Binance Square
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Vi darò a tutti un elenco di ALTCOIN per il prossimo Bullrun Diversifica il tuo portafoglio di acquistando tutte le società a media capitalizzazione, bassa e alta capitalizzazione altcoin. Aspettate, sono sicuro che lo farete tutti fare un minimo di 20x, un massimo di 100x Dalla lista dei token che ti darò. Se ne hai anche 1000, puoi arrivare fino a 20k 30.000 entro la fine del 2024. Abbiamo un grande toro corri avanti Non distruggere i tuoi fondi leva finanziaria se hai da 50k a 20k può essere 500k entro la fine della corsa al rialzo. Sii saggio. IO create anche il Gruppo per tutti voi. Gratuito l'accesso a Tutti aggiungerà il collegamento seguente nella sezione commenti. La corsa dei tori è per coloro che sono pazienti non per chi insegue il profitto quotidiano. Se tu ✓ vuoi ottenere il massimo beneficio che desideri per imparare prima come trattenere. Il BTC che scende per BTC sarà di 100k Per ETH intorno a 7k-10k in questa corsa al rialzo. Noi mancano solo pochi mesi a una corsa al rialzo. Guiderò tutti voi ragazzi. è gratuito e Mi assicurerò che voi ragazzi facciate una fortuna in questa corsa al toro. Grazie per l'amore e supporto Trova il collegamento GRP nel comm sezione $BTC $ETH $BNB #MANTA #TradeNTell#Argomento di tendenza #ALT
Vi darò a tutti un elenco di ALTCOIN per
il prossimo Bullrun Diversifica il tuo portafoglio di
acquistando tutte le società a media capitalizzazione, bassa e alta capitalizzazione
Aspettate, sono sicuro che lo farete tutti
fare un minimo di 20x, un massimo di 100x
Dalla lista dei token che ti darò.
Se ne hai anche 1000, puoi arrivare fino a 20k
30.000 entro la fine del 2024. Abbiamo un grande toro
corri avanti Non distruggere i tuoi fondi
leva finanziaria se hai da 50k a 20k può essere
500k entro la fine della corsa al rialzo. Sii saggio. IO
create anche il Gruppo per tutti voi. Gratuito
l'accesso a Tutti aggiungerà il collegamento seguente
nella sezione commenti.
La corsa dei tori è per coloro che sono pazienti
non per chi insegue il profitto quotidiano. Se tu

vuoi ottenere il massimo beneficio che desideri
per imparare prima come trattenere.

Il BTC che scende per BTC sarà di 100k Per
ETH intorno a 7k-10k in questa corsa al rialzo. Noi
mancano solo pochi mesi a una corsa al rialzo.
Guiderò tutti voi ragazzi. è gratuito e
Mi assicurerò che voi ragazzi facciate una fortuna
in questa corsa al toro. Grazie per l'amore e
supporto Trova il collegamento GRP nel comm

$BTC $ETH $BNB #MANTA #TradeNTell#Argomento di tendenza #ALT
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🚨PREVISIONI DI ALCUNE MONETE DURANTE L'HALVING DI BTC.🚨 Il mercato è cresciuto, così come il potenziale per enormi guadagni! 📈 ❗️1. $BTC - da 2 a 3 volte🚀 ❗️2. $ETH – circa 3x🚀 ❗️3. $XRP – da 3x a 4x🚀 ❗️4. $ADA - da 6x a 8x🚀 ❗️5. $AVAX - da 6x a 10x🚀 ❗️6. $LEFT - da 4x a 6x🚀 ❗️7. $LINK - da 8x a 10x🚀 ❗️8. $DOT - da 7x a 9x🚀 ❗️9. $MATIC - da 6x a 8x🚀 ❗️10. $UNI - massimo 10x🚀 ❗️11. $ICP: da 6x a 7x🚀 ❗️12. $TAO - da 7x a 9x🚀 ❗️13. $IMX: da 10x a 12x🚀 ❗️14. $ATOM – da 8x a 10x🚀 ❗️15. $TIA - da 6x a 9x🚀 📚 Ricorda, fai sempre le tue ricerche!
Il mercato è cresciuto, così come il potenziale per enormi guadagni! 📈
❗️1. $BTC - da 2 a 3 volte🚀
❗️2. $ETH – circa 3x🚀
❗️3. $XRP – da 3x a 4x🚀
❗️4. $ADA - da 6x a 8x🚀
❗️5. $AVAX - da 6x a 10x🚀
❗️6. $LEFT - da 4x a 6x🚀
❗️7. $LINK - da 8x a 10x🚀
❗️8. $DOT - da 7x a 9x🚀
❗️9. $MATIC - da 6x a 8x🚀
❗️10. $UNI - massimo 10x🚀
❗️11. $ICP: da 6x a 7x🚀
❗️12. $TAO - da 7x a 9x🚀
❗️13. $IMX: da 10x a 12x🚀
❗️14. $ATOM – da 8x a 10x🚀
❗️15. $TIA - da 6x a 9x🚀
📚 Ricorda, fai sempre le tue ricerche!
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Sblocca fino a 3 USDT al giorno su Binance 📲 Per gli appassionati di criptovaluta che cercano un reddito giornaliero compreso tra $ 1 e $ 3. Ecco una guida concisa per sfruttare questo potenziale flusso di entrate: 1. Fai clic qui per ottenere il premio USDT gratuito 2. Conto Binance attivo: Garantisci l'idoneità agli airdrop avendo un account Binance verificato e attivo. Completa i passaggi necessari per la verifica dell'identità. 3. Partecipa a Binance Launchpool: Punta Binance Coin (BNB) su Binance Launchpool per guadagnare ricompense regolari in nuovi token di progetto senza impegnarsi nel trading giornaliero. 4. Monitorare gli annunci di Airdrop: Tieniti informato sui prossimi airdrop controllando regolarmente gli annunci ufficiali di Binance. 5. Utilizza i risparmi Binance: Esplora Binance Savings per vari prodotti finanziari, inclusi gli airdrop associati a depositi flessibili e a tempo determinato. 6. Esplora Binance Guadagna: Binance Earn offre opportunità di reddito passivo attraverso prodotti di risparmio e staking, eliminando la necessità di un coinvolgimento attivo nel trading. 7. Partecipa agli eventi della community di Binance: Partecipa a eventi e promozioni della community avviati da Binance, che potenzialmente portano a premi airdrop senza la necessità di fare trading. 8. Controlla regolarmente il tuo portafoglio: Ispeziona regolarmente il tuo portafoglio Binance per verificare la presenza di token depositati o rilasciati tramite airdrop. Impegnandosi in Launchpool, esplorando le opzioni di risparmio e staking e partecipando agli eventi della community di Binance, gli utenti possono sbloccare il potenziale di guadagno degli airdrop mantenendo al minimo le loro attività di trading. 🫂I tuoi consigli generosi rafforzano la nostra missione e ci aiutano a lavorare di più per fornirti i migliori consigli di investimento.
Sblocca fino a 3 USDT al giorno su Binance 📲
Per gli appassionati di criptovaluta che cercano un reddito giornaliero compreso tra $ 1 e $ 3.

