che SOL raggiunga i 350 dollari a maggio-giugno. 5) Si prevede che DOT raggiunga i 45 dollari entro giugno. 6) Matic previsto a 3,5 dollari entro giugno-luglio. 7) ADA previsto a 1,9 dollari entro maggio-giugno. 8) Si prevede che NEAR raggiunga i 15 dollari entro maggio-giugno. 9) AGIX previsto a 3,5 dollari entro giugno. 10)$DOGE dovrebbe raggiungere $0,45 entro giugno-luglio. 11) SHIB dovrebbe raggiungere $ 0,0005 12) Si prevede che $ENA raggiunga i 4,5$ 13 SAGA promette $ 7,3#Megadrop#bitcoinhalving#Token2049#BullorBear #MemeCoinsSeason
Avviso ultime notizie 🚨 Gli esperti di Token2025 a New York, negli Stati Uniti, hanno fatto previsioni per le 10 principali monete:
1) $BTC dovrebbe raggiungere gli 80.000 dollari a maggio.
2) Si prevede che ETH raggiungerà i 4.500 dollari entro maggio-giugno.
3) BNB previsto a 650$ nel periodo maggio-giugno.
4) Si prevede che SOL raggiunga i 350 dollari a maggio-giugno.
5) Si prevede che DOT raggiunga i 45 dollari entro giugno.
6) Matic previsto a 3,5 dollari entro giugno-luglio.
7) ADA previsto a 1,9 dollari entro maggio-giugno.
8) Si prevede che NEAR raggiunga i 15 dollari entro maggio-giugno.
9) AGIX previsto a 3,5 dollari entro giugno.
10)$DOGE dovrebbe raggiungere $0,45 entro giugno-luglio.
11) SHIB dovrebbe raggiungere $ 0,0005
12) Si prevede che $ENA raggiunga i 4,5$
13 SAGA promette $ 7,3#Megadrop#bitcoinhalving#Token2049#BullorBear #MemeCoinsSeason
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APPENA ENTRATO: rimangono 1.000 blocchi fino al dimezzamento di Bitcoin. È ora di guadagnare MILIONI Al Halving di Bitcoin mancano solo 6 giorni e 15 ore. Consigli per tutti i trader di criptovalute (nuovi ed esperti) 1. Niente panico... Mantieni la calma 2. Evitare il trading futuro. (Evita anche la leva finanziaria) 3. Fai solo trading Spot perché i trader Spot riceveranno indietro i soldi. 4. questa non è la prima volta che il mercato complessivo delle criptovalute è in dumping. 5. Un altro motivo importante per cui il mercato delle criptovalute viene abbandonato a causa delle voci. 6. Tutti coloro che hanno intrapreso il commercio e ora sono in perdita, o vendono le loro monete o pensano a cosa diavolo sta succedendo. Lascia che ti dica una cosa: questi alti e bassi fanno parte del mercato e ciò accade non solo oggi, ma accadrà ancora e ancora. 7. Il viaggio della Vita è strano. Arrivi con niente e lotti per tutto e alla fine lasci tutto e te ne vai senza niente. Scegli di essere felice con qualunque cosa tu abbia. 8. Il fallimento non raggiungerà mai me (tu) se la mia determinazione ad avere successo è abbastanza forte. Segui per saperne di più. grazie ❤️ ❤️MI PIACE 🫂SEGUI 🗳RIQUOTA O CONDIVIDI ⌨️ COMMENTA 🫂Ricorda: è necessario molto duro lavoro per fornirti i migliori articoli di investimento. I tuoi generosi consigli rafforzerebbero la nostra missione e ci aiuterebbero a lavorare ancora più duramente per fornirti i migliori consigli di investimento.#Dimezzare#BTCHalvingApril2024
APPENA ENTRATO: rimangono 1.000 blocchi fino al dimezzamento di Bitcoin.
È ora di guadagnare MILIONI
Al Halving di Bitcoin mancano solo 6 giorni e 15 ore.
