Binance Square
Trade_ with aim
You aren't trying 😒❌
Mi piace
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$BTC $SOL 💰 Dopo ogni dimezzamento, il prezzo di BTC è aumentato in media del 3230% ▪️Il primo halving ha portato ad un aumento del tasso di cambio dell'8858% - da $ 12 a $ 1075 in un anno, riducendo l'inflazione dal 25,75% al ​​12% ▪️Il secondo halving ha aumentato il prezzo da $650 a $2560 (294%), riducendo l'inflazione dall'8,7% al 4,1% ▪️L'ultimo, il terzo halving, ha aumentato le quotazioni del 540%, da $ 8.727 a $ 55.847, riducendo l'inflazione dal 3,7% all'1,8% ▪️Questo dimezzamento dovrebbe avvenire entro 14 giorni.#BTCHALVING
$BTC $SOL 💰 Dopo ogni dimezzamento, il prezzo di BTC è aumentato in media del 3230%

▪️Il primo halving ha portato ad un aumento del tasso di cambio dell'8858% - da $ 12 a $ 1075 in un anno, riducendo l'inflazione dal 25,75% al ​​12%
▪️Il secondo halving ha aumentato il prezzo da $650 a $2560 (294%), riducendo l'inflazione dall'8,7% al 4,1%
▪️L'ultimo, il terzo halving, ha aumentato le quotazioni del 540%, da $ 8.727 a $ 55.847, riducendo l'inflazione dal 3,7% all'1,8%
▪️Questo dimezzamento dovrebbe avvenire entro 14 giorni.#BTCHALVING
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Congratulazioni Profitto rapido🎉🎊 #Sol
Congratulazioni Profitto rapido🎉🎊
Trade_ with aim
Ingresso 190.200
Stop perdita 192:30
Tp 1: 188
Tp 2: 186
Leva 50-100x
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#xrp Verità nascosta su XRP🤯👀 Tieni d'occhio XRP, qualcosa di grosso è in arrivo! dovresti spendere il 5% del portafoglio In "XRP" solo per Spot Trade! Ricordare Questo è un investimento a lungo termine. Niente panico se va giù, tieni XRP per qualche mese credo che possa sostituire Etherium👀🤯 !!Salva questo post! #Ethereum✅ #ETHFI #XRPPattern
Verità nascosta su XRP🤯👀
Tieni d'occhio XRP, qualcosa di grosso è
in arrivo! dovresti spendere il 5% del portafoglio
In "XRP" solo per Spot Trade! Ricordare
Questo è un investimento a lungo termine. Niente panico
se va giù, tieni XRP per qualche mese
credo che possa sostituire Etherium👀🤯
!!Salva questo post! #Ethereum✅ #ETHFI #XRPPattern
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#BTC complimenti🎉🎊 Prenota un po' di profitto qui🤑 Ricorda sempre il tuo piano! #BTC #DOGE
Prenota un po' di profitto qui🤑
Ricorda sempre il tuo piano! #BTC #DOGE
Trade_ with aim
. Aggiornamento urgente Bitcoin 🤯
Personalmente sono a corto di Btc

Voce 71400
Stop_loss 72000
Obiettivo 70500
Obiettivo 70000
Obiettivo 69700

Leva 75_100x
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#Btc . Aggiornamento urgente Bitcoin 🤯 Personalmente sono a corto di Btc Voce 71400 Stop_loss 72000 Obiettivo 70500 Obiettivo 70000 Obiettivo 69700 Leva 75_100x #BTC #DOGE
. Aggiornamento urgente Bitcoin 🤯
Personalmente sono a corto di Btc

Voce 71400
Stop_loss 72000
Obiettivo 70500
Obiettivo 70000
Obiettivo 69700

Leva 75_100x
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complimenti!!🎉🎊 Primo Prendi profitto Hit Prenota un po' di profitto qui!
Primo Prendi profitto Hit Prenota un po' di profitto qui!
Trade_ with aim
20$ alla sfida di 2k
" Giorno uno"

