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Dernières nouvelles : Conseils de Vitalik Buterin aux investisseurs alors que nous entrons dans la course haussièreAvant de commencer, suivez et aimez cette chaîne pour rester informé des dernières nouvelles, merci ! Vitalik Buterin vient de donner 4 conseils importants aux investisseurs, dans une période extrêmement sensible pour toute l'actualité liée aux ETF Bitcoin.Dans la soirée du 7 janvier, le fondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, a partagé quatre conseils considérés comme d’importantes philosophies d’investissement à l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui.Premièrement, le fondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, accorde une grande importance à la puissance de la diversification du portefeuille. À une époque pleine de nouvelles opportunités, il est important d’éviter de « mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier ». Au lieu de cela, les actifs doivent être dispersés sur plusieurs canaux d’investissement afin de minimiser les risques potentiels. Cette approche est non seulement similaire aux stratégies d’investissement traditionnelles, mais répond également à la volatilité du marché de la cryptographie.

Dernières nouvelles : Conseils de Vitalik Buterin aux investisseurs alors que nous entrons dans la course haussière

Avant de commencer, suivez et aimez cette chaîne pour rester informé des dernières nouvelles, merci ! Vitalik Buterin vient de donner 4 conseils importants aux investisseurs, dans une période extrêmement sensible pour toute l'actualité liée aux ETF Bitcoin.Dans la soirée du 7 janvier, le fondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, a partagé quatre conseils considérés comme d’importantes philosophies d’investissement à l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui.Premièrement, le fondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, accorde une grande importance à la puissance de la diversification du portefeuille. À une époque pleine de nouvelles opportunités, il est important d’éviter de « mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier ». Au lieu de cela, les actifs doivent être dispersés sur plusieurs canaux d’investissement afin de minimiser les risques potentiels. Cette approche est non seulement similaire aux stratégies d’investissement traditionnelles, mais répond également à la volatilité du marché de la cryptographie.
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Liste des hamsters sur @Binance Est prévu le 25 juin
Liste des hamsters sur


Est prévu le 25 juin
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Robert Kiyosaki prédit que le Bitcoin atteindra 300 000 $ d'ici 2024 Le célèbre auteur de « Rich Dad Poor Dad », Robert Kiyosaki, prédit que Bitcoin atteindra six chiffres d'ici la fin de cette année. Le célèbre éducateur financier et auteur Robert Kiyosaki, célèbre pour son livre à succès « Rich Dad Poor Dad », a fait grande impression dans la communauté des crypto-monnaies grâce à sa prédiction audacieuse du prix du Bitcoin. Kiyosaki n'hésite pas à partager ses avis positifs sur les réseaux sociaux, affirmant sa ferme confiance dans la principale cryptomonnaie et prédisant que la valeur du Bitcoin pourrait augmenter significativement jusqu'à 300 000 USD d'ici fin 2024. La vision optimiste de Kiyosaki intervient à un moment où le marché des cryptomonnaies a récemment connu une volatilité imprévue. Bien que Bitcoin ait atteint un sommet historique en début de semaine, une forte vente a rapidement fait baisser le prix de plus de 14 %. Cependant, la reprise rapide de la crypto-monnaie, alimentée par une forte pression d’achat, a ramené le prix à 66 000 $. La conviction de l’auteur dans le Bitcoin comme moyen de lutter contre l’inflation et l’instabilité économique est cohérente et a été soulignée à plusieurs reprises auparavant. Kiyosaki encourage constamment la préparation et la diversification financières, en privilégiant les actifs tels que l'or, l'argent et surtout le Bitcoin. Avec sa dernière prédiction, Kiyosaki renforce son optimisme quant à l’avenir du Bitcoin. Il avait précédemment fait allusion à des objectifs de prix encore plus élevés, suggérant que la crypto-monnaie pourrait atteindre un demi-million de dollars d'ici 2025 et potentiellement atteindre la barre du million de dollars dans un avenir proche. Bien que la volatilité du Bitcoin reste une préoccupation pour de nombreux investisseurs, les perspectives mesurées de Kiyosaki mettent en évidence une confiance croissante dans sa viabilité à long terme en tant qu’actif d’investissement. À mesure que le marché des cryptomonnaies continue d’évoluer, diverses perspectives fournissent des informations précieuses à ceux qui cherchent à comprendre et à exploiter les nouvelles opportunités dans le secteur des actifs numériques. #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn , suivez, partagez et aimez le contenu
Robert Kiyosaki prédit que le Bitcoin atteindra 300 000 $ d'ici 2024

Le célèbre auteur de « Rich Dad Poor Dad », Robert Kiyosaki, prédit que Bitcoin atteindra six chiffres d'ici la fin de cette année.

