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Le jeton du réseau ICE atteint 1,045 $ dans l'heure suivant la cotation de Gate.IoDans un tourbillon d'activité du marché, le jeton ICE Network a grimpé jusqu'à un impressionnant 1,045 $ seulement une heure après avoir été coté à la bourse Cette hausse rapide des prix a attiré l’attention de la communauté des crypto-monnaies, signalant une première réponse forte à la disponibilité du nouveau jeton sur la plateforme de trading populaire.Le jeton du réseau ICE entre dans avec fracasLe jeton ICE Network, symbolisé par ICE, a fait ses débuts sur avec brio, suscitant rapidement l'intérêt des commerçants et des investisseurs. À peine soixante minutes après sa cotation, le prix du jeton a catapulté à 1,045 $, démontrant un accueil enthousiaste du marché. Cette augmentation témoigne de la demande et de l’enthousiasme entourant le réseau ICE dans l’espace cryptographique.

Le jeton du réseau ICE atteint 1,045 $ dans l'heure suivant la cotation de Gate.Io

Dans un tourbillon d'activité du marché, le jeton ICE Network a grimpé jusqu'à un impressionnant 1,045 $ seulement une heure après avoir été coté à la bourse Cette hausse rapide des prix a attiré l’attention de la communauté des crypto-monnaies, signalant une première réponse forte à la disponibilité du nouveau jeton sur la plateforme de trading populaire.Le jeton du réseau ICE entre dans avec fracasLe jeton ICE Network, symbolisé par ICE, a fait ses débuts sur avec brio, suscitant rapidement l'intérêt des commerçants et des investisseurs. À peine soixante minutes après sa cotation, le prix du jeton a catapulté à 1,045 $, démontrant un accueil enthousiaste du marché. Cette augmentation témoigne de la demande et de l’enthousiasme entourant le réseau ICE dans l’espace cryptographique.
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Le réseau Pi atteint 1 260 000 % sur Atlantis Exchange, déclenchant une supernova de crypto-monnaieDans une poussée à couper le souffle, Pi Network a connu un gain astronomique de 1 260 000 % sur Atlantis Exchange, propulsant sa valeur de 25 $ à un étonnant 315 000 $. Les détenteurs de Pi sont témoins non seulement d’un pic, mais d’une véritable supernova de crypto-monnaie.Cette ascension fulgurante place Pi parmi les actifs numériques à la croissance la plus rapide de l’histoire, laissant même les passionnés de blockchain les plus chevronnés stupéfaits. Ce qui a commencé comme un modeste projet minier mobile est maintenant devenu un géant financier potentiel, les premiers utilisateurs se délectant de la perspective d’une aubaine qui changera leur vie.

Le réseau Pi atteint 1 260 000 % sur Atlantis Exchange, déclenchant une supernova de crypto-monnaie

Dans une poussée à couper le souffle, Pi Network a connu un gain astronomique de 1 260 000 % sur Atlantis Exchange, propulsant sa valeur de 25 $ à un étonnant 315 000 $. Les détenteurs de Pi sont témoins non seulement d’un pic, mais d’une véritable supernova de crypto-monnaie.Cette ascension fulgurante place Pi parmi les actifs numériques à la croissance la plus rapide de l’histoire, laissant même les passionnés de blockchain les plus chevronnés stupéfaits. Ce qui a commencé comme un modeste projet minier mobile est maintenant devenu un géant financier potentiel, les premiers utilisateurs se délectant de la perspective d’une aubaine qui changera leur vie.
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Meilleures nouvelles pièces cryptographiques à surveiller dans le Bull RunAlors que le marché des cryptomonnaies connaît une poussée haussière, les investisseurs lorgnent avec impatience les projets prometteurs qui pourraient rapporter des rendements substantiels. Voici quelques nouvelles pièces cryptographiques qui retiennent l’attention dans cette course haussière passionnante :1. ApeMax (APEMAX)ApeMax a attiré l'attention avec sa solide prévente précoce, introduisant un nouveau modèle « Boost-to-Earn ». La tokenomics innovante du projet le distingue, suscitant l’intérêt des investisseurs à la recherche d’opportunités uniques dans le paysage cryptographique en évolution.

Meilleures nouvelles pièces cryptographiques à surveiller dans le Bull Run

Alors que le marché des cryptomonnaies connaît une poussée haussière, les investisseurs lorgnent avec impatience les projets prometteurs qui pourraient rapporter des rendements substantiels. Voici quelques nouvelles pièces cryptographiques qui retiennent l’attention dans cette course haussière passionnante :1. ApeMax (APEMAX)ApeMax a attiré l'attention avec sa solide prévente précoce, introduisant un nouveau modèle « Boost-to-Earn ». La tokenomics innovante du projet le distingue, suscitant l’intérêt des investisseurs à la recherche d’opportunités uniques dans le paysage cryptographique en évolution.
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Rationalisation de la gestion de projet de crypto-monnaie SidraBank avec 7 utilisations innovantes de ChatGPTDans le paysage en constante évolution des crypto-monnaies, SidraBank fait un pas en avant dans la gestion de projet en intégrant ChatGPT, un modèle de langage de pointe développé par OpenAI. Cette intégration innovante promet d'améliorer l'efficacité, la communication et la prise de décision au sein de l'organisation. Voici sept façons dont SidraBank utilise ChatGPT pour rationaliser la gestion de ses projets de crypto-monnaie.1. Collaboration en temps réel :Les équipes de SidraBank exploitent ChatGPT pour une collaboration en temps réel, permettant une communication transparente entre les membres de l'équipe répartis sur différents sites. La capacité du modèle à comprendre le langage naturel facilite un échange d’informations fluide et favorise une approche plus fluide.

Rationalisation de la gestion de projet de crypto-monnaie SidraBank avec 7 utilisations innovantes de ChatGPT

Dans le paysage en constante évolution des crypto-monnaies, SidraBank fait un pas en avant dans la gestion de projet en intégrant ChatGPT, un modèle de langage de pointe développé par OpenAI. Cette intégration innovante promet d'améliorer l'efficacité, la communication et la prise de décision au sein de l'organisation. Voici sept façons dont SidraBank utilise ChatGPT pour rationaliser la gestion de ses projets de crypto-monnaie.1. Collaboration en temps réel :Les équipes de SidraBank exploitent ChatGPT pour une collaboration en temps réel, permettant une communication transparente entre les membres de l'équipe répartis sur différents sites. La capacité du modèle à comprendre le langage naturel facilite un échange d’informations fluide et favorise une approche plus fluide.
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Blockchain du réseau Pi liée aux achats Visa et Mastercard grâce à l'intégration de métadonnéesDans le but de lancer un Mainnet ouvert le plus rapidement possible, il a été découvert que la blockchain de Pi Network est liée aux achats Visa et Mastercard grâce à l'intégration de métadonnées. Cela a été révélé lorsque l'équipe Pi Core a supprimé un pare-feu, ce qui a fait apparaître Pi Coin dans l'échange Stellarterm où les utilisateurs pouvaient l'acheter par carte de crédit.La connexion a été rendue possible grâce aux métadonnées intégrées dans la blockchain du réseau Pi. Ces métadonnées, auparavant considérées comme inoffensives, ont en fait été utilisées par l'équipe Pi Core pour relier les transactions Pi Coin à des achats spécifiques par carte Visa et Mastercard effectués via la plateforme Anchor de Stellar.

