Binance Square
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ALERTES BITCOIN (lecture importante) 👉cliquez ici [get your free rewards]( Soyez prudent, car l’histoire se répète souvent ! En novembre 2021, Bitcoin a atteint un sommet historique de 69 000 $, pour ensuite chuter à 15 500 $ en novembre 2022 en un an. Aujourd'hui, en 2024, nombreux sont ceux qui s'attendent à ce que la valeur du Bitcoin atteigne 150 000 dollars, mais tenons compte des leçons du passé. Les grandes baleines manipulent le marché. Ne devenez pas victime de leurs tactiques ! Les données historiques suggèrent que Bitcoin pourrait ne pas dépasser 75 000 dollars cette année. Ceci est basé sur mes propres recherches, mais je reconnais que je peux me tromper. Le marché est imprévisible et tout peut arriver. Je partage ceci sur la base d'expériences passées. La décision vous appartient en fin de compte. Protégez vos investissements et restez vigilant ! VEUILLEZ SUIVRE POUR PLUS DE MISES À JOUR 🙏#BinanceLaunchpool#bitcoinhalving#BullorBear#HotTrends#OMNILAUNCHPOOL $BTC $ETH $BNB
ALERTES BITCOIN (lecture importante)
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Soyez prudent, car l’histoire se répète souvent !
En novembre 2021, Bitcoin a atteint un sommet historique de 69 000 $, pour ensuite chuter à 15 500 $ en novembre 2022 en un an.
Aujourd'hui, en 2024, nombreux sont ceux qui s'attendent à ce que la valeur du Bitcoin atteigne 150 000 dollars, mais tenons compte des leçons du passé.
Les grandes baleines manipulent le marché. Ne devenez pas victime de leurs tactiques !
Les données historiques suggèrent que Bitcoin pourrait ne pas dépasser 75 000 dollars cette année.
Ceci est basé sur mes propres recherches, mais je reconnais que je peux me tromper. Le marché est imprévisible et tout peut arriver.
Je partage ceci sur la base d'expériences passées. La décision vous appartient en fin de compte.
Protégez vos investissements et restez vigilant !
VEUILLEZ SUIVRE POUR PLUS DE MISES À JOUR 🙏#BinanceLaunchpool#bitcoinhalving#BullorBear#HotTrends#OMNILAUNCHPOOL
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Vues BTC avant d'aller au lit 👉cliquez ici [get your free rewards]( J'ai suivi la position clé en début de séance et j'ai réalisé un bénéfice d'un trimestre. J'ai déplacé le stop loss sur le marché. Le but est de me protéger et de ne pas perdre le capital et les frais de dossier. Ici, on ne peut pas le briser. Si ça casse encore 6.6, je dois attendre Des positions clés peuvent être intervenues à court terme S'il casse ici, il continuera à fluctuer comme mentionné en début de séance.
Vues BTC avant d'aller au lit
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J'ai suivi la position clé en début de séance et j'ai réalisé un bénéfice d'un trimestre. J'ai déplacé le stop loss sur le marché. Le but est de me protéger et de ne pas perdre le capital et les frais de dossier.
Ici, on ne peut pas le briser. Si ça casse encore 6.6, je dois attendre
Des positions clés peuvent être intervenues à court terme
S'il casse ici, il continuera à fluctuer comme mentionné en début de séance.
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EN tant qu'initié des baleines, je vous ai dit que nous verrons BTC rebondir à 72 000 $ ou 73 000 $ dans quelques jours. 👉cliquez ici [get your free rewards]( Je vous ai dit à tous que nous verrions le BTC rebondir à 72 000 $ dans les prochains jours, car certaines grandes baleines déposeraient d'énormes fonds sur le marché afin d'augmenter un peu le prix du BTC. Aujourd'hui, nous avons vu BTC grimper au-dessus de 72 000 $ pendant quelques heures. C'est un signe positif que nous le voyions augmenter jusqu'à 73 000 $ avant que le grand krach ne se produise. Nous le verrions quand même atteindre 73 000 $, car davantage de baleines veulent investir plus d’argent sur le marché. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC Je vous ai dit qu'au moment où il atteint 73 000 $, si vous avez du BTC en stock, vendez-le, car ces baleines ne garderont pas leur argent là-dedans trop longtemps car elles le retireront très rapidement, d'où la valeur marchande du BTC. descendre à 66 000 $, après quoi nous commencerions à assister à une baisse plus rapide jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne 35 000 $ Vous ne pouvez savoir des choses comme ça que lorsque vous suivez un initié des baleines comme Cashflow Kendrick. Suivez pour les mises à jour quotidiennes#BinanceLaunchpool#BullorBear#Memecoins Partagez avec vos amis maintenant
EN tant qu'initié des baleines, je vous ai dit que nous verrons BTC rebondir à 72 000 $ ou 73 000 $ dans quelques jours.
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Je vous ai dit à tous que nous verrions le BTC rebondir à 72 000 $ dans les prochains jours, car certaines grandes baleines déposeraient d'énormes fonds sur le marché afin d'augmenter un peu le prix du BTC.
