Hello and welcome to my feed.

This is my first article here by the way.🙂

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a relatively new technology; in spite of that, it is gaining popularity on a massive scale and even threatens to change the status quo.

A lot of people are already apprehensive of AI taking over their jobs.

Writers and content creators are at the top of the list of people at risk of losing their jobs to AI. But I personally see AI as an assistant, not a competitor.

AI is quite transformative in itself; but when you add blockchain technology to the equation, you see a marriage made in heaven.

Let’s examine some unique use cases of artificial intelligence in blockchain and why the two should work together.


Application Security

Artificial intelligence and blockchain can be merged together to improve the security of online applications such as websites, mobile apps and cloud storage systems.

This will go a long way in preventing security threats such as ddos attacks, fraud, malware, phishing and hacks.

AI can improve the security of blockchain applications by detecting vulnerabilities within smart contracts thereby preventing exploits before they happen.

AI can also help optimize smart contracts, thereby increasing the amount of transactions they can perform, saving time and cost.


Identity Verification

AI can collaborate with blockchain technology to verify the identity of people who make use of blockchain-based applications, thereby reducing identity theft and fraud.


Data Generation For NFTs

AI is already being used to generate images, audio and video that are used in creating non- fungible tokens (NFTs) and I think the future of NFTs is AI-driven.


Copyright Checks And Verifications

AI can be used to check and verify the authenticity of the data used in NFTs, blockchain storage applications, dapps, etc. And also detect copyright infringement in real time.


DAO Governance

AI can assist in managing decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), thereby improving their decision-making process and policy alignment.


Price Prediction

AI can act as an analyst on top of blockchain applications in analyzing market trends and offering data-centered price predictions.


Compliance and Regulations

AI can act as an attorney working side by side with blockchain applications to ensure compliance with government regulations as it applies to the blockchain industry, thereby reducing the risks associated with being sued by government agencies and asset confiscations.



As institutional investors are lining up to have their slices of crypto cake, the march into a decentralized world can only be sped up when AI is fully merged with blockchain technology.

That day is fast approaching and I can only hope that the benefits will far outweigh the concerns.


What other use can we put artificial intelligence into as it relates to blockchain?

Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

 #artificialintelligence #BlockchainAdoption #CryptoLandscape #NFTIntellectualProperty #Technology