Le célèbre éducateur financier et auteur Robert Kiyosaki, célèbre pour son livre à succès « Rich Dad Poor Dad », a fait grande impression dans la communauté des crypto-monnaies grâce à sa prédiction audacieuse du prix du Bitcoin. Kiyosaki n'hésite pas à partager ses avis positifs sur les réseaux sociaux, affirmant sa ferme confiance dans la principale cryptomonnaie et prédisant que la valeur du Bitcoin pourrait augmenter significativement jusqu'à 300 000 USD d'ici fin 2024.

La vision optimiste de Kiyosaki intervient à un moment où le marché des cryptomonnaies a récemment connu une volatilité imprévue. Bien que Bitcoin ait atteint un sommet historique en début de semaine, une forte vente a rapidement fait baisser le prix de plus de 14 %. Cependant, la reprise rapide de la crypto-monnaie, alimentée par une forte pression d’achat, a ramené le prix à 66 000 $.

La conviction de l’auteur dans le Bitcoin comme moyen de lutter contre l’inflation et l’instabilité économique est cohérente et a été soulignée à plusieurs reprises auparavant. Kiyosaki encourage constamment la préparation et la diversification financières, en privilégiant les actifs tels que l'or, l'argent et surtout le Bitcoin.

Avec sa dernière prédiction, Kiyosaki renforce son optimisme quant à l’avenir du Bitcoin. Il avait précédemment fait allusion à des objectifs de prix encore plus élevés, suggérant que la crypto-monnaie pourrait atteindre un demi-million de dollars d'ici 2025 et potentiellement atteindre la barre du million de dollars dans un avenir proche.

Bien que la volatilité du Bitcoin reste une préoccupation pour de nombreux investisseurs, les perspectives mesurées de Kiyosaki mettent en évidence une confiance croissante dans sa viabilité à long terme en tant qu’actif d’investissement. À mesure que le marché des cryptomonnaies continue d’évoluer, diverses perspectives fournissent des informations précieuses à ceux qui cherchent à comprendre et à exploiter les nouvelles opportunités dans le secteur des actifs numériques.
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contenu très instructif, continuez comme ça
contenu très instructif, continuez comme ça
Dernières nouvelles : Conseils de Vitalik Buterin aux investisseurs alors que nous entrons dans la course haussière
Avant de commencer, suivez et aimez cette chaîne pour rester informé des dernières nouvelles, merci ! Vitalik Buterin vient de donner 4 conseils importants aux investisseurs, dans une période extrêmement sensible pour toute l'actualité liée aux ETF Bitcoin.Dans la soirée du 7 janvier, le fondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, a partagé quatre conseils considérés comme d’importantes philosophies d’investissement à l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui.Premièrement, le fondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, accorde une grande importance à la puissance de la diversification du portefeuille. À une époque pleine de nouvelles opportunités, il est important d’éviter de « mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier ». Au lieu de cela, les actifs doivent être dispersés sur plusieurs canaux d’investissement afin de minimiser les risques potentiels. Cette approche est non seulement similaire aux stratégies d’investissement traditionnelles, mais répond également à la volatilité du marché de la cryptographie.
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Just In : Vitalik Buterin catégorise 4 façons d'intégrer la cryptographie à l'IAVitalik Buterin, cofondateur d'Ethereum, présente 4 directions potentielles pour faciliter la convergence entre la cryptographie et le domaine de l'IA.Dans son dernier article de blog, Vitalik Buterin, co-fondateur d'Ethereum, a élucidé quatre stratégies pour associer crypto-monnaie et intelligence artificielle (IA), présentant simultanément des exemples illustratifs d'applications potentielles et des risques associés.Buterin soutient que « l’IA » est un concept très vaste, la considérant comme un ensemble d’algorithmes qui ne sont pas simplement destinés à fonctionner à la demande mais nécessitent une fusion de processus informatiques et de pressions spécifiques pour permettre un développement autonome aligné sur les intentions des constructeurs.

