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Welsh-born Luke Pittard won a £1.3 million jackpot ($1.9 million) in 2006, but spent almost all of it on a trip to the Canary Islands, a wedding, and a house.

A year and a half later, Pittard was forced to return to his job at McDonald's.

"They all think I'm a bit mad but I tell them there's more to life than money, Pittard told the Telegraph in 2008. "I loved working at McDonald's before I became a millionaire and I'm really enjoying being back there again."
Az idézett tartalmat eltávolították
Az idézett tartalmat eltávolították
Carypto King 5
🎉Good news! The number of non-farm payrolls in the United States in March exceeded expectations by a large margin, with 303,000 new jobs added, the largest increase since May last year. Job growth was mainly concentrated in the healthcare, government and construction sectors. At the same time, the unemployment rate also fell to 3.8%, which was also stronger than expected. 👏
📉The release of this data has weakened the market's expectations for interest rate cuts. Previously, the market expected the first interest rate cut in July, but now this expectation has been postponed to September. After the news was released, the price of gold plunged by $14. 💰
📊In addition, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revised the number of new non-farm payrolls in January from 229,000 to 256,000; the number of new non-farm payrolls in February was revised down from 275,000 to 270,000. After the revision, the total number of new jobs in January and February increased by 22,000 compared with before the revision. 📈
This series of data shows that the U.S. economic situation is good, which will also have a positive impact on the cryptocurrency market such as Bitcoin. We remain optimistic about the prospects of Bitcoin! 🚀
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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2024 年 4 月,比特币将进行另一次减半,即每四年一次的活动,削减矿工的奖励。市场结构的演变支持了人们广泛预期的上涨。这次减半周期在基本上与以往不同,我们的指南总结了常见的价格预测和独特的推动因素。


减半奖励会相应地减少新挖出的比特币数量。这发生在每产生 210000 个区块后,形成了一个四年的价格周期。之前的减半分别发生在 2012 年、 2016 年和 2020 年。

「总发行量将为 21, 000, 000 个硬币。它们将在网络节点生成区块时分发,每四年减半一次。前四年: 10500000 个硬币。接下来四年: 5, 250, 000 个硬币。再接下来四年: 2625000 个硬币。再接下来四年: 1312500 个硬币。等等……」 — Satoshi Nakamoto,《密码学邮件列表》, 2009 年 1 月 8 日

此事件将降低矿工的盈利能力,矿工使用定制的硬件(特定应用集成电路,ASIC)来处理交易。根据 CoinDesk 的数据,在 2023 年,挖掘一个区块的盈利需要至少 10000 美元至 15000 美元。在减半之后,成本可能会飙升至每个币 40000 美元。

2、比特币 2024 年减半时间是什么时候?

奖励将从每个区块的 50 个比特币减少到 6.25 个比特币,并将在 2024 年 4 月 19 日进一步缩减至 3.125 个比特币。您可以在此处使用比特币减半倒计时表观看倒计时。




较慢的产币速度降低了通胀率,同时确保比特币的供应保持有限(2100 万枚)。这种非通胀性吸引了加密货币爱好者:与法定货币和黄金不同,比特币不受中央机构和自然储备的影响。

较低的奖励促进了网络的健康和可持续发展。据 Dig 1C0 nomist 称,年化能耗为 141.46 TWh,相当于整个乌克兰的能耗,碳足迹类似于阿曼(78.90 Mt 二氧化碳)。



正如 Grayscale 所指出的,供应结构的变化是唯一确定的。减半使比特币接近其最大供应量,给所有矿工带来了挑战。





2012 年,欧盟正遭受深刻的债务危机。到 2013 年 11 月,比特币从 12 美元飙升至 1100 美元。

2016 年是初级币发行热潮,超过 56 亿美元流入其他加密货币。到 2017 年 12 月,比特币从 650 美元升至 20, 000 美元。

2020 年,在冠状病毒大流行期间,通胀担忧高涨。到 2021 年 11 月,比特币从 8, 600 美元飙升至 68, 000 美元,并在 11 月 10 日创下历史新高 69044.77 美元。其被认为是避险资产的认知发挥了重要作用。

比特币 2024 年减半:从过去的表现中寻找线索



理论上,比特币在减半之前很长时间就从低点反弹,通常是在减半事件前的 12-16 个月,根据 CoinDesk 的数据。Pantera 的分析师估计,触底通常发生在离减半事件还有 477 天的时候。

上涨趋势在减半之前和之后都会持续。减半后的上涨行情平均持续 480 天(在随后的牛市高点结束)。

这一次,最低点出现在预期日期之前(2022 年 12 月 30 日)。它发生在 11 月 10 日(15, 742.44 美元)。


如果历史重演,根据 Pantera 的通讯,行情将在 2025 年末停止。

比特币减半 2024 年的预测:很快回到 69000 美元?