Aujourd'hui, nous avons vu BTC grimper au-dessus de 72 000 $ pendant quelques heures. C'est un signe positif que nous le voyions augmenter jusqu'à 73 000 $ avant que le grand krach ne se produise.
Nous le verrions quand même atteindre 73 000 $, car davantage de baleines veulent investir plus d’argent sur le marché.
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC
Je vous ai dit qu'au moment où il atteint 73 000 $, si vous avez du BTC en stock, vendez-le, car ces baleines ne garderont pas leur argent là-dedans trop longtemps car elles le retireront très rapidement, d'où la valeur marchande du BTC. descendre à 66 000 $, après quoi nous commencerions à assister à une baisse plus rapide jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne 35 000 $
Vous ne pouvez savoir des choses comme ça que lorsque vous suivez un initié des baleines comme Cashflow Kendrick.
Suivez pour les mises à jour quotidiennes#BinanceLaunchpool#BullorBear#Memecoins
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Historique des prix :   🛑1ère réduction de moitié (2012)  👉cliquez ici [get your free rewards]( Le BTC était à 12 $ et il a augmenté de 𝟵,𝟵𝟬𝟬% après la première réduction de moitié. 🛑2ème réduction de moitié (2016)  Le BTC était à 680 $ et il a augmenté de 𝟮,𝟵𝟬𝟬% après la deuxième réduction de moitié 🛑3ème réduction de moitié (2020) BTC était à 8 590 $ et BTC a pompé 𝟳𝟬𝟬% après la troisième réduction de moitié 🛑4ème réduction de moitié (2024) Quelqu'un peut-il deviner le prix maximum du $ BTC après la 4ème réduction de moitié ? #BullorBear
Historique des prix :
🛑1ère réduction de moitié (2012) 
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Le BTC était à 12 $ et il a augmenté de 𝟵,𝟵𝟬𝟬% après la première réduction de moitié.
🛑2ème réduction de moitié (2016) 
Le BTC était à 680 $ et il a augmenté de 𝟮,𝟵𝟬𝟬% après la deuxième réduction de moitié
🛑3ème réduction de moitié (2020)
BTC était à 8 590 $ et BTC a pompé 𝟳𝟬𝟬% après la troisième réduction de moitié
🛑4ème réduction de moitié (2024)
Quelqu'un peut-il deviner le prix maximum du $ BTC après la 4ème réduction de moitié ?
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IOTX $IOTA 👉cliquez ici [get your free rewards]( Prévision de prix technique IOTX L'article précédent partageait les points de vue sur les fondamentaux de l'IOTX Ici je vais donner les idées de base de l'IOTX au niveau technique actuel Comme le montre la figure ci-dessous, à partir de la moyenne mobile sur 4H, on peut voir que depuis que l'IOTX a commencé à augmenter à 0,04 $ US en février 2024, l'augmentation maximale n'est que de 116 %. Ce n’est pas bien grave pour une devise classée dans le top 150 de Binance. Et la distance actuelle par rapport au sommet historique de 0,26 $ US n'est que de 1,5 fois, et on pense que cette vague de marché atteindra inévitablement un nouveau sommet. La meilleure façon de prédire le point culminant d'un cycle de marché est notre « Stratégie K-line Journey to the West » Sur la ligne hebdomadaire, IOTX est actuellement dans la deuxième vague de hausse hebdomadaire en Occident. Et Bitcoin a connu quatre cycles de hausse hebdomadaire du niveau en Occident, et le premier cycle de hausse hebdomadaire du Bitcoin a commencé le 23 janvier. Par conséquent, IOTX est actuellement en retard sur les trois hausses hebdomadaires de Bitcoin. Si cela peut correspondre au Bitcoin, qui a réalisé quatre hausses hebdomadaires. Ensuite, après les quatre hausses hebdomadaires, le point cible de l’IOTX se situe autour de 0,77 $ US. Par conséquent, on peut conclure que l’IOTX dispose encore d’une marge de manœuvre 10 fois supérieure. Limité à la stratégie horizontale K-line Journey to the West, le point de vue est uniquement à titre de référence et n'est pas utilisé comme base d'investissement ; Pour les problèmes fondamentaux de l'IOTX, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir
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Prévision de prix technique IOTX
L'article précédent partageait les points de vue sur les fondamentaux de l'IOTX
Ici je vais donner les idées de base de l'IOTX au niveau technique actuel
Comme le montre la figure ci-dessous, à partir de la moyenne mobile sur 4H, on peut voir que depuis que l'IOTX a commencé à augmenter à 0,04 $ US en février 2024, l'augmentation maximale n'est que de 116 %. Ce n’est pas bien grave pour une devise classée dans le top 150 de Binance.
Et la distance actuelle par rapport au sommet historique de 0,26 $ US n'est que de 1,5 fois, et on pense que cette vague de marché atteindra inévitablement un nouveau sommet.
