Binance Square
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币安推出首个Megadrop项目 - BounceBit(BB)BounceBit 项目研报 @bounce_bit 是一个备受币安支持的创新项目,其核心创新在于推出了 BTC Restaking 机制。用户可以同时抵押 $BTC 和 $BB ,以确保交易的安全性和可靠性。通过这种方式,BounceBit 打破了传统再质押的模式,为用户提供了更加多样化和安全的质押选择。 特别值得一提的是,BounceBit 的架构设计与 EVM 和 Solidity 完全兼容。这意味着原本运行于以太坊平台的众多项目和智能合约可以无缝迁移至 BTC 生态,获得更广阔的发展空间和更多的用户基础。这种生态兼容性为 BounceBit 打开了更多的合作和发展可能性。 BounceBit 原生代币 - $BB $BB 在 BounceBit 生态上具有重要的功能: 1️⃣ 质押: 用户可以通过质押 $BB 参与 BounceBit 的 PoS 机制,实现双币质押,从而获得相应的收益。 2️⃣ 协议激励: $BB 作为质押奖励支付给确保网络安全的验证者,增强网络的安全性和稳定性。 3️⃣ Gas: $BB 用于支付交易和智能合约执行所需的 Gas fee,保障网络的正常运行。 4️⃣ 治理: 用户可以使用 BB 参与链上治理,对协议升级进行投票,实现社区共识和自治。 5️⃣ 货币: BB 可以在 BounceBit 平台上作为货币使用,用于各种应用程序和基础设施,既作为交易媒介又作为价值存储。 BounceBit 的架构分为两个关键层: Layer 1: 双币 PoS:这种混合共识机制允许验证者同时接受 BBTC 和/或 BB 代币,提高了网络的灵活性和安全性。 原生 LSD 模块:允许用户向验证者委托质押,并通过获得 LST 来获取相应的回报,为用户提供了更多的质押选择。 基础 CeFi 层: 合规托管:所有用户资金通过 MPC 钱包存储在安全的托管解决方案中,保障了用户资产的安全性和可信度。 场外结算:OES 利用中心化交易所的流动性进行安全交易,并在场外进行结算,提高了交易的效率和便捷性。 BounceBit 在种子轮筹得 600 万美元,由 BlockChain Capital, Breyer Capital 领投,目前总计获得约 798 万美元的融资。 代币分配: 总供应量: 2,100,000,000 枚。 供应量: 409,500,000 枚(占总供应量的 19.50%)。 质押奖励解锁: 第一年: 每月解锁约 700 万枚 $BB 。 第二年: 每月解锁约 570 万枚 $BB ,逐年递减。 总结: 通过结合中心化和去中心化的金融机制,BounceBit 的再质押机制,为比特币持有者提供了更多收益和参与机会。创新的架构和多样化的代币用途为其未来发展奠定了坚实的基础,同时得益于多个大机构的支持,BounceBit 将在 BTC 再质押赛道佔有一席之地。 #Binance #Megadrop #bouncebit #bitcoin

币安推出首个Megadrop项目 - BounceBit(BB)

BounceBit 项目研报
@BounceBit 是一个备受币安支持的创新项目,其核心创新在于推出了 BTC Restaking 机制。用户可以同时抵押 $BTC 和 $BB ,以确保交易的安全性和可靠性。通过这种方式,BounceBit 打破了传统再质押的模式,为用户提供了更加多样化和安全的质押选择。

特别值得一提的是,BounceBit 的架构设计与 EVM 和 Solidity 完全兼容。这意味着原本运行于以太坊平台的众多项目和智能合约可以无缝迁移至 BTC 生态,获得更广阔的发展空间和更多的用户基础。这种生态兼容性为 BounceBit 打开了更多的合作和发展可能性。

BounceBit 原生代币 - $BB
$BB 在 BounceBit 生态上具有重要的功能:
1️⃣ 质押: 用户可以通过质押 $BB 参与 BounceBit 的 PoS 机制,实现双币质押,从而获得相应的收益。
2️⃣ 协议激励: $BB 作为质押奖励支付给确保网络安全的验证者,增强网络的安全性和稳定性。
3️⃣ Gas: $BB 用于支付交易和智能合约执行所需的 Gas fee,保障网络的正常运行。
4️⃣ 治理: 用户可以使用 BB 参与链上治理,对协议升级进行投票,实现社区共识和自治。
5️⃣ 货币: BB 可以在 BounceBit 平台上作为货币使用,用于各种应用程序和基础设施,既作为交易媒介又作为价值存储。
BounceBit 的架构分为两个关键层:

Layer 1:
双币 PoS:这种混合共识机制允许验证者同时接受 BBTC 和/或 BB 代币,提高了网络的灵活性和安全性。
原生 LSD 模块:允许用户向验证者委托质押,并通过获得 LST 来获取相应的回报,为用户提供了更多的质押选择。
基础 CeFi 层:
合规托管:所有用户资金通过 MPC 钱包存储在安全的托管解决方案中,保障了用户资产的安全性和可信度。
场外结算:OES 利用中心化交易所的流动性进行安全交易,并在场外进行结算,提高了交易的效率和便捷性。

BounceBit 在种子轮筹得 600 万美元,由 BlockChain Capital, Breyer Capital 领投,目前总计获得约 798 万美元的融资。