在过去的三个减半周期中,比特币在前八周的涨幅超过 30% 。正如 1 0x Research 的创始人马库斯·蒂伦所说的那样,在那段时间里,比特币的涨幅平均为 32% 。

鉴于目前的价格为 52, 456.77 美元,如果同样的趋势重复出现,价格将会回到历史最高点 69, 000 美元。蒂伦补充说,这种可能性在「我们越接近比特币减半的时候」越大。

每日 RSI

1 0x Research 在 2 月 19 日报道称,每日 RSI(相对强弱指数)已经突破了 80 。这个动量指标衡量价格变动的速度和变化,当指数达到 70 时,意味着强劲的上涨动力。

从历史上看,当 RSI 超过 80 时,预示着未来 60 天内的涨幅将超过 50% 。比特币的 14 天 RSI 最后一次达到如此高点是在 2023 年 12 月。截至 2 月 22 日,它为 70.88% 。

5、比特币减半 2024 年和现货 ETF

今年,比特币的上涨得到了现货比特币 ETF 的采用的支持。截至目前,这些交易平台交易基金使投资者能够获得比特币的投资收益,而无需直接持有比特币,其总计吸引了超过 50 亿美元的资金净流入。


根据 Grayscale 的计算,以当前每个区块 6.25 个比特币的产量计算,年度卖压金额达到 140 亿美元(基于 43, 000 美元的价格)。在 2024 年的减半之后,总量将减少到 70 亿美元,因此需要更少的买盘压力来抵消卖盘压力。

现货比特币 ETF 已经吸收了「几乎相当于减半后潜在卖盘压力的三个月份」。这仅用了 15 个交易日。

比特币 ETF 的累计资金流入。来源:Farside Investors

6、 2025 年的预测:比特币减半后的价格将达到 15 万美元至 20 万美元

由于对行情的预期,市场通常在比特币减半前的期间上涨。截至 2024 年 2 月 22 日,专家和研究机构普遍持乐观态度,预测比特币在 2025 年中期的平均价格范围为 15 万美元至 20 万美元。

比特币的订单簿流动性自 2023 年 10 月以来达到最高水平,尽管低于 FTX 崩盘之前的水平。除非需求下降(与目前情况相反),减少新比特币供应必定会提振其价格。一些分析师表示,新的历史最高点已经开始了。

伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)表示,减半前的行为反映了即将到来的供应紧缩和对现货 ETF 的增长需求。该公司预计价格「将在 2024 年触及历史新高」,并在 2025 年中期达到 15 万美元的峰值。

Skybridge Capital 的创始人安东尼·斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)预计比特币在 2025 年 7 月将达到 170, 000 美元或更高的高点。他在 1 月接受路透社采访时表示:

「无论 4 月减半日的价格如何,将其乘以 4 ,它将在接下来的 18 个月内达到那个价格。」

斯卡拉穆奇在计算 170, 000 美元时使用了保守的起点 35, 000 美元(减半时的价格)。根据当前的价格 52, 000 美元,这种情况将使比特币超过 200, 000 美元。

与此同时,根据他的长期估计,这种开创性加密货币的市值应该达到黄金市值的一半。这将需要市值从目前的约 1 万亿美元增长到约 6.5 万亿美元,相当于增长超过 6 倍。


SynFutures 的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Rachel Lin 表示,减半「不太可能引发全面的牛市」,除非加密货币的采用显著增长,「仅凭这一点是不足以使比特币回到近 69, 000 美元的峰值,更不用说超过它。」



减半是一个中期的积极因素。CCN 的彼得·亨恩(Peter Henn)总结了未来几周和几个月比特币可能面临的积极和消极因素。



在接下来的 1-2 年里,比特币也可能因闪电网络的改进和其作为价值储存工具的加强地位而上涨。

比特币减半 2024 年和矿工


哈希率在 2023 年达到历史最高点。来源:Glassnode。

大型矿工正在积极储备比特币,根据 SunnySide Digital 的创始人 Taras Kulyk 的说法,「减半已经被大多数公司考虑在内了」,因为「多年来,他们一直在预期和将减半价格纳入他们的预测中」。


提高效率的方法包括购买更先进的设备、在链上出售持有的比特币以及进行股权发行。例如,总部位于加拿大的 Hut 8 正在通过定制软件提高矿场效率,并希望收购更多的发电厂。在与 USBTC 最近的合并之后,其哈希率几乎增加了两倍,达到 7.3 艾哈 / 秒(exahashes per second)。

Marathon Digital,根据实际哈希率排名第一的上市矿工,推出了一个总额为 7.5 亿美元的混合股权发行。Core Scientific 最近完成了一个超额认购的 5500 万美元股权融资轮,以恢复偿债能力。该公司还专注于保持其硬件在线,充分利用可用设备。

然而,CEO Adam Sullivan 认为比特币网络具有「自我修复的特性」,并将持续激励矿工。随着更多的矿机关闭和哈希率下降,工作量证明的难度也会下降。这可以弥补不断增长的速度和波动的节点运行兴趣。




2024 年的减半在 Bitcoin Ordinals 推出后进行。这个支持比特币 NFT(纪念品)的协议带来了新的使用案例,推动了交易费用和开发者活动的增加。这些效应为对挖矿的盈利能力和可持续性提供了额外的乐观理由。