Just In : Vitalik Buterin catégorise 4 façons d'intégrer la cryptographie à l'IA

Vitalik Buterin, cofondateur d'Ethereum, présente 4 directions potentielles pour faciliter la convergence entre la cryptographie et le domaine de l'IA.Dans son dernier article de blog, Vitalik Buterin, co-fondateur d'Ethereum, a élucidé quatre stratégies pour associer crypto-monnaie et intelligence artificielle (IA), présentant simultanément des exemples illustratifs d'applications potentielles et des risques associés.Buterin soutient que « l’IA » est un concept très vaste, la considérant comme un ensemble d’algorithmes qui ne sont pas simplement destinés à fonctionner à la demande mais nécessitent une fusion de processus informatiques et de pressions spécifiques pour permettre un développement autonome aligné sur les intentions des constructeurs.
Top 10 Best-Selling NFTs of the WeekThe NFT market has experienced exceptional growth this week, featuring the top 10 NFTs with the highest trading volumes.The non-fungible token (NFT) market continues its robust growth, mirroring the recent resurgence in the broader crypto market. Bitcoin, the flagship cryptocurrency, is spearheading the current market rally, surpassing $52,000 for the first time this year. Highlighting this trend, we’ve outlined some of the top-performing NFT collections for the week:1. Pudgy Penguins NFT Collectionan NFT collection associated with the renowned toy brand, features a limited edition of 8,888 adorable penguins hosted on the Ethereum blockchain. This collection takes the lead in this week’s sales, with a trading volume of 1,877 ETH in the past 24 hours. Pudgy Penguins boasts a market capitalization of $514 million and a floor price of $57,840.2. Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT CollectionThe Mutant Ape Yacht Club, a consistently top-selling NFT collection from digital asset firm Yuga Labs, showcases a limited edition of 20,000 NFTs on the Ethereum network. Securing the second spot in this week’s rankings, the Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT collection has recorded a trading volume of 1,716 ETH in the last 24 hours. With a market cap of $227 million and a floor price of $11,690, it remains a prominent player in the NFT space.3. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT CollectionAnother standout in the NFT space is the Bored Ape Yacht Club, a perennial top-seller from digital asset firm Yuga Labs, boasting a limited set of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Securing the third position in this week’s rankings, the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection achieved a trading sales volume of 906 ETH in the past 24 hours. With a market capitalization of $648 million and a floor price of $64,845, it continues to be a formidable player in the NFT market.4. DeGods NFT CollectionDeGods, an exclusive NFT collection featuring 10,000 PFP Ethereum-based NFTs portraying godly characters with a blend of modern streetwear and ancient deity-inspired art, holds the fourth spot in this week’s most-selling NFT collections. In the last 24 hours, the DeGods NFT collection recorded a trading sales volume of 831 ETH. With a market capitalization of $73 million and a floor price of $8,175, it stands out as an intriguing addition to the NFT landscape.5. Moonbirds NFT CollectionMoonbirds, a captivating NFT collection by digital artist and entrepreneur Kevin Rose, showcases a limited edition of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum network. Earning the fifth spot in this week’s rankings, the Moonbirds NFT collection achieved a trading sales volume of 641 ETH in the past 24 hours. With a market capitalization of $50 million and a floor price of $4,998, it adds a unique flair to the diverse NFT market.6. Lil Pudgys NFT CollectionLil Pudgys, another offering from digital asset firm Pudgy Penguins, presents a fixed set of 22,222 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain and claims the sixth spot in this week’s top-selling NFT collections. Over the past 24 hours, the Lil Pudgy NFT collection has recorded a sales volume of 584 ETH. With a market capitalization of $121 million and a floor price of $5,643, Lil Pudgys adds diversity to the thriving NFT landscape.7. Blue-chip Azuki NFT CollectionBlue-chip Azuki, an NFT collection from digital asset incubation studio Chiru Labs, showcases a limited supply of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain and ranks as the seventh most-selling NFT collection this week. The Azuki NFT collection raised a sales volume of 483 ETH in the past 24 hours, boasting a market capitalization of $181 million and a floor price of $18,112.8. Transdimensional Fox FederationBreaking into the scene on the Solana blockchain network, the Transdimensional Fox Federation secures the eighth position in this week’s top-selling NFT collections. Within the last 24 hours, this relatively new collection has garnered a trading sales volume of 8,922 SOL. With a market capitalization of $3.9 million and a floor price of $501, the Transdimensional Fox Federation demonstrates its early but promising presence in the NFT market.9. Pixelmon NFT CollectionPixelmon, an NFT collection showcasing a limited set of 10,005 pixelated characters on the Ethereum blockchain network, emerges as this week’s ninth top-selling NFT collection. Over the past 24 hours, the Pixelmon NFT collection has garnered a trading sales volume of 304 ETH. With a market capitalization of $54 million and a floor price of $4,327, Pixelmon brings a unique pixelated charm to the NFT market.10. Doodles NFT CollectionClosing our list of the top-selling NFT collections this week is Doodles, an artistic creation from digital artist Burnt Toast featuring a limited edition of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. In the last 24 hours, the Doodles NFT collection has achieved a trading sales volume of 289 ETH. With a market capitalization of $97 million and a floor price of $9,773, Doodles stands out as a captivating addition to the diverse world of NFTs.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #NFT‬⁩