总供应量: 2,100,000,000 枚。
供应量: 409,500,000 枚(占总供应量的 19.50%)。

第一年: 每月解锁约 700 万枚 $BB 。
第二年: 每月解锁约 570 万枚 $BB ,逐年递减。
通过结合中心化和去中心化的金融机制,BounceBit 的再质押机制,为比特币持有者提供了更多收益和参与机会。创新的架构和多样化的代币用途为其未来发展奠定了坚实的基础,同时得益于多个大机构的支持,BounceBit 将在 BTC 再质押赛道佔有一席之地。

#Binance #Megadrop #bouncebit #bitcoin
⛏️ Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool Renzo is a protocol that simplifies staking complexity for users and facilitates seamless collaboration with EigenLayer node operators and Validated Services (AVSs). ezETH is Renzo's liquid restaking token that provides users with exposure to restaking while retaining liquidity. 💰 Native Utility & Governance Token - $REZ $REZ will be utilized for voting on governance proposals concerning matters related to the Renzo protocol, including critical operational measures. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 1,050,000,000 (10.50%) - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 250,000,000 (2.50%) 👀 Key Highlight After restaking ETH, there can be an issue of liquidity being locked up. Renzo's solution is to use a derivative token called ezETH to unlock liquidity from restaked ETH. As the number of EigenLayer Validated Services (AVS) increases, different validation configuration strategies will offer varying returns and risks. Renzo can leverage its algorithm to dynamically balance returns and risks in real-time, replacing the need for users to make complex configuration choices and assisting them in achieving stable, high returns. 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 6 days, the token price is projected to be 0.8 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the price is estimated to be approximately 0.6 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the floor price is anticipated to reach 0.5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #BinanceLaunchpool #priceprediction #RENZO #Megadrop
⛏️ Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool
Renzo is a protocol that simplifies staking complexity for users and facilitates seamless collaboration with EigenLayer node operators and Validated Services (AVSs).
ezETH is Renzo's liquid restaking token that provides users with exposure to restaking while retaining liquidity.

💰 Native Utility & Governance Token - $REZ
$REZ will be utilized for voting on governance proposals concerning matters related to the Renzo protocol, including critical operational measures.

📊 Token Metrics
- Token type: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 1,050,000,000 (10.50%)
- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 250,000,000 (2.50%)

👀 Key Highlight
After restaking ETH, there can be an issue of liquidity being locked up. Renzo's solution is to use a derivative token called ezETH to unlock liquidity from restaked ETH.
As the number of EigenLayer Validated Services (AVS) increases, different validation configuration strategies will offer varying returns and risks. Renzo can leverage its algorithm to dynamically balance returns and risks in real-time, replacing the need for users to make complex configuration choices and assisting them in achieving stable, high returns.

🔭Price Prediction
Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 6 days, the token price is projected to be 0.8 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the price is estimated to be approximately 0.6 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the floor price is anticipated to reach 0.5 USDT.

⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.

#BinanceLaunchpool #priceprediction #RENZO #Megadrop
⛏️ Introducing Saga(SAGA) on Binance Launchpool Saga is a Layer 1 protocol enabling developers to effortlessly create VM-agnostic, parallelized, and interoperable dedicated chains known as "Chainlets." These Chainlets offer applications infinite horizontal scalability. Saga enables developers to initiate Chainlets with just a click, utilizing automated CI/CD deployment pipelines standardized across any type of blockchain virtual machine, leveraging shared security and state-of-the-art validator orchestration. 💰 Native Token - $SAGA 🔧 Token Utility - Chainlet Activation Fee: Developers remit $SAGA to network validators for initiating and maintaining their Chainlets. - Participatory Governance: Users can partake in voting for network governance matters. - Staking Incentives: By contributing to network security, participants earn rewards in $SAGA and tokens from projects utilizing the Saga protocol. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: Native Cosmos token - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 90,000,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000 👀 Chainlets Features - Cost-Efficient Transactions & Predictable Chain Fees - Interoperability & Rapid Bridging - Highly Customizable Stack - Infinite Horizontal Scalability - Automation 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 4 days, the token price is projected to exceed 2 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price is estimated to be approximately 1.5 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the token price is anticipated to reach 5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #Launchpool #SAGALAUNCHPOOL #priceprediction #Cosmos
⛏️ Introducing Saga(SAGA) on Binance Launchpool
Saga is a Layer 1 protocol enabling developers to effortlessly create VM-agnostic, parallelized, and interoperable dedicated chains known as "Chainlets." These Chainlets offer applications infinite horizontal scalability.

Saga enables developers to initiate Chainlets with just a click, utilizing automated CI/CD deployment pipelines standardized across any type of blockchain virtual machine, leveraging shared security and state-of-the-art validator orchestration.

💰 Native Token - $SAGA

🔧 Token Utility
- Chainlet Activation Fee: Developers remit $SAGA to network validators for initiating and maintaining their Chainlets.
- Participatory Governance: Users can partake in voting for network governance matters.
- Staking Incentives: By contributing to network security, participants earn rewards in $SAGA and tokens from projects utilizing the Saga protocol.

📊 Token Metrics
- Token type: Native Cosmos token
- Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 90,000,000
- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000

👀 Chainlets Features
- Cost-Efficient Transactions & Predictable Chain Fees
- Interoperability & Rapid Bridging
- Highly Customizable Stack
- Infinite Horizontal Scalability
- Automation

🔭Price Prediction
Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 4 days, the token price is projected to exceed 2 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price is estimated to be approximately 1.5 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the token price is anticipated to reach 5 USDT.

⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.

#Launchpool #SAGALAUNCHPOOL #priceprediction #Cosmos
⛏️ Introducing Ethena (ENA) on Binance Launchpool Ethena is a groundbreaking protocol on Ethereum designed to offer a crypto-centric alternative to traditional banking systems. It aims to provide a universally accessible savings instrument denominated in dollars, known as the 'Internet Bond', thereby enabling financial independence within the crypto sphere. 💰 Native Token - $ENA 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 15,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 1,425,000,000  - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 300,000,000 🔎 Protocol Introduction Ethena is an open hedge fund offering a 1.3 billion USDe, utilizing liquidity-backed ETH as collateral to short an equal amount of ETH, thus establishing a portfolio with a delta of 0. Ensuring that the net value of assets held by Ethena remains stable despite fluctuations in the underlying asset values. Simultaneously, it generates revenue from financing against the ETH collateral and the short position. Since pledged ETH can be perfectly hedged with an equal nominal value of short positions, USDe can be minted with a 1:1 collateral ratio, ensuring that Ethena achieves capital efficiency comparable to stablecoins backed by USD assets (such as USDC and USDT). Furthermore, it avoids reliance on assets sourced from traditional financial markets. 👀 Advantages & Risks Advantages 1. Scalability 2. Stability 3. Resistance to censorship Risks 1. Decoupling Risk from Collateral 2. Financing Rate Risk 3. Counterparty Risk 4. Integrity Risk 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous Binance Launchpool, where the average annualized return was 120%. Calculating for a 3-day mining period, the price of ENA token would be 0.42 USDT. The minimum guaranteed price would be nearly 0.18 USDT. With a total token supply of 15 billion tokens, when the price reaches 0.45 USDT, the Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) would be 6.75 billion USD. However, the current pre-market trading on Aevo with a higher price of around 0.65 USDT. #Launchpool #ethena #ENA #priceprediction #BinanceLaunchpool
⛏️ Introducing Ethena (ENA) on Binance Launchpool

Ethena is a groundbreaking protocol on Ethereum designed to offer a crypto-centric alternative to traditional banking systems. It aims to provide a universally accessible savings instrument denominated in dollars, known as the 'Internet Bond', thereby enabling financial independence within the crypto sphere.

💰 Native Token - $ENA

📊 Token Metrics
- Token type: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 15,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 1,425,000,000 
- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 300,000,000

🔎 Protocol Introduction

Ethena is an open hedge fund offering a 1.3 billion USDe, utilizing liquidity-backed ETH as collateral to short an equal amount of ETH, thus establishing a portfolio with a delta of 0. Ensuring that the net value of assets held by Ethena remains stable despite fluctuations in the underlying asset values. Simultaneously, it generates revenue from financing against the ETH collateral and the short position.

Since pledged ETH can be perfectly hedged with an equal nominal value of short positions, USDe can be minted with a 1:1 collateral ratio, ensuring that Ethena achieves capital efficiency comparable to stablecoins backed by USD assets (such as USDC and USDT). Furthermore, it avoids reliance on assets sourced from traditional financial markets.

👀 Advantages & Risks
1. Scalability
2. Stability
3. Resistance to censorship
1. Decoupling Risk from Collateral
2. Financing Rate Risk
3. Counterparty Risk
4. Integrity Risk

🔭Price Prediction
Based on previous Binance Launchpool, where the average annualized return was 120%. Calculating for a 3-day mining period, the price of ENA token would be 0.42 USDT. The minimum guaranteed price would be nearly 0.18 USDT.
With a total token supply of 15 billion tokens, when the price reaches 0.45 USDT, the Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) would be 6.75 billion USD. However, the current pre-market trading on Aevo with a higher price of around 0.65 USDT.

#Launchpool #ethena #ENA #priceprediction #BinanceLaunchpool
⛏️ Introducing ($ETHFI) on Binance Launchpool is a non-custodial liquid restaking protocol for Ethereum. With, users retain control of their keys while participating in staking. By harnessing Eigenlayer technology, deposited ETH is seamlessly restaked, fortifying external systems like rollups and oracles. This innovative approach not only enhances security but also amplifies yield for ETH stakers. 💰 Native Token - $ETHFI 🔧 Token Utility - Protocol Governance - treasury - Protocol upgrade  - Protocol fees & distribution 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 115,200,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 20,000,000 🔎 Protocol Features 1. Delegated Staking - Node Operator Bidding  - Deposit and Auction Mechanism - Encryption of Validator Key - Validator Launch - Exit Command and Recovery - Slashing Insurance and Responsibility - Monitoring Validator Performance 2. Liquidity Pool & eETH  - Minting and burning eETH - Bond-holders and minting new T-NFTs and B-NFTs - Exiting validators 3. Node Service - Enrolling nodes into services - Node client - Billing 🗺️ Roadmap - Delegated staking with self-custody of keys ✅ - Solo node operators integration phase 1 ✅ - DVT integration phase 1 ✅ - Permissionless minting and redemptions of eETH✅ - DVT integration phase 2 ✅ - DAO Governance & TGE 🔥 - Contracts ossification 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB pools, the average annualized return rate for the past eight launchpools is 135%. Assuming that the annualized return rate for this mining period is also 135%, and considering a mining duration of 4 days, the token price would be above $8 USDT. Using a conservative estimate based on minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be nearly $4.60 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #Launchpool #ETHFI #priceprediction #HotTrends
⛏️ Introducing ($ETHFI ) on Binance Launchpool is a non-custodial liquid restaking protocol for Ethereum. With, users retain control of their keys while participating in staking. By harnessing Eigenlayer technology, deposited ETH is seamlessly restaked, fortifying external systems like rollups and oracles. This innovative approach not only enhances security but also amplifies yield for ETH stakers.