Ecco una guida concisa per sfruttare questo potenziale flusso di entrate:

1. Fai clic qui per ottenere il premio USDT gratuito

2. Conto Binance attivo:

Garantisci l'idoneità agli airdrop avendo un account Binance verificato e attivo.

Completa i passaggi necessari per la verifica dell'identità.

3. Partecipa a Binance Launchpool:
Punta Binance Coin (BNB) su Binance Launchpool per guadagnare ricompense regolari in nuovi token di progetto senza impegnarsi nel trading giornaliero.

4. Monitorare gli annunci di Airdrop:
Tieniti informato sui prossimi airdrop controllando regolarmente gli annunci ufficiali di Binance.

5. Utilizza i risparmi Binance:
Esplora Binance Savings per vari prodotti finanziari, inclusi gli airdrop associati a depositi flessibili e a tempo determinato.

6. Esplora Binance Guadagna:
Binance Earn offre opportunità di reddito passivo attraverso prodotti di risparmio e staking, eliminando la necessità di un coinvolgimento attivo nel trading.

7. Partecipa agli eventi della community di Binance:
Partecipa a eventi e promozioni della community avviati da Binance, che potenzialmente portano a premi airdrop senza la necessità di fare trading.

8. Controlla regolarmente il tuo portafoglio:
Ispeziona regolarmente il tuo portafoglio Binance per verificare la presenza di token depositati o rilasciati tramite airdrop.
Impegnandosi in Launchpool, esplorando le opzioni di risparmio e staking e partecipando agli eventi della community di Binance, gli utenti possono sbloccare il potenziale di guadagno degli airdrop mantenendo al minimo le loro attività di trading.

🫂I tuoi consigli generosi rafforzano la nostra missione e ci aiutano a lavorare di più per fornirti i migliori consigli di investimento.
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Un altro Airdrop in 45 giorni✅ Costo del lancio aereo: $ 0 ✅ Potenziale: $50 - $2500 ✅ Guida dettagliata Per iniziare Quindi ecco tutto ciò che devi sapere COINLIVE, fai bene ad accumulare molti token CLX e punti solo nel caso in cui vada bene, otterrai una ragionevole quantità di denaro, ma in caso contrario, andiamo avanti e continuiamo a cercare ulteriori opportunità Nello screenshot qui sotto abbiamo ottenuto oltre 10.000 token $CLX e siamo pronti a tutto Genesis Airdrop: accumulo dell'1,5% (gennaio-marzo 2024), distribuzione ad aprile UpDown è un gioco di previsione dei prezzi con un clic. XRADERS ha lanciato la funzionalità di gioco UpDown per migliorare l'attivazione e l'intrattenimento della comunità Come giocare Scarica da Appstore o Google PlaystoreNome: COINLIVE, successivamente Iscriviti a Coinlive con il nostro codice invito: UmqNonJqEJ Puoi sostenerci utilizzando il nostro codice di invito-> UmqNonJqEJ Dopo aver ottenuto l'accesso all'app sul tuo rispettivo dispositivo, potrai iscriverti a Coinlive con il tuo indirizzo email. Riceverai un codice di verifica che dovrai inserire per accedere all'app. Crea un nuovo Portafoglio Crea un portafoglio e l'app genererà una chiave privata. Questo verrà utilizzato per recuperare il tuo Portafoglio se disinstalli l'app o dimentichi la password. Importante: prendi nota di questa chiave privata e salvala in un posto sicuro Gioca al gioco di previsione UpDown Con l'immagine che abbiamo allegato di seguito, vedrai che puoi prevedere se il prezzo di Bitcoin ($BTC) aumenterà o diminuirà Prevedere per guadagnare Gli utenti riceveranno CLX (Experience Token) XRADERS ha introdotto i token CLX come token esperienza durante il terzo trimestre del 2023. Gli utenti possono guadagnare premi per la partecipazione al gioco UpDown e utilizzare CLX per accedere alle funzionalità bloccate all'interno dell'app. I premi CLX in scatole casuali vengono assegnati agli utenti che ottengono vittorie consecutive e i contributi CLX verranno presi in considerazione per la futura partecipazione agli airdrop. Se questo è il primo post che stai leggendo da parte nostra e sei interessato a guadagnare $ 0,5 - $ 10.000 (+) da Airdrop nel 2024, fai bene a consultare il nostro profilo e vedere cosa ti lascerebbe a bocca aperta 😉 #TrendingTopic. ic #xmucan
Un altro Airdrop in 45 giorni✅

Costo del lancio aereo: $ 0 ✅

Potenziale: $50 - $2500 ✅

Guida dettagliata Per iniziare

Quindi ecco tutto ciò che devi sapere

COINLIVE, fai bene ad accumulare molti token CLX e punti solo nel caso in cui vada bene, otterrai una ragionevole quantità di denaro, ma in caso contrario, andiamo avanti e continuiamo a cercare ulteriori opportunità
Nello screenshot qui sotto abbiamo ottenuto oltre 10.000 token $CLX e siamo pronti a tutto

Genesis Airdrop: accumulo dell'1,5% (gennaio-marzo 2024), distribuzione ad aprile
UpDown è un gioco di previsione dei prezzi con un clic.