La meilleure façon de prédire le point culminant d'un cycle de marché est notre « Stratégie K-line Journey to the West »
Sur la ligne hebdomadaire, IOTX est actuellement dans la deuxième vague de hausse hebdomadaire en Occident. Et Bitcoin a connu quatre cycles de hausse hebdomadaire du niveau en Occident, et le premier cycle de hausse hebdomadaire du Bitcoin a commencé le 23 janvier.
Par conséquent, IOTX est actuellement en retard sur les trois hausses hebdomadaires de Bitcoin. Si cela peut correspondre au Bitcoin, qui a réalisé quatre hausses hebdomadaires.
Ensuite, après les quatre hausses hebdomadaires, le point cible de l’IOTX se situe autour de 0,77 $ US. Par conséquent, on peut conclure que l’IOTX dispose encore d’une marge de manœuvre 10 fois supérieure.
Limité à la stratégie horizontale K-line Journey to the West, le point de vue est uniquement à titre de référence et n'est pas utilisé comme base d'investissement ;
Pour les problèmes fondamentaux de l'IOTX, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir
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🛑Que diriez-vous si je vous disais que le Bitcoin coûterait 240 000$ en juin 2025 ? 👉cliquez ici [get your free rewards]( Revenez sur l’histoire et regardez la situation dans son ensemble. Après chaque réduction de moitié, Bitcoin augmente de 200 % après 12 à 14 mois, et selon mes calculs, 240 000 $ est le point où Bitcoin continuera de stagner jusqu'à la prochaine réduction de moitié. Es-tu au courant? Il ne reste que quelques jours pour la réduction de moitié, qui a lieu tous les 4 ans, et tout le monde est dans la peur et l'anxiété. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils fuient la richesse, pourquoi ils ont peur ? #BTC......... $BTC Il y a eu des déclins significatifs dans l’écosystème des crypto-monnaies au cours des 4 à 5 derniers jours. Nous parlerons des raisons de cette baisse, si ces baisses se poursuivront dans les prochains jours et à quoi nous devons prêter attention. Si de si petites chutes risquent de détériorer votre psychologie, laissez-le maintenant. Nous n’en sommes qu’au début et il y aura d’énormes explosions de pièces alternatives. Et ensuite, il y a la baisse des taux d'intérêt de la FED, puis les élections américaines. En anticipant cela, les nouveaux investisseurs qui rejoindront le monde des cryptomonnaies entreront sur le marché avec des sommes d’argent élevées. Et tous ceux qui ne peuvent pas acheter de Bitcoin attaqueront les altcoins. Lorsque Bitcoin commencera à continuer horizontalement, il y aura de grandes explosions de sous-pièces. Tout d’abord, je tiens à vous remercier de l’intérêt que vous portez à mes articles. Vos suivis et vos likes me font plaisir. Bien sûr, il y aura des gens qui se moqueront de moi et ceux qui me critiqueront augmenteront, je m'en fiche et je dis la vérité. À ceux qui se moquent de moi maintenant, nous, mes followers, rirons beaucoup en 2026. Continuez à me suivre et si vous ne me suivez pas, suivez-moi maintenant, comme je l'ai promis, nous serons riches avec mes followers au premier trimestre 2026. 💵💵💰 $BTC $ENA $PEPE
🛑Que diriez-vous si je vous disais que le Bitcoin coûterait 240 000$ en juin 2025 ?
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Revenez sur l’histoire et regardez la situation dans son ensemble. Après chaque réduction de moitié, Bitcoin augmente de 200 % après 12 à 14 mois, et selon mes calculs, 240 000 $ est le point où Bitcoin continuera de stagner jusqu'à la prochaine réduction de moitié.
Es-tu au courant? Il ne reste que quelques jours pour la réduction de moitié, qui a lieu tous les 4 ans, et tout le monde est dans la peur et l'anxiété. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils fuient la richesse, pourquoi ils ont peur ?
#BTC......... $BTC
Il y a eu des déclins significatifs dans l’écosystème des crypto-monnaies au cours des 4 à 5 derniers jours. Nous parlerons des raisons de cette baisse, si ces baisses se poursuivront dans les prochains jours et à quoi nous devons prêter attention. Si de si petites chutes risquent de détériorer votre psychologie, laissez-le maintenant. Nous n’en sommes qu’au début et il y aura d’énormes explosions de pièces alternatives.
Et ensuite, il y a la baisse des taux d'intérêt de la FED, puis les élections américaines. En anticipant cela, les nouveaux investisseurs qui rejoindront le monde des cryptomonnaies entreront sur le marché avec des sommes d’argent élevées. Et tous ceux qui ne peuvent pas acheter de Bitcoin attaqueront les altcoins. Lorsque Bitcoin commencera à continuer horizontalement, il y aura de grandes explosions de sous-pièces.
Tout d’abord, je tiens à vous remercier de l’intérêt que vous portez à mes articles. Vos suivis et vos likes me font plaisir.
Bien sûr, il y aura des gens qui se moqueront de moi et ceux qui me critiqueront augmenteront, je m'en fiche et je dis la vérité. À ceux qui se moquent de moi maintenant, nous, mes followers, rirons beaucoup en 2026.
