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Digifolio est une société blockchain spécialisée dans divers projets de cryptographie ancrés par son token, Digitoken. Ces initiatives comprennent des pools de trading, un portefeuille Web3, un robot IA et des cartes cryptographiques, tous visant à faciliter des transactions transparentes et à améliorer l'autonomisation financière dans le paysage décentralisé.

Digitoken, un jeton utilitaire avec une offre totale de 500 millions de jetons, joue un rôle central au sein de l'écosystème Digifolio, donnant accès à divers services. Les premiers investisseurs devraient recevoir des dividendes, augmentant ainsi sa valeur intrinsèque.


Actuellement, 300 millions de Digitokens sont en circulation. L'écosystème de Digifolio comprend plusieurs projets tirant parti de l'utilité et des fonctionnalités de Digitoken, tels que le portefeuille Web3, Digiswap, une plateforme d'échecs professionnelle et un robot commercial alimenté par l'IA. Ces développements s'alignent sur la feuille de route de l'entreprise, et les parties prenantes sont encouragées à rester informées via les canaux de médias sociaux de Digifolio comme Twitter et Telegram pour les derniers développements.


Concernant la gestion des jetons, Digitoken subira des brûlures stratégiques dans le cadre du plan de Digifolio visant à réguler l'offre de jetons et potentiellement augmenter sa valeur au fil du temps. Il est important de noter que Digitoken ne peut pas être exploité ; au lieu de cela, les jetons sont distribués via des préventes, des ventes de jetons et d'autres méthodes structurées, adhérant à son modèle d'approvisionnement fixe.


♦️Avertissement : Tous les projets décrits et mentionnés ici ne sont que des idées et ne vous donnent aucune information sur l'achat ou la vente. Lorsque vous effectuez vos investissements, sachez que le monde des crypto-monnaies et des jetons mèmes est risqué et que le marché est volatil, et assumez votre propre responsabilité.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
La Fondation Xai annonce l'activation très attendue de Xai Vanguard: Genesis
La Fondation Xai, l'un des principaux contributeurs du réseau blockchain centré sur le jeu, Xai, a annoncé le lancement prochain de la première activation de jeu très attendue, Xai Vanguard : Genesis. Elle se déroulera jusqu'en novembre et la campagne Vanguard proposera une suite complète de nouvelles versions de jeux, de quêtes, de succès et de récompenses pour la communauté Xai.
Xai Vanguard : Genesis est la prochaine étape majeure de la feuille de route de Xai et succède à la campagne Xai Odyssey qui a enregistré des résultats records dans l'espace blockchain, notamment plus de 500 000 portefeuilles connectés, 5 millions de transactions quotidiennes et un total de 175 millions de dollars de récompenses pour les joueurs distribués. Alors que Xai Odyssey a été entièrement réalisé sur le réseau de test Xai, le lancement de Xai Vanguard marque la première campagne sur le réseau principal Xai.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Megadrop sur Binance - encore quelques jours pour participer. Ne manquez pas les récompenses juteuses
Binance annonce le 2ème projet sur Binance Megadrop - Lista (LISTA), un protocole de jalonnement liquide et de stablecoin décentralisé. Les utilisateurs peuvent commencer à participer au Lista Megadrop à partir du 30/05/2024 à 00:00:00 (UTC).
Binance listera ensuite Lista (LISTA) le 20/06/2024 à 10h00 (UTC) et ouvrira le trading avec les paires de trading LISTA/BTC, LISTA/USDT, LISTA/BNB, LISTA/FDUSD et LISTA/TRY. La Seed Tag sera appliquée à LISTA. Découvrez Lista (LISTA) dans notre rapport de recherche.
Liste des périodes Megadrop
2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC) au 2024-06-19 23:59:59 (UTC)
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merci pour le partage 🥰🙏
Dernières nouvelles 💥 $SOL

Sur SolChain Les nouveaux projets et les projets dotés d'une infrastructure solide, d'un KYC et d'un audit se démarquent !


X-Solcial est un réseau de communication sociale sur la blockchain Solana, qui propose un profil où vous pouvez publier du texte, des images, des gifs, des vidéos similaires au Web2, mais dans un environnement Web3 (à venir). Il utilise les bases d'un réseau social connu et stocke les messages, les informations textuelles, vos publications. La confidentialité est une priorité, avec des interactions cryptées et une interface simple pour augmenter la sécurité.

Le projet, qui rassemble actuellement plus de 350 Solana sur PinkSale, est attendu avec une grande curiosité par ses followers et investisseurs.

