Harga UMA (UMA)

Mata Uang:
1 UMA setara dengan $ 3.453228 USD-6.07%1H
Halaman terakhir diperbarui: 2024-12-17 01:19 (UTC+0)
Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang UMA hari ini?
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Harga UMA hari ini

Harga live UMA adalah $ 3.453228 per (UMA / USD) dengan kapitalisasi pasar saat ini $ 287.47M USD. Volume perdagangan 24 jam adalah $ 25.34M USD. Harga UMA ke USD diperbarui secara real-time. UMA berubah -6.07% dalam 24 jam terakhir dengan suplai beredar sebesar 83.25M.
Kinerja Harga UMA dalam USD
Perbandingan TanggalPerubahan Jumlah% Perubahan
Hari Ini$ -0.223214-6.07%
30 Hari$ 0.857357+33.03%
60 Hari$ 0.526224+17.98%
90 Hari$ 1.351473+64.30%

Informasi Pasar UMA

Low & High 24 jam
Rendah: $ 3.406204
Tinggi: $ 3.666649
Harga tertinggi dan terendah yang dibayarkan untuk aset ini dalam 24 jam.
All Time High
$ 43.37
Harga tertinggi yang dibayarkan untuk aset ini sejak diluncurkan atau masuk listing.
Perubahan Harga (1jam)
Persentase perubahan harga aset ini dibandingkan dengan 1 jam lalu.
Perubahan Harga (24 jam)
Persentase perubahan harga aset ini dibandingkan dengan 24 jam lalu.
Perubahan Harga (7hari)
Persentase perubahan harga aset ini dibandingkan dengan 7 hari lalu.

Informasi Pasar UMA

Popularitas didasarkan pada kapitalisasi pasar relatif aset.
Kapitalisasi Pasar
$ 287.47M
Kapitalisasi pasar dihitung dengan mengalikan suplai aset yang beredar dengan harga saat ini.
Volume (24 jam)
$ 25.34M
Nilai total dolar dari semua transaksi untuk aset ini selama 24 jam terakhir.
Pasokan Beredar
Jumlah koin yang beredar di pasar dan tersedia untuk diperdagangkan oleh umum, mirip dengan saham yang diperdagangkan secara publik di pasar saham.
Total Suplai Maksimum
Jumlah total koin yang pernah dibuat untuk mata uang kripto tersebut, serupa dengan saham yang terdilusi sepenuhnya di pasar saham. Jika data ini tidak disediakan atau diverifikasi oleh CoinMarketCap, suplai maksimumnya ditampilkan dengan tanda '--'.
Kapitalisasi Pasar Terdilusi Penuh
$ 422.43M
Jumlah total koin yang pernah dibuat untuk mata uang kripto tersebut, serupa dengan saham yang terdilusi sepenuhnya di pasar saham. Jika data ini tidak disediakan atau diverifikasi oleh CoinMarketCap, suplai maksimumnya ditampilkan dengan tanda '--'.
Tanggal Penerbitan

Apa Saja Kegunaan UMA (UMA)?

Jelajahi cara menggunakan mata uang kripto Anda dengan Binance.

About UMA(UMA)

UMA is an optimistic oracle (OO), a system capable of documenting any verifiable fact on a blockchain. This OO is often referred to as "a human-driven machine for truth" due to its ability to manage uncertainties and broaden the range of possibilities in web3. The UMA's OO plays a pivotal role in safeguarding a wide array of web3 applications. These include multi-chain bridges, insurance protocols, forecast markets, and tailored tools for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

UMA is a decentralized finance protocol with an optimistic oracle and a system for adjudicating data disputes on the blockchain. UMA was founded in 2018 by Allison Lu and Hart Lambur, bringing their experience as Goldman Sachs traders with an understanding of financial markets and trends. The current price of UMA is updated live on Binance.

The UMA system comprises two parts, priceless contracts and the optimistic oracle. Priceless contracts allow developers to create synthetic assets. Synthetic assets are the tokenized representations of financial derivatives, which are financial contracts that offer tailored exposure to an underlying asset or financial position.

Blockchain contracts are isolated by design and use services outside the blockchain called oracles to feed live data, such as coin prices, weather, and whatever other data a smart contract would need from outside the blockchain. UMA co-founder Hart Lambur claims that every blockchain oracle is corruptible, risking DeFi protocols. 

UMA's priceless contracts use an optimistic oracle, the Data Verification Mechanism (DVM). The oracle is dubbed optimistic because only when network participants disagree on the value of the collateral underpinning a synthetic token can the DVM supply the price of an asset at a requested timestamp. Contrary to non-optimistic oracle methods, which continuously write prices on-chain to guarantee contracts are adequately collateralized. According to UMA, decentralized financial contracts are deemed more secure and scalable when oracle usage is kept to a minimum. 

As the oracle feeds data into the system, contract interactions can be up for dispute. It is then left up to token holders to vote on price requests using the Data Verification Mechanism. Token holders who vote with the majority receive an inflationary reward of 0.05% of the total network supply, allocated proportionally by stake. Those with the losing vote are penalized, incentivizing voters to provide accurate data to the system.

UMA, the native token of its namesake project, serves multiple purposes. It offers economic security to protocols utilizing UMA's Optimistic Oracle (OO), such as Across, Polymarket, and Sherlock. Additionally, UMA token holders form a community that contributes to dispute resolution by voting on the final outcomes of OO's queries. The token is also instrumental in governance, allowing holders to vote on protocol updates and allocations of UMA DAO funds. The live price of UMA is available and updated in real time on Binance. 

People Also Ask: Other Questions About UMA

  1. What is UMA Crypto Used For?

    $UMA token holders can actively participate in the project's governance by voicing their opinions on various aspects such as permitted contracts, upgrades, asset types, and more, thereby shaping the project's direction. Additionally, when a dispute is submitted to the DVM, token holders are incentivized to vote on a dispute resolution, with majority voters rewarded for participation. 

  2. Who is the Founder of UMA?

    Two Goldman Sachs traders, Allison Lu and Hart Lambu, founded UMA to address the need for a decentralized protocol to facilitate the creation and trading of synthetic assets.UMA was established in 2018 with the alleged objective of granting access to financial markets to anyone unfettered by censorship and financial status.

  3. What is the Maximum Token Supply of UMA?

    The UMA token has a circulating supply of 76,347,403 UMA at the time of writing.

  4. What Makes UMA Different From Others?

    UMA claims that its optimistic oracle differs from other oracles or non-optimistic oracles. By allowing token holders to vote on disputes in the system and taking human judgment into account, UMA ensures contracts will be securely and appropriately managed when any complications emerge from volatile markets. Utilizing this method of checks and balances makes for what is reported to be a more secure flux of data into blockchains. UMA's innovative design allows for the creation of synthetic assets without requiring a trusted price feed, making it a flexible and censorship-resistant platform for creating and trading synthetic assets.

  5. How To Buy UMA(UMA)?

    UMA (UMA) can be purchased directly from the Binance Exchange using a credit or debit card. UMA (UMA) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. Live UMA crypto price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, UMA price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How to Buy UMA (UMA) guide.

UMA ke Mata Uang Lokal

1 UMA ke USD$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke TRY$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke RUB$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke EUR$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke AED$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke AUD$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke BRL$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke VND$ 3.453228
1 UMA ke IDR$ 3.453228
Terakhir diperbarui 2024/12/17 01:19 (UTC)

Bagian Video

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