2023 年 11 月,Ordinals 的热潮将比特币交易费用推至两年来的最高点(超过 37 美元),使其超过了以太坊的燃气费用。自那时以来,纪念品费用一直占矿工收入的 20% 以上。

截至 2024 年 2 月 22 日,比特币是 NFT 交易量排名前三的区块链之一。在 2023 年 12 月,它成为了领导者。因此,Ordinals 活动是通过更高的交易费用来激励矿工并维持网络安全的一种新颖方式。


高交易费用导致上市矿工公司的股价飙升。在 2023 年末,这些公司因矿工的收入几乎是两年平均水平的四倍而获得了巨大的利润。

从那时起,费用已经下降到略高于 4 美元。然而,像 Marathon Digital(MARA)和 Cleanspark(CLSK)这样的挖矿股在过去三个月中表现优于比特币,分别上涨了 116.57% 和 231.28% 。它们还可能对稳定的股市表现作出积极的反应。



根据《世界人口评论》的数据,以累积哈希率来衡量,在 2023 年,美国以 35.4% 的比例领先,其次是哈萨克斯坦(18.1% )、俄罗斯(11.23% )、加拿大(9.55% )和爱尔兰(4.68% )。中国曾是第二大挖矿地点,但在 2021 年禁止了比特币挖矿,导致矿工纷纷迁往哈萨克斯坦。


比特币挖矿仍然存在着极高的不可持续性——在 2023 年,比特币挖矿消耗的能源相当于整个澳大利亚,或者是谷歌年度能源消耗的七倍(91 太瓦时)。

在美国,比特币挖矿对电力需求的份额在 0.6% 至 2.3% 之间,相当于整个州的用电量,如犹他州。今年早些时候,美国能源信息署要求所有美国矿工详细报告他们的能源使用情况。该机构的报告指出:

「对美国能源信息署提出的担忧包括在电力需求高峰期对电力网络造成压力,潜在的电力价格上涨,以及对能源相关二氧化碳(CO 2)排放的影响。」





MVRV Z-score

MVRV 是一个振荡器,将比特币的市场价值与实现价值进行比较,或者将其现货价格与实现价格进行比较。这个图表可视化了市场周期和盈利能力,有助于发现硬币被低估和高估的时期。

比特币的 MVRV Z-score 图表。来源


与此同时,一大部分比特币已被持有者积累。长期持有者的供应在 2023 年底达到了历史最高水平,而鲸鱼仍然在本月表现出对该资产的信心。



超过中线意味着超买状态,而相反情况则表示超卖状态。向上突破底线预示着进一步增长的可能,通常比特币会在 1-2 个月内达到中线水平。

比特币 2024 年减半价格预测: 2025 年 2 月 17 日的权力法则走廊投影。来源

根据詹姆斯·布尔(James Bull)的说法,超买状态通常持续大约 1.5 年(强劲的牛市),而庞大的熊市周期则延续 2.5 年。然而,该模型也有其批评者。正如其创建者哈罗德·克里斯托弗·伯格(Harold Christopher Burger)所述:

「承认比特币遵循幂律是临时性的。此外,除了时间之外,还有其他因素应该影响比特币的价格,比如其稀缺性,」但是,「在对数 - 对数图中,幂律拟合的效果越来越好,这表明这个模型可能是成立的。」


在每次减半之前和之后,比特币的价格受到多个因素的驱动,超过了稀缺性。2024 年的减半事件发生在大规模比特币 ETF 流入、链上活动增加、势头强劲和整体市场成熟的背景下。


我们对比特币 2024 年减半的价格预测

EarnBIT 的分析团队认为比特币在减半之前将上涨至 55000 美元至 60000 美元,全年范围为 32000 美元至 85000 美元。过去的表现并不预示未来,新的黑天鹅事件总是可能发生,但迄今为止,整体环境似乎有利于增长。


2024 年 4 月,比特币将进行另一次减半,即每四年一次的活动,削减矿工的奖励。市场结构的演变支持了人们广泛预期的上涨。这次减半周期在基本上与以往不同,我们的指南总结了常见的价格预测和独特的推动因素。


减半奖励会相应地减少新挖出的比特币数量。这发生在每产生 210000 个区块后,形成了一个四年的价格周期。之前的减半分别发生在 2012 年、 2016 年和 2020 年。

「总发行量将为 21, 000, 000 个硬币。它们将在网络节点生成区块时分发,每四年减半一次。前四年: 10500000 个硬币。接下来四年: 5, 250, 000 个硬币。再接下来四年: 2625000 个硬币。再接下来四年: 1312500 个硬币。等等……」 — Satoshi Nakamoto,《密码学邮件列表》, 2009 年 1 月 8 日

此事件将降低矿工的盈利能力,矿工使用定制的硬件(特定应用集成电路,ASIC)来处理交易。根据 CoinDesk 的数据,在 2023 年,挖掘一个区块的盈利需要至少 10000 美元至 15000 美元。在减半之后,成本可能会飙升至每个币 40000 美元。

2、比特币 2024 年减半时间是什么时候?