Blockchain du réseau Pi liée aux achats Visa et Mastercard grâce à l'intégration de métadonnées

Dans le but de lancer un Mainnet ouvert le plus rapidement possible, il a été découvert que la blockchain de Pi Network est liée aux achats Visa et Mastercard grâce à l'intégration de métadonnées. Cela a été révélé lorsque l'équipe Pi Core a supprimé un pare-feu, ce qui a fait apparaître Pi Coin dans l'échange Stellarterm où les utilisateurs pouvaient l'acheter par carte de crédit.La connexion a été rendue possible grâce aux métadonnées intégrées dans la blockchain du réseau Pi. Ces métadonnées, auparavant considérées comme inoffensives, ont en fait été utilisées par l'équipe Pi Core pour relier les transactions Pi Coin à des achats spécifiques par carte Visa et Mastercard effectués via la plateforme Anchor de Stellar.
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Pi Network teste avec succès 9 milliards de BTC, 1 million de BNB et 9 milliards de dollars sur Testnet avant maDans le cadre d'un développement révolutionnaire, la blockchain du réseau Pi a effectué des tests testnet rigoureux pour les principales crypto-monnaies, notamment Bitcoin (BTC), Binance Coin (BNB) et le dollar américain (USD), tous utilisés comme jetons de test. Les tests réussis ouvrent la voie au lancement très attendu du Pi Network Mainnet.Après un examen approfondi de la précédente blockchain Pi, le réseau est sur le point de faire un bond significatif avec le prochain lancement du Mainnet. Les résultats des tests indiquent une fonctionnalité robuste et une compatibilité pour trois actifs majeurs (sous forme de test) :

Pi Network teste avec succès 9 milliards de BTC, 1 million de BNB et 9 milliards de dollars sur Testnet avant ma

Dans le cadre d'un développement révolutionnaire, la blockchain du réseau Pi a effectué des tests testnet rigoureux pour les principales crypto-monnaies, notamment Bitcoin (BTC), Binance Coin (BNB) et le dollar américain (USD), tous utilisés comme jetons de test. Les tests réussis ouvrent la voie au lancement très attendu du Pi Network Mainnet.Après un examen approfondi de la précédente blockchain Pi, le réseau est sur le point de faire un bond significatif avec le prochain lancement du Mainnet. Les résultats des tests indiquent une fonctionnalité robuste et une compatibilité pour trois actifs majeurs (sous forme de test) :
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Un magasin de viande de chèvre innovant à Hanoï adopte le réseau Pi et suscite l'adoption de la cryptographieFaisant écho à l’influence croissante de la crypto-monnaie, un magasin de viande de chèvre à Hanoï a pris une mesure audacieuse en acceptant les paiements en Pi, une monnaie numérique qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Pour aussi peu que 0,29 Pi, les clients peuvent savourer de délicieux plats de viande de chèvre, marquant une avancée significative dans l'adoption du réseau Pi.La boucherie caprine, connue pour son savoir-faire culinaire, est devenue un symbole d'innovation en intégrant Pi dans son système de paiement. Cette évolution souligne la polyvalence des crypto-monnaies au-delà des transactions financières traditionnelles.

Un magasin de viande de chèvre innovant à Hanoï adopte le réseau Pi et suscite l'adoption de la cryptographie

Faisant écho à l’influence croissante de la crypto-monnaie, un magasin de viande de chèvre à Hanoï a pris une mesure audacieuse en acceptant les paiements en Pi, une monnaie numérique qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Pour aussi peu que 0,29 Pi, les clients peuvent savourer de délicieux plats de viande de chèvre, marquant une avancée significative dans l'adoption du réseau Pi.La boucherie caprine, connue pour son savoir-faire culinaire, est devenue un symbole d'innovation en intégrant Pi dans son système de paiement. Cette évolution souligne la polyvalence des crypto-monnaies au-delà des transactions financières traditionnelles.
Top 5 Cryptocurrency Projects Poised To Gain Investors’ Interest In 20241. Pi NetworkPi Network is a mobile-based cryptocurrency that aims to make mining accessible to everyone. The project uses a unique consensus mechanism that does not require any specialized hardware or software. Pi Network has been gaining popularity in recent months, and it is expected to continue to grow in 2024.2. Sidra BankSidra Bank is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that offers a suite of financial services, including lending, borrowing, and staking. The platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain and is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone. Sidra Bank is expected to play a major role in the growth of the DeFi ecosystem in 2024.3. Ice NetworkIce Network is a cross-chain scaling solution that is designed to improve the scalability and efficiency of blockchains. The network uses a unique technology called Ice Shard, which allows blockchains to process transactions much faster and more cheaply. Ice Network is expected to be adopted by a number of major blockchain projects in 2024. Omega NetworkOmega Network is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that is designed to protect users’ transactions from censorship and surveillance. The network uses a unique technology called Zero-Knowledge Proofs, which allows users to prove that they have made a transaction without revealing any of the details of the transaction. Omega Network is expected to be of interest to users 5. AviveAvive has pioneered the innovative Proof of Networking (PON) mechanism, which goes beyond conventional online interactions to bridge the online and offline social spheres. This mechanism incentivizes users to actively cultivate and nurture vibrant social relationships within the Avive ecosystem.Avive recognizes the value of real-world relationships and understands that strong offline connections enrich the overall social experience. By seamlessly integrating online and offline networking, as well as Virtual Reality (VR), AR and MR technology, Avive aims to create a holistic social environment where users can effortlessly navigate between the digital and physical realms, harnessing the best of both worlds.These are just a few of the many promising cryptocurrency projects that are poised to gain investors’ interest in 2024. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is important to do your own research and invest in projects that you believe have the potential to succeed.#PiNetwork #icenetwork #Avive