💰 Native Token - $ETHFI

🔧 Token Utility - Protocol Governance
- treasury
- Protocol upgrade 
- Protocol fees & distribution

📊 Token Metrics
- Token type: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 115,200,000
- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 20,000,000

🔎 Protocol Features
1. Delegated Staking
- Node Operator Bidding 
- Deposit and Auction Mechanism
- Encryption of Validator Key
- Validator Launch
- Exit Command and Recovery
- Slashing Insurance and Responsibility
- Monitoring Validator Performance

2. Liquidity Pool & eETH 
- Minting and burning eETH
- Bond-holders and minting new T-NFTs and B-NFTs
- Exiting validators

3. Node Service
- Enrolling nodes into services
- Node client
- Billing

🗺️ Roadmap
- Delegated staking with self-custody of keys ✅
- Solo node operators integration phase 1 ✅
- DVT integration phase 1 ✅
- Permissionless minting and redemptions of eETH✅
- DVT integration phase 2 ✅
- DAO Governance & TGE 🔥
- Contracts ossification

🔭Price Prediction
Based on previous BNB pools, the average annualized return rate for the past eight launchpools is 135%. Assuming that the annualized return rate for this mining period is also 135%, and considering a mining duration of 4 days, the token price would be above $8 USDT. Using a conservative estimate based on minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be nearly $4.60 USDT.

⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.

#Launchpool #ETHFI #priceprediction #HotTrends
⛏️ Introducing Aevo ($AEVO) on Binance Launchpool Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform specializing in options and perpetual trading. Built on the Aevo Chain, users can seamlessly transfer funds from the exchange. 💰 Native Token - $AEVO 🔧 Token Utility - Governance: $AEVO holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and general DAO governance - Staking: Staking $AEVO will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 110,000,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000 🔎 Key Highlight 1. Off-chain Order Book and Risk Management Engine 2. On-chain Settlement 3. L2 Architecture 4. Liquidation Mechanism 5. Stable asset - aeUSD 🗺️ Roadmap - Launches with ETH Options Trading ✅ - Launches Perpetual Futures Trading ✅ - Launches Pre-Launch Futures Trading ✅ - Launches aeUSD Stablecoin ✅ - Launch and airdrop $AEVO - Ongoing 🔥 - Launch Aevo Strategies - Launch spot and derivatives RFQ Platform - Ecosystem Building for Aevo L2 🔭Price Prediction Currently, there is no $AEVO available in the pre-launch market. However, at Whales Market, the floor price stands at 4.6 USDT per token. Based on previous BNB Launchpool performance, averaging an annualized yield of 135% over the initial eight periods, assuming similar performance for this mining phase, the token's price is projected to reach approximately 3.71 USDT over a 5-day mining period, aligning closely with the Whales Market's order price. Calculating with a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be around 1.92 USDT. Considering a token supply of 110 million, the floor market capitalization would reach 211 million USD, nearing the 2.5 billion USD valuation of A+ round financing. ⚠️ $AEVO is built by the team that launched Ribbon Finance. As such $RBN holders are able to convert their $RBN to $AEVO at a 1:1 rate, which requires a 2-month lockup. #Launchpool #Aevo #priceprediction #TrendingTopic
⛏️ Introducing Aevo ($AEVO ) on Binance Launchpool
Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform specializing in options and perpetual trading. Built on the Aevo Chain, users can seamlessly transfer funds from the exchange.

💰 Native Token - $AEVO

🔧 Token Utility
- Governance: $AEVO holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and general DAO governance
- Staking: Staking $AEVO will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program

📊 Token Metrics
- Token type: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 110,000,000
- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000

🔎 Key Highlight
1. Off-chain Order Book and Risk Management Engine
2. On-chain Settlement
3. L2 Architecture
4. Liquidation Mechanism
5. Stable asset - aeUSD

🗺️ Roadmap
- Launches with ETH Options Trading ✅
- Launches Perpetual Futures Trading ✅
- Launches Pre-Launch Futures Trading ✅
- Launches aeUSD Stablecoin ✅
- Launch and airdrop $AEVO - Ongoing 🔥
- Launch Aevo Strategies
- Launch spot and derivatives RFQ Platform
- Ecosystem Building for Aevo L2

🔭Price Prediction
Currently, there is no $AEVO available in the pre-launch market. However, at Whales Market, the floor price stands at 4.6 USDT per token.
Based on previous BNB Launchpool performance, averaging an annualized yield of 135% over the initial eight periods, assuming similar performance for this mining phase, the token's price is projected to reach approximately 3.71 USDT over a 5-day mining period, aligning closely with the Whales Market's order price. Calculating with a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price would be around 1.92 USDT.
Considering a token supply of 110 million, the floor market capitalization would reach 211 million USD, nearing the 2.5 billion USD valuation of A+ round financing.

⚠️ $AEVO is built by the team that launched Ribbon Finance. As such $RBN holders are able to convert their $RBN to $AEVO at a 1:1 rate, which requires a 2-month lockup.