Consigli per tutti i trader di criptovalute (nuovi ed esperti)
1. Niente panico... Mantieni la calma
2. Evitare il trading futuro. (Evita anche la leva finanziaria)
3. Fai solo trading Spot perché i trader Spot riceveranno indietro i soldi.
4. questa non è la prima volta che il mercato complessivo delle criptovalute è in dumping.
5. Un altro motivo importante per cui il mercato delle criptovalute viene abbandonato a causa delle voci.
6. Tutti coloro che hanno intrapreso il commercio e ora sono in perdita, o vendono le loro monete o pensano a cosa diavolo sta succedendo.
Lascia che ti dica una cosa: questi alti e bassi fanno parte del mercato e ciò accade non solo oggi, ma accadrà ancora e ancora.
7. Il viaggio della Vita è strano. Arrivi con niente e lotti per tutto e alla fine lasci tutto e te ne vai senza niente. Scegli di essere felice con qualunque cosa tu abbia.
8. Il fallimento non raggiungerà mai me (tu) se la mia determinazione ad avere successo è abbastanza forte.
Segui per saperne di più. grazie ❤️
🫂Ricorda: è necessario molto duro lavoro per fornirti i migliori articoli di investimento. I tuoi generosi consigli rafforzerebbero la nostra missione e ci aiuterebbero a lavorare ancora più duramente per fornirti i migliori consigli di investimento.#Dimezzare#BTCHalvingApril2024
🚨 BREAKING: The TRUE Causes Behind Bitcoin's STUNNING Decline 😳 Context: Recent market instability has raised concerns, but let's analyze it further: Trigger: Reports indicate potential geopolitical tensions between Iran and Israel within the next 48 hours. Impact: Investors are exercising caution, resulting in a sell-off across various markets, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Response: During such volatile periods, it may be tempting to react impulsively, but it is crucial to maintain a composed mindset. Strategy: Instead of succumbing to panic, view this as an opportunity to invest in promising projects or "hidden gems" within the crypto industry. Long-term Perspective: Hold onto these investments, anticipating a future surge in value, as market sentiment tends to fluctuate. Conclusion: While sensational headlines may instill fear, making wise decisions and strategic investments can successfully navigate through market uncertainties. #BTCHalvingApril2024
🚨 BREAKING: The TRUE Causes Behind Bitcoin's STUNNING Decline 😳
Recent market instability has raised concerns, but let's analyze it further:
Reports indicate potential geopolitical tensions between Iran and Israel within the next 48 hours.
Investors are exercising caution, resulting in a sell-off across various markets, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
During such volatile periods, it may be tempting to react impulsively, but it is crucial to maintain a composed mindset.
Instead of succumbing to panic, view this as an opportunity to invest in promising projects or "hidden gems" within the crypto industry.
Long-term Perspective:
Hold onto these investments, anticipating a future surge in value, as market sentiment tends to fluctuate.
While sensational headlines may instill fear, making wise decisions and strategic investments can successfully navigate through market uncertainties.
💵 Attention all $ENA holders! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Exciting news ahead! 🌟 Get ready to witness a game-changing moment with ENA! This revolutionary coin is set to create millionaires from scratch, starting at just 0.5. Brace yourselves, because ENA is about to steal the spotlight and rock the show like never before! 🎯 First stop very soon $2! Next up: $4! And finally, aiming for $8 within 2024! This isn't just speculation, it's a forecast based on potential and possibility. A very good time for new investors to buy $ENA . Remember, always do your own research before diving in! Don't forget, even Bitcoin started small, at 0.4, and look where it is today—dominating the market! 🌐 Get ready to join the ranks of millionaires with ENA! Are you prepared for this incredible journey? Let's make history together! 💪 #ENA #Solana⁩ #BullorBear #ENAcoin #ena $ENA
💵 Attention all $ENA holders!
Exciting news ahead! 🌟 Get ready to witness a game-changing moment with ENA! This revolutionary coin is set to create millionaires from scratch, starting at just 0.5.

Brace yourselves, because ENA is about to steal the spotlight and rock the show like never before!
🎯 First stop very soon $2!
Next up: $4! And finally, aiming for $8 within 2024! This isn't just speculation, it's a forecast based on potential and possibility. A very good time for new investors to buy $ENA .