Continuez à me suivre et si vous ne me suivez pas, suivez-moi maintenant, comme je l'ai promis, nous serons riches avec mes followers au premier trimestre 2026.
🛑🛑👉Hey, dude! 🚀 Bitcoin's doing some wild stuff right now. 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( #HotTrands #BTCTo1Million $BTC It's hanging around $64,000 to $65,000, which seems like a pretty solid level. There are two things that could happen next: 🛑🛑Either it shoots up to about $67,000 before taking a breather, or it dips below $64,000. If it goes down, we might see this thing called a "Falling Wedge" pattern pop up, which could mean prices drop a bit more before bouncing back up. 📉 After that "Halving" thing recently, there's a chance Bitcoin might trend down for a bit. 📉 So, keep an eye out, dude! 🧐 #HODL 🚀 #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #HotTrends $BTC
🛑🛑👉Hey, dude! 🚀 Bitcoin's doing some wild stuff right now.
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#HotTrands #BTCTo1Million $BTC
It's hanging around $64,000 to $65,000, which seems like a pretty solid level. There are two things that could happen next: 🛑🛑Either it shoots up to about $67,000 before taking a breather, or it dips below $64,000. If it goes down, we might see this thing called a "Falling Wedge" pattern pop up, which could mean prices drop a bit more before bouncing back up. 📉 After that "Halving" thing recently, there's a chance Bitcoin might trend down for a bit. 📉 So, keep an eye out, dude! 🧐 #HODL 🚀
#BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #HotTrends $BTC
🛑🛑👉$BTC 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( Bitcoin Long and Short Liquidation Status 🚦🚦 🛑⚠️ If Bitcoin reaches $ 72,000, short transactions worth approximately $ 3.5 billion will be liquidated. But; #HotTrands $BTC 🛑⚠️ If Bitcoin pulls back to $58,000, only $1.7 billion will be long transactions. In this case, which region do you think was targeted first? follow and share...❤️💰💰
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Bitcoin Long and Short Liquidation Status 🚦🚦
🛑⚠️ If Bitcoin reaches $ 72,000, short transactions worth approximately $ 3.5 billion will be liquidated.
#HotTrands $BTC
🛑⚠️ If Bitcoin pulls back to $58,000, only $1.7 billion will be long transactions.
In this case, which region do you think was targeted first? follow and share...❤️💰💰
🛑🚀💥 Prepare for Meme Coin Madness: These 6 Coins Could Rival Dogecoin!💥🚀 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( Get ready to witness the rise of the meme coin revolution as these six contenders take center stage and challenge Dogecoin's throne in 2024! 🐕👑 #floki 🛑1. Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB): The OG meme coin that started it all, SHIB continues to capture the hearts of crypto enthusiasts worldwide with its adorable mascot and community-driven spirit! 🐕🚀 🛑2. Dog Willhart (WIF): This canine-inspired token is making waves in Solana's bustling ecosystem, thanks to its strong ties to the vibrant WIF and BOME communities! 🐶💫 🛑3. Pepe (PEPE): With its roots deeply entrenched in internet culture, Pepe brings a touch of nostalgia and humor to the meme coin scene, attracting fans far and wide! 🐸😄 4. Book of Memes (BOME): Unlock the power of memes with BOME, a token that's rewriting the rules of the meme economy and paving the way for new possibilities in decentralized finance! 📚💰 5. Bunker (BUNKER): Dive deep into the crypto bunker with BUNKER, a token that's forging its own path in the digital wilderness and attracting adventurous investors seeking hidden treasures! ⛏️💰 6. Floki (FLOKI): Inspired by the mischievous Norse god himself, Floki has emerged as a formidable force in the meme-inspired token arena, capturing the imagination of traders and hodlers alike! 🌊🚀 If you're unsure how to spot strong coins in the ever-changing crypto landscape, fear not! Join me on this epic journey, and together we'll navigate the highs and lows of the market with precision and finesse. 🎢💼 Remember, success isn't just about luck—it's about making the right choices and surrounding yourself with the right team. Follow me, and let's embark on the road to success together! 🌟🚀 #MemeCoinMania #CryptoAdventure 🌈🐾 Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment🙏
🛑🚀💥 Prepare for Meme Coin Madness: These 6 Coins Could Rival Dogecoin!💥🚀
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Get ready to witness the rise of the meme coin revolution as these six contenders take center stage and challenge Dogecoin's throne in 2024! 🐕👑 #floki
🛑1. Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB): The OG meme coin that started it all, SHIB continues to capture the hearts of crypto enthusiasts worldwide with its adorable mascot and community-driven spirit! 🐕🚀
🛑2. Dog Willhart (WIF): This canine-inspired token is making waves in Solana's bustling ecosystem, thanks to its strong ties to the vibrant WIF and BOME communities! 🐶💫
🛑3. Pepe (PEPE): With its roots deeply entrenched in internet culture, Pepe brings a touch of nostalgia and humor to the meme coin scene, attracting fans far and wide! 🐸😄
4. Book of Memes (BOME): Unlock the power of memes with BOME, a token that's rewriting the rules of the meme economy and paving the way for new possibilities in decentralized finance! 📚💰
5. Bunker (BUNKER): Dive deep into the crypto bunker with BUNKER, a token that's forging its own path in the digital wilderness and attracting adventurous investors seeking hidden treasures! ⛏️💰
6. Floki (FLOKI): Inspired by the mischievous Norse god himself, Floki has emerged as a formidable force in the meme-inspired token arena, capturing the imagination of traders and hodlers alike! 🌊🚀
