Practical use cases for ETH that you are using right now?

Aside from theoretical or future use cases of Ethereum, what are some day-to-day use cases you are actually using Etheruem for right now? And what traditional system does it improve upon and replace? Everyone talks about smart contracts or decentralized global computing power, but I don’t see people using Ethereum in their every day lives aside from buying/selling/HODLing/staking. I’m not looking for a one-off instance where you used Etheruem in some edge case, but rather a way that you use Ethereum every day that adds value to your life and improves upon a traditional method of accomplishing the same task.

When researching online, I’ll see examples like betting: You can bet on if it will rain or not tomorrow. Traditionally you would need to trust the loser to pay the winner or if it's a third party to not run away with it. We can avoid this by writing code and by both depositing 100$ for example. When the code sees that yes in fact it did rain, it will automatically transfer the 200$ to the winner. But let’s be real, nobody is actually doing this lol. Plus, you’d have to trust whatever 3rd party module is verifying if it actually rained, and there might be disagreements depending on the module used. Meaning, there will still be elements of the protocol to contest. And humans or other 3rd parties will need to intermediate anyways, eliminating the whole idea of a smart contract. It doesn’t seem realistic.

Other people say ETH is a global computer, and you can rent computation processing power. But once again, what average joe is actually doing this? I could see maybe some mathematician PhD guy needing to calculate the next prime number. But the average person never needs that much computer power to begin with.

So I’m back to this, what are you using Ethereum for right now in your daily life? What traditional model did it replace for you? How has it improved your life? #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