XRADERS ha lanciato la funzionalità di gioco UpDown per migliorare l'attivazione e l'intrattenimento della comunità

Come giocare
Scarica da Appstore o Google PlaystoreNome: COINLIVE, successivamente Iscriviti a Coinlive con il nostro codice invito: UmqNonJqEJ
Puoi sostenerci utilizzando il nostro codice di invito-> UmqNonJqEJ
Dopo aver ottenuto l'accesso all'app sul tuo rispettivo dispositivo, potrai iscriverti a Coinlive con il tuo indirizzo email.

Riceverai un codice di verifica che dovrai inserire per accedere all'app.

Crea un nuovo Portafoglio

Crea un portafoglio e l'app genererà una chiave privata.

Questo verrà utilizzato per recuperare il tuo Portafoglio se disinstalli l'app o dimentichi la password.

Importante: prendi nota di questa chiave privata e salvala in un posto sicuro
Gioca al gioco di previsione UpDown
Con l'immagine che abbiamo allegato di seguito, vedrai che puoi prevedere se il prezzo di Bitcoin ($BTC) aumenterà o diminuirà
Prevedere per guadagnare
Gli utenti riceveranno CLX (Experience Token)
XRADERS ha introdotto i token CLX come token esperienza durante il terzo trimestre del 2023.

Gli utenti possono guadagnare premi per la partecipazione al gioco UpDown e utilizzare CLX per accedere alle funzionalità bloccate all'interno dell'app.

I premi CLX in scatole casuali vengono assegnati agli utenti che ottengono vittorie consecutive e i contributi CLX verranno presi in considerazione per la futura partecipazione agli airdrop.

Se questo è il primo post che stai leggendo da parte nostra e sei interessato a guadagnare $ 0,5 - $ 10.000 (+) da Airdrop nel 2024, fai bene a consultare il nostro profilo e vedere cosa ti lascerebbe a bocca aperta 😉
#TrendingTopic. ic #xmucan
Visualizza originale
Rimangono solo 140 ore 888 Usdt Ti aspetto Guida passo passo Come partecipare :1. hai solo un dollaro deve essere disponibile 2. vai al gioco 1$ 3. pagare la tassa 4. partecipare
Rimangono solo 140 ore 888 Usdt Ti aspetto

Guida passo passo

Come partecipare

:1. hai solo un dollaro deve essere disponibile

2. vai al gioco 1$

3. pagare la tassa

4. partecipare
Visualizza originale
come catturare una moneta prima di pomparla? Ciao gay, se sapete qualcosa sulla criptovaluta, allora siete il futuro milionario, imparate semplicemente l'analisi tecnica e l'analisi fondamentale e diventate felici la vostra vita. Un TRADER professionista guadagna quasi da 10k$ a 20k$ L'apprendimento quotidiano è un guadagno. se impari, sarai in grado di catturare monete prima di pompare.... grazie per aver letto il mio post, se sei d'accordo, premi il pulsante Mi piace. $ CKB #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #tradeNTill
come catturare una moneta prima di pomparla?

Ciao gay, se sapete qualcosa sulla criptovaluta, allora siete il futuro milionario, imparate semplicemente l'analisi tecnica e l'analisi fondamentale e diventate felici la vostra vita.

Un TRADER professionista guadagna quasi da 10k$ a 20k$ L'apprendimento quotidiano è un guadagno.

se impari, sarai in grado di catturare monete prima di pompare.... grazie per aver letto il mio post, se sei d'accordo, premi il pulsante Mi piace. $ CKB

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #tradeNTill
Binance is Giving FREE $PIXEL Tokens! 💰This is one of the simplest and lowest-risk methods to earn in crypto!I've already earned $130 myself from this feature. Don't miss your chance to get FREE $Pixel tokens👇🏻Do you know about Binance Launchpool, which has delivered past average returns of 3x?Binance lauchpool projects returnMemecoin = 23.2xsui = 17.1xManata = 7.84xThe Next Project is @Pixels 🔥💎 So What is Binance Launchpool? It is a platform on Binance exchange that allows users to stake their Crypto assets such as BNB or other coins to earn new tokens from new projects🎮 What is Pixels?- Pixels is a blockchain-based social casual game offering a unique gaming experience.- Users can create their own games with digital collectibles.- Pixels has migrated to the Ronin blockchain. 💎 Key Features of Pixels- More than 170k Unique Active Users- Players can build and own their virtual worlds, earning rewards on the blockchain. 💼 Pixels Token DetailsToken Name: Pixels (PIXEL)Max Token Supply: 5,000,000,000 PIXELLaunchpool Token Rewards: 350,000,000 PIXEL (7% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 771,041,667 PIXEL (15.42% of max token supply) 💰 How you can earn money with it? Binance users have the opportunity to stake BNB and FDUSD in various pools to earn $PIXEL tokens over 10 days. 📅 Farming Period: Feb 9th - Feb 18th, 2024 (UTC)🔗 How to Join Binance Launchpool?- Log in to your Binance account and navigate to Launchpad.- Find Launchpool and the list of available projects.- Stake your BNB or FDUSD to start earning PIXEL rewardsMaths is simple: The less you stake, the less you earn, the more you stake, the more you earn 💰
Binance is Giving FREE $PIXEL Tokens! 💰This is one of the simplest and lowest-risk methods to earn in crypto!I've already earned $130 myself from this feature.

Don't miss your chance to get FREE $Pixel tokens👇🏻Do you know about Binance Launchpool, which has delivered past average returns of 3x?Binance lauchpool projects returnMemecoin = 23.2xsui = 17.1xManata = 7.84xThe Next Project is @Pixels 🔥💎 So What is Binance Launchpool?

It is a platform on Binance exchange that allows users to stake their Crypto assets such as BNB or other coins to earn new tokens from new projects🎮

What is Pixels?-
Pixels is a blockchain-based social casual game offering a unique gaming experience.- Users can create their own games with digital collectibles.- Pixels has migrated to the Ronin blockchain.

💎 Key Features of Pixels- More than 170k Unique Active Users- Players can build and own their virtual worlds, earning rewards on the blockchain.

