According to Odaily, the EVM blockchain Meter Network is set to burn 30 million MTRG tokens on June 17. This action has reportedly been approved by the Meter community through a governance process. The aim of this operation is to enhance the long-term value and stability of the Meter ecosystem. The Meter Network is a blockchain platform that operates on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The MTRG token is a native digital cryptographic token of the Meter Network. The decision to burn the tokens is a strategic move to control the supply of MTRG tokens and thereby increase their value. This is a common practice in the cryptocurrency world, where a decrease in supply often leads to an increase in price, assuming demand remains constant. The Meter community's approval of this action indicates their support for the strategy and their belief in the long-term potential of the MTRG token and the Meter Network. The burning of tokens is also seen as a way to increase the stability of a cryptocurrency, by reducing the volatility associated with large supplies of tokens. This move by the Meter Network is expected to have a positive impact on the value and stability of the MTRG token and the Meter ecosystem as a whole.