If you're unsure how to spot strong coins in the ever-changing crypto landscape, fear not! Join me on this epic journey, and together we'll navigate the highs and lows of the market with precision and finesse. 🎢💼 Remember, success isn't just about luck—it's about making the right choices and surrounding yourself with the right team. Follow me, and let's embark on the road to success together! 🌟🚀 #MemeCoinMania #CryptoAdventure 🌈🐾
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🛑📣🤯ℹ️THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE! 👉Bitcoin falls as the US government moves $2 🛑billion worth of bitcoins. 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( 👉The US government has confiscated a significant amount of Bitcoin (BTC) linked to the Silk Road market, with the most recent transaction involving 30,174 BTC worth approximately $2 billion. This deal was conducted by the US Department of Justice and was part of ongoing efforts to combat illegal activities related to Silk Road. #BTC......... $BTC 👉Silk Road was an infamous darknet marketplace where various illegal products and services were sold using Bitcoin as the primary currency. The platform was shut down by the US government in 2013, and since then authorities have been working to seize assets associated with the site. 👉In 2021, the authorities searched the property of James Zhong, who was convicted of involvement in the Silk Road case. During the raid, they found hard wallets with bitcoins that were part of the assets seized on the Silk Road platform. Most of the seized cryptocurrency was transferred to Coinbase addresses this month. The US government has been actively selling off confiscated bitcoins, with the last sale taking place in March 2023, when it unloaded 9,861 coins worth $216 million. These actions not only served to suppress the illegal activity promoted by the Silk Road, but also added a significant amount of bitcoins to the government's assets. This situation attracted the attention of the cryptocommunity and the public, since large-scale movements of bitcoins can affect the dynamics of the market. The possibility that the government will sell more seized assets may lead to increased pressure from sellers in the market. 👉Although this is a very large amount to sell on the market, it was reported that this month the daily trading volume on the Bitcoin market exceeded 20 billion dollars. A number large enough to compensate for the outflow.
👉Bitcoin falls as the US government moves $2 🛑billion worth of bitcoins.
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👉The US government has confiscated a significant amount of Bitcoin (BTC) linked to the Silk Road market, with the most recent transaction involving 30,174 BTC worth approximately $2 billion. This deal was conducted by the US Department of Justice and was part of ongoing efforts to combat illegal activities related to Silk Road.
#BTC......... $BTC
👉Silk Road was an infamous darknet marketplace where various illegal products and services were sold using Bitcoin as the primary currency. The platform was shut down by the US government in 2013, and since then authorities have been working to seize assets associated with the site.
👉In 2021, the authorities searched the property of James Zhong, who was convicted of involvement in the Silk Road case. During the raid, they found hard wallets with bitcoins that were part of the assets seized on the Silk Road platform. Most of the seized cryptocurrency was transferred to Coinbase addresses this month.
The US government has been actively selling off confiscated bitcoins, with the last sale taking place in March 2023, when it unloaded 9,861 coins worth $216 million. These actions not only served to suppress the illegal activity promoted by the Silk Road, but also added a significant amount of bitcoins to the government's assets.
This situation attracted the attention of the cryptocommunity and the public, since large-scale movements of bitcoins can affect the dynamics of the market. The possibility that the government will sell more seized assets may lead to increased pressure from sellers in the market.
👉Although this is a very large amount to sell on the market, it was reported that this month the daily trading volume on the Bitcoin market exceeded 20 billion dollars. A number large enough to compensate for the outflow.
🛑👉As $ENA continues to rise, there are more and more analyses on the potential liquidation risks of #USDe ! 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( 🛑I just saw an article about #MakerDao issuing $DAI to obtain USDe income. I personally feel that it is quite objective. If you are interested, you can take a look!#USDe $USDC 🛑Disclaimer: I am not shorting or shorting, I just share the content with everyone so that everyone can have an additional dimension of understanding of their investment targets! Link:
🛑👉As $ENA continues to rise, there are more and more analyses on the potential liquidation risks of #USDe !
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🛑I just saw an article about #MakerDao issuing $DAI to obtain USDe income. I personally feel that it is quite objective. If you are interested, you can take a look!#USDe $USDC
🛑Disclaimer: I am not shorting or shorting, I just share the content with everyone so that everyone can have an additional dimension of understanding of their investment targets!
🛑🛑they cursed me out, right now BTC is at $64,000 and they still won't listen. 👉 click here[get your free rewards]( #BTCTo1Million $BTC Most of you will eventually sell when it hits $35,000 and lower. Most you are still listening to the whale controlled media who're telling you to keep holding and wait for a $150,000 BTC. Most of you will eventually sell but it probably would be too late. You guys are the labourers crypto Whales makes big fortune from. Better be wise and pull out now along side with the big guys. Follow for more tips Give Tip For Donation
🛑🛑they cursed me out, right now BTC is at $64,000 and they still won't listen.