💼 Pixels Token DetailsToken Name: Pixels (PIXEL)Max Token Supply: 5,000,000,000 PIXELLaunchpool Token Rewards: 350,000,000 PIXEL (7% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 771,041,667 PIXEL (15.42% of max token supply)

💰 How you can earn money with it?

Binance users have the opportunity to stake BNB and FDUSD in various pools to earn $PIXEL tokens over 10 days.

📅 Farming Period: Feb 9th - Feb 18th, 2024 (UTC)🔗 How to Join Binance Launchpool?- Log in to your Binance account and navigate to Launchpad.- Find Launchpool and the list of available projects.- Stake your BNB or FDUSD to start earning PIXEL rewardsMaths is simple:
The less you stake, the less you earn, the more you stake, the more you earn 💰
🚨Price Prediction for "PIXEL" after it launches for March, April, May, June, July and August👇 In this Price Prediction analys, we will explore the price trends and future developments of PIXEL, providing a detailed analysis of its price dynamics. Reading this PIXEL price projection will provide you with an in-depth view of the potential of the PIXEL Price. PIXEL Overview Token Name: PIXEL Circulating Supply: 771,041,667 PIXEL PIXEL Price Prediction in the Short-term According to the analysis, PIXEL's short-term price forecast is positive, indicating an expected increase in value in the coming months. 🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for MARCH According to the forecasts for March, the value of PIXEL token may vary between $0.05 and $0.10. The average price of the token for this month could be $0.075. 🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for APRIL In April, the forecasts suggest that the PIXEL price could fluctuate between $0.10 and $0.15 in value. The price prediction for that month is based on various factors that affect its demand and supply. The PIXEL token might have an average price of $0.11. 🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for MAY The forecasts indicate that the value of the PIXEL token in May may range from $0.18 to $0.22. The average price of the token for that month is estimated to be $0.20. 🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for JUNE According to the forecasts for June, the value of PIXEL token may vary between $0.22 and $0.27. The average price of the token for this month could be $0.24. 🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for JULY In July, the forecasts suggest that the PIXEL price could fluctuate between $0.27and $0.31 in value. The coin’s price prediction for that month is based on various factors that affect its demand and supply. The PIXEL token might have an average price of $0.29. 🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for AUGUST The forecasts indicate that the value of the PIXEL token in August may range from $0.31 to $0.44. The average price of the token for that month is estimated to be $0.37. #PixelPricePrediction $BTC $ETH $DYM
🚨Price Prediction for "PIXEL" after it launches for March, April, May, June, July and August👇

In this Price Prediction analys, we will explore the price trends and future developments of PIXEL, providing a detailed analysis of its price dynamics. Reading this PIXEL price projection will provide you with an in-depth view of the potential of the PIXEL Price.

PIXEL Overview
Token Name: PIXEL
Circulating Supply: 771,041,667 PIXEL

PIXEL Price Prediction in the Short-term
According to the analysis, PIXEL's short-term price forecast is positive, indicating an expected increase in value in the coming months.

🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for MARCH

According to the forecasts for March, the value of PIXEL token may vary between $0.05 and $0.10. The average price of the token for this month could be $0.075.

🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for APRIL

In April, the forecasts suggest that the PIXEL price could fluctuate between $0.10 and $0.15 in value. The price prediction for that month is based on various factors that affect its demand and supply. The PIXEL token might have an average price of $0.11.

🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for MAY

The forecasts indicate that the value of the PIXEL token in May may range from $0.18 to $0.22. The average price of the token for that month is estimated to be $0.20.

🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for JUNE

According to the forecasts for June, the value of PIXEL token may vary between $0.22 and $0.27. The average price of the token for this month could be $0.24.

🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for JULY

In July, the forecasts suggest that the PIXEL price could fluctuate between $0.27and $0.31 in value. The coin’s price prediction for that month is based on various factors that affect its demand and supply. The PIXEL token might have an average price of $0.29.

🟩PIXEL - Price Prediction for AUGUST

The forecasts indicate that the value of the PIXEL token in August may range from $0.31 to $0.44. The average price of the token for that month is estimated to be $0.37.
Visualizza originale
Vi darò a tutti un elenco di ALTCOIN per il prossimo Bullrun Diversifica il tuo portafoglio di acquistando tutte le società a media capitalizzazione, bassa e alta capitalizzazione altcoin. Aspettate, sono sicuro che lo farete tutti fare un minimo di 20x, un massimo di 100x Dalla lista dei token che ti darò. Se ne hai anche 1000, puoi arrivare fino a 20k 30.000 entro la fine del 2024. Abbiamo un grande toro corri avanti Non distruggere i tuoi fondi leva finanziaria se hai da 50k a 20k può essere 500k entro la fine della corsa al rialzo. Sii saggio. IO create anche il Gruppo per tutti voi. Gratuito l'accesso a Tutti aggiungerà il collegamento seguente nella sezione commenti. La corsa dei tori è per coloro che sono pazienti non per chi insegue il profitto quotidiano. Se tu ✓ vuoi ottenere il massimo beneficio che desideri per imparare prima come trattenere.BTC che scende per BTC sarà 100k Per ETH intorno a 7k-10k in questa corsa al rialzo. Noi mancano solo pochi mesi a una corsa al rialzo. Guiderò tutti voi ragazzi. è gratuito e Mi assicurerò che voi ragazzi facciate una fortuna in questa corsa al toro. Grazie per l'amore e supporto Trova il collegamento GRP nel comm sezione $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC‬ #Ethereum(ETH) #TradeNTell #TrendingTopic #ALTUSDT
Vi darò a tutti un elenco di ALTCOIN per
il prossimo Bullrun Diversifica il tuo portafoglio di
acquistando tutte le società a media capitalizzazione, bassa e alta capitalizzazione
Aspettate, sono sicuro che lo farete tutti
fare un minimo di 20x, un massimo di 100x
Dalla lista dei token che ti darò.
Se ne hai anche 1000, puoi arrivare fino a 20k
30.000 entro la fine del 2024. Abbiamo un grande toro
corri avanti Non distruggere i tuoi fondi
leva finanziaria se hai da 50k a 20k può essere
500k entro la fine della corsa al rialzo. Sii saggio. IO
create anche il Gruppo per tutti voi. Gratuito
l'accesso a Tutti aggiungerà il collegamento seguente
nella sezione commenti.
La corsa dei tori è per coloro che sono pazienti
non per chi insegue il profitto quotidiano. Se tu