Avertissement : il ne s'agit pas d'une recommandation d'investissement.

#Bitcoin #FavoriToken
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Nous sommes ici avec les dernières mises à jour ! Quels sont les projets les plus parlés sur les réseaux sociaux ?

Dogita Project Solana continue de faire un excellent travail via le $SOL . Ils ont fait un excellent travail en collectant exactement plus de 1 300 Sol. Maintenant, j'attendrai le processus et continuerai à suivre ce projet, qui prend des mesures de sécurité avec Kyc et Audit.

Un autre communiqué de presse du projet, à qui il reste 21 heures pour le lancement, est le suivant : Je suis ravi d'annoncer que DOGITA sponsorise Solana Summer APAC 2024 !

Découvrez le pouvoir de la collaboration au Solana Summit. Fondateurs et développeurs de nouvelle génération, façonnons l’avenir ensemble !

Je suivrai avec curiosité le projet, qui compte de nombreux fans et détenteurs.

♦️Avertissement : Tous les projets décrits et mentionnés ici ne sont que des idées et ne vous donneront certainement pas d'informations pour l'achat et la vente. Lorsque vous effectuez vos investissements, sachez que le monde des crypto-monnaies et des jetons mèmes est risqué et que le marché est volatil et assumez votre propre responsabilité.


#memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ #Bitcoin
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Nous sommes ici avec les dernières mises à jour ! Quels sont les projets les plus parlés sur les réseaux sociaux ?

Dogita Project Solana continue de faire un excellent travail via le $SOL . Ils ont fait un excellent travail en collectant exactement plus de 1 300 Sol. Maintenant, j'attendrai le processus et continuerai à suivre ce projet, qui prend des mesures de sécurité avec Kyc et Audit.

Un autre communiqué de presse du projet, à qui il reste 21 heures pour le lancement, est le suivant : Je suis ravi d'annoncer que DOGITA sponsorise Solana Summer APAC 2024 !

Découvrez le pouvoir de la collaboration au Solana Summit. Fondateurs et développeurs de nouvelle génération, façonnons l’avenir ensemble !

Je suivrai avec curiosité le projet, qui compte de nombreux fans et détenteurs.

♦️Avertissement : Tous les projets décrits et mentionnés ici ne sont que des idées et ne vous donneront certainement pas d'informations pour l'achat et la vente. Lorsque vous effectuez vos investissements, sachez que le monde des crypto-monnaies et des jetons mèmes est risqué et que le marché est volatil et assumez votre propre responsabilité.


#memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ #Bitcoin
so go od 💫💫
so go od 💫💫
Une nouvelle excitation arrive et en fait, la plupart des gens n’en ont pas entendu parler ! 💥

Oui, je fais des recherches depuis peut-être 2 semaines et je partage quelques communiqués de presse ;

BCCOIN (carte noire) !

$SOL $BNB Ce projet, qui va se renforcer avec le pontage, Ce projet puissant, qui a atteint le prix de 24$ il y a 10 jours, a naturellement connu la baisse connue de toutes les pièces avec la baisse intempestive du Bitcoin.

Le projet, qui coûte actuellement 13 $, est actuellement coté sur plus de 8 bourses majeures et compte 80 000 détenteurs au total.

Dans ce projet, dont la devise principale est BlackCard, une couche orientée utilisateur qui offre des montants de dépenses illimités, similaire au système RWA que nous connaissons, avance à grands pas pour devenir une idée qui sera bientôt acceptée dans le monde entier.

Le projet, doté d'une structure d'équipe solide et d'un parcours de suivi transparent, est soutenu par le CERTIC et a reçu toutes les notes des protocoles d'assurance internationaux. Bien qu'il soit très difficile de prévoir les prix des nouveaux projets, l'idée principale est qu'avec la carte de crédit BlackCardCoin, les pièces en main vont plus loin dans la vie réelle avec 0 commission et une compréhension libérale des méthodes d'achat et de paiement, et bien sûr de la pièce. le prix va augmenter. pas dur.

Nous continuerons à surveiller BlackCardCoin.
Avertissement : Les projets décrits et mentionnés ici ne contiennent pas de conseils en investissement, ils ne fournissent pas de conseils d'achat ou de vente et des opinions personnelles sont incluses. En termes de sécurité des utilisateurs, nous tenons à vous informer que nous examinons les projets avec KYC et audit. Le monde de la cryptographie présente une forte volatilité, veuillez prendre vos propres risques lorsque vous effectuez vos investissements.


