Binance Square
Hi Everyone. irfan Niazi hare from Pakistan.
Tout le contenu
Must read it article
Must read it article
Crypto Maham
🛑 8 erreurs courantes qui peuvent transformer 1 000 $ en 1 $ sur le marché des crypto-monnaies 🛑

Perdre la quasi-totalité de votre investissement sur le marché des crypto-monnaies est un scénario cauchemardesque. Cependant, si vous n'êtes pas au courant des erreurs suivantes, vous pourriez vous retrouver dans une telle situation :

1. Investir dans des altcoins ou des mèmes très volatils et imprévisibles sans recherche appropriée.

2. Être victime de projets frauduleux ou de tirages au sort, où les développeurs s'enfuient avec l'argent des investisseurs.

3. Surendettement dans le trading sur marge, amplifiant les pertes et anéantissant potentiellement votre investissement.

4. Mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier, investir dans un seul projet sans diversification.

5. Acheter au sommet d'un cycle de marché, pour voir la valeur chuter.

6. Ignorer les études de marché et la diligence raisonnable, ce qui conduit à de mauvaises décisions d'investissement.

7. Être victime de stratagèmes de « pump and dump », gonfler artificiellement les prix avant un krach.

8. S'accrocher à une cryptomonnaie qui s'effondre, refuser de réduire ses pertes et voir son investissement diminuer.

N'oubliez pas que ces erreurs peuvent être évitées en effectuant des recherches approfondies, en utilisant des stratégies de gestion des risques et en diversifiant vos investissements. Ne laissez pas vos 1 000 $ se transformer en 1 $ - restez informé et prudent sur le marché des cryptomonnaies !

#USNonFarmPayrollReport #TelegramCEO #CryptoDecision #CryptoNews #CryptocurrencyPredictions
Voir l’original
Est-ce vrai ?
Est-ce vrai ?
5 principales raisons de l'effondrement du marché des crypto-monnaies

Points forts :
- Le mois de septembre a toujours été baissier pour les actions et les crypto-monnaies.
- Les ETF Spot Bitcoin (BTC) et Ethereum (ETH) connaissent des sorties de capitaux importantes.
- La Banque du Japon signale de nouvelles hausses de taux.
- La faiblesse des données manufacturières américaines alimente les craintes de récession.
- Le DOJ a assigné Nvidia à comparaître dans le cadre d'une enquête antitrust.

1. Faiblesse du marché en septembre
Septembre a toujours été un mois difficile pour les crypto-monnaies et les actions. Les principaux indices comme le Dow Jones, le S&P 500 et le Nasdaq ont récemment connu leurs pires baisses depuis début août. L'indice Crypto Fear & Greed reflète la négativité continue du marché.

2. Sorties de capitaux des ETF Spot BTC et ETH
Les ETF Spot Bitcoin et Ethereum continuent de connaître des sorties de capitaux, avec des retraits importants de fonds majeurs comme le Fidelity Bitcoin ETF. Cela a affaibli le sentiment du marché et contribué à la baisse des prix.

3. Perspectives de hausse des taux de la Banque du Japon
Le gouverneur de la Banque du Japon, Kazuo Ueda, a évoqué de possibles hausses des taux, affectant le sentiment du marché à l'échelle mondiale. Cela a provoqué un effet d'entraînement, poussant les investisseurs à la prudence.

4. Faiblesse des données de l'indice PMI manufacturier ISM
Les données de l'indice PMI manufacturier américain ISM n'ont pas répondu aux attentes, augmentant les craintes d'un ralentissement économique. Les acteurs du marché se concentrent désormais sur les données sur l'emploi à venir pour évaluer les prochaines mesures de la Réserve fédérale sur les taux d'intérêt.

5. Enquête du DOJ sur Nvidia
Le ministère américain de la Justice a intensifié son enquête antitrust sur Nvidia, ce qui a eu un impact négatif sur les actions technologiques et a suscité des inquiétudes quant à la stabilité du marché.

Ces facteurs ont collectivement contribué au récent krach du marché des crypto-monnaies, effaçant 160 milliards de dollars de valeur marchande en une semaine.

