While artificial general intelligence mechanisms are rapidly advancing, several concerns are emerging regarding centralized AIā€™s domination by a limited group. To deal with the respective risks, Polygon, Sentient, and Eigenlayer are conducting an Open AGI Summit which targets bringing the well-known blockchain and AI professionals to one page. They would potentially consider the open governance apparatuses via blockchain.

Polygon, Sentient, and Eigenlayer Organize Open AGI Summit, Handling AI Issues

In this respect, they intend to ensure transparent and secure AGI development in line with the interest of the public. Sentient and Polygonā€™s co-founder Sandeep Nailwal also spoke on this endeavor. As per Nailwal, the common masses are now facing the centralized AI. In addition to this, he supported an open world leveraging blockchain for fairness and transparency.

According to him, the centralized AIā€™s swift acceleration and integration into routine life has led to a crossroads. This crossroads takes into account 2 future worlds of closed and open realms. The closed world is administered by some closed-source models. Some huge mega-corporations have the responsibility of running them. Ā On the contrary, the other choice comprises an open world.

The Endeavor Promotes Transparency and Justice Concerning AI

The respective world permits the open-source default models. They reportedly have verifiable inferences. Additionally, the value reportedly flows to stakeholders. Keeping that in view, the open world offers a preferred place. Nonetheless, this can just take place with the help of the blockchain technology. As a result of this, AI technology will potentially become relatively just and transparent.

As per the schedule, the summit is going to occur on the 7th of the next month. On the respective date, the common masses can access the summit via https://openagi.tech/ from 12 PM to 8 PM. The chief speakers to take part in the summit include Sandeep Nailwal, Joey Krug (Founder Fundā€™s general partner), and Brad Feinstein (Amazon Web Servicesā€™ Web3 North America Head. Apart from that, the summit will also include Juan Bennet (IPFSā€™ co-founder).

The discussion will take into account subjects like technical safety research regarding AI. The other topics include governance models dealing with AGI systems, as well as ethical considerations. The summit will also focus on the latest use cases leveraging the intersection of blockchain and AI technologies. Furthermore, the summit also targets promoting collaboration throughout academic institutions, and industry leaders.