奖励将从每个区块的 50 个比特币减少到 6.25 个比特币,并将在 2024 年 4 月 19 日进一步缩减至 3.125 个比特币。您可以在此处使用比特币减半倒计时表观看倒计时。




较慢的产币速度降低了通胀率,同时确保比特币的供应保持有限(2100 万枚)。这种非通胀性吸引了加密货币爱好者:与法定货币和黄金不同,比特币不受中央机构和自然储备的影响。

较低的奖励促进了网络的健康和可持续发展。据 Dig 1C0 nomist 称,年化能耗为 141.46 TWh,相当于整个乌克兰的能耗,碳足迹类似于阿曼(78.90 Mt 二氧化碳)。



正如 Grayscale 所指出的,供应结构的变化是唯一确定的。减半使比特币接近其最大供应量,给所有矿工带来了挑战。





2012 年,欧盟正遭受深刻的债务危机。到 2013 年 11 月,比特币从 12 美元飙升至 1100 美元。

2016 年是初级币发行热潮,超过 56 亿美元流入其他加密货币。到 2017 年 12 月,比特币从 650 美元升至 20, 000 美元。

2020 年,在冠状病毒大流行期间,通胀担忧高涨。到 2021 年 11 月,比特币从 8, 600 美元飙升至 68, 000 美元,并在 11 月 10 日创下历史新高 69044.77 美元。其被认为是避险资产的认知发挥了重要作用。

比特币 2024 年减半:从过去的表现中寻找线索



理论上,比特币在减半之前很长时间就从低点反弹,通常是在减半事件前的 12-16 个月,根据 CoinDesk 的数据。Pantera 的分析师估计,触底通常发生在离减半事件还有 477 天的时候。

上涨趋势在减半之前和之后都会持续。减半后的上涨行情平均持续 480 天(在随后的牛市高点结束)。

这一次,最低点出现在预期日期之前(2022 年 12 月 30 日)。它发生在 11 月 10 日(15, 742.44 美元)。


如果历史重演,根据 Pantera 的通讯,行情将在 2025 年末停止。

比特币减半 2024 年的预测:很快回到 69000 美元?

在过去的三个减半周期中,比特币在前八周的涨幅超过 30% 。正如 1 0x Research 的创始人马库斯·蒂伦所说的那样,在那段时间里,比特币的涨幅平均为 32% 。

鉴于目前的价格为 52, 456.77 美元,如果同样的趋势重复出现,价格将会回到历史最高点 69, 000 美元。蒂伦补充说,这种可能性在「我们越接近比特币减半的时候」越大。

每日 RSI

1 0x Research 在 2 月 19 日报道称,每日 RSI(相对强弱指数)已经突破了 80 。这个动量指标衡量价格变动的速度和变化,当指数达到 70 时,意味着强劲的上涨动力。

从历史上看,当 RSI 超过 80 时,预示着未来 60 天内的涨幅将超过 50% 。比特币的 14 天 RSI 最后一次达到如此高点是在 2023 年 12 月。截至 2 月 22 日,它为 70.88% 。

5、比特币减半 2024 年和现货 ETF

今年,比特币的上涨得到了现货比特币 ETF 的采用的支持。截至目前,这些交易平台交易基金使投资者能够获得比特币的投资收益,而无需直接持有比特币,其总计吸引了超过 50 亿美元的资金净流入。


根据 Grayscale 的计算,以当前每个区块 6.25 个比特币的产量计算,年度卖压金额达到 140 亿美元(基于 43, 000 美元的价格)。在 2024 年的减半之后,总量将减少到 70 亿美元,因此需要更少的买盘压力来抵消卖盘压力。

现货比特币 ETF 已经吸收了「几乎相当于减半后潜在卖盘压力的三个月份」。这仅用了 15 个交易日。

比特币 ETF 的累计资金流入。来源:Farside Investors

6、 2025 年的预测:比特币减半后的价格将达到 15 万美元至 20 万美元

由于对行情的预期,市场通常在比特币减半前的期间上涨。截至 2024 年 2 月 22 日,专家和研究机构普遍持乐观态度,预测比特币在 2025 年中期的平均价格范围为 15 万美元至 20 万美元。

比特币的订单簿流动性自 2023 年 10 月以来达到最高水平,尽管低于 FTX 崩盘之前的水平。除非需求下降(与目前情况相反),减少新比特币供应必定会提振其价格。一些分析师表示,新的历史最高点已经开始了。

伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)表示,减半前的行为反映了即将到来的供应紧缩和对现货 ETF 的增长需求。该公司预计价格「将在 2024 年触及历史新高」,并在 2025 年中期达到 15 万美元的峰值。

Skybridge Capital 的创始人安东尼·斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)预计比特币在 2025 年 7 月将达到 170, 000 美元或更高的高点。他在 1 月接受路透社采访时表示:

「无论 4 月减半日的价格如何,将其乘以 4 ,它将在接下来的 18 个月内达到那个价格。」

斯卡拉穆奇在计算 170, 000 美元时使用了保守的起点 35, 000 美元(减半时的价格)。根据当前的价格 52, 000 美元,这种情况将使比特币超过 200, 000 美元。

与此同时,根据他的长期估计,这种开创性加密货币的市值应该达到黄金市值的一半。这将需要市值从目前的约 1 万亿美元增长到约 6.5 万亿美元,相当于增长超过 6 倍。


SynFutures 的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Rachel Lin 表示,减半「不太可能引发全面的牛市」,除非加密货币的采用显著增长,「仅凭这一点是不足以使比特币回到近 69, 000 美元的峰值,更不用说超过它。」



减半是一个中期的积极因素。CCN 的彼得·亨恩(Peter Henn)总结了未来几周和几个月比特币可能面临的积极和消极因素。



在接下来的 1-2 年里,比特币也可能因闪电网络的改进和其作为价值储存工具的加强地位而上涨。

比特币减半 2024 年和矿工


哈希率在 2023 年达到历史最高点。来源:Glassnode。

大型矿工正在积极储备比特币,根据 SunnySide Digital 的创始人 Taras Kulyk 的说法,「减半已经被大多数公司考虑在内了」,因为「多年来,他们一直在预期和将减半价格纳入他们的预测中」。


提高效率的方法包括购买更先进的设备、在链上出售持有的比特币以及进行股权发行。例如,总部位于加拿大的 Hut 8 正在通过定制软件提高矿场效率,并希望收购更多的发电厂。在与 USBTC 最近的合并之后,其哈希率几乎增加了两倍,达到 7.3 艾哈 / 秒(exahashes per second)。

Marathon Digital,根据实际哈希率排名第一的上市矿工,推出了一个总额为 7.5 亿美元的混合股权发行。Core Scientific 最近完成了一个超额认购的 5500 万美元股权融资轮,以恢复偿债能力。该公司还专注于保持其硬件在线,充分利用可用设备。

然而,CEO Adam Sullivan 认为比特币网络具有「自我修复的特性」,并将持续激励矿工。随着更多的矿机关闭和哈希率下降,工作量证明的难度也会下降。这可以弥补不断增长的速度和波动的节点运行兴趣。




2024 年的减半在 Bitcoin Ordinals 推出后进行。这个支持比特币 NFT(纪念品)的协议带来了新的使用案例,推动了交易费用和开发者活动的增加。这些效应为对挖矿的盈利能力和可持续性提供了额外的乐观理由。

2023 年 11 月,Ordinals 的热潮将比特币交易费用推至两年来的最高点(超过 37 美元),使其超过了以太坊的燃气费用。自那时以来,纪念品费用一直占矿工收入的 20% 以上。

截至 2024 年 2 月 22 日,比特币是 NFT 交易量排名前三的区块链之一。在 2023 年 12 月,它成为了领导者。因此,Ordinals 活动是通过更高的交易费用来激励矿工并维持网络安全的一种新颖方式。


高交易费用导致上市矿工公司的股价飙升。在 2023 年末,这些公司因矿工的收入几乎是两年平均水平的四倍而获得了巨大的利润。

从那时起,费用已经下降到略高于 4 美元。然而,像 Marathon Digital(MARA)和 Cleanspark(CLSK)这样的挖矿股在过去三个月中表现优于比特币,分别上涨了 116.57% 和 231.28% 。它们还可能对稳定的股市表现作出积极的反应。



根据《世界人口评论》的数据,以累积哈希率来衡量,在 2023 年,美国以 35.4% 的比例领先,其次是哈萨克斯坦(18.1% )、俄罗斯(11.23% )、加拿大(9.55% )和爱尔兰(4.68% )。中国曾是第二大挖矿地点,但在 2021 年禁止了比特币挖矿,导致矿工纷纷迁往哈萨克斯坦。


比特币挖矿仍然存在着极高的不可持续性——在 2023 年,比特币挖矿消耗的能源相当于整个澳大利亚,或者是谷歌年度能源消耗的七倍(91 太瓦时)。

在美国,比特币挖矿对电力需求的份额在 0.6% 至 2.3% 之间,相当于整个州的用电量,如犹他州。今年早些时候,美国能源信息署要求所有美国矿工详细报告他们的能源使用情况。该机构的报告指出:

「对美国能源信息署提出的担忧包括在电力需求高峰期对电力网络造成压力,潜在的电力价格上涨,以及对能源相关二氧化碳(CO 2)排放的影响。」





MVRV Z-score

MVRV 是一个振荡器,将比特币的市场价值与实现价值进行比较,或者将其现货价格与实现价格进行比较。这个图表可视化了市场周期和盈利能力,有助于发现硬币被低估和高估的时期。