Top 5 Cryptocurrency Projects Poised To Gain Investors’ Interest In 2024

1. Pi NetworkPi Network is a mobile-based cryptocurrency that aims to make mining accessible to everyone. The project uses a unique consensus mechanism that does not require any specialized hardware or software. Pi Network has been gaining popularity in recent months, and it is expected to continue to grow in 2024.2. Sidra BankSidra Bank is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that offers a suite of financial services, including lending, borrowing, and staking. The platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain and is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone. Sidra Bank is expected to play a major role in the growth of the DeFi ecosystem in 2024.3. Ice NetworkIce Network is a cross-chain scaling solution that is designed to improve the scalability and efficiency of blockchains. The network uses a unique technology called Ice Shard, which allows blockchains to process transactions much faster and more cheaply. Ice Network is expected to be adopted by a number of major blockchain projects in 2024. Omega NetworkOmega Network is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that is designed to protect users’ transactions from censorship and surveillance. The network uses a unique technology called Zero-Knowledge Proofs, which allows users to prove that they have made a transaction without revealing any of the details of the transaction. Omega Network is expected to be of interest to users 5. AviveAvive has pioneered the innovative Proof of Networking (PON) mechanism, which goes beyond conventional online interactions to bridge the online and offline social spheres. This mechanism incentivizes users to actively cultivate and nurture vibrant social relationships within the Avive ecosystem.Avive recognizes the value of real-world relationships and understands that strong offline connections enrich the overall social experience. By seamlessly integrating online and offline networking, as well as Virtual Reality (VR), AR and MR technology, Avive aims to create a holistic social environment where users can effortlessly navigate between the digital and physical realms, harnessing the best of both worlds.These are just a few of the many promising cryptocurrency projects that are poised to gain investors’ interest in 2024. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is important to do your own research and invest in projects that you believe have the potential to succeed.#PiNetwork #icenetwork #Avive
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Pi Coin IOU maintient un prix stable au-dessus de 30 $ pendant un moisLe prix du Pi Coin IOU a augmenté régulièrement au cours du mois dernier, maintenant un prix supérieur à 30 $. À ce jour, le prix actuel du Pi Coin IOU s'élève à 35,66 $, selon l'indice des prix Binance. Pi est le jeton natif du Pi Network, un nouveau projet de crypto-monnaie. Cette augmentation constante des prix est un signe positif pour l'avenir de Pi Coin IOU. Le projet a gagné du terrain ces derniers mois et l'augmentation du prix suggère que les investisseurs sont confiants dans son potentiel. Le prix réel du Pi est de 35,66 $ par (PI/USD) avec une capitalisation boursière actuelle de 0 $ USD. Le volume des transactions sur 24 heures est de 351 058,05 $ USD. Le prix PI en USD est mis à jour en temps réel. Pi est de -0,2% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Dans l’ensemble, les perspectives pour Pi Coin IOU sont positives. Le projet prend de l'ampleur et le prix augmente régulièrement. Cela suggère que Pi Coin IOU a le potentiel de devenir une crypto-monnaie précieuse à l'avenir. Pi Coin IOU continue d'être prometteur Le prix de Pi Coin IOU a maintenu un prix stable au-dessus de 30 $ pendant un mois, démontrant son potentiel en tant que crypto-monnaie précieuse. Cette stabilité des prix est un indicateur positif pour l’avenir du projet, suggérant que les investisseurs sont confiants dans son succès à long terme. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent aux perspectives positives de Pi Coin IOU. Le projet a gagné en popularité ces derniers mois, attirant une communauté croissante de partisans. De plus, l’augmentation du prix indique que les investisseurs reconnaissent le potentiel de Pi Coin IOU en tant qu’opportunité d’investissement viable. Bien que Pi Coin IOU en soit encore à ses premiers stades de développement, les progrès du projet ont été encourageants. L'équipe derrière Pi Coin IOU a toujours respecté sa feuille de route et la communauté reste engagée et solidaire. Ces facteurs suggèrent que Pi Coin IOU a le potentiel de devenir un acteur important sur le marché des cryptomonnaies.#PiNetwork

Pi Coin IOU maintient un prix stable au-dessus de 30 $ pendant un mois

Le prix du Pi Coin IOU a augmenté régulièrement au cours du mois dernier, maintenant un prix supérieur à 30 $. À ce jour, le prix actuel du Pi Coin IOU s'élève à 35,66 $, selon l'indice des prix Binance. Pi est le jeton natif du Pi Network, un nouveau projet de crypto-monnaie. Cette augmentation constante des prix est un signe positif pour l'avenir de Pi Coin IOU. Le projet a gagné du terrain ces derniers mois et l'augmentation du prix suggère que les investisseurs sont confiants dans son potentiel. Le prix réel du Pi est de 35,66 $ par (PI/USD) avec une capitalisation boursière actuelle de 0 $ USD. Le volume des transactions sur 24 heures est de 351 058,05 $ USD. Le prix PI en USD est mis à jour en temps réel. Pi est de -0,2% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Dans l’ensemble, les perspectives pour Pi Coin IOU sont positives. Le projet prend de l'ampleur et le prix augmente régulièrement. Cela suggère que Pi Coin IOU a le potentiel de devenir une crypto-monnaie précieuse à l'avenir. Pi Coin IOU continue d'être prometteur Le prix de Pi Coin IOU a maintenu un prix stable au-dessus de 30 $ pendant un mois, démontrant son potentiel en tant que crypto-monnaie précieuse. Cette stabilité des prix est un indicateur positif pour l’avenir du projet, suggérant que les investisseurs sont confiants dans son succès à long terme. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent aux perspectives positives de Pi Coin IOU. Le projet a gagné en popularité ces derniers mois, attirant une communauté croissante de partisans. De plus, l’augmentation du prix indique que les investisseurs reconnaissent le potentiel de Pi Coin IOU en tant qu’opportunité d’investissement viable. Bien que Pi Coin IOU en soit encore à ses premiers stades de développement, les progrès du projet ont été encourageants. L'équipe derrière Pi Coin IOU a toujours respecté sa feuille de route et la communauté reste engagée et solidaire. Ces facteurs suggèrent que Pi Coin IOU a le potentiel de devenir un acteur important sur le marché des cryptomonnaies.#PiNetwork
Pi Network Mainnet To Launch When Ecosystem And KYC Progress Are Positive, And When Ecosystem BecomeIn a recent update, the Pi Network team announced that the Pi Network mainnet will launch when the ecosystem and KYC progress are in a positive state, and when the ecosystem becomes full or meets the quantity requirements.The team has been working diligently to develop the Pi Network ecosystem, and has made significant progress in recent months. A number of Pi-powered dApps are now in development, and the Pi Core Team is working to partner with businesses and organizations to bring more utilities to the Pi Network.On the KYC front, the Pi Network team has been working with a third-party KYC provider to develop a robust and scalable KYC solution. The team is committed to ensuring that the Pi Network is a secure and compliant platform, and the KYC solution is an important part of this effort.The team has not yet announced a specific date for the mainnet launch, but they have said that they will continue to keep the community updated on their progress. In the meantime, users can continue to mine Pi on the Pi app, and can also participate in the Pi Testnet to help test the Pi Network blockchain.What does this mean for Pi Network users?The fact that the Pi Network team is focused on the ecosystem and KYC progress is a positive sign for users. It shows that the team is committed to building a strong and sustainable platform before launching the mainnet.The fact that the team is also open to launching the mainnet when the ecosystem becomes full or meets the quantity requirements is also good news for users. It means that the team is not rushing the mainnet launch, and is committed to ensuring that the Pi Network is ready for a successful launch.What can Pi Network users do to prepare for the mainnet launch?In the meantime, there are a few things that Pi Network users can do to prepare for the mainnet launch:Make sure to complete the KYC process. This will ensure that you are able to access your Pi tokens on the mainnet.Start exploring the Pi ecosystem and using Pi-powered dApps. This will help to support the Pi Network ecosystem and make it more attractive to businesses and organizations.Stay up-to-date on the Pi Network team’s progress. You can do this by following the Pi Network blog and social media channels.By following these steps, Pi Network users can help to ensure that the mainnet launch is a success#PI #PiNetwork

Pi Network Mainnet To Launch When Ecosystem And KYC Progress Are Positive, And When Ecosystem Become