Voce 16:88
Ferma la perdita"_17:25
Prendi profitto al 100_200%
Leva 25x
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20$ alla sfida di 2k " Giorno uno" moneta"_Icp Voce 16:88 Ferma la perdita"_17:25 Prendi profitto al 100_200% Leva 25x #BTC
20$ alla sfida di 2k
" Giorno uno"

Voce 16:88
Ferma la perdita"_17:25
Prendi profitto al 100_200%
Leva 25x
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se hai 20$ Questo è esattamente per te! Grande opportunità🤯(gratuito per la comunità) Molti membri si sono persi lo scorso 20$ 2k$ sfida e anche io non ho pubblicato tutti i miei il commercio è di nuovo qui, inizieremo questa sfida da domani che menzionerò Tutto nei prossimi post! cercheremo di raggiungere il nostro obiettivo previsto dalla a mese ! ARRIVANO GRANDI SOLDI ☠️🤑#HotTrends
se hai 20$ Questo è esattamente per te!
Grande opportunità🤯(gratuito per la comunità)
Molti membri si sono persi lo scorso 20$ 2k$
sfida e anche io non ho pubblicato tutti i miei
il commercio è di nuovo qui, inizieremo questa sfida da domani che menzionerò
Tutto nei prossimi post!
cercheremo di raggiungere il nostro obiettivo previsto dalla a
mese ! ARRIVANO GRANDI SOLDI ☠️🤑#HotTrends
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#Bullish Sfida da 20 $ a 2000 $ moneta;-Fil/usdt Ingresso 8:70 stop loss 8:57 Prendi profitto 1:_9:0 Prendi profitto 2_ 9:30 Prendi profitto 3- 9:66 Leva 30_50x #BTC #sol
Sfida da 20 $ a 2000 $


Ingresso 8:70

stop loss 8:57

Prendi profitto 1:_9:0
Prendi profitto 2_ 9:30
Prendi profitto 3- 9:66

Leva 30_50x
#BTC #sol
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#BOME Molte persone parlano della moneta Bome. Bome rompe il triangolo simmetrico Frase temporale di 1 ora come indicato nella figura i prendere tempo su Bome ha guadagnato circa il 1000%! basta premere il pulsante Mi piace così condividerò analisi prima della pompa e dello scarico

Molte persone parlano della moneta Bome.
Bome rompe il triangolo simmetrico
Frase temporale di 1 ora come indicato nella figura i
prendere tempo su Bome ha guadagnato circa il 1000%!
basta premere il pulsante Mi piace così condividerò
analisi prima della pompa e dello scarico
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#Bearish 20 $ alla sfida 2000$ (Segnale libero) Leva 30_50x Moneta: - Tia/usdt Ingresso 15:65 Stoploss 15:96 Prendi profitto al 100_250% Piccolo rischio _ Grande profitto❤🤑 Premi il pulsante Mi piace per segnali più accurati🤑

20 $ alla sfida 2000$
(Segnale libero)

Leva 30_50x

Moneta: - Tia/usdt

Ingresso 15:65
Stoploss 15:96
Prendi profitto al 100_250%

Piccolo rischio _ Grande profitto❤🤑

Premi il pulsante Mi piace per segnali più accurati🤑
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#Bearish 20 $ alla sfida 2000$ (Segnale libero) Leva 20x_30x Collegamento/usdt Voce_19;20 stop loss _19:45 Tp 100_300℅

20 $ alla sfida 2000$
(Segnale libero)