vuoi ottenere il massimo beneficio che desideri
per imparare prima come trattenere.BTC che scende per BTC sarà 100k Per
ETH intorno a 7k-10k in questa corsa al rialzo. Noi
mancano solo pochi mesi a una corsa al rialzo.
Guiderò tutti voi ragazzi. è gratuito e
Mi assicurerò che voi ragazzi facciate una fortuna
in questa corsa al toro. Grazie per l'amore e
supporto Trova il collegamento GRP nel comm
$BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC‬ #Ethereum(ETH)
#TradeNTell #TrendingTopic #ALTUSDT
Sign up for free 10$ bonus on joining
Sign up for free 10$ bonus on joining
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Si prevede che XRP salirà alle stelle fino a $ 771, una notizia entusiasmante per i fan delle criptovalute. Questa previsione si basa su fattori come il crescente interesse istituzionale e la tokenizzazione degli asset del mondo reale. Se XRP riuscisse a catturare solo il 20% del volume previsto sul suo registro, potrebbe registrare un aumento dell'8,233% nel volume degli scambi giornalieri. Utilizzando uno speciale calcolatore, gli esperti hanno stimato che il prezzo potenziale di XRP sia pari a $ 771,70. Ciò richiederebbe un massiccio aumento del valore di XRP, ma alcuni credono che sia possibile che XRP raggiunga valori ancora più alti, come $ 513.000. È un momento entusiasmante per gli investitori XRP, ma ricorda, il viaggio verso questi prezzi astronomici non sarà facile. #XRPtothemoon #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #XRP #XRPBullRun $XRP $SOL $BTC
Si prevede che XRP salirà alle stelle fino a $ 771, una notizia entusiasmante per i fan delle criptovalute. Questa previsione si basa su fattori come il crescente interesse istituzionale e la tokenizzazione degli asset del mondo reale.
Se XRP riuscisse a catturare solo il 20% del volume previsto sul suo registro, potrebbe registrare un aumento dell'8,233% nel volume degli scambi giornalieri.
Utilizzando uno speciale calcolatore, gli esperti hanno stimato che il prezzo potenziale di XRP sia pari a $ 771,70.

Ciò richiederebbe un massiccio aumento del valore di XRP, ma alcuni credono che sia possibile che XRP raggiunga valori ancora più alti, come $ 513.000.

È un momento entusiasmante per gli investitori XRP, ma ricorda, il viaggio verso questi prezzi astronomici non sarà facile.
#XRPtothemoon #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #XRP #XRPBullRun $XRP $SOL $BTC
🔥🛑EARN 10000$ FROM CRYPTO WORLD WITH THESE 8 HIGH PROFITABLE METHODS🛑🔥 There are several opportunities in cryptocurrency, including: 1. Investing:Buying and holding cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other altcoins with the expectation of long-term price appreciation. 2. Trading:Actively buying and selling cryptocurrencies on exchanges to profit from short-term price fluctuations. This requires a good understanding of market trends, technical analysis, and risk management. 3. Mining:Verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain network in exchange for newly minted coins or transaction fees. Mining can be profitable but requires significant upfront investment in hardware and electricity costs. 4. Staking: Holding cryptocurrencies in a wallet to support the network's operations and receiving rewards in return. This is often used in Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms. 5. DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Participating in decentralized finance platforms to lend, borrow, trade, or earn interest on cryptocurrencies without intermediaries like banks. DeFi offers various opportunities for earning passive income but also carries risks like smart contract vulnerabilities. 6. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Buying, selling, or creating unique digital assets on blockchain networks. NFTs have gained popularity in art, gaming, and collectibles markets, offering opportunities for creators and investors. 7. ICO/IEO/STO: Investing in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs), or Security Token Offerings (STOs) to fund new blockchain projects or invest in tokenized assets. 8. Blockchain Development: Building decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, or contributing to blockchain protocols as a developer or technical expert. These are just a few examples, and the cryptocurrency space is continuously evolving, offering new opportunities and challenges. It's essential to conduct thorough research and assess your risk tolerance before participating in any crypto-related activities.

There are several opportunities in cryptocurrency, including:

1. Investing:Buying and holding cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other altcoins with the expectation of long-term price appreciation.

2. Trading:Actively buying and selling cryptocurrencies on exchanges to profit from short-term price fluctuations. This requires a good understanding of market trends, technical analysis, and risk management.

3. Mining:Verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain network in exchange for newly minted coins or transaction fees. Mining can be profitable but requires significant upfront investment in hardware and electricity costs.

4. Staking: Holding cryptocurrencies in a wallet to support the network's operations and receiving rewards in return. This is often used in Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms.

5. DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Participating in decentralized finance platforms to lend, borrow, trade, or earn interest on cryptocurrencies without intermediaries like banks. DeFi offers various opportunities for earning passive income but also carries risks like smart contract vulnerabilities.

6. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Buying, selling, or creating unique digital assets on blockchain networks. NFTs have gained popularity in art, gaming, and collectibles markets, offering opportunities for creators and investors.

7. ICO/IEO/STO: Investing in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs), or Security Token Offerings (STOs) to fund new blockchain projects or invest in tokenized assets.

8. Blockchain Development: Building decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, or contributing to blockchain protocols as a developer or technical expert.