Remember, always do your own research before diving in!

Don't forget, even Bitcoin started small, at 0.4, and look where it is today—dominating the market! 🌐 Get ready to join the ranks of millionaires with

ENA! Are you prepared for this incredible journey?

Let's make history together! 💪
#BullorBear #ENAcoin #ena $ENA
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$BTC Avviso 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Attenzione, il ciclo della storia si ripete! Ricordi il 2022, quando $BTC è passato da $ 48.200 a $ 16.500 in poche settimane? Ora, nel 2024, molti si aspettano che il valore del Bitcoin salga alle stelle fino a raggiungere i 150.000 dollari, ma impariamo dal passato. Le grandi balene manipolano il mercato utilizzando i media mainstream per attirare investitori ottimisti. Quando i profitti raggiungono il loro picco, si ritirano rapidamente e lasciano gli altri nella polvere. Non cadere vittima del loro gioco! Agisci saggiamente. Considera l'idea di proteggere i tuoi fondi ora poiché il prezzo del Bitcoin si aggira intorno ai 70.000. La storia ci mostra che Bitcoin potrebbe non superare i 75.000 dollari quest’anno. Proteggi i tuoi investimenti, fai attenzione! #HotTrends #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #SHIBonNexo #BullorBear $BTC
$BTC Avviso 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Attenzione, il ciclo della storia si ripete! Ricordi il 2022, quando $BTC è passato da $ 48.200 a $ 16.500 in poche settimane?
Ora, nel 2024, molti si aspettano che il valore del Bitcoin salga alle stelle fino a raggiungere i 150.000 dollari, ma impariamo dal passato.
Le grandi balene manipolano il mercato utilizzando i media mainstream per attirare investitori ottimisti.
Quando i profitti raggiungono il loro picco, si ritirano rapidamente e lasciano gli altri nella polvere.
Non cadere vittima del loro gioco! Agisci saggiamente.
Considera l'idea di proteggere i tuoi fondi ora poiché il prezzo del Bitcoin si aggira intorno ai 70.000.
La storia ci mostra che Bitcoin potrebbe non superare i 75.000 dollari quest’anno. Proteggi i tuoi investimenti, fai attenzione!
#HotTrends #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #SHIBonNexo #BullorBear $BTC
Saw a newbie turning $1k into over $500k on $SOL memes in just a week. Curious, I asked, "What's the secret?" The answer? 📌𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼 𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙴 REWARD 𝚄𝙿𝚃𝙾 $3 𝚄𝚂𝙳𝚃/𝙿𝙴𝙿𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙼𝚈 𝚃𝚆𝙾 𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝚃𝚂💰💰🎁... A FREE tool everyone knows but uses WRONG. Master this tool in just 10 min and catch the next 100x tokens 💐 Follow us for more updates #WIF #cpi #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins
Saw a newbie turning $1k into over $500k on $SOL memes in just a week.
Curious, I asked, "What's the secret?"
The answer?
A FREE tool everyone knows but uses WRONG.