Top 10 Best-Selling NFTs of the Week

The NFT market has experienced exceptional growth this week, featuring the top 10 NFTs with the highest trading volumes.The non-fungible token (NFT) market continues its robust growth, mirroring the recent resurgence in the broader crypto market. Bitcoin, the flagship cryptocurrency, is spearheading the current market rally, surpassing $52,000 for the first time this year. Highlighting this trend, we’ve outlined some of the top-performing NFT collections for the week:1. Pudgy Penguins NFT Collectionan NFT collection associated with the renowned toy brand, features a limited edition of 8,888 adorable penguins hosted on the Ethereum blockchain. This collection takes the lead in this week’s sales, with a trading volume of 1,877 ETH in the past 24 hours. Pudgy Penguins boasts a market capitalization of $514 million and a floor price of $57,840.2. Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT CollectionThe Mutant Ape Yacht Club, a consistently top-selling NFT collection from digital asset firm Yuga Labs, showcases a limited edition of 20,000 NFTs on the Ethereum network. Securing the second spot in this week’s rankings, the Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT collection has recorded a trading volume of 1,716 ETH in the last 24 hours. With a market cap of $227 million and a floor price of $11,690, it remains a prominent player in the NFT space.3. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT CollectionAnother standout in the NFT space is the Bored Ape Yacht Club, a perennial top-seller from digital asset firm Yuga Labs, boasting a limited set of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Securing the third position in this week’s rankings, the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection achieved a trading sales volume of 906 ETH in the past 24 hours. With a market capitalization of $648 million and a floor price of $64,845, it continues to be a formidable player in the NFT market.4. DeGods NFT CollectionDeGods, an exclusive NFT collection featuring 10,000 PFP Ethereum-based NFTs portraying godly characters with a blend of modern streetwear and ancient deity-inspired art, holds the fourth spot in this week’s most-selling NFT collections. In the last 24 hours, the DeGods NFT collection recorded a trading sales volume of 831 ETH. With a market capitalization of $73 million and a floor price of $8,175, it stands out as an intriguing addition to the NFT landscape.5. Moonbirds NFT CollectionMoonbirds, a captivating NFT collection by digital artist and entrepreneur Kevin Rose, showcases a limited edition of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum network. Earning the fifth spot in this week’s rankings, the Moonbirds NFT collection achieved a trading sales volume of 641 ETH in the past 24 hours. With a market capitalization of $50 million and a floor price of $4,998, it adds a unique flair to the diverse NFT market.6. Lil Pudgys NFT CollectionLil Pudgys, another offering from digital asset firm Pudgy Penguins, presents a fixed set of 22,222 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain and claims the sixth spot in this week’s top-selling NFT collections. Over the past 24 hours, the Lil Pudgy NFT collection has recorded a sales volume of 584 ETH. With a market capitalization of $121 million and a floor price of $5,643, Lil Pudgys adds diversity to the thriving NFT landscape.7. Blue-chip Azuki NFT CollectionBlue-chip Azuki, an NFT collection from digital asset incubation studio Chiru Labs, showcases a limited supply of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain and ranks as the seventh most-selling NFT collection