These are just a few examples, and the cryptocurrency space is continuously evolving, offering new opportunities and challenges. It's essential to conduct thorough research and assess your risk tolerance before participating in any crypto-related activities.
AIRDROP ALERT GET 6 MILLION "DYM" TOKENS FOR FREE! "DYM" Developers Team Airdrop Announcement: Get 6 MILLION DYM Tokens! To celebrate the revolutionary potential of Dymension (DYM), we're thrilled to announce an exclusive airdrop event! Dymension is pioneering the future of blockchain technology with its network of lightning-fast modular blockchains known as RollApps. Airdrop Period: February 6 - February 15, 2024 $ Rewards: ◆ Tier 1 (6-10 February) : 2M DYM ◆ Tier 2 (10-13 February) : 2M DYM ◆ Tier 3 (13-15 February) : 2M DYM Special Bonus: Random participants may receive an extra 10K DYM TOKENS! Here's how you can claim your share of 5 MILLION DYM Tokens: 1 Join the Dymension Community: Follow us on all our social media channels to stay updated and connected. 2 Spread the Word: Share this announcement with your friends, family, and fellow crypto enthusiasts. 3 Complete the Airdrop Form: Fill out the form provided on our official website to secure your tokens. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be a part of the Dymension. Security Notice: - Beware of phishing attempts. We will never ask for your private keys. - Only use the official Airdrop registration form this information is not intended as financial advice. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of conducting extensive research and due diligence before engaging in any activities related to crypto airdrops. The cryptocurrency market is dynamic and can involve inherent risks. #dymension #BlockchainCelebration #Airdrop🪂 #CryptoRevolution #DYM

"DYM" Developers Team Airdrop
Announcement: Get 6 MILLION DYM
Tokens! To celebrate the revolutionary potential of Dymension (DYM), we're thrilled to announce an exclusive airdrop event!
Dymension is pioneering the future of
blockchain technology with its network of
lightning-fast modular blockchains known
as RollApps.

Airdrop Period: February 6 - February
15, 2024

$ Rewards:

◆ Tier 1 (6-10 February) : 2M DYM

◆ Tier 2 (10-13 February) : 2M DYM

◆ Tier 3 (13-15 February) : 2M DYM

Special Bonus: Random participants may receive an extra 10K DYM TOKENS!

Here's how you can claim your share of 5

1 Join the Dymension Community: Follow
us on all our social media channels to stay
updated and connected.

2 Spread the Word: Share this announcement with your friends, family,
and fellow crypto enthusiasts.

3 Complete the Airdrop Form: Fill out the
form provided on our official website to
secure your tokens.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be a part of the Dymension.

Security Notice:
- Beware of phishing attempts. We will
never ask for your private keys.

- Only use the official Airdrop registration
form this information is not intended as
financial advice.
It is crucial to emphasize
the importance of conducting extensive
research and due diligence before
engaging in any activities related to crypto
The cryptocurrency market is
dynamic and can involve inherent risks.

#dymension #BlockchainCelebration #Airdrop🪂
#CryptoRevolution #DYM
Bitcoin & Beyond There are four types of wealth, 1. Financial Wealth = Money 2. Social Wealth = Status 3. Time Wealth = Freedom 4. Physical Wealth = Health Be cautious of those that tempt you with financial and social wealth, Only to drastically drain your time and health. Bitcoin alters part of this dynamic... Bitcoin is poised to become a safe-haven asset in the next five to ten years. Its ascendancy seems inevitable... Bitcoin poses a challenge to the existing financial framework. Therefore, I argue that not owning any Bitcoin is riskier than allocating 5%-10% of your net worth to it. Embracing Bitcoin makes me feel rejuvenated. In a world growing increasingly peculiar, I see no better alternative than Bitcoin. Observing market apprehension while Bitcoin's value exceeds $40k is remarkably bullish.❤️
Bitcoin & Beyond

There are four types of wealth,
1. Financial Wealth = Money
2. Social Wealth = Status
3. Time Wealth = Freedom
4. Physical Wealth = Health
Be cautious of those that tempt you with
financial and social wealth,
Only to drastically drain your time and

Bitcoin alters part of this dynamic...

Bitcoin is poised to become a safe-haven
asset in the next five to ten years.

Its ascendancy seems inevitable...

Bitcoin poses a challenge to the existing
financial framework.

Therefore, I argue that not owning any

Bitcoin is riskier than allocating 5%-10% of
your net worth to it.

Embracing Bitcoin makes me feel

In a world growing increasingly peculiar,
I see no better alternative than Bitcoin.

Observing market apprehension while
Bitcoin's value exceeds $40k is remarkably
Which coin will have a similar pump?🚀 WHOA BIG PUMP AIMING it is listed on #Binance -Absolutely, Name of coin: $AI BUY ZONE FOR #AImodel - 1.10 $~1.17 $ Current market price, or CMP: 1.20$, as I'm penning this piece. Goal: 1.35$, 1.48$, and 1.70$ Duration: Two to Three Weeks You know where I update mostly, those who knows please let everyone know.
Which coin will have a similar pump?🚀


it is listed on #Binance

Name of coin: $AI

BUY ZONE FOR #AImodel - 1.10 $~1.17 $

Current market price, or CMP: 1.20$, as
I'm penning this piece.

Goal: 1.35$, 1.48$, and 1.70$

Duration: Two to Three Weeks

You know where I update mostly, those
who knows please let everyone know.
1. AltLayer (ALT) has launched its $100 million token airdrop for early users, becoming the first of at least three protocols to distribute significant token amounts. 2. The ALT token and claiming process went live on January 25, with 300 million tokens allocated to the initial airdrop. 3. AltLayer's airdrop is part of a trend, with two other protocols planning even larger airdrops in the coming days. 4. Celestia stakers, eligible for the ALT airdrop, may experience delays due to technical differences in the claiming mechanism. 5. Dymension, a multilayer rollup deployer, plans to launch its mainnet and distribute 70 million DYM tokens in an airdrop, with an estimated total value of $210 million. 6. Solana-based decentralized exchange Jupiter is set to launch its JUP token on January 31, distributing 1 billion tokens with an estimated value of $410 million at current prices. 7. Bitcoin Ordinals users may be eligible for a potential airdrop called "Runestone," a decentralized initiative rewarding early users of the Ordinals protocol. 8. Crypto users are warned to remain cautious, as the announcement highlights an influx of scam accounts posing as official social media pages of crypto firms offering airdrops. 9. Scammers often create fake posts leading users to fraudulent "airdrop claims" websites, attempting to drain wallets. 10. The information emphasizes the need for caution and due diligence when participating in airdrops and verifying the legitimacy of announcements. $ALT #altcoins❗️ #AltCoinSeason #ALT
1. AltLayer (ALT) has launched its $100
million token airdrop for early users,
becoming the first of at least three
protocols to distribute significant token

2. The ALT token and claiming process
went live on January 25, with 300 million
tokens allocated to the initial airdrop.

3. AltLayer's airdrop is part of a trend, with
two other protocols planning even larger
airdrops in the coming days.

4. Celestia stakers, eligible for the ALT
airdrop, may experience delays due to
technical differences in the claiming

5. Dymension, a multilayer rollup deployer,
plans to launch its mainnet and distribute 70 million DYM tokens in an airdrop, with
an estimated total value of $210 million.