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#BTCTo1Million $BTC
Most of you will eventually sell when it hits $35,000 and lower.
Most you are still listening to the whale controlled media who're telling you to keep holding and wait for a $150,000 BTC.
Most of you will eventually sell but it probably would be too late.
You guys are the labourers crypto Whales makes big fortune from.
Better be wise and pull out now along side with the big guys.
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#🛑Many are wondering when the #Bullrun will be over. Here is my analysis : 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( - In 2013, after surpassing its old #ATH of 2011, #Bitcoin reached its all-time high 273 days later. #HotTrands #BTC.USD $BTC 🛑- In 2017, after surpassing its 2013 ATH, Bitcoin took 303 days to reach its next ATH, an increase of 30 days from the previous cycle. 🛑- In 2020, after surpassing its previous ATH, Bitcoin reached a new ATH 335 days later, an increase of 32 days from the previous cycle. It can be concluded that each cycle sees an increase of around 30 days in time to reach a new high. So the major question is: how long will it take Bitcoin to reach its next bull market peak during this cycle? If we add 30 days to the 2020 range, that would bring the total to 365 days once the previous ATH is exceeded. We surpassed the 2020 ATH in March 2024, which would essentially give us the Bitcoin bull market peak for March 2025. $BTC #BTC #BullRun2024
#🛑Many are wondering when the #Bullrun will be over. Here is my analysis :
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- In 2013, after surpassing its old #ATH of 2011, #Bitcoin reached its all-time high 273 days later.
#HotTrands #BTC.USD $BTC
🛑- In 2017, after surpassing its 2013 ATH, Bitcoin took 303 days to reach its next ATH, an increase of 30 days from the previous cycle.
🛑- In 2020, after surpassing its previous ATH, Bitcoin reached a new ATH 335 days later, an increase of 32 days from the previous cycle.
It can be concluded that each cycle sees an increase of around 30 days in time to reach a new high.
So the major question is: how long will it take Bitcoin to reach its next bull market peak during this cycle?
If we add 30 days to the 2020 range, that would bring the total to 365 days once the previous ATH is exceeded. We surpassed the 2020 ATH in March 2024, which would essentially give us the Bitcoin bull market peak for March 2025.
$BTC #BTC #BullRun2024
🛑🛑$BTC For those people who don't know what to do this time and for those people who are confused about whether they should hold or sell their bags or whether they will wait for a little longer or don't know if it's the right time to buy now. 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( #BTC.USD $BTC Just remember, we are going to a bull cycle. It is RISKIER to be (out) of bitcoin rather than to be (in) bitcoin. A wise man once said, during a bull run, if you choose the right coin you have a 100% chance of doubling your money in crypto than to win a lottery ticket. Dont ever forget to place your money in spot and not in futures trading. Market makers does not care whoever or whatever you are. So take this opportunity now to buy your favorite crypto and hold it like a champ. Believe in your conviction and avoid unnecessary noise. Take profits when happy and always be good to other people! Think positive and the universe will follow!!
🛑🛑$BTC For those people who don't know what to do this time and for those people who are confused about whether they should hold or sell their bags or whether they will wait for a little longer or don't know if it's the right time to buy now.
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Just remember, we are going to a bull cycle. It is RISKIER to be (out) of bitcoin rather than to be (in) bitcoin. A wise man once said, during a bull run, if you choose the right coin you have a 100% chance of doubling your money in crypto than to win a lottery ticket. Dont ever forget to place your money in spot and not in futures trading. Market makers does not care whoever or whatever you are. So take this opportunity now to buy your favorite crypto and hold it like a champ. Believe in your conviction and avoid unnecessary noise. Take profits when happy and always be good to other people! Think positive and the universe will follow!!
🛑🛑BTC HEADING FOR $35,000. I'VE GOT INSIDER INFORMATION FROM A TOP CRYPTO WHALE. 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( Few days ago i told my audience that the crypto Big whales were going to be pulling out their funds hence the prize of Bitcoin would drop massively, so bad that we could be seeing an under $35,000 BTC in the coming days. BTC Fell from $71,000 to $65,000 in less than 24hrs.#HotTrands #BTC......... $BTC BTC has reached it's MAX for this season hence, a massive drop down in price would follow and the whales know it and they're all ready to pull out. While the ignorant Media conformists are still expecting a $150,000 BTC in 2024. Here's the truth about what's going on. While the Whale controlled media is promising you a $150,000 BTC the whales are ramping up their profits and setting themselves up to pull out their investments which has yielded so much gains for them. This is the same tactic that's been used for decades now and it has proven to work well so far because, most people are ignorant and have no time to do their own research. The whales use the media to promise the world that BTC would reach an insane level. With this false hopes millions of conformists and media sympathizers who have done no research buys this idea and floods the market with their hard earned money. Some of them go as far as selling off their homes, cars and properties even giving up their lifetime savings so as to jump into the market. With this massive rush, billions of $$ floods the market, making the prize of BTC to gain high value. The crypto whales who had already invested Billions into the market when prizes were so low, sees massive % increase for their investments, then they suddenly pull out their billions of dollars out of the market alongside the massive profits accumulated from the billions brought in by the masses. With this massive pull out the prize of BTC drops drastically. These whales makes high profit and the ignorant media
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Few days ago i told my audience that the crypto Big whales were going to be pulling out their funds hence the prize of Bitcoin would drop massively, so bad that we could be seeing an under $35,000 BTC in the coming days.