Master this tool in just 10 min and catch the next 100x tokens 💐
Follow us for more updates
#WIF #cpi #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins
$XRP PREDICTIONS OF SOME COINS DURING BTC HALVING. The market has grown, and so have the potentials for massive gains! 📈 1. $BTC - 2 to 3 times🚀 2. $ETH – about 3x🚀 3. $XRP – 3x to 4x🚀 4. $ADA ADA - 6x to 8x🚀 5. $Ava- 6x to 10x🚀 6. $LEFT - 4x to 6x🚀 7. $LINK - 8x to 10x🚀 8. $DOT - 7x to 9x🚀 9. $MATIC - 6x to 8x🚀 10. $UNI - maximum 10x🚀 11. $ICP - 6x to 7x🚀 12. $TAO - 7x to 9x🚀 13. $IMX - 10x to 12x🚀 14. $ATOM – 8x to 10x🚀 15. $TIA - 6x to 9x🚀 📚 Remember, always do your own research! Bookmark this post and come back in a few months to see the prices! 📈 23.8k Views 16 Likes 0 Quotes 8 Shares 1 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant keeratiporn
$XRP PREDICTIONS OF SOME COINS DURING BTC HALVING. The market has grown, and so have the potentials for massive gains! 📈
1. $BTC - 2 to 3 times🚀
2. $ETH – about 3x🚀
3. $XRP – 3x to 4x🚀
4. $ADA ADA - 6x to 8x🚀
5. $Ava- 6x to 10x🚀
6. $LEFT - 4x to 6x🚀
7. $LINK - 8x to 10x🚀
8. $DOT - 7x to 9x🚀
9. $MATIC - 6x to 8x🚀
10. $UNI - maximum 10x🚀
11. $ICP - 6x to 7x🚀
12. $TAO - 7x to 9x🚀
13. $IMX - 10x to 12x🚀
14. $ATOM – 8x to 10x🚀
15. $TIA - 6x to 9x🚀
📚 Remember, always do your own research! Bookmark this post and come back in a few months to see the prices! 📈
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🚨😱__Predicting the price of SAGA token___😱🚨 👉Price prediction for SAGA token🔥🔥 💰Currently, SAGA has not been listed on pre-market platforms, but the investor community is relatively optimistic about the token's price. One of the main motivations is the project's vibrant activities, affirming Saga's position in the market. The expected price range is around 3 - 4 USD. In less than two years, Saga has over 350 projects built on the protocol, with 80% in gaming, 10% in NFT and entertainment, and 10% in DeFi. All projects built on Saga are part of the Saga Innovator Program. Saga has partnered with Polygon, Avalanche, MarbleX, Com2uS, and Celestia to automatically expand infrastructure scale using Chainlet. Saga Pegasus Incentivized Testnet was released in Q4/2023 with performance metrics such as 208 chainlets, over 59 million transactions, and over 14.5 million participating wallets. Binance asserts itself as the first platform to list SAGA and warns that any claims about selling SAGA before the deadline are misleading advertisements. Investors need to carefully research to ensure the safety of their assets and avoid falling into scams. The community is still awaiting pre-market markets to open for SAGA to gain a more comprehensive view of the project's price potential. #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #Memecoins #SAGA #SAGALAUNCHPOOL
🚨😱__Predicting the price of SAGA token___😱🚨
👉Price prediction for SAGA token🔥🔥
💰Currently, SAGA has not been listed on pre-market platforms, but the investor community is relatively optimistic about the token's price. One of the main motivations is the project's vibrant activities, affirming Saga's position in the market. The expected price range is around 3 - 4 USD.
In less than two years, Saga has over 350 projects built on the protocol, with 80% in gaming, 10% in NFT and entertainment, and 10% in DeFi. All projects built on Saga are part of the Saga Innovator Program.
Saga has partnered with Polygon, Avalanche, MarbleX, Com2uS, and Celestia to automatically expand infrastructure scale using Chainlet. Saga Pegasus Incentivized Testnet was released in Q4/2023 with performance metrics such as 208 chainlets, over 59 million transactions, and over 14.5 million participating wallets.
Binance asserts itself as the first platform to list SAGA and warns that any claims about selling SAGA before the deadline are misleading advertisements. Investors need to carefully research to ensure the safety of their assets and avoid falling into scams.
The community is still awaiting pre-market markets to open for SAGA to gain a more comprehensive view of the project's price potential.
#BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #Memecoins #SAGA #SAGALAUNCHPOOL
Here's what might happen with $ENA: It's a new token and could start at a low price, maybe $0.01. Then, it might quickly go up to $0.9, even reaching $1. As more people get excited and buy, it could jump to $5, then maybe even $8. But, don't assume it'll stay cheap. Remember, it's just a guess, and I'm not an expert. Do your own research before investing. Don't blame me if things go. ❤️ If you find this information helpful, consider supporting me through the Binance Tipping feature. Your generosity helps me provide quality content.🙏🏾 #BinanceLaunchpool $ENA #BullorBear #ENALAUNCHPOOL
Here's what might happen with $ENA :
It's a new token and could start at a low price, maybe $0.01.
