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Lorette Rucker MING
#TrendingTopic #BTC #SHIB #ETH #pepe
Halo. Hari ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan kepada Anda koin meme superstar yang sedang berkembang, Laika, yang bahkan belum terdaftar, tetapi kemungkinan besar adalah yang paling mungkin.

Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang PepeCoin (PEPEP)? Itu benar. Ini adalah koin LAIKA yang sedang naik daun bersama tim yang memasarkan koin PEPE yang terkenal haha. Aku akan memberitahumu ini dan merilisnya nanti dan kuharap ini menjadi teks suci haha.

Lalu saya akan memasuki tahap awal Lycacoin ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan?

1) Membeli dalam USDT. (Tentu saja tempat untuk membeli)

Cara ini adalah dengan membeli koin terlebih dahulu dengan USDT
Saya akan memberi tahu Anda cara membelinya.

1) Buat akun meta-mask.

2) Transfer USDT ke akun MetaMask.

3) Jika sudah dipindahkan, Anda dapat menghubungkan dompet Anda dan membelinya dari situs di bawah ini.

Situs ini merupakan situs resminya dan anda bisa mengeceknya sendiri dengan memfollow laika twitter

situs resmi untuk membeli laika _
twitter resmi laika _

Jika Anda memasukkan kode yang direkomendasikan, Anda dapat menerima hadiah tambahan sebanding dengan jumlah pembelian. Saat Anda membeli dengan USDT, masukkan rYrS9w0I dengan kode yang direkomendasikan dan terima hadiahnya. Kode yang direkomendasikan akan sangat membantu dalam menemukan tidak hanya imbalan tetapi juga kemungkinan proyek di masa depan
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#TrendingTopic #BTC #SHIB #ETH #pepe Halo. Hari ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan kepada Anda koin meme superstar yang sedang berkembang, Laika, yang bahkan belum terdaftar, tetapi kemungkinan besar adalah yang paling mungkin. Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang PepeCoin (PEPEP)? Itu benar. Ini adalah koin LAIKA yang sedang naik daun bersama tim yang memasarkan koin PEPE yang terkenal haha. Aku akan memberitahumu ini dan merilisnya nanti dan kuharap ini menjadi teks suci haha. Lalu saya akan memasuki tahap awal Lycacoin ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? 1) Membeli dalam USDT. (Tentu saja tempat untuk membeli) Cara ini adalah dengan membeli koin terlebih dahulu dengan USDT Saya akan memberi tahu Anda cara membelinya. 1) Buat akun meta-mask. 2) Transfer USDT ke akun MetaMask. 3) Jika sudah dipindahkan, Anda dapat menghubungkan dompet Anda dan membelinya dari situs di bawah ini. Situs ini merupakan situs resminya dan anda bisa mengeceknya sendiri dengan memfollow laika twitter situs resmi untuk membeli laika _ twitter resmi laika _ Jika Anda memasukkan kode yang direkomendasikan, Anda dapat menerima hadiah tambahan sebanding dengan jumlah pembelian. Saat Anda membeli dengan USDT, masukkan rYrS9w0I dengan kode yang direkomendasikan dan terima hadiahnya. Kode yang direkomendasikan akan sangat membantu dalam menemukan tidak hanya imbalan tetapi juga kemungkinan proyek di masa depan
#TrendingTopic #BTC #SHIB #ETH #pepe
Halo. Hari ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan kepada Anda koin meme superstar yang sedang berkembang, Laika, yang bahkan belum terdaftar, tetapi kemungkinan besar adalah yang paling mungkin.

Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang PepeCoin (PEPEP)? Itu benar. Ini adalah koin LAIKA yang sedang naik daun bersama tim yang memasarkan koin PEPE yang terkenal haha. Aku akan memberitahumu ini dan merilisnya nanti dan kuharap ini menjadi teks suci haha.

Lalu saya akan memasuki tahap awal Lycacoin ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan?

1) Membeli dalam USDT. (Tentu saja tempat untuk membeli)

Cara ini adalah dengan membeli koin terlebih dahulu dengan USDT
Saya akan memberi tahu Anda cara membelinya.

1) Buat akun meta-mask.

2) Transfer USDT ke akun MetaMask.

3) Jika sudah dipindahkan, Anda dapat menghubungkan dompet Anda dan membelinya dari situs di bawah ini.