#Launchpool #Aevo #priceprediction #TrendingTopic
⛏️ Introducing @Portalcoin (PORTAL) on Binance Launchpool Portal is a revolutionary cross-chain gaming platform designed to streamline the discovery and enjoyment of Web3 games. With a unified account system, mainstream gamers can effortlessly dive into the vast ecosystem of Web3 games, enjoying a seamless experience. 💰 Native Token - $PORTAL 1. Transaction: $PORTAL enables users to acquire in-game items and various gameplay experiences across the network. 2. Cross-chain fee: Users have the option to utilize $PORTAL for covering fees associated with cross-chain transactions. 3. Staking: Users can stake $PORTAL to gain access to Tokens and NFTs through the Portal launchpad. 4. Nodes: Users have the opportunity to buy Portal nodes to aid in network validation. 5. Consensus: Users can amplify their network validation contributions by staking $PORTAL into nodes. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC20 - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 167,134,615 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 50,000,000 🔎 Key Highlight - Top-tier Advisors and Contributors: With luminaries such as Jamie King (Rockstar Games Cofounder), Matt Dixon (Global Director of Platform EA Games), Adrian Lai (Newman Group CEO), and John Yao (CEO Team Secret) on board. - Vibrant Community: Boasting a staggering 500k members across various social channels and platform pre-registrations. - Successful Fundraising: Having raised an impressive $29,000,000 through private and public sales, the project allocated 33% of the token supply towards fueling platform and ecosystem growth. - Blockchain Integrations: Leveraging the capabilities of Solana, Avalanche, Kalyton, Base, and Polygon. 🗺️ Roadmap - Portal Ecosystem launches ✅ - Cross-chain partnership ✅ - Partnership with Magic Eden & LayerZero ✅ - Raising $29,000,000 Private & Public sale ✅ - $PORTAL TGE - Ongoing 🔥 - Portal foundation - Portal staking & Node - Discovery platform - Portal launchpad #Portalcoin #Launchpoool #PixelPricePrediction #Write2Earn #Portal
⛏️ Introducing @Portals (PORTAL) on Binance Launchpool
Portal is a revolutionary cross-chain gaming platform designed to streamline the discovery and enjoyment of Web3 games. With a unified account system, mainstream gamers can effortlessly dive into the vast ecosystem of Web3 games, enjoying a seamless experience.
💰 Native Token - $PORTAL
1. Transaction: $PORTAL enables users to acquire in-game items and various gameplay experiences across the network.
2. Cross-chain fee: Users have the option to utilize $PORTAL for covering fees associated with cross-chain transactions.
3. Staking: Users can stake $PORTAL to gain access to Tokens and NFTs through the Portal launchpad.
4. Nodes: Users have the opportunity to buy Portal nodes to aid in network validation.
5. Consensus: Users can amplify their network validation contributions by staking $PORTAL into nodes.
📊 Token Metrics
- Token type: ERC20
- Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 167,134,615
- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 50,000,000
🔎 Key Highlight
- Top-tier Advisors and Contributors: With luminaries such as Jamie King (Rockstar Games Cofounder), Matt Dixon (Global Director of Platform EA Games), Adrian Lai (Newman Group CEO), and John Yao (CEO Team Secret) on board.
- Vibrant Community: Boasting a staggering 500k members across various social channels and platform pre-registrations.
- Successful Fundraising: Having raised an impressive $29,000,000 through private and public sales, the project allocated 33% of the token supply towards fueling platform and ecosystem growth.
- Blockchain Integrations: Leveraging the capabilities of Solana, Avalanche, Kalyton, Base, and Polygon.
🗺️ Roadmap
- Portal Ecosystem launches ✅
- Cross-chain partnership ✅
- Partnership with Magic Eden & LayerZero ✅
- Raising $29,000,000 Private & Public sale ✅
- $PORTAL TGE - Ongoing 🔥
- Portal foundation
- Portal staking & Node
- Discovery platform
- Portal launchpad
#Portalcoin #Launchpoool #PixelPricePrediction #Write2Earn #Portal
Introducing Pixels (PIXEL) on Binance Launchpool ⛏️ Pixels is a social casual web3 game that operates on the Ronin Network, offering players an open-world experience centered around farming, exploration, and creativity. At its core, PIXEL is the native utility and governance token within the Pixels ecosystem. 🔧 Functionalities - $PIXEL 1⃣ In-game currency: PIXEL serves as the primary currency within the game. 2⃣ NFT Minting: All NFT mints within the Pixels ecosystem are done using PIXEL. 3⃣ VIP Membership: Users can purchase VIP Battle Passes using PIXEL. 4⃣ Guilds: PIXEL facilitates participation in the social-fi feature of Guilds. 5⃣ Quality of Life Upgrades: Premium in-game features are obtainable with PIXEL. 6⃣ Governance: PIXEL will eventually be used for governing the community treasury. 🔗 Ecosystem ⭐️ Play-to-Earn (P2E): Incentivizes players to participate actively in the game by earning rewards. ⭐️ Farm Land NFTs: Players own houses and farms within the metaverse, offering unique benefits. ⭐️ Customization: Farm Land NFT owners can customize their properties based on in-game progress. ⭐️ Web 3 Reputation: Utilizes a novel system combining on-chain and in-game data to understand users better. 🪙 Token Metrics - The project raised $4.8 million through three rounds - Total token supply:5,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 771,041,667 - Binance Launchpool allocation: 350,000,000 🔎 Key highlights - Complex gameplay, - Transparency - Experimentation - Highly engaged community - 150K daily active players - Integrated over 90 Web3 projects 🗺️ Roadmap - NFT minting ✅ - Play-to-airdrop events ✅ - Major collaborations ✅ - Introducing new chapters - Enhancing the overall gameplay experience - BD focuses on partnerships with Ronin Network, Mocaverse, and YGG to expand the ecosystem further. #Launchpoool #Write2Earn #P2EGames #CryptoGaming
Introducing Pixels (PIXEL) on Binance Launchpool ⛏️
Pixels is a social casual web3 game that operates on the Ronin Network, offering players an open-world experience centered around farming, exploration, and creativity. At its core, PIXEL is the native utility and governance token within the Pixels ecosystem.