Then, it might quickly go up to $0.9, even reaching $1.
As more people get excited and buy, it could jump to $5, then maybe even $8.
But, don't assume it'll stay cheap.
Remember, it's just a guess, and I'm not an expert.
Do your own research before investing.
Don't blame me if things go.
❤️ If you find this information helpful, consider supporting me through the Binance Tipping feature. Your generosity helps me provide quality content.🙏🏾 #BinanceLaunchpool $ENA #BullorBear #ENALAUNCHPOOL
💰📈 How Much Profit You Made From ENA Coin⁉️ Did you join me in purchasing at $0.59? We're holding onto the coin without selling, and its performance is impressive, showcasing significant potential and unlikely to experience a downturn. If you haven't bought in yet, consider this opportunity. Its value is set to surpass $1 soon. I've already gained 30% on my investment, a promising sign with more potential ahead. Despite Bitcoin and major projects depreciating, this coin continues to thrive. What's next? I predict it'll reach $2.5 by week's end. $ENA is on the rise! ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT 🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #HotTrands #ENA #ENALAUNCHPOOL #bullruns #BullorBear $ENA
💰📈 How Much Profit You Made From ENA Coin⁉️
Did you join me in purchasing at $0.59? We're holding onto the coin without selling, and its performance is impressive, showcasing significant potential and unlikely to experience a downturn.
If you haven't bought in yet, consider this opportunity. Its value is set to surpass $1 soon. I've already gained 30% on my investment, a promising sign with more potential ahead.
Despite Bitcoin and major projects depreciating, this coin continues to thrive. What's next? I predict it'll reach $2.5 by week's end. $ENA is on the rise!
🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
Before the Bitcoin halving comes, most people’s wallets will be halved first. From yesterday to today, many people felt their wallets were bleeding because of the market decline, and they felt very uncomfortable. You must know one thing, even a bull market cannot rise forever. You can't seize every opportunity, and don't expect to only make money but not lose money in the bull market. The bull market has one direction: up. Once you make a decision, don't be afraid of a pullback to cut losses. Maintain a peaceful mind, and as long as the general trend is upward, we will hold it. The reason why you are worried is most likely because you have added high leverage. Since you desire high returns, you should bear the high risk of decline. If you hold spot, will you panic now? I even hope that it will fall a little more and add some positions by the way😀 The butt determines the head, no matter whether you are bearish or bullish, just be responsible for yourself in the outcome! The bit rate has been high recently, and it is obvious that the bullish sentiment is high. A large number of long orders have been accumulated between 60,000 and 70,000. If I were a banker, it would be more cost-effective to sell downwards, but it would only clear the leverage. There must be darkness before dawn. I hope you and I will laugh together when the light comes😃$BTC $ETH $BNB
Before the Bitcoin halving comes, most people’s wallets will be halved first.
From yesterday to today, many people felt their wallets were bleeding because of the market decline, and they felt very uncomfortable. You must know one thing, even a bull market cannot rise forever.
You can't seize every opportunity, and don't expect to only make money but not lose money in the bull market.
The bull market has one direction: up. Once you make a decision, don't be afraid of a pullback to cut losses.
Maintain a peaceful mind, and as long as the general trend is upward, we will hold it.
The reason why you are worried is most likely because you have added high leverage. Since you desire high returns, you should bear the high risk of decline.
If you hold spot, will you panic now? I even hope that it will fall a little more and add some positions by the way😀
The butt determines the head, no matter whether you are bearish or bullish, just be responsible for yourself in the outcome!
The bit rate has been high recently, and it is obvious that the bullish sentiment is high. A large number of long orders have been accumulated between 60,000 and 70,000. If I were a banker, it would be more cost-effective to sell downwards, but it would only clear the leverage.