Leva 20x_30x



stop loss _19:45

Tp 100_300℅
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Non usare sempre il segnale perché porta a queste cose # Grandi perdite, liquidazione ^ Cerca di imparare a fare trading non sempre Copia operazioni💯
Non usare sempre il segnale perché porta a queste cose # Grandi perdite, liquidazione ^
Cerca di imparare a fare trading non sempre
Copia operazioni💯
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Ehi 0fc.! Le grandi balene delle criptovalute sono individui o entità con significative partecipazioni in criptovaluta. Possono influenzare il mercato grazie alle loro grandi operazioni. Dai un'occhiata a questi articoli per maggiori dettagli: 1. "Comprendere le Crypto Whales: chi sono e come influiscono sul mercato" 2. "Il potere delle cripto-balene: come le loro azioni modellano il mercato" - 3. "Strategie per navigare nel mercato delle criptovalute in presenza di balene" - Questi articoli ti forniranno una comprensione più approfondita delle cripto balene e del loro impatto sul mercato. Buona lettura! 🐋💰
Ehi 0fc.! Le grandi balene delle criptovalute sono individui o entità con significative partecipazioni in criptovaluta. Possono influenzare il mercato grazie alle loro grandi operazioni. Dai un'occhiata a questi articoli per maggiori dettagli:

1. "Comprendere le Crypto Whales: chi sono e come influiscono sul mercato"
2. "Il potere delle cripto-balene: come le loro azioni modellano il mercato" -
3. "Strategie per navigare nel mercato delle criptovalute in presenza di balene" -

Questi articoli ti forniranno una comprensione più approfondita delle cripto balene e del loro impatto sul mercato. Buona lettura! 🐋💰
Hey 0fc. Turning $10 into $100 in cryptocurrency can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 1. Research: Take the time to educate yourself about different cryptocurrencies, their potential for growth, and the market trends. 2. Choose Wisely: Select cryptocurrencies that have a strong track record, a solid team behind them, and a promising future. Look for projects with innovative technology or unique features. 3. Timing is Key: Keep an eye on the market and look for opportunities when prices are low. Buying during market dips can potentially lead to higher returns when prices rise. 4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, consider investing in a variety of cryptocurrencies. 5. Set Realistic Goals: While it's exciting to aim for big gains, it's important to set realistic expectations. 6. Stay Informed: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the cryptocurrency world. Remember, investing in cryptocurrency carries risks, and the market can be highly volatile. It's essential to do your own research, seek advice from experienced investors, and make informed decisions. Good luck on your crypto journey! 💰🚀
Hey 0fc. Turning $10 into $100 in cryptocurrency can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Research: Take the time to educate yourself about different cryptocurrencies, their potential for growth, and the market trends.

2. Choose Wisely: Select cryptocurrencies that have a strong track record, a solid team behind them, and a promising future. Look for projects with innovative technology or unique features.

3. Timing is Key: Keep an eye on the market and look for opportunities when prices are low. Buying during market dips can potentially lead to higher returns when prices rise.

4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, consider investing in a variety of cryptocurrencies.

5. Set Realistic Goals: While it's exciting to aim for big gains, it's important to set realistic expectations.

6. Stay Informed: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the cryptocurrency world.

Remember, investing in cryptocurrency carries risks, and the market can be highly volatile. It's essential to do your own research, seek advice from experienced investors, and make informed decisions. Good luck on your crypto journey! 💰🚀
Title: The Role of Psychology in Trading: Mastering the Mind for Financial Success Introduction: In the world of trading, psychology plays a crucial role in determining success or failure. The study of psychology in trading focuses on understanding how our emotions, biases, and cognitive processes influence our decision-making in the financial markets. In this article, we will delve into the details of psychology in trading, exploring its significance and strategies to master the mind for financial success. 1. Emotions and Trading: a. Fear and Greed: Emotions like fear and greed can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Recognizing and managing these emotions is essential for making rational trading choices. b. Overconfidence: Overconfidence can lead to excessive risk-taking and ignoring warning signs. Maintaining a realistic assessment of one's abilities and being aware of potential biases is crucial. 2. Cognitive Biases in Trading: a. Confirmation Bias: The tendency to seek information that confirms pre-existing beliefs can lead to ignoring contradictory evidence. Staying open-minded and considering all available information is vital. b. Loss Aversion: The fear of losses can lead to holding onto losing trades for too long or exiting winning trades too early. 3. Mindset and Discipline: a. Patience and Discipline: Developing patience and discipline is crucial for successful trading. Avoiding impulsive decisions and sticking to a well-defined trading plan can help achieve consistent results. b. Emotional Control: Learning to control emotions during periods of market volatility or unexpected events is essential. 4. Self-Reflection and Learning: a. Journaling: Keeping a trading journal helps track and analyze trading decisions, identifying patterns and areas for improvement. b. Continuous Learning: Engaging in ongoing education, staying updated on market trends, and seeking
Title: The Role of Psychology in Trading: Mastering the Mind for Financial Success

In the world of trading, psychology plays a crucial role in determining success or failure. The study of psychology in trading focuses on understanding how our emotions, biases, and cognitive processes influence our decision-making in the financial markets. In this article, we will delve into the details of psychology in trading, exploring its significance and strategies to master the mind for financial success.