6. Solana-based decentralized exchange
Jupiter is set to launch its JUP token on
January 31, distributing 1 billion tokens
with an estimated value of $410 million at
current prices.

7. Bitcoin Ordinals users may be eligible
for a potential airdrop called "Runestone,"
a decentralized initiative rewarding early
users of the Ordinals protocol.

8. Crypto users are warned to remain
cautious, as the announcement highlights
an influx of scam accounts posing as
official social media pages of crypto firms
offering airdrops.

9. Scammers often create fake posts
leading users to fraudulent "airdrop
claims" websites, attempting to drain

10. The information emphasizes the need
for caution and due diligence when
participating in airdrops and verifying the
legitimacy of announcements.

#altcoins❗️ #AltCoinSeason #ALT
EXPERTS INDICATE TWO CRYPTOCURRENCIES BELOW $1 POISED TO REACH $10 BY 2024 Get Reward Pandoshi (PAMBO) - The Privacy-Focused Ecosystem Token Pandoshi is a nascent cryptocurrency project emphasizing decentralization, privacy, and financial freedom. PAMBO, its native token, is currently in a presale phase at $0.008, with predictions suggesting a potential increase to $10 by 2024 - an impressive 12500% upside. Key features of Pandoshi include cryptocurrency-compatible prepaid cards. providing a convenient way for users worldwide to manage their crypto assets without the need for KYC verification. The project has already raised over $2 million in its presale, demonstrating strong interest before listing on major exchanges. Pandoshi's growth potential is attributed to its developing ecosystem, encompassing a range of DeFi products, such as a decentralized exchange, Pandoshi Wallet, Pandachain (layer-2 blockchain), crypto debit cards, metaverse games, and NFTs. The deflationary tokenomics, involving the burning of PAMBO tokens, adds an element of scarcity that could contribute to long-term value. In summary, Pandoshi's powerful tokenomics and diverse ecosystem position it as a contender for significant growth, especially if crypto adoption continues to rise.Cardano (ADA) – The Smart Contract Blockchain Cardano, a more established project, trades under $1 despite reaching an all- time high of $3 in 2021. ADA, its native token, is predicted to retest its highs and potentially surpass $10 in the next bull run. Cardano stands out as one of the leading smart contract platforms, aiming to address scalability and high fees.
TO REACH $10 BY 2024
Get Reward
Pandoshi (PAMBO) - The Privacy-Focused
Ecosystem Token
Pandoshi is a nascent cryptocurrency
project emphasizing decentralization,
privacy, and financial freedom. PAMBO, its
native token, is currently in a presale
phase at $0.008, with predictions
suggesting a potential increase to $10 by
2024 - an impressive 12500% upside.
Key features of Pandoshi include
prepaid cards.
providing a convenient way for users
worldwide to manage their crypto assets
without the need for KYC verification. The project has already raised over $2 million
in its presale, demonstrating strong
interest before listing on major exchanges.
Pandoshi's growth potential is attributed
to its developing ecosystem,
encompassing a range of DeFi products,
such as a decentralized exchange,
Pandoshi Wallet, Pandachain (layer-2
blockchain), crypto debit cards, metaverse
games, and NFTs. The deflationary
tokenomics, involving the burning of
PAMBO tokens, adds an element of
scarcity that could contribute to long-term
In summary, Pandoshi's powerful
tokenomics and diverse ecosystem
position it as a contender for significant
growth, especially if crypto adoption
continues to rise.Cardano (ADA) – The Smart Contract
Cardano, a more established project,
trades under $1 despite reaching an all-
time high of $3 in 2021. ADA, its native
token, is predicted to retest its highs and
potentially surpass $10 in the next bull
Cardano stands out as one of the leading
smart contract platforms, aiming to
address scalability and high fees.
$SCROLL is about to become the biggest Airdrop of 2024! Profit: $10,000+ Cost: $7 Time: 5 mins Secure your spot now with my personal strategy. Hurry, snapshot can happen anytime 3 I'm embarking on this journey right now! To add Networks to your MetaMask: Ⓒ First, ensure that you have a @MetaMask wallet. Visit: Visit: Ⓒ Connect your MetaMask wallet and addthe Scroll network. Here's how you can get started: Go to CROLL&chain=ZKSYN Ⓒ Connect your wallet Ⓒ Make sure you select zkSync -> Scroll chain 50 Orbiter Bridge Instructions: Ⓒ Visit: oll&token=ETH Ⓒ Choose ZKS or Arbitrum as the sender networkO Enter the amount of ETH you want to bridge 6 Click on "Bridge" Mint NFTs Head to any collection and mint 1 NFT: O Ⓒ 70 Follow these steps to complete your token swap: Visit: @syncswap Ⓒ Connect your wallet. O Select the tokens you want to swap. Ⓒ Complete the token swap. Other DEX options include: @izumi_Finance Ⓒ@spacefi_io O @BreederDodo Ⓒ@SushiSwap 8 NFTS: O Head to Choose any collection. O Click "Make Offer." Ⓒ Convert ETH to WETH. Ⓒ Approve WETH. 90 Mint a domain name on Scroll with ease.Visit: or Ⓒ Enter your desired domain to check its availability O Mint the domain once confirmed 109 @Dmailofficial Ⓒ Connect your wallet. Ⓒ Click on "Compose". Enter a random address. Ⓒ Send as many messages as you want. 11 If you want to deploy a smart contract on Scroll Era, it will cost you approximately $0.35. Visit: Select "Basic Contract"
$SCROLL is about to become the
biggest Airdrop of 2024!
Profit: $10,000+
Cost: $7
Time: 5 mins
Secure your spot now with my personal
Hurry, snapshot can happen anytime
I'm embarking on this journey right now!
To add Networks to your MetaMask:
Ⓒ First, ensure that you have a @MetaMask
Ⓒ Connect your MetaMask wallet and addthe Scroll network.
Here's how you can get started:
Go to
Ⓒ Connect your wallet
Ⓒ Make sure you select zkSync -> Scroll
Orbiter Bridge Instructions:
Ⓒ Visit:
Ⓒ Choose ZKS or Arbitrum as the sender
networkO Enter the amount of ETH you want to
Click on "Bridge"
Mint NFTs
Head to any collection and mint 1 NFT:
Follow these steps to complete your token
Visit: @syncswap
Ⓒ Connect your wallet.
O Select the tokens you want to swap.
Ⓒ Complete the token swap.
Other DEX options include:
O @BreederDodo
O Head to
Choose any collection.
O Click "Make Offer."
Ⓒ Convert ETH to WETH.
Ⓒ Approve WETH.