In a recent update, the Pi Network team announced that the Pi Network mainnet will launch when the ecosystem and KYC progress are in a positive state, and when the ecosystem becomes full or meets the quantity requirements.The team has been working diligently to develop the Pi Network ecosystem, and has made significant progress in recent months. A number of Pi-powered dApps are now in development, and the Pi Core Team is working to partner with businesses and organizations to bring more utilities to the Pi Network.On the KYC front, the Pi Network team has been working with a third-party KYC provider to develop a robust and scalable KYC solution. The team is committed to ensuring that the Pi Network is a secure and compliant platform, and the KYC solution is an important part of this effort.The team has not yet announced a specific date for the mainnet launch, but they have said that they will continue to keep the community updated on their progress. In the meantime, users can continue to mine Pi on the Pi app, and can also participate in the Pi Testnet to help test the Pi Network blockchain.What does this mean for Pi Network users?The fact that the Pi Network team is focused on the ecosystem and KYC progress is a positive sign for users. It shows that the team is committed to building a strong and sustainable platform before launching the mainnet.The fact that the team is also open to launching the mainnet when the ecosystem becomes full or meets the quantity requirements is also good news for users. It means that the team is not rushing the mainnet launch, and is committed to ensuring that the Pi Network is ready for a successful launch.What can Pi Network users do to prepare for the mainnet launch?In the meantime, there are a few things that Pi Network users can do to prepare for the mainnet launch:Make sure to complete the KYC process. This will ensure that you are able to access your Pi tokens on the mainnet.Start exploring the Pi ecosystem and using Pi-powered dApps. This will help to support the Pi Network ecosystem and make it more attractive to businesses and organizations.Stay up-to-date on the Pi Network team’s progress. You can do this by following the Pi Network blog and social media channels.By following these steps, Pi Network users can help to ensure that the mainnet launch is a success#PI #PiNetwork
Pi Network Mainnet to Launch When Ecosystem and KYC Progress Are Positive, and When Ecosystem Becomes Full #PiNetwork
Pi Network Mainnet to Launch When Ecosystem and KYC Progress Are Positive, and When Ecosystem Becomes Full #PiNetwork
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L'application Pibridge IOS connaît une croissance constante, avec 125 000 utilisateurs et 10 000 téléchargements mensuelsPibridge, une plateforme leader prenant en charge les projets Tab2mine Blockchain, a annoncé que son application iOS a connu une croissance constante, avec plus de 125 000 utilisateurs et une moyenne d'environ 10 000 téléchargements d'applications par mois dans le monde. Les États-Unis sont le premier pays en termes de téléchargements d'applications, suivis du Vietnam, du Nigeria, de l'Inde et de la Turquie. Cette croissance témoigne de l’engagement de Pibridge à fournir une plateforme conviviale et fiable aux utilisateurs de Tab2mine Blockchain. L'application permet aux utilisateurs de gérer facilement leurs jetons Pi et PiB, ainsi que d'échanger des produits et services à l'aide de ces jetons.

L'application Pibridge IOS connaît une croissance constante, avec 125 000 utilisateurs et 10 000 téléchargements mensuels

Pibridge, une plateforme leader prenant en charge les projets Tab2mine Blockchain, a annoncé que son application iOS a connu une croissance constante, avec plus de 125 000 utilisateurs et une moyenne d'environ 10 000 téléchargements d'applications par mois dans le monde. Les États-Unis sont le premier pays en termes de téléchargements d'applications, suivis du Vietnam, du Nigeria, de l'Inde et de la Turquie.
Cette croissance témoigne de l’engagement de Pibridge à fournir une plateforme conviviale et fiable aux utilisateurs de Tab2mine Blockchain. L'application permet aux utilisateurs de gérer facilement leurs jetons Pi et PiB, ainsi que d'échanger des produits et services à l'aide de ces jetons.
Pi Network Core Team Responds To Community ConcernsThe Pi Network Core Team (PCT) has responded to the community’s concerns about the lack of a timeline for open mainnet. In a recent blog post, the PCT stated that they are committed to launching open mainnet as soon as possible, but that they need to take the necessary time to ensure that the Pi Network is ready. The PCT highlighted a number of factors that are contributing to the delay, including: The need to ensure that the Pi Network is scalable and secure.The need to develop a robust ecosystem of Pi-powered applications and services.The need to complete the KYC verification process for all Pioneers. The PCT also stated that they are working on a new roadmap that will provide more clarity on the timeline for open mainnet. This roadmap is expected to be released in December 2023. What to Expect from the Pi Network Roadmap V2 The Pi Network Roadmap V2 is expected to provide more information on the following: The specific steps that the PCT needs to take before launching open mainnet. The estimated timeline for completing each of these steps. A more concrete date for the open mainnet launch. The PCT has stated that they are committed to transparency and communication with the Pi Network community. They have also stated that they are committed to launching open mainnet as soon as possible. The Pi Network community is eagerly awaiting the launch of open mainnet. However, it is important to be patient and understand that the PCT needs to take the necessary time to ensure that the Pi Network is ready. The upcoming Pi Network Roadmap V2 is expected to provide more clarity on the timeline for open mainnet. In the meantime, Pioneers can continue to mine Pi coins, test out Pi Network applications, and participate in the Pi Network’s various testnet programs.#PI #PiNetwork

Pi Network Core Team Responds To Community Concerns

The Pi Network Core Team (PCT) has responded to the community’s concerns about the lack of a timeline for open mainnet. In a recent blog post, the PCT stated that they are committed to launching open mainnet as soon as possible, but that they need to take the necessary time to ensure that the Pi Network is ready.
The PCT highlighted a number of factors that are contributing to the delay, including:
The need to ensure that the Pi Network is scalable and secure.The need to develop a robust ecosystem of Pi-powered applications and services.The need to complete the KYC verification process for all Pioneers.
The PCT also stated that they are working on a new roadmap that will provide more clarity on the timeline for open mainnet. This roadmap is expected to be released in December 2023.
What to Expect from the Pi Network Roadmap V2
The Pi Network Roadmap V2 is expected to provide more information on the following:
The specific steps that the PCT needs to take before launching open mainnet.
The estimated timeline for completing each of these steps.
A more concrete date for the open mainnet launch.
The PCT has stated that they are committed to transparency and communication with the Pi Network community. They have also stated that they are committed to launching open mainnet as soon as possible.
The Pi Network community is eagerly awaiting the launch of open mainnet. However, it is important to be patient and understand that the PCT needs to take the necessary time to ensure that the Pi Network is ready.
The upcoming Pi Network Roadmap V2 is expected to provide more clarity on the timeline for open mainnet. In the meantime, Pioneers can continue to mine Pi coins, test out Pi Network applications, and participate in the Pi Network’s various testnet programs.#PI #PiNetwork
Should You Invest In Pi Coin In 2023? Here’s What The Experts SayAs the cryptocurrency market continues to captivate investors worldwide, the spotlight has turned to Pi Network and its native digital currency, Pi Coin. The burning question on everyone’s mind: is it worth buying Pi Coin in 2023? To answer this query, experts have weighed in on the current market conditions and the potential future of this intriguing digital asset. The Potential of Pi Coin: Pi Coin, the native cryptocurrency of the Pi Network, has garnered considerable attention due to its unique approach to mining and distribution. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, Pi Network allows users to mine coins using their smartphones, making it accessible to a wider audience. With the mainnet launch on the horizon, investors are eyeing Pi Coin as a promising addition to their portfolios. Market Analysis and Predictions: Financial analysts and crypto experts are pointing to a compelling reason to consider Pi Coin in 2023. The anticipation surrounding the upcoming mainnet launch has created a buzz in the crypto community. Experts suggest that buying Pi IOUs now, before the mainnet is officially launched, could be a strategic move. The rationale lies in the potential for substantial growth once the platform is fully operational. Additionally, broader market trends are contributing to the optimism surrounding Pi Coin. Predictions indicate a significant increase in the total cryptocurrency market cap, reaching a staggering $1.88 trillion within the next year. This positive trajectory is attributed to growing institutional interest, technological advancements, and increasing adoption rates, creating a favorable environment for investments in various digital assets, including Pi Coin. Considerations for Investors: While the potential for Pi Coin is promising, it’s crucial for investors to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. Cryptocurrency investments inherently come with risks, and market conditions can change rapidly. Diversification, understanding the project’s fundamentals, and staying informed about the latest developments are key strategies for navigating the crypto market successfully. Pi Coin stands out as a project with significant potential, especially considering the impending mainnet launch and the overall positive outlook for the cryptocurrency market in 2023. However, investors should approach this opportunity with careful consideration, diligence, and a clear understanding of the risks involved.#PI #PINETWORK #PiNewsZone

