Binance Square
Seiya C
I'm someone who like to experience new environment, i open to receive new ideias and opinion. I'm otaku and a great cryptocurrency market enthusiast
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Binance Blog
Come far crescere il tuo portafoglio di criptovalute: una guida all'acquisto ricorrente di Binance
Punti principali da ricordareNel tempo, gli utenti possono risparmiarsi il lavoro extra di acquistare manualmente le criptovalute impostando acquisti automatici di criptovalute con la funzione Acquisto ricorrente su Binance.L'acquisto ricorrente semplifica la strategia di media del costo in dollari, aiutando gli utenti a ottenere una crescita costante delle criptovalute attraverso investimenti costanti e regolari.Con Recurring Buy, gli utenti possono accedere facilmente al resto dell'ecosistema Binance, attingendo a una gamma più ampia di prodotti di investimento e acquistando NFT e Fan Token.Imposta l'acquisto ricorrente in soli cinque semplici passaggi e inizia subito a far crescere il tuo portafoglio di criptovalute utilizzando le tue carte di credito e di debito Visa e Mastercard.
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Condivido solo per informare la comunità di Square
Condivido solo per informare la comunità di Square
Binance Square Official
Post #GravityAlphaMainnet, Condividi 250.000 G
L'undicesima campagna hashtag #GravityAlphaMainnet Introduzione:
Questa campagna è supportata da

Gravity: una piattaforma di smart contract omnichain di livello 1 progettata per fornire un meccanismo più efficiente, scalabile e sicuro per gestire interazioni complesse tra catene con il minimo attrito.
Grazie a questa soluzione integrata e semplificata, Gravity è pronta a migliorare le interazioni tra utenti e sviluppatori all'interno di Web3, supportando al contempo la complessità e la scalabilità necessarie per un'adozione di massa.
G è il token nativo su Gravity e il token di utilità sia per Gravity che per l'ecosistema Galxe. G alimenta le transazioni come token del gas e presto proteggerà la rete tramite staking. Come token di utilità primario in entrambi gli ecosistemi, G guida le decisioni di governance, incentiva la crescita e facilita i pagamenti.
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Binance Risk Sniper
Le truffe P2P pagate ma annullate coinvolgono criminali che si spacciano per venditori di criptovalute, convincendo gli acquirenti ad annullare il loro ordine sulla piattaforma di scambio dopo il pagamento, portando le vittime a subire perdite finanziarie.
Non annullare mai un ordine P2P dopo aver effettuato un pagamento, a meno che tu non sia assolutamente certo della legittimità della richiesta.
Se hai annullato il tuo ordine di acquisto su richiesta della tua controparte su Binance P2P, fai immediatamente ricorso al nostro team di supporto Live Chat se sospetti una frode.
Per maggiori dettagli, fai riferimento al blog: P2P Safety: How to Recognize and Avoid Paid-but-Canceled Scams.
Binance News
L'attività di guadagno dei token Dogs terminerà presto
Secondo Odaily, l'attività di guadagno token DOGS su Telegram dovrebbe concludersi domani alle 2 di mattina, ora di Pechino. I partecipanti si sono impegnati in varie attività per guadagnare token e la fine dell'evento segna l'ultima opportunità per gli utenti di completare le loro attività e guadagnare premi.
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Binance Square Official
Metti alla prova il tuo intuito BTC e vinci fino a $ 5.000 USDC in premi!
Pensi di poter prevedere il mercato BTC? Metti alla prova il tuo intuito e prendi la tua quota del montepremi da 5.000 $ USDC! Partecipa alla nostra campagna di voto giornaliera "Bullish vs Bearish" e connettiti con la comunità crypto condividendo il tuo sentiment di mercato.
Periodo della campagna: 2024-08-08 00:00 a 2024-08-14 23:59 (UTC)