比特币的 MVRV Z-score 图表。来源


与此同时,一大部分比特币已被持有者积累。长期持有者的供应在 2023 年底达到了历史最高水平,而鲸鱼仍然在本月表现出对该资产的信心。



超过中线意味着超买状态,而相反情况则表示超卖状态。向上突破底线预示着进一步增长的可能,通常比特币会在 1-2 个月内达到中线水平。

比特币 2024 年减半价格预测: 2025 年 2 月 17 日的权力法则走廊投影。来源

根据詹姆斯·布尔(James Bull)的说法,超买状态通常持续大约 1.5 年(强劲的牛市),而庞大的熊市周期则延续 2.5 年。然而,该模型也有其批评者。正如其创建者哈罗德·克里斯托弗·伯格(Harold Christopher Burger)所述:

「承认比特币遵循幂律是临时性的。此外,除了时间之外,还有其他因素应该影响比特币的价格,比如其稀缺性,」但是,「在对数 - 对数图中,幂律拟合的效果越来越好,这表明这个模型可能是成立的。」


在每次减半之前和之后,比特币的价格受到多个因素的驱动,超过了稀缺性。2024 年的减半事件发生在大规模比特币 ETF 流入、链上活动增加、势头强劲和整体市场成熟的背景下。


我们对比特币 2024 年减半的价格预测

EarnBIT 的分析团队认为比特币在减半之前将上涨至 55000 美元至 60000 美元,全年范围为 32000 美元至 85000 美元。过去的表现并不预示未来,新的黑天鹅事件总是可能发生,但迄今为止,整体环境似乎有利于增长。
Binance Academy
Blockchain Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

The popularity of crypto and blockchain is growing exponentially, and so is the number of users and transactions. While it's easy to see how revolutionary blockchain is, scalability – a system’s capacity to grow while accommodating increasing demand – has always been a challenge. Public blockchain networks that are highly decentralized and secure often struggle to achieve high throughput. 

This is often described as the Blockchain Trilemma, which states that it’s virtually impossible for a decentralized system to simultaneously achieve equally high levels of decentralization, security, and scalability. Realistically, blockchain networks can only have two out of three factors. 

Fortunately, however, thousands of enthusiasts and experts are working on scaling solutions. Some of these solutions are designed to tweak the architecture of the main blockchain (Layer 1), while others target Layer 2 protocols that operate on top of the underlying network.


With a large number of blockchains and cryptocurrencies available, you might not know if you’re using a Layer 1 or Layer 2 chain. There are benefits in hiding blockchain complexity, but it’s worth getting to understand a system you’re investing in or using. With this article, you’ll understand the differences between Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains and various scalability solutions.

What is a blockchain Layer 1 vs. Layer 2?

The term Layer 1 refers to the base level of a blockchain architecture. It’s the main structure of a blockchain network. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BNB Chain are examples of Layer 1 blockchains. Layer 2 refers to networks built on top of other blockchains. So if Bitcoin is a Layer 1, the Lightning Network that runs on top of it is an example of a Layer 2. 

Blockchain network scalability improvements can be categorized into Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions. A Layer 1 solution will change the rules and mechanisms of the original blockchain directly. A Layer 2 solution will use an external, parallel network to facilitate transactions away from the mainchain.

Why is blockchain scalability important?

Imagine a new highway being built between a major city and its fast-growing suburb. As the amount of traffic passing through the highway increases and congestion becomes common – especially during rush hours – the average time to get from A to B can increase significantly. No wonder, given that road infrastructure has its limited capacity and the demand is ever-growing.

Now, what can the authorities do to help more commuters travel via this route faster? One solution would be to improve the highway itself, adding extra lanes to each side of the road. This, however, is not always practical as it is an expensive solution that would cause considerable trouble to those already using the highway. An alternative is to get creative and consider various approaches not associated with making changes to the core infrastructure, such as building additional service roads or even launching a light rail transit line along the highway.

In the world of blockchain technology, the primary highway would be a Layer 1 (the main network), while the additional service roads would be Layer 2 solutions (secondary network to improve the overall capacity).

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Polkadot are all considered Layer 1 blockchains. They are the base-layer blockchains that process and record transactions for their respective ecosystems, featuring a native cryptocurrency – typically used to pay fees and provide broader utility. Polygon is one example of a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum. The Polygon network regularly commits checkpoints to the Ethereum mainnet to update it of its status.

The throughput capability is a vital element of a blockchain. It’s a measure of speed and efficiency that shows how many transactions can be processed and recorded within a specific timeframe. As the number of users increases and the number of simultaneous transactions goes up, a Layer 1 blockchain can become slow and expensive to use. This is especially true of Layer 1 blockchains which use a Proof of Work mechanism as opposed to Proof of Stake. 

Current Layer 1 issues

Bitcoin and Ethereum are good examples of Layer 1 networks with scaling issues. Both secure the network through a distributed consensus model. This means that all transactions are verified by multiple nodes before being validated. The so-called mining nodes all compete to solve a complex computational puzzle, and the successful miners are rewarded in the network’s native cryptocurrency. 

In other words, all transactions require the independent verification of several nodes before getting confirmed. This is an efficient way of logging and recording correct, verified data to the blockchain while mitigating the risk of attack by bad actors. However, once you have a network as popular as Ethereum or Bitcoin, the throughput demand becomes an ever-increasing issue. In times of network congestion, users will face slower confirmation times and higher transaction fees.