🔧 Functionalities - $PIXEL
1⃣ In-game currency: PIXEL serves as the primary currency within the game.
2⃣ NFT Minting: All NFT mints within the Pixels ecosystem are done using PIXEL.
3⃣ VIP Membership: Users can purchase VIP Battle Passes using PIXEL.
4⃣ Guilds: PIXEL facilitates participation in the social-fi feature of Guilds.
5⃣ Quality of Life Upgrades: Premium in-game features are obtainable with PIXEL.
6⃣ Governance: PIXEL will eventually be used for governing the community treasury.

🔗 Ecosystem
⭐️ Play-to-Earn (P2E): Incentivizes players to participate actively in the game by earning rewards.
⭐️ Farm Land NFTs: Players own houses and farms within the metaverse, offering unique benefits.
⭐️ Customization: Farm Land NFT owners can customize their properties based on in-game progress.
⭐️ Web 3 Reputation: Utilizes a novel system combining on-chain and in-game data to understand users better.

🪙 Token Metrics
- The project raised $4.8 million through three rounds
- Total token supply:5,000,000,000
- Initial circulating supply: 771,041,667
- Binance Launchpool allocation: 350,000,000

🔎 Key highlights
- Complex gameplay,
- Transparency
- Experimentation
- Highly engaged community
- 150K daily active players
- Integrated over 90 Web3 projects

🗺️ Roadmap
- NFT minting ✅
- Play-to-airdrop events ✅
- Major collaborations ✅
- Introducing new chapters
- Enhancing the overall gameplay experience
- BD focuses on partnerships with Ronin Network, Mocaverse, and YGG to expand the ecosystem further.

#Launchpoool #Write2Earn #P2EGames #CryptoGaming
Solana has confirmed an outage on its blockchain, causing block progression to halt. “Engineers from across the ecosystem are investigating an outage on mainnet-beta,” Solana stated in an incident report. “Solana mainnet-beta is experiencing a performance degradation, block progression is currently halted, core engineers and validators are actively investigating,” blockchain software company and Solana validator Laine posted on X. Solana later confirmed that engineers were readying a new validator software release — including a patch to address the issue which caused the halt. "Validator operators should prepare for an upgrade and restart of the network," it said. #Write2Earn #Solana-SOL #mainnet
Solana has confirmed an outage on its blockchain, causing block progression to halt.

“Engineers from across the ecosystem are investigating an outage on mainnet-beta,” Solana stated in an incident report.

“Solana mainnet-beta is experiencing a performance degradation, block progression is currently halted, core engineers and validators are actively investigating,” blockchain software company and Solana validator Laine posted on X.

Solana later confirmed that engineers were readying a new validator software release — including a patch to address the issue which caused the halt. "Validator operators should prepare for an upgrade and restart of the network," it said.
#Write2Earn #Solana-SOL #mainnet
Take a step back and think about where you are in your Web3 journey. This could help you understand why some influencers you follow are making big money while you're not seeing the same results. #Write2Earn #Ponzi #KOL #Influencer
Take a step back and think about where you are in your Web3 journey. This could help you understand why some influencers you follow are making big money while you're not seeing the same results.
#Write2Earn #Ponzi #KOL #Influencer
XIRTAM "primary market" user asset rollback is about to end, and "secondary market" user asset rollback is about to start 🔸"Primary Market" user asset collection is about to happen [February 29, 2024] At present, about 150 travel users have not received the corresponding assets and returned them. You are reminded to quickly read the official Binance guide below to confirm your qualifications, and be sure to complete the application for assets by the designated date of February 29, 2024. 🔸"Secondary Market" user asset withdrawal will start on [March 10, 2024] "Secondary market" returns will be automatically calculated by the platform to facilitate users to provide relevant data. After the calculation is completed, Binance will grade the smart contract addresses to allocate corresponding ETH assets to qualified users. *Binance will use the remaining ETH assets after the return of user assets in the "primary market" to calculate and confirm the return of XIRTAM assets for some traveling users who purchased XIRTAM in the secondary market. Announcement details: [Link]( #XIRTAM #rollback #Write2Earn #assets
XIRTAM "primary market" user asset rollback is about to end, and "secondary market" user asset rollback is about to start

🔸"Primary Market" user asset collection is about to happen [February 29, 2024]

At present, about 150 travel users have not received the corresponding assets and returned them. You are reminded to quickly read the official Binance guide below to confirm your qualifications, and be sure to complete the application for assets by the designated date of February 29, 2024.

🔸"Secondary Market" user asset withdrawal will start on [March 10, 2024]

"Secondary market" returns will be automatically calculated by the platform to facilitate users to provide relevant data. After the calculation is completed, Binance will grade the smart contract addresses to allocate corresponding ETH assets to qualified users.