Come partecipare:
Vota sulla direzione di $BTC e condividi le informazioni:
Opzione 1: visita la pagina di trading BTC e vota se la giornata sarà rialzista o ribassista. Condividi le tue intuizioni e il ragionamento alla base del tuo voto in un post di accompagnamento.
The recent drop in the crypto marketThe recent drop in the crypto market can be attributed to several factors, including regulatory crackdowns, market speculation, and macroeconomic uncertainties. Regulatory changes in major economies can cause investor sentiment to waver, leading to sell-offs. Market speculation and the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies also contribute to sharp price swings. Additionally, broader economic concerns, such as inflation and interest rate hikes, can impact investor confidence. To make the most out of this downturn, it’s essential to have a clear strategy. First: diversify your investments to mitigate risk. Second: focus on projects with strong fundamentals and long-term potential. Third: consider dollar-cost averaging to spread out your investment over time and reduce the impact of market volatility. Lastly: stay informed about market trends and regulatory developments to make more informed decisions. $BTC $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #MarketDownturn #RecessionOrDip? #BTCMarketPanic #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike

The recent drop in the crypto market

The recent drop in the crypto market can be attributed to several factors, including regulatory crackdowns, market speculation, and macroeconomic uncertainties.

Regulatory changes in major economies can cause investor sentiment to waver, leading to sell-offs. Market speculation and the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies also contribute to sharp price swings.
Additionally, broader economic concerns, such as inflation and interest rate hikes, can impact investor confidence.
To make the most out of this downturn, it’s essential to have a clear strategy.
First: diversify your investments to mitigate risk.
Second: focus on projects with strong fundamentals and long-term potential.
Third: consider dollar-cost averaging to spread out your investment over time and reduce the impact of market volatility.
Lastly: stay informed about market trends and regulatory developments to make more informed decisions.
#MarketDownturn #RecessionOrDip? #BTCMarketPanic #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike
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Couple Who Spent $10 Million Received By Mistake Due to Error Faces Jail Time
A couple who received $10 Million by mistake from crypto exchange and kept it to themselves to serve jail time.

Dishonesty brings consequences. A couple proved this phrase when they received money by mistake and kept it to themselves. 

Their action led them to serve jail time. A major error from crypto exchange resulted in refunding $10 Million instead of $100.

The incident began in May 2021 when Jatinder Singh tried to deposit $100 into his account using his partner’s bank account. 

An employee of the exchange in Bulgaria made a significant mistake, leading to a $10.47 million refund to Singh’s partner, Thevamanogari Manivel, due to discrepancies between the names on the accounts causing the initial deposit rejection. Discovered The Mistake

The mistake was undiscovered until December 2021. During an internal audit by the exchange, the company noticed a large amount of money was missing. By this time, Singh and Manivel had already spent a significant portion of the money. 

They bought two homes, two blocks of land in Melbourne, and even gifted $1 million to a friend. Singh initially claimed he believed they had won an online raffle.

Actions Taken and Arrests realized the mistake and contacted the Commonwealth Bank, which informed Manivel that she needed to return the money. 

Manivel, believing it was a scam, transferred $4 million to her Malaysian bank account. In March 2022, police arrested her at Melbourne airport while she tried to board a one-way flight to Malaysia with $11,000 in cash.

Court Proceedings

Singh pleaded guilty to the theft of $6.09 million and appeared in the Victorian County Court for a presentence hearing. His lawyer argued that Singh did not fully understand the seriousness of his actions at the time. 

He remained unaware that the funds came from a multinational company, which did not realize the money was missing until much later.

Despite this, the prosecution called for a jail sentence. They emphasized the opportunistic nature of the crime.

Manivel’s Charges and Bail

Manivel faced charges including theft and negligently dealing with the proceeds of crime. He pleaded not guilty, and the court granted her bail with strict conditions after she spent over six months in custody. 

Her bail conditions included surrendering her passport and not attending any points of departure.

Sentencing and Recovery Efforts

The court learned that most of the money spent in Australia had been recovered, but the $4 million transferred to Malaysia still remained outstanding. had launched legal action to recover the funds. The prosecutors did not receive information about the outcome of the recovery action. 