#TopCoinsJune2024 #memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ #rwa
yahh we ready
yahh we ready
🤑 Êtes-vous prêt à gagner de l'argent ? Je le dis !

Binance a annoncé que son 55ème nouveau projet d'extraction de pièces de monnaie est (IO) et qu'il lancera les marchés commerciaux IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD et IO/TRY le 11 juin à 15h00 turque. temps. Dès que cette nouvelle est tombée, les communautés qui gagnaient beaucoup d’argent sont immédiatement devenues actives.

IO LAUNCHPOOL VE KAZAN ! 👈 est un réseau informatique décentralisé qui construit un marché biface autour des puces. Le côté offre est la puissance de calcul des puces déployées dans le monde (principalement des GPU, mais aussi des CPU et Apple iGPU, etc.), et le côté demande est constitué d'ingénieurs en IA cherchant à compléter des tâches de formation ou de raisonnement sur des modèles d'IA. Sa mission est d'intégrer des millions de GPU dans le réseau DePIN.


"Ma prévision de prix se situera entre 2,5 et 4,5 dollars. Par conséquent, rejoindre les pools de lancement sera une excellente opportunité pour tous les utilisateurs de Binance."

L’équipe principale a été initialement formée pour se lancer dans le trading quantitatif et, en juin 2022, elle s’est concentrée sur le développement de systèmes de trading quantitatif de niveau institutionnel pour les actions et les actifs cryptographiques. En raison du besoin de puissance de calcul au niveau du back-end du système, l’équipe a commencé à explorer la possibilité d’une informatique décentralisée.
Selon le document officiel publié par, son token natif est IO, l'offre maximale de tokens est fixée à 800 millions et l'offre initiale est de 500 millions IO.

Communauté : 250 000 000 IO, 50,00 % de l'offre totale ;

R&D et Écosystème : 80 000 000 IO, soit 16,00 % de l'offre totale ;

Investisseurs d'amorçage : 62 000 000 IO, 12,50 % de l'offre totale

Dans le même temps, IO a également été lancé lors du pré-marché des baleines, et le volume total des transactions d'IO a atteint 5,93 millions de dollars américains, se classant au premier rang du pré-marché.
join now . $IO TO THE MOON
join now . $IO TO THE MOON
❤️ Şimdi Kazanmanın Tam Zamanı ! IONET 💯

IO.NET, Yapay Zeka modellerini merkezi olmayan bir şekilde geliştirmek ve çalıştırmak için bir altyapı sağlamayı amaçlayan, Solana'yı temel alan merkezi olmayan bir Yapay Zeka bilgi işlem ve bulut platformudur. Platform, yapay zekanın daha ölçeklenebilir, erişilebilir ve faydalı bir şekilde geliştirilmesini sağlamayı amaçlıyor.


IO.NET'in resmi web sitesinde yer alan bilgilere göre proje, rakiplerinden 100 kat daha fazla GPU gücü sağlayarak bilgisayarlarda grafiklerin oluşturulmasını ve işlenmesini kolaylaştıracağını iddia ediyor. IO.NET, dünya çapında 138'den fazla ülkede GPU hizmeti verdiklerini belirtiyor ve çevre dostu veri merkezi ortaklıkları aracılığıyla daha sürdürülebilir GPU seçenekleri sunduklarını vurguluyor.

$BNB Fiyat ATH'yi görürse bu, Binance'in favori projelerini açıkladığı lansman havuzları üzerinde olumlu bir etki yaratacaktır. Sahip olduğunuz BNB'lerle fırlatma havuzlarına katılın ve ücretsiz kazanın. Örneğin, Omni ve aevo

IO.NET'in projesi ve amacı, araştırmacıların ve geliştiricilerin yeni AI modelleri oluşturup test etmeleri için bir platform sağlamaktır. Platform ayrıca bu tür modellerin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olmayı da amaçlıyor.


Fikirlerim ve Fiyat Tahminim; Yapay zeka ve bulut merkezli düşünce Yakın gelecekte daha çok konuşulacak bu proje, ekip iyi çalışıyor.

" Fiyat tahminim 2,5 - 4,5$ arasında olacaktır. Bu nedenle lansman havuzlarına katılmak tüm Binance kullanıcıları için harika bir fırsat olacaktır."