*Binance will use the remaining ETH assets after the return of user assets in the "primary market" to calculate and confirm the return of XIRTAM assets for some traveling users who purchased XIRTAM in the secondary market.

Announcement details: Link
#XIRTAM #rollback #Write2Earn #assets
Binance will tentatively list Jupiter (JUP) at 23:30 on January 31, 2024 (Eastern District Time), and will open the following spot transactions for Jupiter (JUP) Jupiter is a DeFi protocol on the Solana ecosystem, providing aggregate trading, limit order trading, fixed investment tools, cross-chain protocol comparison tools, and perpetual contract trading. #JUP #Write2Earn #Solana
Binance will tentatively list Jupiter (JUP) at 23:30 on January 31, 2024 (Eastern District Time), and will open the following spot transactions for Jupiter (JUP)

Jupiter is a DeFi protocol on the Solana ecosystem, providing aggregate trading, limit order trading, fixed investment tools, cross-chain protocol comparison tools, and perpetual contract trading.
#JUP #Write2Earn #Solana
Binance Labs has invested in Puffer, a decentralized liquid restaking protocol combining Ethereum staking with EigenLayer. The funds will support the development of Puffer's open-source technologies, including a Layer 2 (L2). Puffer aims to democratize Ethereum staking by reducing operational risks and costs for validators, promoting decentralization. The project's Secure-Signer tool, backed by an Ethereum Foundation grant, enhances validator efficiency. Puffer plans to run its upcoming L2 as an EigenLayer AVS, fostering network effects and reinforcing Ethereum's decentralization. Binance Labs' support reflects a commitment to nurturing innovative DeFi projects and advancing the decentralized ecosystem. Join & Complete quest at early stage!!! Referral Code 👉ace_novaxlabs #pufferfinance #Write2Earn #EigenLayer #ALT
Binance Labs has invested in Puffer, a decentralized liquid restaking protocol combining Ethereum staking with EigenLayer. The funds will support the development of Puffer's open-source technologies, including a Layer 2 (L2). Puffer aims to democratize Ethereum staking by reducing operational risks and costs for validators, promoting decentralization. The project's Secure-Signer tool, backed by an Ethereum Foundation grant, enhances validator efficiency. Puffer plans to run its upcoming L2 as an EigenLayer AVS, fostering network effects and reinforcing Ethereum's decentralization. Binance Labs' support reflects a commitment to nurturing innovative DeFi projects and advancing the decentralized ecosystem.
Join & Complete quest at early stage!!!
Referral Code 👉ace_novaxlabs
#pufferfinance #Write2Earn #EigenLayer #ALT
Bitcoin touched the resistance mentioned yesterday at 42,800 and experienced a retracement. Moving upwards, it faces resistance at the daily level resistance of 43,500. It might be a good idea for long positions to take profits, but I don't recommend immediate shorting as the risk-reward ratio isn't favorable. I have favorable entry points for long positions, so I'm willing to sacrifice some profit. I'll observe the price reaction around 42,300 before making any further moves. #BTC
Bitcoin touched the resistance mentioned yesterday at 42,800 and experienced a retracement. Moving upwards, it faces resistance at the daily level resistance of 43,500.
It might be a good idea for long positions to take profits, but I don't recommend immediate shorting as the risk-reward ratio isn't favorable.
I have favorable entry points for long positions, so I'm willing to sacrifice some profit. I'll observe the price reaction around 42,300 before making any further moves. #BTC
According to insiders, a few hedge funds have reportedly made successful speculations on the approval of a Bitcoin ETF by strategically investing in the GBTC prior to regulatory approval. These hedge funds purportedly acquired shares of the GBTC between 2021 and 2023, anticipating a surge in value upon the SEC granting approval for a Bitcoin ETF. Grayscale had been seeking to convert its trust fund into an ETF since 2016, facing regulatory obstacles. Following a rejection of Grayscale's new application in 2022, the company filed a lawsuit against the SEC. Upon the SEC's approval of a Bitcoin-tracking ETF in the United States, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust transitioned into an ETF (GBTC.P) on January 11th, 2024. For certain hedge funds, the potential gains associated with the approval of an ETF presented a lucrative opportunity. In Q4 2022, Fir Tree Partners, managing $30 billion in assets, reportedly seized the opportunity when Grayscale's trust fund traded at a 42% discount. The company placed a $60 million bet on the narrowing of the price disparity. Following a court ruling in September 2023, Fir Tree began exiting its position in January of the following year. Another hedge fund, Hunting Hill, invested in GBTC when the discount was 42%, closing its position when the discount shrank to 7% last year. A founder of a U.S.-based macro hedge fund characterized the SEC's rejection of Grayscale's application in August as a mistake, strengthening his belief in eventual approval. He referred to this as the "trade of the century." Christopher Brown, founder of the Kentucky-based multi-strategy hedge fund Aristides Capital, commented, "It's a very good trade." His $240 million firm invested around $20 million in GBTC with an average discount rate of 30%, but now, as Brown is not enthusiastic about investing in a Bitcoin ETF, the fund has sold most positions and plans to fully exit in the coming months. "We're not super excited about Bitcoin fundamentally."
According to insiders, a few hedge funds have reportedly made successful speculations on the approval of a Bitcoin ETF by strategically investing in the GBTC prior to regulatory approval.
These hedge funds purportedly acquired shares of the GBTC between 2021 and 2023, anticipating a surge in value upon the SEC granting approval for a Bitcoin ETF.