The court sentenced Manivel to 209 days in prison, recognizing this time as already served. She also received an 18-month community corrections order.


The case highlights the significant consequences of a very simple mistake. Singh and Manivel’s situation serves as a cautionary story. 

It underscores the importance of verifying unexpected gains. People should understand the legal implications of spending money that doesn’t belong to them.
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Binance Square Official
Guidare gli altri a seguire X (Twitter) o altri canali è una violazione delle nostre linee guida! Per evitare potenziali problemi, astenersi dal promuovere tali piattaforme di terze parti.

Puoi includere pagine visualizzabili pubblicamente, come account X personali (Twitter) e account pubblici, nella tua biografia o come filigrane di immagini. Tuttavia, non invitare gli utenti ad aggiungere o seguire questi account nei tuoi contenuti o commenti. Tale comportamento costituisce una grave violazione e prenderemo provvedimenti, compresi potenziali divieti, contro tali attività.

Lavoriamo insieme per mantenere un ambiente di comunicazione sano e ordinato!

Per maggiori dettagli rivolgersi allo Binance Square Community Management Guidelines.
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Binance Blog
Token falsi: come identificarli ed evitarli
Punti principaliGli attacchi con token falsi rappresentano un tipo diffuso di truffe di criptovaluta in cui i criminali creano token fraudolenti che imitano criptovalute legittime, utilizzandoli per rubare denaro o dati sensibili degli utenti.Questo tipo di attacco utilizza generalmente strumenti di comunicazione come Telegram, WhatsApp o WeChat per diffondere disinformazione. Una tattica comune è quella di effettuare “prevendite” simboliche, attirando le vittime con la promessa di un futuro “prezzo di quotazione” molto più alto rispetto all’attuale “prezzo di prevendita”.
Binance Square Official
⚠️ Don't Promote Third-Party Channels or Services ⚠️

Recently, we have noticed an increase in articles on Binance Square that direct users to add accounts, leave comments, or interact on third-party platforms. This behavior is a serious violation of our guidelines, and we will take action, including potential bans, against such activities.❌

For more details, please refer to the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines.

We would like to remind all users that, to protect the safety of your funds, please do not privately add third-party platform accounts. This can help you avoid potential financial losses.
**Opportunities And Challenges Presented By Cryptocurrencies** Cryptocurrencies represent a significant innovation in the financial sector, offering potential benefits such as increased financial inclusion, lower transaction costs, and enhanced privacy. However, they also come with risks, including volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and the potential for misuse in illegal activities. Their decentralized nature challenges traditional financial systems and regulatory frameworks, sparking debates about their future role in the global economy. Overall, cryptocurrencies present both opportunities and challenges that require careful consideration and regulation. $BNB $PEPE $SOL {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
**Opportunities And Challenges Presented By Cryptocurrencies**

Cryptocurrencies represent a significant innovation in the financial sector, offering potential benefits such as increased financial inclusion, lower transaction costs, and enhanced privacy. However, they also come with risks, including volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and the potential for misuse in illegal activities. Their decentralized nature challenges traditional financial systems and regulatory frameworks, sparking debates about their future role in the global economy. Overall, cryptocurrencies present both opportunities and challenges that require careful consideration and regulation.

#BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
Fire Airdrop is legit !!! $USDC $BNB $BTC
Fire Airdrop is legit !!!