Suivez-nous pour des mises à jour et des analyses. Aimez et partagez. Merci.

achetez et profitez. dyor.
81962977815 41455371610 $FET 18000846003 #USNonFarmPayrollReport #TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins 757752 72599
Voir l’original
Le marché va augmenter
Le marché va augmenter
Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder
BITCOIN CRASHED Below $55k - What Happened Today

1. Le cofondateur de Ripple soutient Kamala Harris pour la présidence :
Chris Larsen, cofondateur et président exécutif de Ripple, a rejoint 87 dirigeants d'entreprise soutenant Kamala Harris pour l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2024. La lettre, signée par d'autres grands noms comme le PDG de Box, Aaron Levie, et Jeremy Stoppelman de Yelp, souligne l'intérêt croissant des crypto-monnaies pour la politique. Nous savons tous quelles banques sont très intéressées par Ripple et comment cela n'aide pas la décentralisation, c'est donc une mise à jour négative.

2. Pavel Durov de Telegram rompt le silence après son arrestation :
Pavel Durov, le fondateur de Telegram, a fait sa première déclaration publique après son arrestation en France le 24 août. Le milliardaire de la technologie, surpris par sa détention, a souligné que les autorités françaises auraient pu facilement le joindre par l'intermédiaire de représentants légaux ou du consulat français à Dubaï. Durov a réitéré son engagement en faveur de la liberté d'expression, laissant entendre que Telegram pourrait quitter les juridictions qui entrent en conflit avec ses valeurs.

3. La campagne de Kamala Harris accepte les dons de crypto via Super PAC :
La campagne présidentielle de Kamala Harris a ouvert la porte aux dons de crypto, confirmés par le biais du Future Forward Super PAC. Bien qu'initialement mal comprise, la directrice financière de Coinbase, Alesia Haas, a précisé que le PAC, et non la campagne Harris elle-même, utilise Coinbase Commerce pour accepter les contributions. Future Forward a levé plus de 163 millions de dollars, ayant déjà dépensé 150 millions de dollars pour soutenir Biden en 2020. Les PAC axés sur la cryptographie renforcent leur influence, Coinbase étant également l'un des principaux donateurs du Fairshake PAC.

Des jeux politiques de Ripple au drame juridique de Telegram, l'actualité crypto d'aujourd'hui montre à quel point la blockchain et les actifs numériques sont profondément ancrés dans la POLITIQUE mondiale.

C'est peut-être l'une des raisons pour lesquelles Bitcoin est en baisse à ce point ? La politique et les valeurs de « liberté » et de « décentralisation » ne font pas bon ménage.

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Restez informés avec @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder !

#TON #TelegramCEO #CryptoMarketMoves #USNonFarmPayrollReport
Voir l’original
2000$ à 1 million $
2000$ à 1 million $
De 2 000 $ à plus d'un million de dollars : comment la crypto-monnaie m'a aidé à acheter la maison de mes rêves 🏡💰
Il y a deux ans, j’ai tenté ma chance et investi 2 000 $ dans la cryptomonnaie. Aujourd’hui, ce modeste investissement a grimpé en flèche pour atteindre plus d’un million de dollars ! Grâce à la croissance incroyable du marché de la cryptomonnaie, je viens d’acheter la maison de mes rêves, un objectif que je pensais autrefois lointain 🌟.
Le début : un acte de foi 🚀
Tout a commencé lorsque j'ai décidé de me lancer dans le monde de l'investissement en cryptomonnaies. À l'époque, je savais que les cryptomonnaies étaient volatiles, mais j'ai vu des histoires de personnes qui avaient transformé de petits investissements en fortunes colossales. Après avoir fait quelques recherches et suivi les tendances du marché, j'ai soigneusement sélectionné quelques cryptomonnaies qui, selon moi, avaient du potentiel 📊.
US Mining
US Mining
Blockstream lance la série 3 de BMN2 : un nouvel investissement dans le minage de Bitcoin pour les investisseurs non américains

Le 5 septembre 2024, Blockstream a dévoilé la série 3 de son Blockstream Mining Note 2 (BMN2), offrant aux investisseurs non américains une nouvelle opportunité de se lancer dans le minage de Bitcoin. Ce jeton de sécurité conforme aux normes de l'UE offre une exposition au taux de hachage des installations minières nord-américaines de Blockstream. Chaque jeton BMN2 donne accès à 1 pétahash par seconde (PH/s) de puissance de minage de Bitcoin, permettant aux détenteurs de recevoir une part du Bitcoin miné par la société.

