⛏️ Introducing ether.fi ($ETHFI) on Binance Launchpool

ether.fi is a non-custodial liquid restaking protocol for Ethereum. With ether.fi, users retain control of their keys while participating in staking. By harnessing Eigenlayer technology, deposited ETH is seamlessly restaked, fortifying external systems like rollups and oracles. This innovative approach not only enhances security but also amplifies yield for ETH stakers.

💰 Native Token - $ETHFI

🔧 Token Utility - Protocol Governance

- ether.fi treasury

- Protocol upgrade 

- Protocol fees & distribution

📊 Token Metrics

- Token type: ERC-20

- Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

- Initial circulating supply: 115,200,000

- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 20,000,000

🔎 Protocol Features

1. Delegated Staking

- Node Operator Bidding 

- Deposit and Auction Mechanism

- Encryption of Validator Key

- Validator Launch

- Exit Command and Recovery

- Slashing Insurance and Responsibility

- Monitoring Validator Performance

2. Liquidity Pool & eETH 

- Minting and burning eETH

- Bond-holders and minting new T-NFTs and B-NFTs

- Exiting validators

3. Node Service

- Enrolling nodes into services

- ether.fi Node client

- Billing

🗺️ Roadmap

- Delegated staking with self-custody of keys ✅

- Solo node operators integration phase 1 ✅

- DVT integration phase 1 ✅

- Permissionless minting and redemptions of eETH✅

- DVT integration phase 2 ✅

- DAO Governance & TGE 🔥

- Contracts ossification

🔭Price Prediction

Based on previous BNB pools, the average annualized return rate for the past eight launchpools is 135%. Assuming that the annualized return rate for this mining period is also 135%, and considering a mining duration of 4 days, the token price would be above $8 USDT. Using a conservative estimate based on minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be nearly $4.60 USDT.

⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.

#Launchpool #ETHFI #priceprediction #HotTrends