How do Layer 1 scaling solutions work?

There are several options available to Layer 1 blockchains that can increase throughput and overall network capacity. In the case of blockchains using Proof of Work, a transition to Proof of Stake could be an option to increase transactions per second (TPS) while reducing processing fees. Still, there are mixed views in the crypto community regarding the benefits and long-term implications of Proof of Stake.

Scaling solutions on Layer 1 networks are typically introduced by the project’s development team. Depending on the solution, the community will need to hard fork or soft fork the network. Some small changes are backward compatible, such as Bitcoin’s SegWit update. 

Larger changes, like increasing the Bitcoin’s block size to 8MB, require a hard fork. This creates two versions of the blockchain, one with the update and one without. Another option to increase a network’s throughput is sharding. This splits a blockchain’s operations across multiple smaller sections that can process data simultaneously rather than sequentially.

How do Layer 2 scaling solutions work?

As discussed, Layer 2 solutions rely on secondary networks that work in parallel or independent of the main chain.


Zero-knowledge rollups (the most common kind) bundle off-chain Layer 2 transactions and submit them as one transaction on the main chain. These systems use validity proofs to check the integrity of transactions. Assets are held on the original chain with a bridging smart contract, and the smart contract confirms the rollup is functioning as intended. This provides the security of the original network with the benefits of a less resource-intensive rollup. 


Sidechains are independent blockchain networks with their own sets of validators. This means the bridging smart contract on the main chain doesn’t verify the validity of the sidechain network. Therefore, you need to trust the sidechain is operating correctly as it’s able to control assets on the original chain. 

State channels

A state channel is a two-way communication environment between the transacting parties. The parties seal off a part of the underlying blockchain and connect it to an off-chain transaction channel. This is usually done via a pre-agreed smart contract or a multi-signature. The parties then execute a transaction or a batch of transactions off-chain, without immediately submitting transaction data to the underlying distributed ledger (i.e., the main chain). Once all transactions in the set are complete, the final “state” of the channel is broadcasted to the blockchain for validation. This mechanism allows to improve transaction speed and increases the overall capacity of the network. Solutions like the Bitcoin Lightning Network and Ethereum's Raiden operate based on state channels.

Nested blockchains

This solution relies on a set of secondary chains that sit on top of the main, “parent” blockchain. Nested blockchains operate according to the rules and parameters set by the parent chain. The main chain doesn’t participate in executing transactions and its role is limited to dispute resolution when necessary. The day-to-day work is delegated to “child” chains that return the processed transactions to the main chain upon completion off the main chain. OmiseGO’s Plasma project is an instance of a Layer 2 nested blockchain solution.

Limitations of Layer 1 and Layer 2 scaling solutions

Both Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions have unique advantages and disadvantages. Working with Layer 1 can provide the most effective solution for large-scale protocol improvements. However, this also means that validators must be convinced to accept changes through a hard fork.

One possible example where validators may not want to do this is changing from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. Miners will lose income by this switch to a more efficient system, disincentivizing them from improving scalability.

Layer 2 provides a much quicker way to improve scalability. However, depending on the method used, you can lose a lot of the security of the original blockchain. Users trust networks like Ethereum and Bitcoin for their resilience and track record of security. By taking aspects off the Layer 1, you often have to rely on the Layer 2 team and network for efficiency and security.

What’s next after Layer 1 and Layer 2?

One key question is whether we will even need Layer 2 solutions as Layer 1s become more scalable. Existing blockchains see improvements, and new networks are created with good scalability already. However, it will take a long time for major systems to improve their scalability, and it’s not guaranteed. The most likely option is for Layer 1s to focus on security, and allow Layer 2 networks to tailor their services to specific use cases. 

In the near future, there’s a good chance large chains like Ethereum will still dominate due to their large user and developer community. However, its large, decentralized validator set and trusted reputation creates a solid base for targeted Layer 2 solutions.

Closing thoughts

Since crypto began, the hunt for improved scalability has created a two-pronged approach with Layer 1 improvements and Layer 2 solutions. If you’ve got a diverse crypto portfolio, there’s a good chance you already have exposure to both Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks. Now, you understand the differences between the two as well as the different approaches to scaling that they offer.
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Binance News
Binance News
Binance News
Avalanche Ecosystem Tokens Experience Significant Growth
According to BlockBeats, on March 13th, the Avalanche ecosystem tokens have seen a widespread increase in value. Among them, AVAX is currently priced at $54.55, with a 24-hour increase of 15.88%. Gamer Arena (GAU) is now priced at $0.11, with a 24-hour increase of 41.5%. Kimbo (KIMBO) is currently priced at $0.0005205, with a 24-hour increase of 36.7%. Benqi (QI) is now priced at $0.03156, with a 24-hour increase of 28.7%. Lastly, Joe (JOE) is currently priced at $0.7372, with a 24-hour increase of 16.3%.