S'appuyant sur le succès de la série BMN1, qui a généré un rendement de 32 % en Bitcoin sur trois ans, BMN2 se positionne comme un investissement stratégique, notamment avec la prochaine réduction de moitié du Bitcoin. En plus d'offrir un prix de hachage inférieur par rapport aux autres contrats de minage, BMN2 tire 80 % de sa puissance de minage d'une énergie neutre en carbone, ce qui en fait une option attrayante pour les investisseurs soucieux de l'environnement qui cherchent à tirer profit du minage de Bitcoin.
#BTC Big Breaking..
La grande décision de Donald Trump..

Au New York Economic Club, l'ancien président américain Donald Trump a prononcé un discours sur les crypto-monnaies et le $BTC . Sous une ovation debout, il a fait la promesse inattendue de faire de l'Amérique le centre de la scène mondiale des crypto-monnaies et du $BTC . Trump s'est engagé à réduire les restrictions et à remplacer celles qui sont obsolètes par de nouvelles qui encouragent la créativité. Il a souligné qu'il fallait accepter plutôt que résister à l'avenir. L'enthousiasme des participants a été alimenté par la position pro-crypto de Trump. Son administration entend favoriser une atmosphère propice à la croissance du $BTC et d'autres crypto-monnaies. Le marché des crypto-monnaies pourrait être considérablement impacté par cette décision.

#Binance #Write2earn #BinanceWeb3Wallet #dappOSTheFutureofIntents
Bonk lso
Bonk lso
Today's big losers on the market include $BONK , $KEY , and $BSW , all showing significant negative movement in the last 24 hours. BONK, currently trading at $0.00001584, has dropped by 4.92%, KEY at $0.004677 experienced a 6.98% decline, and BSW saw the steepest fall with a loss of 10.38%, now at $0.0786.

For traders keeping an eye on these coins, the sharp decline might signal potential buy opportunities if they rebound. However, caution is advised as these assets are facing downward pressure.

@dappOS_com is an innovative platform designed to simplify the interaction between decentralized applications (dApps) and users, especially for those unfamiliar with blockchain technology. It offers a user-friendly operating protocol that allows seamless access to various dApps across multiple blockchains without needing users to understand the complexities of wallets, private keys, or token swaps. This abstraction of the technical barriers enables smoother adoption of decentralized services, promoting a more accessible and inclusive environment for newcomers and non-technical users.

For its users, dappOS provides several significant advantages. First, it enhances user experience by offering a simplified interface that feels similar to traditional apps, making onboarding into Web3 much easier. Additionally, it enables multi-chain interoperability, allowing users to access dApps on various blockchains from a single platform. This flexibility saves time and effort by removing the need for multiple wallets or tokens.

The platform also focuses on security and transparency, which is essential in the decentralized space. Looking ahead, dappOS has the potential to play a pivotal role in mainstream blockchain adoption, acting as a bridge between Web2 and Web3, and could significantly influence how users interact with decentralized services in the future.

#dappOSTheFutureofIntents #DappOSTheFutureofIntents🔥 #BinanceWeb3Wallet #BinanceWeb3Wallet! #BullBanter


**🚨 RDNT/USDT Trade Update! 🚨**

**Current Price:**
- **First Image:** $0.0754
- **Second Image:** $0.09252

**🔍 Detailed Analysis:**
RDNT/USDT has made a significant move, breaking out of a sustained downtrend. After touching a low near $0.06491, the price has surged past the descending trendline, signaling a potential trend reversal. The breach of the resistance zone is particularly noteworthy, as it confirms bullish momentum and opens up the possibility for further upside.

**📈 Key Technical Insights:**
- **Resistance Zone:** The price has convincingly broken through the resistance zone, which had previously capped upside moves. This zone now acts as a new support, increasing the likelihood of continued bullish action.
- **Trend Reversal Signal:** The breakout from the descending trendline, combined with the price action, is a classic signal of a possible trend reversal. Traders should watch for a potential retest of this trendline or the resistance zone to confirm the new support level.
- **Volume Analysis:** The increasing volume adds strength to the breakout, indicating that buyers are stepping in with conviction. This is a positive sign for the bulls, suggesting that the move may be sustained.