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{spot}(PEPEUSDT) Continuo expectante com as coins de meme no mercado $PEPE $SHIB $XRP
Continuo expectante com as coins de meme no mercado

Crypto Kick
🚨Rise Of Memes | SHIB | PEPE $1 ⚡️⚡️Race Sept - Oct 🇺🇸🚨🚀
🚦SHIB Pepe Bonk $1? 2024 Sept - Nov⚡️⚡️⚡️

In the world of cryptocurrencies, meme coins like SHIB and Pepe have captured the imagination of investors worldwide. With wild predictions circulating about these tokens reaching $1, it's crucial to take a step back and examine the reality behind these speculative frenzies.
The Rise of Meme Coins 💰
Meme coins have surged in popularity, driven by the allure of quick riches rather than the fundamentals of blockchain technology. Investors are flocking to these tokens with dreams of overnight millionaire status, lured by the success stories of a fortunate few.
The Illusion of Overnight Wealth 🥸
While there have been instances of meme coin millionaires, these are exceptions rather than the norm. Many investors have also suffered significant losses, a side of the story often overlooked in the hype surrounding these tokens.

Unrealistic Expectations 🤑😱
The notion of SHIB or Pepe reaching $1 is frequently propagated by influencers and fervent believers. However, such predictions often disregard basic economic principles and the sheer impracticality of achieving market capitalizations higher than global economies.
Lessons for New Investors 📖📚👓
Newcomers to the crypto space are particularly vulnerable to the allure of get-rich-quick schemes. The disappointment and financial losses experienced by those who fall prey to unrealistic promises can sour perceptions of cryptocurrencies as a whole.
Supply and Demand Realities 🤯
Tokens like SHIB and Pepe boast supplies in the billions or even trillions, making significant price appreciation to $1 extremely challenging. Investors should be wary of investing based solely on speculative hype rather than solid project fundamentals.
Ripple (XRP) and High Price Predictions
Similar to meme coins, Ripple's XRP faces exaggerated predictions due to its large supply. Suggestions of XRP reaching $1000 by 2024 are similarly unrealistic and should be approached with caution.
Investing Wisely 🦉
Amidst the noise of speculative fervor, a prudent approach to investing in cryptocurrencies involves focusing on projects with tangible real-world applications and robust technology. Rather than gambling on hype, investing in the future of blockchain and emerging technologies offers a more sustainable path to financial growth.
Conclusion 💰💰💰💸💸💸💲💲💲
As the crypto landscape evolves, the allure of meme coins and exaggerated price predictions persists. However, investors must navigate these turbulent waters with caution. Understanding the difference between genuine investment opportunities and speculative gambles is crucial for long-term success in the crypto space. By prioritizing education and due diligence, investors can harness the transformative potential of blockchain technology while minimizing the risks associated with speculative investments.
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament $SHIB

🤯He bought 260,000 #BTC☀ for $0.01 each🤯

Prepare yourself for a tale that’s almost too wild to believe. Meet Kevin Day, a man who soared to unimaginable heights in the crypto universe, only to plummet in the most devastating crash in history. 👀

🌟 The Meteoric Rise:
Kevin Day wasn’t just another investor; he was a crypto titan. With a knack for spotting the next big thing, Kevin amassed a jaw-dropping $16 billion. His every move was followed, his success envied. People called him the Oracle of Crypto.

💥 The Catastrophic Fall:
Then came the day that changed everything. In an unprecedented event, the biggest crypto rollback in history hit the market. Billions vanished in the blink of an eye. Kevin's $16 billion fortune? Gone. The rollback wasn’t just a dip; it was a full-blown disaster that obliterated wealth on a scale never seen before.

🌪️ The Aftermath:
Kevin’s story isn’t just about the money lost; it’s about the dreams shattered and the harsh lessons learned. His tale is a cautionary epic, a stark reminder of the volatile and unpredictable nature of the crypto world.

🔴 What Can We Learn?:
- Unpredictable Market: The crypto market can turn on a dime. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re facing ruin.
- Risk Management: Diversify your investments and always prepare for the worst. Never let the allure of high rewards blind you to the risks.
- Beware the Hype: Stay grounded. While stories of rapid wealth are tempting, the reality can be starkly different.

Kevin Day’s fall from grace is a tale of epic proportions, a story that reminds us all of the perilous peaks and valleys of the crypto landscape. Stay smart, stay cautious, and never forget: even the highest flyers can fall. 🚀📉

#NewsAboutCrypto #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Megadrop



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