BTC Fell from $71,000 to $65,000 in less than 24hrs.#HotTrands #BTC......... $BTC
BTC has reached it's MAX for this season hence, a massive drop down in price would follow and the whales know it and they're all ready to pull out. While the ignorant Media conformists are still expecting a $150,000 BTC in 2024.
Here's the truth about what's going on. While the Whale controlled media is promising you a $150,000 BTC the whales are ramping up their profits and setting themselves up to pull out their investments which has yielded so much gains for them.
This is the same tactic that's been used for decades now and it has proven to work well so far because, most people are ignorant and have no time to do their own research.
The whales use the media to promise the world that BTC would reach an insane level.
With this false hopes millions of conformists and media sympathizers who have done no research buys this idea and floods the market with their hard earned money. Some of them go as far as selling off their homes, cars and properties even giving up their lifetime savings so as to jump into the market.
With this massive rush, billions of $$ floods the market, making the prize of BTC to gain high value. The crypto whales who had already invested Billions into the market when prizes were so low, sees massive % increase for their investments, then they suddenly pull out their billions of dollars out of the market alongside the massive profits accumulated from the billions brought in by the masses. With this massive pull out the prize of BTC drops drastically.
These whales makes high profit and the ignorant media
🛑🛑👉Now it's time to share the stock exchange basket. 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( Let our first exchange come. #Binance . Which coins are in my basket. #BTC.USD $BTC #Write2Earn Coins ------------- Bull ATH My Expected Prices 1- $ENA ----------10 Dollars 2- $AI ----------30 Dollars3- $ENJ ----------$104- $BTC ----------$166,000 5- $ETH ----------15,000 Dollars 6- $BNB ----------2250 Dollars 7- $ACH------------3 Dollars 8- $STRK ----------20 Dollars 9- $AEVO ----------30 Dollars 10- $MAV----------20 Dollars 11- $ARB ----------20 Dollars 12- $LEFT ----------1000 Dollars 13- $APE ----------30 Dollars 14- $SAND----------10 Dollars 15- $APT ----------140 Dollars 16- $SUI----------20 Dollars 17- $GAL----------100 Dollars 18- $NFP----------20 Dollars 19- $CYBER ----------250 Dollars 20- $XAI ----------20 Dollars 21- $AVAX-------------250 Dollars 22- $ARKM----------30 Dollars 23- $PIXEL----------10 Dollars 24- $ALT----------10 Dollars 25- $MAGIC ----------35 Dollars 26- $MANTA ----------30 Dollars 27- $PORTAL ----------40 Dollars 28- $MANA ----------10 Dollars 29- $MATIC ----------20 Dollars 30- $FLOKI ----------$0.006 31- $RDNT------------10 Dollars These are the ATH levels I determined with my personal calculations. Future good and bad news will change my expectations. It does not contain any reality or investment advice. Remember, the market goes up and down. It will not lead directly to these goals from here. The process will be painful. I think my target expectations will be easily met for many.
🛑🛑👉Now it's time to share the stock exchange basket.
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Let our first exchange come. #Binance . Which coins are in my basket.
Coins ------------- Bull ATH My Expected Prices
1- $ENA ----------10 Dollars
2- $AI ----------30 Dollars3-
$ENJ ----------$104-
$BTC ----------$166,000
5- $ETH ----------15,000 Dollars
6- $BNB ----------2250 Dollars
7- $ACH------------3 Dollars
8- $STRK ----------20 Dollars
9- $AEVO ----------30 Dollars
10- $MAV----------20 Dollars
11- $ARB ----------20 Dollars
12- $LEFT ----------1000 Dollars
13- $APE ----------30 Dollars
14- $SAND----------10 Dollars
15- $APT ----------140 Dollars
16- $SUI----------20 Dollars
17- $GAL----------100 Dollars
18- $NFP----------20 Dollars
19- $CYBER ----------250 Dollars
20- $XAI ----------20 Dollars
21- $AVAX-------------250 Dollars
22- $ARKM----------30 Dollars
23- $PIXEL----------10 Dollars
24- $ALT----------10 Dollars
25- $MAGIC ----------35 Dollars
26- $MANTA ----------30 Dollars
27- $PORTAL ----------40 Dollars
28- $MANA ----------10 Dollars
29- $MATIC ----------20 Dollars
30- $FLOKI ----------$0.006
31- $RDNT------------10 Dollars
These are the ATH levels I determined with my personal calculations. Future good and bad news will change my expectations. It does not contain any reality or investment advice. Remember, the market goes up and down. It will not lead directly to these goals from here. The process will be painful. I think my target expectations will be easily met for many.