Should You Invest In Pi Coin In 2023? Here’s What The Experts Say

As the cryptocurrency market continues to captivate investors worldwide, the spotlight has turned to Pi Network and its native digital currency, Pi Coin. The burning question on everyone’s mind: is it worth buying Pi Coin in 2023? To answer this query, experts have weighed in on the current market conditions and the potential future of this intriguing digital asset.
The Potential of Pi Coin:
Pi Coin, the native cryptocurrency of the Pi Network, has garnered considerable attention due to its unique approach to mining and distribution. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, Pi Network allows users to mine coins using their smartphones, making it accessible to a wider audience. With the mainnet launch on the horizon, investors are eyeing Pi Coin as a promising addition to their portfolios.
Market Analysis and Predictions:
Financial analysts and crypto experts are pointing to a compelling reason to consider Pi Coin in 2023. The anticipation surrounding the upcoming mainnet launch has created a buzz in the crypto community. Experts suggest that buying Pi IOUs now, before the mainnet is officially launched, could be a strategic move. The rationale lies in the potential for substantial growth once the platform is fully operational.
Additionally, broader market trends are contributing to the optimism surrounding Pi Coin. Predictions indicate a significant increase in the total cryptocurrency market cap, reaching a staggering $1.88 trillion within the next year. This positive trajectory is attributed to growing institutional interest, technological advancements, and increasing adoption rates, creating a favorable environment for investments in various digital assets, including Pi Coin.
Considerations for Investors:
While the potential for Pi Coin is promising, it’s crucial for investors to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. Cryptocurrency investments inherently come with risks, and market conditions can change rapidly. Diversification, understanding the project’s fundamentals, and staying informed about the latest developments are key strategies for navigating the crypto market successfully.
Pi Coin stands out as a project with significant potential, especially considering the impending mainnet launch and the overall positive outlook for the cryptocurrency market in 2023. However, investors should approach this opportunity with careful consideration, diligence, and a clear understanding of the risks involved.#PI #PINETWORK #PiNewsZone
SocialFi And More On Pi Network Testnet, But When Will Mainnet Launch?The Pi Network, a mobile blockchain that aims to make cryptocurrency accessible to everyone, has been in the news lately for its SocialFi and other testnet projects. However, many are wondering when the Pi Network mainnet will finally launch. SocialFi is a new category of decentralized finance (DeFi) that combines social media with finance. It allows users to earn rewards for interacting with social media platforms, creating and sharing content, and connecting with other users. Several SocialFi projects have already launched on the Pi Network testnet, including PiVoice, PIBBS.CHAT,, and PiChat. These projects allow users to do things like earn Pi by recording and sharing voice messages, publishing paid content, buying and selling services, and connecting with friends and family. In addition to SocialFi, there are also a number of other projects under development on the Pi Network testnet, including games, entertainment platforms, and consumer utilities. The Pi Network team has not yet announced a date for the mainnet launch. However, they have said that they are committed to launching the mainnet as soon as possible, once they are confident that the network is ready and secure. In a recent update, the Pi Network team said that they are currently in the execution stage of Roadmap Version 2. This stage includes the development of the mainnet blockchain, as well as the Pi wallet and other Pi Network applications. The team also said that they are not planning to launch the mainnet in 2023 or 2024. However, they have said that they will keep the community updated on their progress and announce a mainnet launch date as soon as possible. What does this mean for Pi Network users? The fact that there are a number of SocialFi and other projects under development on the Pi Network testnet is a good sign. It shows that there is a lot of interest in the Pi Network and that developers are seeing it as a viable platform for building new applications. However, it is important to remember that the Pi Network is still in its early stages of development. The mainnet has not yet launched and there are still some risks involved in using the Pi Network. If you are interested in using the Pi Network testnet, you can download the Pi Network app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. You can then create a Pi account and start earning Pi by mining on your phone. It is important to note that the Pi coins you earn on the testnet will not be transferred to the mainnet when it launches. However, the Pi Network team has said that they are working on a way to reward Pi Network pioneers for their contributions to the testnet. The Pi Network is a promising project with a lot of potential. However, it is important to be patient and to understand that the project is still in its early stages of development.#PI #PINETWORK #PiNetwork

SocialFi And More On Pi Network Testnet, But When Will Mainnet Launch?