**🚀 Strategic Considerations:**
- **Entry Point:** If you haven’t entered the trade yet, consider looking for a pullback to the new support level around the former resistance zone before entering.
- **Target Levels:** If the bullish momentum continues, we could see RDNT/USDT targeting higher levels. Keep an eye on round numbers such as $0.10 and $0.15 as psychological resistance points.
- **Stop Loss:** For those in the trade, ensure your stop loss is updated to reflect the new market dynamics, ideally just below the new support level.

**⚠️ Risk Management Reminder:**
With the breakout, volatility may increase. Make sure to adjust your position size according to your risk tolerance and maintain disciplined stop-loss orders. Trading with a plan is crucial to capital preservation.

**🕵️‍♂️ Monitoring:**
Keep a close watch on the price action around the new support and upcoming resistance levels. Stay ready to adapt your strategy as the market evolves.

**Stay tuned for real-time updates, and let’s trade smart together!**


Ada oken
Ada oken
Binance News
Cardano Activates Chang Upgrade, Shifts Towards Decentralized Governance
According to CoinDesk, Cardano, the layer-1 blockchain launched in 2017 by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson, has activated its highly anticipated “Chang” upgrade. This marks a significant shift towards decentralized governance for the ecosystem.

With the Chang upgrade now live, ADA token holders can shape Cardano's future by electing governance representatives and voting on development proposals. CIP-1694, an official
Technical Analysis Report: $BTC /USDT;

$BTC Still in consolidation phase from last 3 days. It stuck between 57k-59k.. Really, market is too slow from last 3 days. Once $BTC break Resistance or Support... It will rapidly ... Stay here and take trade at right time.

Current Price: $58,310.17

Resistance: $58,583.33
Support: $57,777.00

Long Trade: Enter above $58,583.33 with targets at $59,016.00, $59,244.04, and $59,500.00. Stop loss at $58,310.17.

Short Trade: Enter below $57,777.00 with targets at $57,718.00, $57,500.00, and $57,300.00. Stop loss at $58,310.17.

#BTC☀ #CryptoMarketMoves #Write2Earn! #BullBanter #BinanceBlockchainWeek
IOUSDT Faces Strong Bearish Pressure Testing Critical Support

The pair on Binance's 1 hour chart is showing signs of bearish momentum after a significant drop from its recent highs The price is currently trading below the 200 period moving average (MA) which is positioned at $2 031 indicating a bearish trend The Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is currently at $1 857 suggesting that the price is below the average traded price further emphasizing the bearish sentiment

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 31 nearing the oversold territory which could indicate a potential bounce but also shows that bearish momentum is still strong The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) histogram is below the zero line with the MACD line below the signal line, signaling continued bearish momentum

On the 1hour published chart the price is seen hovering around a support zone between $1 60 and $1 70 This zone has been tested multiple times indicating its significance A sustained break below this support could lead to further declines potentially targeting the $1 50 level or lower
Conversely if the support holds there might be a chance for a shortterm bounce back toward the $2 00 resistance level However the overall trend remains weak and any bullish movement might face significant resistance

Disclaimer The information provided in this analysis is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice Cryptocurrency investments are volatile and carry a high risk Always perform your own research before making any investment decisions

#6thTrade #BecomeCreator #CryptoMarketMoves #MarketSentimentToday
Krypto_ Alchemy
GALA (Gala)
Analysis: The major support level for GALA is at $0.020, which has been a crucial point for buyers. On the resistance side, $0.022 is the key level to watch. If GALA can break above this resistance, it could see further gains. However, a drop below $0.020 might lead to a pullback towards $0.019.

INJ (Injective)
Analysis: The major support level for INJ is at $20.00, which has held strong during recent market corrections. The key resistance level to monitor is $22.00. Breaking above this resistance could lead to further upward movement. Conversely, if INJ falls below $20.00, it might see a decline towards $19.50.

