According to BlockBeats, on September 21, decentralized data infrastructure CESS announced its invitation to participate in an event hosted by the Blockchain Association at Capitol Hill. The event is scheduled for October 2, 2024, local time. During this event, CESS will present DePIN technology to members of Congress and engage in discussions with other DePIN projects like Helium and Filecoin about the future of decentralized networks and their potential roles in key industries such as data storage, energy, and telecommunications.

The DePIN briefing at Congress, led by the Blockchain Association, aims to educate U.S. lawmakers and policymakers on the transformative potential of DePIN technology. The CESS team will share insights into their innovative decentralized storage and content distribution technology, which offers a full-stack solution for data management and content distribution in global decentralized networks. They will provide policymakers with practical insights into CESS technology, demonstrating how DePIN technology can create a more secure, transparent, and decentralized future for infrastructure industries.