this week. The Azuki NFT collection raised a sales volume of 483 ETH in the past 24 hours, boasting a market capitalization of $181 million and a floor price of $18,112.8. Transdimensional Fox FederationBreaking into the scene on the Solana blockchain network, the Transdimensional Fox Federation secures the eighth position in this week’s top-selling NFT collections. Within the last 24 hours, this relatively new collection has garnered a trading sales volume of 8,922 SOL. With a market capitalization of $3.9 million and a floor price of $501, the Transdimensional Fox Federation demonstrates its early but promising presence in the NFT market.9. Pixelmon NFT CollectionPixelmon, an NFT collection showcasing a limited set of 10,005 pixelated characters on the Ethereum blockchain network, emerges as this week’s ninth top-selling NFT collection. Over the past 24 hours, the Pixelmon NFT collection has garnered a trading sales volume of 304 ETH. With a market capitalization of $54 million and a floor price of $4,327, Pixelmon brings a unique pixelated charm to the NFT market.10. Doodles NFT CollectionClosing our list of the top-selling NFT collections this week is Doodles, an artistic creation from digital artist Burnt Toast featuring a limited edition of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. In the last 24 hours, the Doodles NFT collection has achieved a trading sales volume of 289 ETH. With a market capitalization of $97 million and a floor price of $9,773, Doodles stands out as a captivating addition to the diverse world of NFTs.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #NFT‬⁩
HOT NEWS: Meme Coins Have Been Leading The Market For Several DaysMany major memecoins like Pepe or Bonk have consistently been on the top gainers list for the past few days.The market capitalization of the memecoin sector has at times surged nearly 30% in the past 24 hours, continuously grabbing the spotlight compared to the rest of the global crypto market, which has been trading sideways.According to data from CoinGecko, the market capitalization of the memecoin market is currently approximately $35 billion USD. Over the past 7 days, major memecoins such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Pepe (PEPE) have seen significant increases of 50%, 49%, 95%, and 172.8% respectively.Notably, dogwifhat (WIF), a Solana-based dog meme coin just listed on Robinhood Europe this morning, has experienced a strong surge of over 225% in the week and jumped 30% right after the news.Floki (FLOKI) is also a valuable asset worth mentioning. This memecoin has surged over 80% during the week, with the reason being that DWF Labs has announced a $10 million USD purchase of FLOKI as part of their commitment to support the development of this ecosystem.At the time of reporting, the upward momentum of memecoins has significantly slowed down, but it may just be undergoing a phase of consolidation alongside BTC, the flagship cryptocurrency.It can be seen that the willingness to take risks is contributing to the recent recovery of memecoins. As the price of Bitcoin (BTC) approaches its previous peak of $69,000 USD, the market becomes riskier, and capital starts to shift into more speculative tokens, with memecoins leading this list.Because users are often willing to gamble a small investment in hopes of making a large profit, memecoins resonate with this sentiment. Furthermore, advertising memecoins is also easier in the context of a positive market sentiment and investors’ lack of caution.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.Follow my channel for more crypto updates.#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #LatestNews