There must be darkness before dawn. I hope you and I will laugh together when the light comes😃$BTC $ETH $BNB
🔥🔓There will be a $1 billion unlock in 14 tokens in April: Here are the dates There will be a $1 billion lock-up in 14 tokens in April: Here are the dates April will be a month when important lock openings will take place in many tokens. a total of 1 billion $150 million worth of tokens will be unlocked in 14 separate tokens. According to TokenUnlocks data, all lock expansions and dates are as follows (ordered by date): #SUI : 34.62 million SUI of $68.2 million will be unlocked on April 3. Of the circulating supply, 2.67 per cent. #GAL : On April 5, $14 million of 4 million GAL will be unlocked. Of the circulating supply, 3.34 per cent. HFT: On April 7, 6 million $ 13 million 600 thousand HFT will be unlocked. 3.56 Percent of the circulating supply. APT: 24.84 million APT of $424.5 million will be unlocked on April 12. 6.25 per cent of the circulating supply. CYBER: On April 14, 886 thousand CYBER units worth $ 12 million will be unlocked. Of the circulating supply, 6 per cent. STRK: On April 15, 64 million STRK units worth $130 million will be unlocked. Of the circulating supply, 8.79 per cent. ARB: The $145 million, $92.65 million ARB will be unlocked on April 16. 3.49 Percent of the circulating supply. AXS: 10.87 million AXS worth $110 million will be unlocked on April 17. 7.61 Percent of the circulating supply. #MANTA : 15 million MANTAS worth $42.60 million will be unlocked on April 18. Of the circulating supply, 6 per cent. PIXEL: A $37.15 million, $54.37 million PIXEL will be unlocked on April 19. Of the circulating supply, 7 per cent. ID: 18.5 million ID's worth $17.57 million will be unlocked on April 22. 4.29 Percent of the circulating supply. YGG: On April 27, 16.68 million YGG of $ 24.87 million will be unlocked. 5.33 Percent of the circulating supply. OP: The $24.16 million OP of $83.6 million will be unlocked on April 29. 2.40 per cent of the circulating supply. PRIME: 1.66 million PRIMES worth $35.75 million will be unlocked on April 30. Of the circulating supply, 4.44 per cent. #binance
🔥🔓There will be a $1 billion unlock in 14 tokens in April: Here are the dates
There will be a $1 billion lock-up in 14 tokens in April: Here are the dates
April will be a month when important lock openings will take place in many tokens. a total of 1 billion $150 million worth of tokens will be unlocked in 14 separate tokens.
According to TokenUnlocks data, all lock expansions and dates are as follows (ordered by date):
#SUI : 34.62 million SUI of $68.2 million will be unlocked on April 3. Of the circulating supply, 2.67 per cent.
#GAL : On April 5, $14 million of 4 million GAL will be unlocked. Of the circulating supply, 3.34 per cent.
HFT: On April 7, 6 million $ 13 million 600 thousand HFT will be unlocked. 3.56 Percent of the circulating supply.
APT: 24.84 million APT of $424.5 million will be unlocked on April 12. 6.25 per cent of the circulating supply.
CYBER: On April 14, 886 thousand CYBER units worth $ 12 million will be unlocked. Of the circulating supply, 6 per cent.
STRK: On April 15, 64 million STRK units worth $130 million will be unlocked. Of the circulating supply, 8.79 per cent.
ARB: The $145 million, $92.65 million ARB will be unlocked on April 16. 3.49 Percent of the circulating supply.
AXS: 10.87 million AXS worth $110 million will be unlocked on April 17. 7.61 Percent of the circulating supply.
#MANTA : 15 million MANTAS worth $42.60 million will be unlocked on April 18. Of the circulating supply, 6 per cent.
PIXEL: A $37.15 million, $54.37 million PIXEL will be unlocked on April 19. Of the circulating supply, 7 per cent.
ID: 18.5 million ID's worth $17.57 million will be unlocked on April 22. 4.29 Percent of the circulating supply.
YGG: On April 27, 16.68 million YGG of $ 24.87 million will be unlocked. 5.33 Percent of the circulating supply.
OP: The $24.16 million OP of $83.6 million will be unlocked on April 29. 2.40 per cent of the circulating supply.
PRIME: 1.66 million PRIMES worth $35.75 million will be unlocked on April 30. Of the circulating supply, 4.44 per cent.