Situs ini merupakan situs resminya dan anda bisa mengeceknya sendiri dengan memfollow laika twitter

situs resmi untuk membeli laika _
twitter resmi laika _

Jika Anda memasukkan kode yang direkomendasikan, Anda dapat menerima hadiah tambahan sebanding dengan jumlah pembelian. Saat Anda membeli dengan USDT, masukkan rYrS9w0I dengan kode yang direkomendasikan dan terima hadiahnya. Kode yang direkomendasikan akan sangat membantu dalam menemukan tidak hanya imbalan tetapi juga kemungkinan proyek di masa depan
Lihat asli
#Write2Earn Apa itu CYPHERIUM? Buku besar instan untuk memproses transaksi real-time untuk miliaran pengguna Platform kontrak cerdas untuk memungkinkan kasus penggunaan perusahaan untuk semua industri Basis data tepercaya untuk menghubungkan CBDC, aset digital, dan dApps di seluruh dunia Jaringan terbuka untuk memberikan hak pilih kepada peserta atau kontributor mana pun Gudang yang aman untuk melawan meningkatnya ancaman terhadap privasi data Dengan menyediakan kerangka kerja yang benar-benar terdesentralisasi dan terukur, dikombinasikan dengan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah diakses dan intuitif, Cypherium memberikan landasan komprehensif bagi pengembang untuk menciptakan aplikasi inovatif yang mampu mengubah masa depan solusi bisnis, hukum, dan perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan mekanisme konsensus hibrid yang memanfaatkan Proof-of-Work dan HotStuff, blockchain kami dirancang untuk mencapai kelayakan komersialisasi dengan memaksimalkan desentralisasi dan skalabilitas tanpa mengorbankan satu sama lain. Tidak seperti banyak blockchain generasi kedua dan ketiga yang meninggalkan mekanisme konsensus asli Satoshi Nakamoto yang tidak memiliki izin dan tidak dapat dipercaya, Cypherium dibangun berdasarkan inovasi berharga dari blockchain sebelumnya.


Buku besar instan untuk memproses transaksi real-time untuk miliaran pengguna

Platform kontrak cerdas untuk memungkinkan kasus penggunaan perusahaan untuk semua industri

Basis data tepercaya untuk menghubungkan CBDC, aset digital, dan dApps di seluruh dunia

Jaringan terbuka untuk memberikan hak pilih kepada peserta atau kontributor mana pun

Gudang yang aman untuk melawan meningkatnya ancaman terhadap privasi data

Dengan menyediakan kerangka kerja yang benar-benar terdesentralisasi dan terukur, dikombinasikan dengan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah diakses dan intuitif, Cypherium memberikan landasan komprehensif bagi pengembang untuk menciptakan aplikasi inovatif yang mampu mengubah masa depan solusi bisnis, hukum, dan perusahaan.

Dengan menggunakan mekanisme konsensus hibrid yang memanfaatkan Proof-of-Work dan HotStuff, blockchain kami dirancang untuk mencapai kelayakan komersialisasi dengan memaksimalkan desentralisasi dan skalabilitas tanpa mengorbankan satu sama lain. Tidak seperti banyak blockchain generasi kedua dan ketiga yang meninggalkan mekanisme konsensus asli Satoshi Nakamoto yang tidak memiliki izin dan tidak dapat dipercaya, Cypherium dibangun berdasarkan inovasi berharga dari blockchain sebelumnya.
#Write2Earn What is Era Swap? Era Swap DAO Era Swap DAO uses the consensus mechanism to align the interests of the organization with the interests of its stakeholder. It is governed by a set of software rules in Smart Contracts on Era Swap Blockchain Network. Era Swap Token (ES) ES is a native token of Era Swap Blockchain Network proof-of-stake Consensus Protocol, designed to optimize utilization in Era Swap Ecosystem & Strengthen ESN for long-term viability. It allows P2P Exchange using Smart Contracts within Era Swap Decentralized Economy.

What is Era Swap?

Era Swap DAO

Era Swap DAO uses the consensus mechanism to align the interests of the organization with the interests of its stakeholder. It is governed by a set of software rules in Smart Contracts on Era Swap Blockchain Network.