IO (
Analysis: The major support level for IO is at $2.20, which has been a critical point for buyers. On the resistance side, $2.40 is the key level to watch. If IO can break above this resistance, it could see additional gains. However, a drop below $2.20 might lead to a pullback towards $2.10.

GALA: $0.020 (support), $0.022 (resistance)
INJ: $20.00 (support), $22.00 (resistance)
IO: $2.20 (support), $2.40 (resistance)

Support us and cast your vote that will encourage me to create more amazing content for you all 🙏

#TelegramCEO #Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7 #MtGoxRepayments #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS
Warn as warn world
Warn as warn world
🚨 Уоррен Баффет продает акции Bank of America на сумму $981 млн! Что он сделает дальше?
Уоррен Баффет сидит на огромной куче наличных в размере $278 млрд и распродает акции беспрецедентными темпами. Вот что это может означать:
💵 Продано на $981 млн: Баффет только что распродал еще $981 млн акций Bank of America.
📉 Ликвидация акций: он также продает акции Apple, что свидетельствует о потенциальной осторожности.
🛑 Подготовка к краху рынка: имея на руках столько наличных, Баффет может готовиться к серьезному спаду рынка.
Ознакомьтесь с этим постом: Как вы думаете, каким будет следующий большой шаг Баффета? Поделитесь своими мыслями ниже!
$BTC $SOL $BNB #Bitcoin #binance #BTC #Ethereum #LEDGER
20 oin
20 oin
List of the 20 Best Cryptos to Buy Now Before Next Bull Run :

EarthMeta (EMT) – Metaverse and AI platform for virtual real estate and digital economy.

Ethereum (ETH) – Decentralized platform for smart contracts and dApps.

BNB (BNB) – Native token for Binance, supporting the Binance Smart Chain.
Solana (SOL) – High-speed blockchain for scalable dApps and DeFi.

VeChain (VET) – Blockchain for improving supply chain management and business processes.

XRP (XRP) – Fast, low-cost international payments.

Toncoin (TON) – Scalable network from the Telegram project for diverse applications.
Dogecoin (DOGE) – Meme coin with low fees and fast transactions.

Cardano (ADA) – Peer-reviewed blockchain for sustainable and scalable applications.
TRON (TRX) – Decentralized content sharing and entertainment platform.

Avalanche (AVAX) – Scalable blockchain supporting multiple networks.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) – Meme coin with a decentralized ecosystem and active community.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) – Scalable version of Bitcoin for faster transactions.

Polkadot (DOT) – Interoperable blockchain for seamless cross-chain communication.
Chainlink (LINK) – Oracle network bridging blockchain and real-world data.

UNUS SED LEO (LEO) – Utility token for trading discounts on Bitfinex.

Litecoin (LTC) – Faster, low-cost alternative to Bitcoin.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) – User-friendly and scalable blockchain for dApps.

Kaspa (KAS) – Scalable blockchain with a blockDAG structure for high throughput.

Polygon (MATIC) – Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, enhancing speed and reducing costs.
Binance lead
Binance lead
Binance Queen 👸
Yi He is a Chinese entrepreneur and investor best known for founding Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, with Changpeng Zhao. She serves as the Chief Marketing Officer leading business, marketing, and branding strategy at Binance and is also the head of Binance Labs.

She was previously a co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange OKX and also served as Vice president for the leading mobile video tech company, Yixia Technology.
Early Life & Education

Yi He was born in 1986 in China. She grew up in a rural area in Sichuan province in western China, where her parents worked as teachers. In one of her interviews, she mentioned

“I'm from a very small village and a very poor family”

Yi He's first job was promoting a new soft drink by giving out free samples in front of a supermarket.

"It was a hard job and all the talking and hawking led to a hoarse voice”
Yi He's career in the entrainment industry began in 2012 when she joined a Chinese Television Channel and worked as a TV Show host for a travel show. She left the media industry in July 2014 and joined a startup

Yi He learned about Bitcoin in 2013 while working for the start-up. In 2014, She started working in the cryptocurrency space and was one of the co-founders of OKCoin. She led OKCoin’s branding and marketing strategy. OKCoin was the largest Chinese cryptocurrency-to-fiat exchange as of 2015. Yi He handled user operations management, online marketing management, social media management, PR management, and branding management and helped OKCoin to obtain 60% of the Chinese market share.