Grayscale had been seeking to convert its trust fund into an ETF since 2016, facing regulatory obstacles. Following a rejection of Grayscale's new application in 2022, the company filed a lawsuit against the SEC.

Upon the SEC's approval of a Bitcoin-tracking ETF in the United States, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust transitioned into an ETF (GBTC.P) on January 11th, 2024.

For certain hedge funds, the potential gains associated with the approval of an ETF presented a lucrative opportunity. In Q4 2022, Fir Tree Partners, managing $30 billion in assets, reportedly seized the opportunity when Grayscale's trust fund traded at a 42% discount. The company placed a $60 million bet on the narrowing of the price disparity. Following a court ruling in September 2023, Fir Tree began exiting its position in January of the following year.

Another hedge fund, Hunting Hill, invested in GBTC when the discount was 42%, closing its position when the discount shrank to 7% last year.

A founder of a U.S.-based macro hedge fund characterized the SEC's rejection of Grayscale's application in August as a mistake, strengthening his belief in eventual approval. He referred to this as the "trade of the century."

Christopher Brown, founder of the Kentucky-based multi-strategy hedge fund Aristides Capital, commented, "It's a very good trade." His $240 million firm invested around $20 million in GBTC with an average discount rate of 30%, but now, as Brown is not enthusiastic about investing in a Bitcoin ETF, the fund has sold most positions and plans to fully exit in the coming months. "We're not super excited about Bitcoin fundamentally."
Yesterday, there was a bullish candlestick, returning to the previous range of oscillation. In the afternoon, it also retested the lower boundary of the range. Currently, there is potential for a breakthrough with substantial volume above 43,500. Short-term support is at 40,800-41,000. Short-term resistance is at 42,300-42,800. #BTC #Write2Earn
Yesterday, there was a bullish candlestick, returning to the previous range of oscillation.
In the afternoon, it also retested the lower boundary of the range. Currently, there is potential for a breakthrough with substantial volume above 43,500. Short-term support is at 40,800-41,000.
Short-term resistance is at 42,300-42,800.
#BTC #Write2Earn
Use BNB regular products and BNB income pool to unlock multiple BNB income in one stop! Subscribe for BNB regular products and BNB income pool, obtain daily financial income, and automatically join new currency mining for you. Launchpool reaps rewards without manual input. There are also up to 3.5% BNB regular product income waiting for you to claim 👉 [Link](
Use BNB regular products and BNB income pool to unlock multiple BNB income in one stop!
Subscribe for BNB regular products and BNB income pool, obtain daily financial income, and automatically join new currency mining for you.

Launchpool reaps rewards without manual input. There are also up to 3.5% BNB regular product income waiting for you to claim 👉 Link
Exceeding user expectations: providing assistance and a supportive community Binance Charity has been working to directly help those affected by natural disasters and support other humanitarian causes. In 2023, Binance continues to demonstrate its commitment to disaster relief everywhere, with assistance from New Zealand and Italy to Brazil and Turkey 🤝 Let’s take a look at how Binance Charity helps the community: [Link](
Exceeding user expectations: providing assistance and a supportive community

Binance Charity has been working to directly help those affected by natural disasters and support other humanitarian causes. In 2023, Binance continues to demonstrate its commitment to disaster relief everywhere, with assistance from New Zealand and Italy to Brazil and Turkey 🤝

Let’s take a look at how Binance Charity helps the community: Link
🚀 Introducing AltLayer 🌐 Revolutionary protocol for rollups, delivering enhanced security, decentralization, and interoperability. 👀 Overview: 1⃣ Restaked Rollups: Boosted security and decentralization. 2⃣ Native Utility Token: $ALT, powering economic stake, governance, and incentives. 3⃣ Core Products: VITAL (AVS), MACH (fast finality), SQUAD (decentralized sequencing). 💸 Token Metrics: - Token Type: ERC20, BEP20 - Circulating Supply: 1,100,000,000 $ALT (11.00% of total token supply) - Max Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 $ALT 🔒 Token Distribution: - Binance Launchpool: 5.00% - Team: 15.00% - Investors: 18.50% - Advisors: 5.00% - Protocol Development: 20.00% - Ecosystem and Community: 15.00% - Treasury: 21.50% ✨ AltLayer mission is to transform the rollup landscape with cutting-edge technology and a robust ecosystem. #ALT #AltLayer #Write2Earn #Launchpool
🚀 Introducing AltLayer

🌐 Revolutionary protocol for rollups, delivering enhanced security, decentralization, and interoperability.

👀 Overview:
1⃣ Restaked Rollups: Boosted security and decentralization.
2⃣ Native Utility Token: $ALT , powering economic stake, governance, and incentives.
3⃣ Core Products: VITAL (AVS), MACH (fast finality), SQUAD (decentralized sequencing).

💸 Token Metrics:
- Token Type: ERC20, BEP20
- Circulating Supply: 1,100,000,000 $ALT (11.00% of total token supply)
- Max Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 $ALT

🔒 Token Distribution:
- Binance Launchpool: 5.00%
- Team: 15.00%
- Investors: 18.50%
- Advisors: 5.00%
- Protocol Development: 20.00%
- Ecosystem and Community: 15.00%
- Treasury: 21.50%

✨ AltLayer mission is to transform the rollup landscape with cutting-edge technology and a robust ecosystem.

#ALT #AltLayer #Write2Earn #Launchpool
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