HOT NEWS: Meme Coins Have Been Leading The Market For Several Days

Many major memecoins like Pepe or Bonk have consistently been on the top gainers list for the past few days.The market capitalization of the memecoin sector has at times surged nearly 30% in the past 24 hours, continuously grabbing the spotlight compared to the rest of the global crypto market, which has been trading sideways.According to data from CoinGecko, the market capitalization of the memecoin market is currently approximately $35 billion USD. Over the past 7 days, major memecoins such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Pepe (PEPE) have seen significant increases of 50%, 49%, 95%, and 172.8% respectively.Notably, dogwifhat (WIF), a Solana-based dog meme coin just listed on Robinhood Europe this morning, has experienced a strong surge of over 225% in the week and jumped 30% right after the news.Floki (FLOKI) is also a valuable asset worth mentioning. This memecoin has surged over 80% during the week, with the reason being that DWF Labs has announced a $10 million USD purchase of FLOKI as part of their commitment to support the development of this ecosystem.At the time of reporting, the upward momentum of memecoins has significantly slowed down, but it may just be undergoing a phase of consolidation alongside BTC, the flagship cryptocurrency.It can be seen that the willingness to take risks is contributing to the recent recovery of memecoins. As the price of Bitcoin (BTC) approaches its previous peak of $69,000 USD, the market becomes riskier, and capital starts to shift into more speculative tokens, with memecoins leading this list.Because users are often willing to gamble a small investment in hopes of making a large profit, memecoins resonate with this sentiment. Furthermore, advertising memecoins is also easier in the context of a positive market sentiment and investors’ lack of caution.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.Follow my channel for more crypto updates.#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #LatestNews
Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Korea Surge Amidst Bitcoin RallyAmidst the surging momentum of Bitcoin, local cryptocurrency exchanges are witnessing a notable surge in returns.Upbit, South Korea’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, recorded a transaction volume exceeding 12 trillion won ($8.9 billion) in the last 24 hours, marking the first instance since 2021 that the figure surpassed 10 trillion won. As of Friday, the 24-hour transaction volume reached 9.96 trillion won, comparable to the average daily transaction volume of Kospi, the country’s primary benchmark index, which hovers around 10 trillion won.Taking into account Upbit’s 0.05 percent commission, the exchange is estimated to have generated over 6 billion won in revenue within the past day. The overwhelming demand prompted a server slowdown at K Bank, Upbit’s partnering lender responsible for providing real-name accounts for cryptocurrency transactions. To acquire bitcoin on Upbit, users are required to deposit funds at K Bank and subsequently transfer the amount to the exchange.Meanwhile, Bithumb, another major cryptocurrency exchange in South Korea, reported transactions totaling 3.41 trillion won in the last 24 hours. With a 0.04 percent transaction commission, Bithumb accrued approximately 1.4 billion won in a single day.According to CoinMarketCap, a crypto intelligence platform, Upbit commands roughly 70 percent of the local market share, with Bithumb following at 25 percent, solidifying their positions as the top two players in the South Korean market.Although the price of bitcoin in South Korea reached a record high of 90 million won on Thursday, it experienced a slight dip the following day, trading at 86.61 million won on Upbit and 86.39 million won on Bithumb.The influx of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) contributing to the notable surge in bitcoin prices has fueled expectations for the introduction of spot ETF products linked to ethereum. Over 10 financial services, including BlackRock and Fidelity Investments, have submitted ethereum ETF applications to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with the SEC expected to announce its stance on May 23.Despite South Korea’s keen interest in cryptocurrencies, spot bitcoin ETFs remain inaccessible to Korean investors due to regulatory restrictions. In January, local authorities declared that trading related products for local securities firms could potentially be deemed illegal, shortly after the US SEC authorized the financial product.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.#TrendingTopic #breakingnews

Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Korea Surge Amidst Bitcoin Rally

Amidst the surging momentum of Bitcoin, local cryptocurrency exchanges are witnessing a notable surge in returns.Upbit, South Korea’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, recorded a transaction volume exceeding 12 trillion won ($8.9 billion) in the last 24 hours, marking the first instance since 2021 that the figure surpassed 10 trillion won. As of Friday, the 24-hour transaction volume reached 9.96 trillion won, comparable to the average daily transaction volume of Kospi, the country’s primary benchmark index, which hovers around 10 trillion won.Taking into account Upbit’s 0.05 percent commission, the exchange is estimated to have generated over 6 billion won in revenue within the past day. The overwhelming demand prompted a server slowdown at K Bank, Upbit’s partnering lender responsible for providing real-name accounts for cryptocurrency transactions. To acquire bitcoin on Upbit, users are required to deposit funds at K Bank and subsequently transfer the amount to the exchange.Meanwhile, Bithumb, another major cryptocurrency exchange in South Korea, reported transactions totaling 3.41 trillion won in the last 24 hours. With a 0.04 percent transaction commission, Bithumb accrued approximately 1.4 billion won in a single day.According to CoinMarketCap, a crypto intelligence platform, Upbit commands roughly 70 percent of the local market share, with Bithumb following at 25 percent, solidifying their positions as the top two players in the South Korean market.Although the price of bitcoin in South Korea reached a record high of 90 million won on Thursday, it experienced a slight dip the following day, trading at 86.61 million won on Upbit and 86.39 million won on Bithumb.The influx of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) contributing to the notable surge in bitcoin prices has fueled expectations for the introduction of spot ETF products linked to ethereum. Over 10 financial services, including BlackRock and Fidelity Investments, have submitted ethereum ETF applications to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with the SEC expected to announce its stance on May 23.Despite South Korea’s keen interest in cryptocurrencies, spot bitcoin ETFs remain inaccessible to Korean investors due to regulatory restrictions. In January, local authorities declared that trading related products for local securities firms could potentially be deemed illegal, shortly after the US SEC authorized the financial product.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.#TrendingTopic #breakingnews
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