1. Emotions and Trading:
a. Fear and Greed: Emotions like fear and greed can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Recognizing and managing these emotions is essential for making rational trading choices.
b. Overconfidence: Overconfidence can lead to excessive risk-taking and ignoring warning signs. Maintaining a realistic assessment of one's abilities and being aware of potential biases is crucial.

2. Cognitive Biases in Trading:
a. Confirmation Bias: The tendency to seek information that confirms pre-existing beliefs can lead to ignoring contradictory evidence. Staying open-minded and considering all available information is vital.
b. Loss Aversion: The fear of losses can lead to holding onto losing trades for too long or exiting winning trades too early.

3. Mindset and Discipline:
a. Patience and Discipline: Developing patience and discipline is crucial for successful trading. Avoiding impulsive decisions and sticking to a well-defined trading plan can help achieve consistent results.
b. Emotional Control: Learning to control emotions during periods of market volatility or unexpected events is essential.

4. Self-Reflection and Learning:
a. Journaling: Keeping a trading journal helps track and analyze trading decisions, identifying patterns and areas for improvement.
b. Continuous Learning: Engaging in ongoing education, staying updated on market trends, and seeking
Title: Understanding Risk Management in Crypto: Safeguarding Your Investments Introduction: In the world of cryptocurrency, risk management plays a crucial role in protecting your investments. With its volatile nature and constantly evolving landscape, it's essential to have a solid understanding of risk management strategies. In this article, we will delve into the details of risk management in crypto, exploring its importance and key strategies to mitigate potential risks. 1. The Significance of Risk Management in Crypto: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their high volatility, which can lead to substantial gains or losses. Effective risk management helps investors navigate these fluctuations and minimize potential losses. By identifying and assessing risks, you can make informed decisions and safeguard your investments. 2. Identifying Risks in Crypto: a. Market Volatility: Cryptocurrency prices can experience significant fluctuations within short periods. Understanding market trends, historical data, and factors influencing price movements is crucial for managing this risk. 3. Assessing Risks: a. Fundamental Analysis: Evaluating the underlying technology, team, partnerships, and adoption potential of a cryptocurrency can help assess its long-term viability and potential risks 4. Risk Mitigation Strategies: a. Diversification: Spreading your investments across different cryptocurrencies can help reduce the impact of a single investment's poor performance.
Title: Understanding Risk Management in Crypto: Safeguarding Your Investments

In the world of cryptocurrency, risk management plays a crucial role in protecting your investments. With its volatile nature and constantly evolving landscape, it's essential to have a solid understanding of risk management strategies. In this article, we will delve into the details of risk management in crypto, exploring its importance and key strategies to mitigate potential risks.

1. The Significance of Risk Management in Crypto:
Cryptocurrency markets are known for their high volatility, which can lead to substantial gains or losses. Effective risk management helps investors navigate these fluctuations and minimize potential losses. By identifying and assessing risks, you can make informed decisions and safeguard your investments.

2. Identifying Risks in Crypto:
a. Market Volatility: Cryptocurrency prices can experience significant fluctuations within short periods. Understanding market trends, historical data, and factors influencing price movements is crucial for managing this risk.

3. Assessing Risks:
a. Fundamental Analysis: Evaluating the underlying technology, team, partnerships, and adoption potential of a cryptocurrency can help assess its long-term viability and potential risks

4. Risk Mitigation Strategies:
a. Diversification: Spreading your investments across different cryptocurrencies can help reduce the impact of a single investment's poor performance.
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