In December 2015, Yi He joined the leading mobile video-sharing tech company, Yixia Technology. She served as Vice president and handled the product management and marketing operations for the company and its subsidiaries. She created the live-broadcasting platform “Yi Zhi Bo" which was later acquired by a social network company, Weibo. At that time, she said in a blog post:

#CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #DOGSONBINANCE #LowestCPI2021
Liquid Staking Revolution: Binance Prepares to Launch $BNSOL on Solana
Binance plans to launch $BNSOL on Solana, highlighting the growing importance of liquid staking in the DeFi economy.

$BNSOL will allow users to stake SOL without losing liquidity of their tokens.
The initiative could increase the total value locked (TVL) on Solana and attract more users to its DeFi ecosystem.
Binance has revealed its intention to launch a new token, $BNSOL, on the Solana blockchain. This initiative underscores the growing importance of liquid staking within the crypto industry and its penetration into various ecosystems, offering an innovative solution for SOL token holders.

$BNSOL is designed to function as a liquid staking derivative, allowing Solana users to stake their SOL tokens while maintaining liquidity. Traditionally, staking SOL involves locking them up for a specific period, which limits their use in other activities within the DeFi market.
With $BNSOL, Binance users will be able to continue earning staking rewards from the Solana network while maintaining the flexibility to trade or invest their tokens elsewhere. This dual advantage has the potential to attract a considerable number of SOL holders interested in maximizing their earnings without sacrificing the liquidity of their assets.

Binance’s decision to launch $BNSOL is a well-founded strategy. Solana has gained recognition for its ability to facilitate fast and low-cost transactions, making it an ideal platform for deploying DeFi solutions like liquid staking tokens.

The integration of $BNSOL could also strengthen Solana’s staking ecosystem, potentially increasing the total value locked (TVL) on the network. As more users opt for liquid staking, the demand

Although Binance has not yet provided all the details about the functionality and features of $BNSOL, the announcement has generated a significant wave of expectations. The introduction of this token could offer new investment opportunities for #SolanaUSTD
#BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Like and share @CRYPTO_KITE
Lead binance
Lead binance
Binance Queen 👸
Yi He is a Chinese entrepreneur and investor best known for founding Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, with Changpeng Zhao. She serves as the Chief Marketing Officer leading business, marketing, and branding strategy at Binance and is also the head of Binance Labs.

She was previously a co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange OKX and also served as Vice president for the leading mobile video tech company, Yixia Technology.
Early Life & Education

Yi He was born in 1986 in China. She grew up in a rural area in Sichuan province in western China, where her parents worked as teachers. In one of her interviews, she mentioned

“I'm from a very small village and a very poor family”

Yi He's first job was promoting a new soft drink by giving out free samples in front of a supermarket.

"It was a hard job and all the talking and hawking led to a hoarse voice”
Yi He's career in the entrainment industry began in 2012 when she joined a Chinese Television Channel and worked as a TV Show host for a travel show. She left the media industry in July 2014 and joined a startup

Yi He learned about Bitcoin in 2013 while working for the start-up. In 2014, She started working in the cryptocurrency space and was one of the co-founders of OKCoin. She led OKCoin’s branding and marketing strategy. OKCoin was the largest Chinese cryptocurrency-to-fiat exchange as of 2015. Yi He handled user operations management, online marketing management, social media management, PR management, and branding management and helped OKCoin to obtain 60% of the Chinese market share.

In December 2015, Yi He joined the leading mobile video-sharing tech company, Yixia Technology. She served as Vice president and handled the product management and marketing operations for the company and its subsidiaries. She created the live-broadcasting platform “Yi Zhi Bo" which was later acquired by a social network company, Weibo. At that time, she said in a blog post:

#CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #DOGSONBINANCE #LowestCPI2021
Just n 100sec
Just n 100sec
JUST IN: 🇫🇷 Pavel Durov officially released from custody and is out on €5,000,000 bail.

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Donald Trump says he will make the United States the "crypto capital of the planet" if elected president.

JUST IN: Apple is in talks to invest in OpenAI, WSJ reports.