🚀 Major Announcement: Claim Your $200 in BNB Now! 🚀 Embark on this exciting journey to snag your $200 BNB reward: 1. 🔍 Follow @h93_93h for exclusive updates and insights. 2. 💖 Show some love! Like and share the latest post on this account. 3. 🗨️ Confirm your participation by commenting DONE" below. Ready for the thrill? Act swiftly, and let's guide you to claim your $200 BNB! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! 🚀💰 #Write2Earn #ALT #TrendingTopic $BNB $SOL
🚀 Major Announcement: Claim Your $200 in BNB Now! 🚀
Embark on this exciting journey to snag your $200 BNB reward:
1. 🔍 Follow @h93_93h for exclusive updates and insights.
2. 💖 Show some love! Like and share the latest post on this account.
3. 🗨️ Confirm your participation by commenting DONE" below.
Ready for the thrill? Act swiftly, and let's guide you to claim your $200 BNB! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! 🚀💰
#Write2Earn #ALT #TrendingTopic $BNB $SOL
📢📢📢Although it can be difficult, earning $10 USD a day without any effort is not impossible.📢📢 👉👉 Here are a few methods you could try: 1. Airdrops: Take part in giveaways and airdrops of cryptocurrencies. Certain blockchain initiatives provide consumers with complimentary tokens as a promotional tool.🦾🦿 2. Taps: Certain cryptocurrency faucets provide tiny amounts of cryptocurrency, such as USDT, in return for solving easy puzzles or captchas. 🧑‍💻 3. Betting: Think about staking your existing cryptocurrency holdings in a blockchain network that pays out dividends. Certain platforms offer daily incentives in USDT to users who stake particular tokens. 4. Get Online Cryptocurrency Payouts: Look into apps and websites that reward users with cryptocurrencies for doing surveys, watching advertisements, or fulfilling activities. A few of these platforms pay out. #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear
📢📢📢Although it can be difficult, earning $10 USD a day without any effort is not impossible.📢📢
👉👉 Here are a few methods you could try:
1. Airdrops: Take part in giveaways and airdrops of cryptocurrencies. Certain blockchain initiatives provide consumers with complimentary tokens as a promotional tool.🦾🦿
2. Taps: Certain cryptocurrency faucets provide tiny amounts of cryptocurrency, such as USDT, in return for solving easy puzzles or captchas. 🧑‍💻
3. Betting: Think about staking your existing cryptocurrency holdings in a blockchain network that pays out dividends. Certain platforms offer daily incentives in USDT to users who stake particular tokens.
4. Get Online Cryptocurrency Payouts: Look into apps and websites that reward users with cryptocurrencies for doing surveys, watching advertisements, or fulfilling activities. A few of these platforms pay out.
#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear
#ENA 5 Steps for Maximizing Gains with ENA Step 1: Avoid Falling into the Launch Trap Steer clear of launch programs' pitfalls! These schemes primarily benefit coin owners, often leaving investors with minimal profits or even losses. By sidestepping these programs, you can avoid potential risks and pave the way for success. Step 2: Take Your Time Before Investing Resist the temptation to invest immediately upon a new coin's listing. Despite initial excitement and promising returns, hastily jumping in can lead to significant losses. Wait for the opportune moment to optimize your investment gains. Step 3: Cultivate Patience In the ever-evolving realm of new coins, patience is paramount. Although market fluctuations may seem unpredictable, maintaining composure and patience yields long-term rewards. Allow the market to stabilize, and strike when the timing aligns. Step 4: Stay Vigilant for Record Lows Keep a vigilant eye on the market, as early investors often trigger panic selling, resulting in sudden declines. Typically, new coins hit record lows within 24 hours, presenting an optimal buying window. Consider investing only after a drop of at least 30%. Step 5: Seize the Moment When a new coin experiences a significant downturn, seize the opportunity to invest while prices are favorable. With strategic timing and patience, position yourself for substantial returns. Don't overlook the potential of the ENA coin! By adhering to these tried-and-tested steps, you can confidently navigate the volatile landscape of new currency ventures. We extend our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support ❤️
5 Steps for Maximizing Gains with ENA
Step 1: Avoid Falling into the Launch Trap
Steer clear of launch programs' pitfalls! These schemes primarily benefit coin owners, often leaving investors with minimal profits or even losses. By sidestepping these programs, you can avoid potential risks and pave the way for success.