The Pi Network, a mobile blockchain that aims to make cryptocurrency accessible to everyone, has been in the news lately for its SocialFi and other testnet projects. However, many are wondering when the Pi Network mainnet will finally launch.
SocialFi is a new category of decentralized finance (DeFi) that combines social media with finance. It allows users to earn rewards for interacting with social media platforms, creating and sharing content, and connecting with other users.
Several SocialFi projects have already launched on the Pi Network testnet, including PiVoice, PIBBS.CHAT,, and PiChat. These projects allow users to do things like earn Pi by recording and sharing voice messages, publishing paid content, buying and selling services, and connecting with friends and family.
In addition to SocialFi, there are also a number of other projects under development on the Pi Network testnet, including games, entertainment platforms, and consumer utilities.
The Pi Network team has not yet announced a date for the mainnet launch. However, they have said that they are committed to launching the mainnet as soon as possible, once they are confident that the network is ready and secure.
In a recent update, the Pi Network team said that they are currently in the execution stage of Roadmap Version 2. This stage includes the development of the mainnet blockchain, as well as the Pi wallet and other Pi Network applications.
The team also said that they are not planning to launch the mainnet in 2023 or 2024. However, they have said that they will keep the community updated on their progress and announce a mainnet launch date as soon as possible.
What does this mean for Pi Network users?
The fact that there are a number of SocialFi and other projects under development on the Pi Network testnet is a good sign. It shows that there is a lot of interest in the Pi Network and that developers are seeing it as a viable platform for building new applications.
However, it is important to remember that the Pi Network is still in its early stages of development. The mainnet has not yet launched and there are still some risks involved in using the Pi Network.
If you are interested in using the Pi Network testnet, you can download the Pi Network app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. You can then create a Pi account and start earning Pi by mining on your phone.
It is important to note that the Pi coins you earn on the testnet will not be transferred to the mainnet when it launches. However, the Pi Network team has said that they are working on a way to reward Pi Network pioneers for their contributions to the testnet.
The Pi Network is a promising project with a lot of potential. However, it is important to be patient and to understand that the project is still in its early stages of development.#PI #PINETWORK #PiNetwork
Pi Network IOU Price Settles At $35.05, Ending Week With Bullish TouchThe price of Pi Network IOUs, also known as PI/USD, has settled at $35.05, ending the week with a bullish touch. This represents a decrease of 8.06% in the last 24 hours. However, the overall trend for PI/USD remains bullish, with the price increasing by more than 200% in the past 30 days. Pi Network is a mobile blockchain platform that aims to make cryptocurrency mining accessible to everyone. The Pi Network IOU is a digital token that represents a claim to Pi coins, which will be distributed to users once the Pi Network mainnet launches. The Pi Network has been in development for several years and has a large and active community of users. The Pi Network team has announced that the mainnet launch is planned for 2023. The recent bullish price action for PI/USD is likely due to a number of factors, including the upcoming mainnet launch, the growing popularity of the Pi Network, and the increasing demand for cryptocurrency in general. Some analysts believe that the price of PI/USD could continue to rise in the coming weeks and months, as investors anticipate the mainnet launch and the potential utility of Pi coins. Others believe that the price may experience some volatility in the short term, as investors take profits and wait for the mainnet launch. The Pi Network IOU is a promising digital asset with a lot of potential. Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Pi Network IOUs. Here are some of the key takeaways from the article: The price of Pi Network IOUs has settled at $35.05, ending the week with a bullish touch.The price of PI/USD has increased by more than 200% in the past 30 days.The Pi Network team has announced that the mainnet launch is planned for 2023.Analysts believe that the price of PI/USD could continue to rise in the coming weeks and months, as investors anticipate the mainnet launch and the potential utility of Pi coins.Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Pi Network IOUs. Analysts Weigh In on Pi Network IOU Price Outlook Analysts are divided on the short-term price outlook for Pi Network IOUs. Some believe that the price could experience some volatility in the coming weeks and months, as investors take profits and wait for the mainnet launch. Others believe that the price could continue to rise, as investors anticipate the mainnet launch and the potential utility of Pi coins. Bullish Case Bullish analysts point to a number of factors that could support a continued rise in the price of PI/USD, including: The upcoming mainnet launch: The mainnet launch is a major milestone for the Pi Network and is expected to generate a lot of interest from investors and users alike. The growing popularity of the Pi Network: The Pi Network has a large and active community of users, which is continuing to grow. This growing community could provide a strong base of support for the price of PI/USD. The increasing demand for cryptocurrency in general: Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular and mainstream, which is driving up demand for all cryptocurrencies, including Pi Network IOUs. Bearish Case Bearish analysts point to a number of factors that could weigh on the price of PI/USD in the short term, including: Profit-taking: Some investors may be tempted to take profits after the recent bullish price action. This profit-taking could lead to a sell-off and a decline in the price of PI/USD. Mainnet launch delay: If the mainnet launch is delayed, it could disappoint investors and lead to a sell-off. Regulatory uncertainty: Cryptocurrency is still a relatively new asset class and there is still some regulatory uncertainty surrounding it. This uncertainty could deter some investors from investing in Pi Network IOUs. Overall Outlook Overall, the outlook for the price of Pi Network IOUs is mixed. There are a number of factors that could support a continued rise in the price, but there are also some risks that could weigh on the price in the short term. Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Pi Network IOUs. Here are some tips for investors: Do your own research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is important to do your own research and understand the risks involved. Invest only what you can afford to lose: Cryptocurrencies are a volatile asset class and there is always the risk of losing money. It is important to only invest what you can afford to lose. Have a long-term investment horizon: Cryptocurrencies are a long-term investment. Investors should be prepared to hold their investments for several years or more. Diversify your portfolio: It is important to diversify your investment portfolio by investing in a variety of different assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, and real estate. This will help to reduce your risk #PI #PINETWORK

Pi Network IOU Price Settles At $35.05, Ending Week With Bullish Touch

The price of Pi Network IOUs, also known as PI/USD, has settled at $35.05, ending the week with a bullish touch. This represents a decrease of 8.06% in the last 24 hours. However, the overall trend for PI/USD remains bullish, with the price increasing by more than 200% in the past 30 days.
Pi Network is a mobile blockchain platform that aims to make cryptocurrency mining accessible to everyone. The Pi Network IOU is a digital token that represents a claim to Pi coins, which will be distributed to users once the Pi Network mainnet launches.
The Pi Network has been in development for several years and has a large and active community of users. The Pi Network team has announced that the mainnet launch is planned for 2023.
The recent bullish price action for PI/USD is likely due to a number of factors, including the upcoming mainnet launch, the growing popularity of the Pi Network, and the increasing demand for cryptocurrency in general.
Some analysts believe that the price of PI/USD could continue to rise in the coming weeks and months, as investors anticipate the mainnet launch and the potential utility of Pi coins. Others believe that the price may experience some volatility in the short term, as investors take profits and wait for the mainnet launch.
The Pi Network IOU is a promising digital asset with a lot of potential. Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Pi Network IOUs.
Here are some of the key takeaways from the article:
The price of Pi Network IOUs has settled at $35.05, ending the week with a bullish touch.The price of PI/USD has increased by more than 200% in the past 30 days.The Pi Network team has announced that the mainnet launch is planned for 2023.Analysts believe that the price of PI/USD could continue to rise in the coming weeks and months, as investors anticipate the mainnet launch and the potential utility of Pi coins.Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Pi Network IOUs.
Analysts Weigh In on Pi Network IOU Price Outlook
Analysts are divided on the short-term price outlook for Pi Network IOUs. Some believe that the price could experience some volatility in the coming weeks and months, as investors take profits and wait for the mainnet launch. Others believe that the price could continue to rise, as investors anticipate the mainnet launch and the potential utility of Pi coins.