🛑🛑$BTC is entering the 64k-65k Support Zone. Two possible outcomes from here. 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( 🛑1. BTC Ricochets up towards 67k and likely falls again #BTC\USD $BTC 🛑2. BTC manages to break below 64k and then, we're likely having a Falling Wedge that will take the price lower, until a Bullish Break out. Given the Halving context, most likely we are going bearish for a while.
🛑🛑$BTC is entering the 64k-65k Support Zone. Two possible outcomes from here.
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🛑1. BTC Ricochets up towards 67k and likely falls again
🛑2. BTC manages to break below 64k and then, we're likely having a Falling Wedge that will take the price lower, until a Bullish Break out.
Given the Halving context, most likely we are going bearish for a while.
🛑🛑$BTC attention...attention attention... 👉 click here [get your free rewards]( 🛑 In 1-3 hours there will be a meteor hitting our rocket towards the moon and it will explode, Prepare yourself, don't get burned Better a little profit than nothing at all 🛑 Hopefully this information is useful for all of you#BTC $BTC Share with friends now 5.6k Views 6 Likes 0 Quotes 0 Shares 3 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant Jaleesa Seawood L5iK
attention...attention attention...
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🛑 In 1-3 hours there will be a meteor hitting our rocket towards the moon and it will explode,
Prepare yourself, don't get burned
Better a little profit than nothing at all
🛑 Hopefully this information is useful for all of you#BTC $BTC
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Jaleesa Seawood L5iK
🛑🛑3 Reasons Why Bitcoin Price Is Up Today BTC $70,913.38 +7.59% 👉 get your free rewards [get your free rewards]( 🛑Bitcoin (BTC) price rose back above $70,000 for the first time in a week, recovering from the streak of negative flows into spot BTC exchange-traded funds (ETF) last week. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows the BTC price climbed from an opening of $67,212 to an intra-day high of $70,306 on March 25. At the time of publication, BTC was trading at $70,268, up 7.5% over the last 24 hours.#BTC $BTC 🛑BTC/USD daily chart. Source: TradingView Bitcon’s recovery follows a period of price downturn that has seen the cryptocurrency fall as low as $60,771, corroborated by negative ETF inflows. Could the surge in multiple BTC price metrics be a sign of things to come? Weekly outflows into spot Bitcoin ETFs totaled $904 million 🛑Last week “marked the end of a 7-week cycle” of inflows into crypto investment products as investors withdrew more than $942 million, according to a March 25 report by CoinShares. The report noted that last week marked the “first outflow following a record 7-week run of inflows totaling US$12.3bn.” Source: CoinShares 🛑The crypto asset management firm attributed the large outflows to the recent drawdown in crypto prices, which “wiped US$10bn off total assets under management (AuM) but remain above prior cycle highs at US$88bn.” CoinShares analyst James Butterfill said, 🛑 “We believe the recent price correction led to hesitancy from investors, leading to much lower inflows into new ETF issuers in the US, which saw US$1.1bn inflows, partially offsetting incumbent Grayscale’s significant US$2bn outflows last week.” 🛑The poor sentiment was mostly focused on Bitcoin, which accounted for “96% of the flows” totaling $904 million, ”while short-bitcoin also saw minor outflows totaling US$3.7m.” Weekly flows by asset.
🛑🛑3 Reasons Why Bitcoin Price Is Up Today
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🛑Bitcoin (BTC) price rose back above $70,000 for the first time in a week, recovering from the streak of negative flows into spot BTC exchange-traded funds (ETF) last week.
Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows the BTC price climbed from an opening of $67,212 to an intra-day high of $70,306 on March 25. At the time of publication, BTC was trading at $70,268, up 7.5% over the last 24 hours.#BTC $BTC
🛑BTC/USD daily chart. Source: TradingView
Bitcon’s recovery follows a period of price downturn that has seen the cryptocurrency fall as low as $60,771, corroborated by negative ETF inflows. Could the surge in multiple BTC price metrics be a sign of things to come?
Weekly outflows into spot Bitcoin ETFs totaled $904 million
🛑Last week “marked the end of a 7-week cycle” of inflows into crypto investment products as investors withdrew more than $942 million, according to a March 25 report by CoinShares.
The report noted that last week marked the “first outflow following a record 7-week run of inflows totaling US$12.3bn.”
Source: CoinShares
🛑The crypto asset management firm attributed the large outflows to the recent drawdown in crypto prices, which “wiped US$10bn off total assets under management (AuM) but remain above prior cycle highs at US$88bn.”
CoinShares analyst James Butterfill said,
🛑 “We believe the recent price correction led to hesitancy from investors, leading to much lower inflows into new ETF issuers in the US, which saw US$1.1bn inflows, partially offsetting incumbent Grayscale’s significant US$2bn outflows last week.”
🛑The poor sentiment was mostly focused on Bitcoin, which accounted for “96% of the flows” totaling $904 million, ”while short-bitcoin also saw minor outflows totaling US$3.7m.”
Weekly flows by asset.
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