Era Swap Token (ES)

ES is a native token of Era Swap Blockchain Network proof-of-stake Consensus Protocol, designed to optimize utilization in Era Swap Ecosystem & Strengthen ESN for long-term viability. It allows P2P Exchange using Smart Contracts within Era Swap Decentralized Economy.
#Write2Earn What is Spheroid Universe? Spheroid Universe is a Platform for developing Extended Reality projects. The technological basis of the Platform is the Spheroid XR Cloud and the Spheroid Script programming language designed for AR/XR creation. SPHEROID SCRIPT A cross-platform programming language developed to speed up and reduce the cost of developing AR/XR applications. Spheroid Script is high-performance and energy-efficient, which is fundamentally important for mobile devices. Being an XR-oriented language, it allows to implement XR products with less code and to run applications written in it on different platforms like Android and iOS.

What is Spheroid Universe?

Spheroid Universe is a Platform for developing Extended Reality projects. The technological basis of the Platform is the Spheroid XR Cloud and the Spheroid Script programming language designed for AR/XR creation.


A cross-platform programming language developed to speed up and reduce the cost of developing AR/XR applications. Spheroid Script is high-performance and energy-efficient, which is fundamentally important for mobile devices. Being an XR-oriented language, it allows to implement XR products with less code and to run applications written in it on different platforms like Android and iOS.
#Write2Earn What is GRIN? GRiN Electronic transactions for all. Without censorship or restrictions. Designed for the decades to come, not just for tomorrow. To be used by anyone, anywhere. GRiN — THE MIMBLEWIMBLE BLOCKCHAIN Grin is a privacy-preserving digital currency built openly by developers distributed all over the world. Grin has no amounts and no addresses. Transactions can be trivially aggregated. To hide the origin of a newly created transaction, it gets relayed among a sub-set of peers before it is widely broadcasted. Grin is not controlled by any company, foundation or individual. The coin distribution is designed to be as fair as possible, with an emission of 1 GRIN per second. Mimblewimble leverages cryptography to allow past transaction data to be removed with no compromise on security. This avoids Grin collapsing under the weight of data having to be kept on chain.

What is GRIN?


Electronic transactions for all. Without censorship or restrictions. Designed for the decades to come, not just for tomorrow. To be used by anyone, anywhere.


Grin is a privacy-preserving digital currency built openly by developers distributed all over the world. Grin has no amounts and no addresses. Transactions can be trivially aggregated. To hide the origin of a newly created transaction, it gets relayed among a sub-set of peers before it is widely broadcasted. Grin is not controlled by any company, foundation or individual. The coin distribution is designed to be as fair as possible, with an emission of 1 GRIN per second. Mimblewimble leverages cryptography to allow past transaction data to be removed with no compromise on security. This avoids Grin collapsing under the weight of data having to be kept on chain.
#Write2Earn What is GRV? GroveBlockchain At the heart of the GroveCoin ecosystem lies the GroveBlockchain, serving as the bedrock for future advancements in digital finance. This EVM-compatible Proof-of-Authority protocol offers both developers and investors an accessible platform and assurance of security, thanks to a robust multi-signature block consensus mechanism. Technology The GroveBlockchain showcases impressive scalability, boasting a fast 3 seconds per block time and an average of 100 transactions per second, while maintaining one of the industry's smallest circulating supplies. This advanced technology is integrated with the unique GroveBusiness model, where a substantial share of profits are devoted to a 'Buy-Back and Burn' scheme for GRV coins, thereby promoting scarcity and enhancing future value.

What is GRV?


At the heart of the GroveCoin ecosystem lies the GroveBlockchain, serving as the bedrock for future advancements in digital finance. This EVM-compatible Proof-of-Authority protocol offers both developers and investors an accessible platform and assurance of security, thanks to a robust multi-signature block consensus mechanism.


The GroveBlockchain showcases impressive scalability, boasting a fast 3 seconds per block time and an average of 100 transactions per second, while maintaining one of the industry's smallest circulating supplies.