These significant increases in the Avalanche ecosystem tokens demonstrate the growing interest and investment in the platform. As the ecosystem continues to expand and develop, it is likely that these tokens will continue to see growth in value, attracting more investors and users to the platform.
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Binance Announcement
Binance Will List Metis (METIS) with Seed Tag Applied
Note: Please do your own research before making any trades for the aforementioned token outside Binance to avoid any scams and ensure safety of your funds.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance will list Metis (METIS) and open trading for these spot trading pairs at 2024-03-11 12:00 (UTC).
New Spot Trading Pairs: METIS/BTC, METIS/USDT, METIS/FDUSD and METIS/TRY.Users can now start depositing METIS in preparation for trading.Withdrawal will open at 2024-03-12 12:00 (UTC).METIS Listing Fee: 0 BNB.
The Seed Tag will be applied to METIS.TRY is a fiat currency and does not represent any other digital currencies.The withdrawal open time is an estimated time for users’ reference. Users can view the actual status of withdrawals on the withdrawal page.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
What Is Metis (METIS)
Metis is a permissionless Ethereum Layer 2 network that utilizes optimistic rollup architecture as their underlying scaling solution.
METIS is a relatively new token that poses a higher than normal risk, and as such will likely be subject to high price volatility. Please ensure that you exercise sufficient risk management, have done your own research in regards to METIS’s fundamentals, and fully understand the project before opting to trade the token.The Seed Tag represents innovative project that may exhibit higher volatility and risks compared to other listed tokens. The Seed Tag will be applied to METIS.To gain trading access to the tokens marked with Seed Tag, users will need to pass the corresponding quizzes every 90 days on the Binance Spot and/or Binance Margin platforms, and accept the Terms of Use. The quizzes are set up to ensure users are aware of the risks before trading the tokens with the Seed Tags. Users may find the Seed Tags on the corresponding Binance Spot and Binance Margin trading pages, as well as on the Markets Overview page. A risk warning banner will also be displayed for all tokens with the Seed Tags.
Metis WebsiteMetis X AccountFeesRules
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Project: Ice Network❄️

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The Ice Network project aims to restore trust in digital assets and foster a genuine sense of community, providing an opportunity for users who may lack financial resources to mine Bitcoin or have joined the crypto space later.

Ice Network, the latest cryptocurrency, can be mined for free using your phone.

Project Ice is crafted to instill confidence in digital assets and create a strong community.

How to Claim Your Tokens:

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Token Distribution: After the mainnet launch on October 7, 2024. The network is currently in the closed mining phase on the phone.

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Since Binance announced its listing on December 12th, 2023, the anonymous meme token SATS—which is 1,000 times more valuable than its underlying SATS token—has experienced a stratospheric spike in value.
With new trading pairs launched versus USDT, FDUSD, and TRY, the price has more than doubled.

On-chain data, however, shows a picture of perhaps concentrated ownership upon closer inspection.
With a market value of $150.8 million, the top 20 holders have an astounding 333.3 trillion SATS, or 15.90% of the whole supply.

The fact that six of the top 20 holders obtained their SATS by minting—amassing around 78.57 trillion SATS ($35.5 million)—is even more troubling.

This calls into question the way wealth is distributed within the SATS ecosystem as well as the possibility of manipulation by a select few.

SATS's current gain has certainly been aided by its inclusion on Binance, but investors should proceed with care given the project's lack of transparency and possible centralization. Volatility is normal for any meme coin, thus before investing, more study is essential.
#SATS #BinanceTournament #BNB🔥 #btcnews99 #BRC20
Bitcoin spikes after GTA VI trailer leak says ‘Buy $BTC’
The price of bitcoin has gone up by over $200 since the leak of the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA VI) trailer unexpectedly served as an advertisement for the cryptocurrency, by featuring a prominent watermark that read “Buy $BTC.”
A low-quality version of the video was published on Monday afternoon. In response to the leak, GTA VI creators Rockstar Games decided to quickly publish the high-quality version of the trailer — a week ahead of schedule. “Our trailer has leaked so please watch the real thing on YouTube,” Rockstar shared on X.
Some crypto enthusiasts called the leaker “an absolute king” because he “shilled our bags.” Right after the leak, bitcoin’s price spiked by $700 (1.2%), from $41,700 to $42,400 before cooling back down to $41,940 at press time.

The leaked version of the GTA VI trailer has since been deleted.
Bitcoin’s free advertising didn’t last long, however. The account, @gta6trailerleak, was soon taken down. Some users have been keen to keep the video circulating on the leaker’s behalf.
Bitcoin has been on a steady pump this past week, up 12.7% from $37,400 to $41,900 at press time. It marks a 150-day all-time-high.

Bitcoin notably pumped on Monday evening (EU time) but has only stayed up $200.

Bitcoin has surged this week.
The GTA VI trailer notably didn’t include a release date, nor did it mention which consoles it would be released on. The video game, which has reportedly cost over $1 billion to make so far, will be released in 2025 on Xbox Series S/X and Playstation 5. Plans for a PC version have not been announced.
$BTC #BTC #GTA6trailer
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