JUST IN: Elon Musk wins dismissal of lawsuit claiming he rigged Dogecoin and conducted insider trading.

Ten years ago today, the first Bitcoin recipient Hal Finney passed away.

Satoshi Nakamoto sent the first ever Bitcoin to his address. He is speculated by many, to be Satoshi himself.

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 SEC issues Wells Notice to NFT platform OpenSea, threatening to sue, citing NFTs on the platform are securities.

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 SEC approves new rule requiring mutual funds and ETFs to report portfolio holdings on a monthly basis rather than four times a year.

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Kamala Harris economic adviser confirms plan to tax unrealized gains.

JUST IN: Telegram's TON blockchain stops processing transactions again after going offline for 7 hours yesterday.

JUST IN: 🇫🇷 France officially indicts Telegram founder Pavel Durov, places him under supervised release.

JUST IN: Nvidia $NVDA reports $30 billion in revenue for Q2, 3.8% higher than expectations.

#BinanceBlockchainWeek #CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #BlackRockETHOptions #PowellAtJacksonHole
The cryptocurrency market has taken a sharp downturn, with several popular coins experiencing significant drops. Bitcoin ($BTC ), the market leader, has plunged to $58,651.10, reflecting a loss of nearly 4% in the last 24 hours. This drop follows a period of relatively stable trading, but the market has filled the gaps left by previous movements, indicating a potential consolidation phase. However, BTC's strong support at $57,000 suggests that this might be a temporary correction before a possible rebound.

Other major cryptocurrencies have also faced considerable declines. Ethereum (ETH) has fallen by 4.41%, currently trading at $2,460.36, while Binance Coin (BNB) is down by 2.27%, priced at $530.20. Even meme coins like DOGS and $FLOKI have not been spared, with losses of over 13% and 19%, respectively. Solana (SOL) and PEPE are also among the hardest hit, with SOL dropping by 7.40% to $134.93 and $PEPE declining by 5.73% to $0.00000757. The broad sell-off indicates that the market is in a risk-off mode, with traders likely moving to the sidelines or reallocating their portfolios to safer assets.

As the market seeks to find its footing, the coming days will be crucial. If Bitcoin holds its support at $57,000, it could serve as a foundation for a broader market recovery. However, if this level fails, we might see further declines across the board. Investors should keep a close eye on key support and resistance levels to navigate this volatile period effectively.

#Write2Earn! #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE #Market_Update #BullBanter
Nvidia 30B$
Nvidia 30B$
Binance News
Nvidia Reports Strong Q2 Earnings, Boosts AI Sector Confidence
According to Cointelegraph, Nvidia’s Q2 earnings call revealed impressive financial results, with CFO Colette Kress announcing earnings of $30 billion, surpassing previous estimates by $2 billion. This positive outcome is expected to bolster the artificial intelligence sector as markets reopen on Thursday, August 29.Nvidia’s earnings call, held on Wednesday, August 28, has been highly anticipated by investors and analysts, likened to a “Groundhog’s Day” for the AI industry. The announcement of a second-quarter revenue of $30 billion, exceeding estimates by about seven percent, continues the company’s streak of record-breaking quarters. This news has generated a wave of positive responses across social media platforms.Investor confidence was further strengthened by Nvidia’s projections for the third quarter, with expected revenues of $32.4 billion. CFO Kress mentioned that the next earnings call is scheduled for November 20. The growth was attributed to GPU sales, excitement over the upcoming Blackwell chips, and positive performance in data services both domestically and internationally, particularly in the China market.Regarding the Blackwell platform, Kress stated that the company is on track to release the new hardware and software suite to meet strong demand. Production is set to begin in the fourth quarter and continue into 2026, with revenues expected to rise. Demand is currently well above supply, and this trend is anticipated to persist into the next year.The AI industry, along with Wall Street, had been eagerly awaiting these results. The positive earnings report should alleviate concerns over the sector’s direction. Nvidia’s strong performance across nearly all verticals indicates robust demand.While the broader impact on the AI sector remains to be seen, many analysts view Nvidia’s earnings call as a crucial indicator of the industry’s trajectory. By surpassing earnings expectations, Nvidia has reaffirmed its position as a leader in the AI sector.
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