Mint a domain name on Scroll with ease.Visit: or
Ⓒ Enter your desired domain to check its
O Mint the domain once confirmed
Ⓒ Connect your wallet.
Ⓒ Click on "Compose".
Enter a random address.
Ⓒ Send as many messages as you want.
If you want to deploy a smart contract on
Scroll Era, it will cost you approximately
Select "Basic Contract"
Going to give you all a list of ALTCOIN for the next Bullrun Diversify your portfolio by buying all mid cap lowcap and high cap altcoins. Hold it on Spot I am sure you all gonna make a minimum 20x maximum of 100x From the token list I am going to give you. If you have even 1000 it can go up to 20k to 30k by the end of 2024. We have a big bull run ahead Don't destroy your funds on leverage if you have 50k to 20k it can be 500k by the end of the bull run. Be wise. I also make the Group for you all. Free access to Everyone will add the link below in the comment section. The bull run is for those who are patience not for those who chase daily profit. If you ✓ want to get the maximum benefit you ne to learn first how to hold.BTC coming down per BTC will be 100k Per ETH around 7k to 10k in this bull run. We are just a few months away from a bull run. I will guide all of you guys. it's for free and I will make sure you guys make a fortune in this bull run. Thank you for the love and support Find the GRP link in the comm section $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #ETH #TradeNTell ll #trendingtoday #tradingTopic #altcoins❗️
Going to give you all a list of ALTCOIN for
the next Bullrun Diversify your portfolio by
buying all mid cap lowcap and high cap
Hold it on Spot I am sure you all gonna
make a minimum 20x maximum of 100x
From the token list I am going to give you.
If you have even 1000 it can go up to 20k to
30k by the end of 2024. We have a big bull
run ahead Don't destroy your funds on
leverage if you have 50k to 20k it can be
500k by the end of the bull run. Be wise. I
also make the Group for you all. Free
access to Everyone will add the link below
in the comment section.
The bull run is for those who are patience
not for those who chase daily profit. If you

want to get the maximum benefit you ne
to learn first how to hold.BTC coming down per BTC will be 100k Per
ETH around 7k to 10k in this bull run. We
are just a few months away from a bull run.
I will guide all of you guys. it's for free and
I will make sure you guys make a fortune
in this bull run. Thank you for the love and
support Find the GRP link in the comm
#TradeNTell ll #trendingtoday #tradingTopic #altcoins❗️
Binance Announces Delisting of Spot Trading Pairs - Effective January 26, 2024 In a move aimed at ensuring user protection and sustaining a robust trading market, Binance routinely reviews all listed spot trading pairs. Following the latest assessments, Binance has decided to delist specific spot trading pairs, effective January 26, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC). The affected trading pairs include COMBO/BNB, CRV/ETH, IOST/ETH, NEO/ETH, QKC/ETH, QUICK/TUSD, RUNE/EUR, and WOO/BNB. This decision is influenced by multiple factors, including poor liquidity and trading volume, underscoring Binance's commitment to maintaining a high-quality trading environment. Users should be aware that the delisting of a spot trading pair does not impact the availability of the tokens on Binance Spot. Trading for the base and quote assets of the delisted pairs remains possible through other available trading pairs on Binance. Additionally, Binance will terminate Spot Trading Bots services associated with the aforementioned spot trading pairs on January 26, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC) where applicable. Users are strongly advised to update or cancel their Spot Trading Bots prior to the cessation of services to mitigate potential losses. The announcement acknowledges the possibility of discrepancies in translate versions and urges users to refer to the original English version for the most up-to-date and accurate information. This proactive delisting approach by Binance underscores its commitment to providing a secure and efficient trading environment for its global user base. ♥ If you find this information helpful, consider supporting me through the Binance Tipping feature. Your generosity helps me provide quality content. I will provide you the list of coins which can harm your portfolio in future or delisting coins in binance in spot To check the list of Delist coins.I will provide the link in comment section from where everyone can join us on WHATTSAPP and Be aware in future.
Binance Announces Delisting of Spot
Trading Pairs - Effective January 26, 2024
In a move aimed at ensuring user
protection and sustaining a robust trading
market, Binance routinely reviews all listed
spot trading pairs. Following the latest
assessments, Binance has decided to
delist specific spot trading pairs, effective
January 26, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC). The
affected trading pairs include
This decision is influenced by multiple
factors, including poor liquidity and trading
volume, underscoring Binance's
commitment to maintaining a high-quality
trading environment.
Users should be aware that the delisting of
a spot trading pair does not impact the
availability of the tokens on Binance Spot.
Trading for the base and quote assets of
the delisted pairs remains possible
through other available trading pairs on
Additionally, Binance will terminate Spot
Trading Bots services associated with the
aforementioned spot trading pairs on
January 26, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC) where
applicable. Users are strongly advised to
update or cancel their Spot Trading Bots
prior to the cessation of services to
mitigate potential losses.
The announcement acknowledges the
possibility of discrepancies in translate
versions and urges users to refer to the
original English version for the most up-to-date and accurate information.
This proactive delisting approach by
Binance underscores its commitment to
providing a secure and efficient trading
environment for its global user base.
♥ If you find this information helpful,
consider supporting me through the
Binance Tipping feature. Your generosity
helps me provide quality content.

I will provide you the list of coins which can harm your portfolio in future or delisting coins in binance in spot
To check the list of Delist coins.I will provide the link in comment section from where everyone can join us on WHATTSAPP and Be aware in future.
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