Step 2: Take Your Time Before Investing
Resist the temptation to invest immediately upon a new coin's listing. Despite initial excitement and promising returns, hastily jumping in can lead to significant losses. Wait for the opportune moment to optimize your investment gains.
Step 3: Cultivate Patience
In the ever-evolving realm of new coins, patience is paramount. Although market fluctuations may seem unpredictable, maintaining composure and patience yields long-term rewards. Allow the market to stabilize, and strike when the timing aligns.
Step 4: Stay Vigilant for Record Lows
Keep a vigilant eye on the market, as early investors often trigger panic selling, resulting in sudden declines. Typically, new coins hit record lows within 24 hours, presenting an optimal buying window. Consider investing only after a drop of at least 30%.
Step 5: Seize the Moment
When a new coin experiences a significant downturn, seize the opportunity to invest while prices are favorable. With strategic timing and patience, position yourself for substantial returns.
Don't overlook the potential of the ENA coin!
By adhering to these tried-and-tested steps, you can confidently navigate the volatile landscape of new currency ventures.
We extend our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support ❤️
🔥💥 PRICE PREDICTION OF #ENA TOKEN 💥🔥 Alright, fellow traders, let's talk about the potential rollercoaster ride of $ENA! 🎢 Brace yourselves because this token's journey is about to get spicy. Starting off humbly at $0.01, it's poised to make some serious waves, potentially soaring to $2.5, maybe even kissing that elusive $3 mark! 🌟 But wait, there's more! As the excitement builds and more investors jump on board, we could see a gravity-defying leap to $4, perhaps even skyrocketing to an astonishing $8! 🚀💰 However, let's not get too carried away. Remember, the crypto market is as unpredictable as ever! DYOR 😅📉 #BinanceLaunchpool l #BullorBear #ENALAUNCHPOOL #ENA/USDT Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. 18.3k Views 2 Likes 0 Quotes 1 Shares 7 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant MugiwaranoLuffy I would be shocked if it hits even a dollar 5h 0 Pen2x 0.2 to 0.5 is expected price range. none of your predictions within range of last 10 airdrop on binance. ı expect like 0.3 high start and too settle around 0.22 10h 0 Feed-Creator-18e72413e I think u got too carried away 12h 0 corphennessy costo inicial. 0.65 lo refleja kucoin en el premercado 13h See translation 1 Square-Creator-719f6db24fbb47fb6285 Ena nın 2.5 dolar seviyesine gelirse uçar gider tutamaz kimse ancak oraya gelip geri döner 1 dolar civarı olur dediğim gibi 2.5 doları geçerse 10 doları da geçer
Alright, fellow traders, let's talk about the potential rollercoaster ride of $ENA ! 🎢 Brace yourselves because this token's journey is about to get spicy. Starting off humbly at $0.01, it's poised to make some serious waves, potentially soaring to $2.5, maybe even kissing that elusive $3 mark! 🌟
But wait, there's more! As the excitement builds and more investors jump on board, we could see a gravity-defying leap to $4, perhaps even skyrocketing to an astonishing $8! 🚀💰 However, let's not get too carried away. Remember, the crypto market is as unpredictable as ever!
#BinanceLaunchpool l #BullorBear #ENALAUNCHPOOL #ENA/USDT
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
7 Replies
Most Recent
Most Relevant
I would be shocked if it hits even a dollar
0.2 to 0.5 is expected price range. none of your predictions within range of last 10 airdrop on binance. ı expect like 0.3 high start and too settle around 0.22
I think u got too carried away
costo inicial. 0.65 lo refleja kucoin en el premercado
See translation
Ena nın 2.5 dolar seviyesine gelirse uçar gider tutamaz kimse ancak oraya gelip geri döner 1 dolar civarı olur dediğim gibi 2.5 doları geçerse 10 doları da geçer
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