Bullish Case
Bullish analysts point to a number of factors that could support a continued rise in the price of PI/USD, including:
The upcoming mainnet launch: The mainnet launch is a major milestone for the Pi Network and is expected to generate a lot of interest from investors and users alike.
The growing popularity of the Pi Network: The Pi Network has a large and active community of users, which is continuing to grow. This growing community could provide a strong base of support for the price of PI/USD.
The increasing demand for cryptocurrency in general: Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular and mainstream, which is driving up demand for all cryptocurrencies, including Pi Network IOUs.
Bearish Case
Bearish analysts point to a number of factors that could weigh on the price of PI/USD in the short term, including:
Profit-taking: Some investors may be tempted to take profits after the recent bullish price action. This profit-taking could lead to a sell-off and a decline in the price of PI/USD.
Mainnet launch delay: If the mainnet launch is delayed, it could disappoint investors and lead to a sell-off.
Regulatory uncertainty: Cryptocurrency is still a relatively new asset class and there is still some regulatory uncertainty surrounding it. This uncertainty could deter some investors from investing in Pi Network IOUs.
Overall Outlook
Overall, the outlook for the price of Pi Network IOUs is mixed. There are a number of factors that could support a continued rise in the price, but there are also some risks that could weigh on the price in the short term. Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Pi Network IOUs.
Here are some tips for investors:
Do your own research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is important to do your own research and understand the risks involved.
Invest only what you can afford to lose: Cryptocurrencies are a volatile asset class and there is always the risk of losing money. It is important to only invest what you can afford to lose.
Have a long-term investment horizon: Cryptocurrencies are a long-term investment. Investors should be prepared to hold their investments for several years or more.
Diversify your portfolio: It is important to diversify your investment portfolio by investing in a variety of different assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, and real estate. This will help to reduce your risk #PI #PINETWORK
Pi Network Launches Incubator Program To Support Community App DevelopersThe Pi Network Core Team announced today the launch of the Picubator program, a 12-week program designed to accelerate the development of community-built applications. The program will provide selected teams with mentorship, feedback, monetary grants, and other resources to help them improve their apps and prepare them for launch on the Pi Network Mainnet. “For the past few quarters, we’ve been testing and iterating on strategies to help community developers improve their applications,” said the Pi Network Core Team in an email to selected teams.“This has included mentoring sessions, feedback on app design, monetary grants, and milestone-based reward programs. Through these programs, we’ve been able to test a number of strategies and tailor them to better fit the needs of developers.”The Picubator program is open to all community app teams that meet the following criteria:The app must be in active development and have a working prototype.The app must be aligned with the Pi Network vision and values.The team must be committed to working full-time on the app during the 12-week program.Selected teams will receive the following benefits:$1500 USD per 4 weeks to spend on eligible expenses, such as infrastructure costs, 3rd party developers, and other development-related expenses.Mentorship from experienced Pi Network developers and product managers.Feedback on app design, usability, and performance.Access to Pi Network resources and support.The Picubator program is the latest in a series of initiatives from the Pi Network Core Team to support community developers. In recent months, the team has launched a developer portal, a grant program, and a hackathon. The Picubator program is the most comprehensive support program for community developers to date.“We believe that the Pi Network community is the most important asset of the project,” said the Pi Network Core Team. “We are committed to supporting community developers in every way we can. The Picubator program is just one way we are doing this.”Applications for the Picubator program are due by Thursday, November 4th at 11:59 PM PDT. To learn more about the program and to apply, please visit the Pi Network Developer Portal: #pi #PiNetwork

Pi Network Launches Incubator Program To Support Community App Developers

The Pi Network Core Team announced today the launch of the Picubator program, a 12-week program designed to accelerate the development of community-built applications. The program will provide selected teams with mentorship, feedback, monetary grants, and other resources to help them improve their apps and prepare them for launch on the Pi Network Mainnet.
“For the past few quarters, we’ve been testing and iterating on strategies to help community developers improve their applications,” said the Pi Network Core Team in an email to selected teams.“This has included mentoring sessions, feedback on app design, monetary grants, and milestone-based reward programs. Through these programs, we’ve been able to test a number of strategies and tailor them to better fit the needs of developers.”The Picubator program is open to all community app teams that meet the following criteria:The app must be in active development and have a working prototype.The app must be aligned with the Pi Network vision and values.The team must be committed to working full-time on the app during the 12-week program.Selected teams will receive the following benefits:$1500 USD per 4 weeks to spend on eligible expenses, such as infrastructure costs, 3rd party developers, and other development-related expenses.Mentorship from experienced Pi Network developers and product managers.Feedback on app design, usability, and performance.Access to Pi Network resources and support.The Picubator program is the latest in a series of initiatives from the Pi Network Core Team to support community developers. In recent months, the team has launched a developer portal, a grant program, and a hackathon. The Picubator program is the most comprehensive support program for community developers to date.“We believe that the Pi Network community is the most important asset of the project,” said the Pi Network Core Team. “We are committed to supporting community developers in every way we can. The Picubator program is just one way we are doing this.”Applications for the Picubator program are due by Thursday, November 4th at 11:59 PM PDT. To learn more about the program and to apply, please visit the Pi Network Developer Portal: #pi #PiNetwork
Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet: What It Is And What It Means For PioneersThe Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet is a period of time in which the Pi Mainnet blockchain is live but not yet connected to the outside world. This means that Pioneers can use Pi within the Pi Network ecosystem, but they cannot yet send or receive Pi to and from other blockchains or exchanges. The Enclosed Mainnet period is designed to give the Pi Network team time to complete two important tasks: 1. Mass KYC verification: In order to protect the Pi Network ecosystem and prevent fraud, the Pi Network team is requiring all Pioneers to complete KYC verification before they can use Pi on the Mainnet. This process is underway, and the Pi Network team has reported that over 5 million Pioneers have already completed KYC. 2. Development of real utilities for Pi: The Pi Network team is also working on developing real utilities for Pi, including ecosystem infrastructure and platforms that enable utilities building by the community and external world. This will help to create a sustainable and thriving Pi Network ecosystem. Once the Pi Network team has completed these two tasks, they will transition to the Open Mainnet period. During the Open Mainnet period, the Pi blockchain will be connected to the outside world, and Pioneers will be able to send and receive Pi to and from other blockchains and exchanges. There are a few key benefits to the Enclosed Mainnet period: Security: The Enclosed Mainnet period helps to protect the Pi Network ecosystem from fraud and other security threats. Utility: The Pi Network team is using the Enclosed Mainnet period to develop real utilities for Pi. This will help to create a sustainable and thriving Pi Network ecosystem. Community: The Enclosed Mainnet period is giving Pioneers a chance to learn more about the Pi Network and start using Pi in a safe and controlled environment. The Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet is an important step in the development of the Pi Network ecosystem. The Pi Network team is working hard to complete the necessary tasks and transition to the Open Mainnet period as soon as possible. For Pioneers: The Enclosed Mainnet period is a good time to learn more about the Pi Network and start using Pi in a safe and controlled environment. You can do this by: Completing KYC verification: If you have not already done so, please complete KYC verification as soon as possible. This will allow you to use Pi on the Mainnet. Exploring the Pi Network ecosystem: There are a number of Pi Network apps and services that you can use during the Enclosed Mainnet period. These include Pi Browser, Pi Apps, and the Pi Wallet. Providing feedback to the Pi Network team: The Pi Network team is always looking for feedback from Pioneers. You can provide feedback by visiting the Pi Network Discord server or by submitting a feedback form on the Pi Network website. By participating in the Enclosed Mainnet period, you can help to build a stronger and more sustainable Pi Network ecosystem #pi #pinetwork #CryptocurrencyForecast

Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet: What It Is And What It Means For Pioneers

The Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet is a period of time in which the Pi Mainnet blockchain is live but not yet connected to the outside world. This means that Pioneers can use Pi within the Pi Network ecosystem, but they cannot yet send or receive Pi to and from other blockchains or exchanges.
The Enclosed Mainnet period is designed to give the Pi Network team time to complete two important tasks:
1. Mass KYC verification: In order to protect the Pi Network ecosystem and prevent fraud, the Pi Network team is requiring all Pioneers to complete KYC verification before they can use Pi on the Mainnet. This process is underway, and the Pi Network team has reported that over 5 million Pioneers have already completed KYC.
2. Development of real utilities for Pi: The Pi Network team is also working on developing real utilities for Pi, including ecosystem infrastructure and platforms that enable utilities building by the community and external world. This will help to create a sustainable and thriving Pi Network ecosystem.
Once the Pi Network team has completed these two tasks, they will transition to the Open Mainnet period. During the Open Mainnet period, the Pi blockchain will be connected to the outside world, and Pioneers will be able to send and receive Pi to and from other blockchains and exchanges.
There are a few key benefits to the Enclosed Mainnet period:
Security: The Enclosed Mainnet period helps to protect the Pi Network ecosystem from fraud and other security threats.
Utility: The Pi Network team is using the Enclosed Mainnet period to develop real utilities for Pi. This will help to create a sustainable and thriving Pi Network ecosystem.
Community: The Enclosed Mainnet period is giving Pioneers a chance to learn more about the Pi Network and start using Pi in a safe and controlled environment.
The Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet is an important step in the development of the Pi Network ecosystem. The Pi Network team is working hard to complete the necessary tasks and transition to the Open Mainnet period as soon as possible.
For Pioneers:
The Enclosed Mainnet period is a good time to learn more about the Pi Network and start using Pi in a safe and controlled environment. You can do this by:
Completing KYC verification: If you have not already done so, please complete KYC verification as soon as possible. This will allow you to use Pi on the Mainnet.
Exploring the Pi Network ecosystem: There are a number of Pi Network apps and services that you can use during the Enclosed Mainnet period. These include Pi Browser, Pi Apps, and the Pi Wallet.
Providing feedback to the Pi Network team: The Pi Network team is always looking for feedback from Pioneers. You can provide feedback by visiting the Pi Network Discord server or by submitting a feedback form on the Pi Network website.
By participating in the Enclosed Mainnet period, you can help to build a stronger and more sustainable Pi Network ecosystem #pi #pinetwork #CryptocurrencyForecast
Algorithm predicts +124% price increase for PI within the next three monthsThe PI coin price prediction algorithm expects the positive price action for PI to continue over the coming weeks, with a $55.32 target in the next 90 days. Within this period, PI is expected to surge up to $77.81 before retracing, which would be a +124% gain from the current price level.PI has been one of the best performing digital assets in Web3 over the past 3 months. Its IOU price has climbed +39.21%, which would place it in the top 5 crypto assets during this time frame if it was available on the open market.Over the next 12 months, PI is expected to reach new all-time highs as the launch of its open mainnet draws closer. The algorithm recently predicted a +460% gain for PI by August 2024, and it now forecasts a move up to $285 by SeptemberPi Network has been on a positive run since the beginning of 2023 and the recent verification upgrade for its applications is just the tip of the iceberg for the project. A user-driven decentralized network at its core, Pi Network plans to create a buzzing ecosystem of mobile-first dApps as the launch of its open mainnet draws near.For now, the IOU price for the PI token is ranging between $38.64 and $33.74. The algorithm predicts that PI could break out of this range in the coming weeks as it targets a 2x gain within the next 3 months.#pi #pinetwork #BinanceSquare

Algorithm predicts +124% price increase for PI within the next three months

The PI coin price prediction algorithm expects the positive price action for PI to continue over the coming weeks, with a $55.32 target in the next 90 days. Within this period, PI is expected to surge up to $77.81 before retracing, which would be a +124% gain from the current price level.PI has been one of the best performing digital assets in Web3 over the past 3 months. Its IOU price has climbed +39.21%, which would place it in the top 5 crypto assets during this time frame if it was available on the open market.Over the next 12 months, PI is expected to reach new all-time highs as the launch of its open mainnet draws closer. The algorithm recently predicted a +460% gain for PI by August 2024, and it now forecasts a move up to $285 by SeptemberPi Network has been on a positive run since the beginning of 2023 and the recent verification upgrade for its applications is just the tip of the iceberg for the project. A user-driven decentralized network at its core, Pi Network plans to create a buzzing ecosystem of mobile-first dApps as the launch of its open mainnet draws near.For now, the IOU price for the PI token is ranging between $38.64 and $33.74. The algorithm predicts that PI could break out of this range in the coming weeks as it targets a 2x gain within the next 3 months.#pi #pinetwork #BinanceSquare
Pi Network Rolls Out an Update to Let Users Know Which Apps Are Verified by the Pi Core TeamKey takeawaysPi Network (PI) unveils another new update for its application ecosystem, providing deeper insights into the latest projects launching on the networkPI has been one of the best-performing digital assets over the past 3 months owing to continued ecosystem developments and major milestonesAlgorithm predicts +124% surge for the PI token’s IOU price in the next 90 days and new all-time highs in the next yearPi Network testnet now provides in-app updates about the latest ecosystem productsPi Network (PI) has unveiled a new feature in its ecosystem dashboard that provides deeper insight into the latest projects launching on the chain. The update will signal which third party applications have been verified by Pi Network’s core team and which are still yet to receive verification.The native PI token has yet to be released on the open market, but it has been made available on select exchanges through an IOU price. In the past 3 months, the IOU price for PI has surged +39% during a move that has taken the new digital asset to $34.69.Right now, the only way to acquire PI tokens is by downloading the project’s mobile application. At its core, Pi is a mobile-first blockchain that provides users with a more accessible method of supporting the network infrastructure, as the mining system does not use excessive amounts of electricity and can be done cheaply on the user end#pi #pinetwork

Pi Network Rolls Out an Update to Let Users Know Which Apps Are Verified by the Pi Core Team

Key takeawaysPi Network (PI) unveils another new update for its application ecosystem, providing deeper insights into the latest projects launching on the networkPI has been one of the best-performing digital assets over the past 3 months owing to continued ecosystem developments and major milestonesAlgorithm predicts +124% surge for the PI token’s IOU price in the next 90 days and new all-time highs in the next yearPi Network testnet now provides in-app updates about the latest ecosystem productsPi Network (PI) has unveiled a new feature in its ecosystem dashboard that provides deeper insight into the latest projects launching on the chain. The update will signal which third party applications have been verified by Pi Network’s core team and which are still yet to receive verification.The native PI token has yet to be released on the open market, but it has been made available on select exchanges through an IOU price. In the past 3 months, the IOU price for PI has surged +39% during a move that has taken the new digital asset to $34.69.Right now, the only way to acquire PI tokens is by downloading the project’s mobile application. At its core, Pi is a mobile-first blockchain that provides users with a more accessible method of supporting the network infrastructure, as the mining system does not use excessive amounts of electricity and can be done cheaply on the user end#pi #pinetwork
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