This advanced technology is integrated with the unique GroveBusiness model, where a substantial share of profits are devoted to a 'Buy-Back and Burn' scheme for GRV coins, thereby promoting scarcity and enhancing future value.
#Write2Earn What is MagicCraft? MagicCraft Play-to-Earn Embark on a mystical journey in MagicCraft, a universe spanning PC, Android, and iOS. Armed with the powerful $MCRT token, every hero ventures into the NFT marketplace to amplify earnings and forge their legend. MagicCraft offers innovative ownership of intake assets on the block chain, you own your game and an epic saga where you are the hero. Convert $MCRT to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Embrace the adventure; MagicCraft awaits! Disclaimer: $MCRT is a game utility token for the Magiccraft blockchain game and should not be considered an investment. Cryptocurrencies are volatile and involve risk. Please be aware that the purchase of $MCRT may not be legal for citizens of certain jurisdictions, including the USA. Always comply with local laws.

What is MagicCraft?

MagicCraft Play-to-Earn

Embark on a mystical journey in MagicCraft, a universe spanning PC, Android, and iOS. Armed with the powerful $MCRT token, every hero ventures into the NFT marketplace to amplify earnings and forge their legend. MagicCraft offers innovative ownership of intake assets on the block chain, you own your game and an epic saga where you are the hero.

Convert $MCRT to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Embrace the adventure; MagicCraft awaits!

Disclaimer: $MCRT is a game utility token for the Magiccraft blockchain game and should not be considered an investment. Cryptocurrencies are volatile and involve risk. Please be aware that the purchase of $MCRT may not be legal for citizens of certain jurisdictions, including the USA. Always comply with local laws.
#Write2Earn What is GXA? GALAXIA(GXA) will be applied as a means of purchase and reward on the NFT platform developed through Klaytn, a low-fee and highly scalable blockchain platform, and will provide consistent user experience and performance by unifying various financial and payment services to be promoted in the future. This allows users to easily choose the service they want based on a unified guide as well as a low fee benefit. In addition, since it is processed transparently on the blockchain that cannot be forged or tempered with, it will be an important factor in creating a ‘sustainable blockchain platform environment by implementing a fast and transparent process’ the goal of the GALAXIA team.
What is GXA?

GALAXIA(GXA) will be applied as a means of
purchase and reward on the NFT platform developed through Klaytn, a low-fee and highly
scalable blockchain platform, and will provide consistent user experience and performance by
unifying various financial and payment services to be promoted in the future. This allows users to
easily choose the service they want based on a unified guide as well as a low fee benefit. In
addition, since it is processed transparently on the blockchain that cannot be forged or tempered
with, it will be an important factor in creating a ‘sustainable blockchain platform environment by
implementing a fast and transparent process’ the goal of the GALAXIA team.
#Write2Earn What is BTC2? Bitcoin 2 OVERVIEW Bitcoin 2 is a Bitcoin-based community-centric cryptocurrency with a focus on privacy, speed, scalability, decentralization and real-world use. It utilizes an energy efficient custom Proof of Stake protocol and a second-tier Masternode network to handle transactions that confirm in a second. Bitcoin 2 is continuously striving to achieve instantaneous private transactions, and fungibility in order to remain as one of the most advanced cryptocurrencies. In layman’s terms, Bitcoin 2 is basically a form of online digital money that can be easily transferred all around the world in a blink of an eye with nearly non-existent transaction fees. You can convert your money into Bitcoin 2 and just hold to earn rewards similar to interest, trade on an exchange to buy other digital currencies or to later buy goods or services online and offline where it is accepted. It is not owned or governed by any single person or organization and its network is secured by nodes all around the world by its users. The goal of Bitcoin 2 is to be an advanced digital currency that is fast, secure, decentralized & private.
#Write2Earn What is BTC2?

Bitcoin 2 OVERVIEW

Bitcoin 2 is a Bitcoin-based community-centric cryptocurrency with a focus on privacy, speed, scalability, decentralization and real-world use. It utilizes an energy efficient custom Proof of Stake protocol and a second-tier Masternode network to handle transactions that confirm in a second.

Bitcoin 2 is continuously striving to achieve instantaneous private transactions, and fungibility in order to remain as one of the most advanced cryptocurrencies.

In layman’s terms, Bitcoin 2 is basically a form of online digital money that can be easily transferred all around the world in a blink of an eye with nearly non-existent transaction fees. You can convert your money into Bitcoin 2 and just hold to earn rewards similar to interest, trade on an exchange to buy other digital currencies or to later buy goods or services online and offline where it is accepted.

It is not owned or governed by any single person or organization and its network is secured by nodes all around the world by its users.

The goal of Bitcoin 2 is to be an advanced digital currency that is fast, secure, decentralized & private.
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