Token Adı: IO.NET (IO)
-Genesis'teki Toplam Token Arzı: 500.000.000 IO 
-Maksimum Token Arzı: 800.000.000 IO 

Staking Şartları: KYC gerekli

Binance daha sonra IO'yu 11.06.2024 12:00'de (UTC) listeleyecek ve IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB
yahh im like him
yahh im like him
😱 I'm Waiting for the 3.7$ Price! Join the new Launchpool..

IO.NET is a decentralized AI computing and cloud platform based on Solana, aiming to provide an infrastructure for developing and running AI models in a decentralized manner. The platform aims to enable the development of AI in a more scalable, accessible, and beneficial way.

According to information from IO.NET's official website, the project claims to provide 100 times more GPU power than its Competitors, facilitating the creation and processing of graphics on computers. IO.NET states that they provide GPU services in more than 138 countries worldwide and emphasize that they offer more sustainable GPU options through environmentally friendly data center partnerships.

$BNB If the price has seen ATH, this will have a positive impact on the launchpools where Binance announces its favorite projects. Join the launchpools with the BNBs you have and earn for free. For example, Omni & aevo

The project and purpose of IO.NET is to provide a platform for researchers and developers to create and test new AI models. Additionally, the platform aims to assist in the development of such models.


My Ideas and Price Estimate; Artificial intelligence and cloud-centric thinking This project will be talked about more in the near future, the team is working well.

" My price estimate will be between $2.5 - $4.5. For this reason, participating in launchpools will be a great opportunity for all Binance users. "

Token Name: IO.NET (IO)
-Total Token Supply at Genesis: 500,000,000 IO 
-Max Token Supply: 800,000,000 IO 

Staking Terms: KYC required

Binance will then list IO at 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, and IO/TRY
join no w guys
join no w guys
Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Dao - 2nd Project on Binance Megadrop! Bullish Insights and how to participate
Hey Folks, Lista Dao is the 2nd Project on Binance Megadrop. Let's dive in what's exactly Lista Dao and how to get maximum Rewards from the Megadrop Campaign!
Lista DAO is a BNB liquid staking protocol and decentralized stablecoin platform that enables users to stake their BNB in exchange for the LS token slisBNB. The slisBNB, along with other LSTs, can not only be used in the LPs of various DeFi applications but also as collateral for borrowing the lisUSD stablecoin by providing LSTs as collateral on its platform.
It is powered by the native $LISTA governance token, designed to serve as a main criteria for granting access to the DAO votings.
The platform’s contribution to the BNB chain network ecosystem was recognized by Binance Labs, which invested over $10M into the project on August 11th, 2023.
Lista DAO, previously known as Helio protocol, is a BNB liquid staking protocol and decentralized stablecoin, which allows users to earn yield from BNB staking in exchange for the slisBNB token. The slisBNB token is a liquid staking token of the Lista DAO protocol, which can be used in other DeFi LPs across the BNB chain network to earn additional APR, as well as may be used as collateral for lending lisUSD, Lista’s decentralized stablecoin.
The minting mechanism of the Lista stablecoin is quite similar to that of MakerDAO’s, but unlike the MakerDAO platform, Lista protocol enables depositing collaterals in the form of LSTs such as slisBNB, WBETH, ezETH, and others. This provides the BNB chain with an additional level of liquidity while adding more features to the BNB network’s liquid staking tokens.
After the merge of Helio Money and Synclub on February 6th, 2024, the platform rebranded itself into the List DAO.
🪙$LISTA token: The entire liquid staking protocol is powered by the governance token $LISTA. Its main role is enabling users to vote on various governance proposals and granting weight to each community member's vote, which directly depends on the amount of tokens staked on the platform.
I'm super hyped about Lista Dao for the following reasons:
🔥The concept and design of the product aligns with the current “liquid staking and staking” trends. It is also of the few startups focused on BNB liquid staking and adding more features to such LSTs;
🔥The platform was audited multiple times by the top tier security companies;
🔥Strong PR and Growth Marketing performance;
🔥Above the average Marketing Infrastructure, SMM and Influencer Marketing score;
🔥Binance Labs invested into the project;
🔥Presence of the strong network of partners supporting the project;
🔥Upcoming Listing of the $LISTA token on the Binance exchange;
🔥Experienced leadership team: the BD lead and COO previously worked for Binance.
Take a look also at the bullish Roadmap

The current price on $Lista OTC is around $1! I am expecting multiple X on it's listing on #Binance
Lista Megadrop Details:
👉Token Name: Lista (LISTA)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 LISTA
👉Megadrop Token Rewards: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of max token supply)
🔥Start farming $Lista here:
How to participate in the Megadrop. Full Instructions
Step 1: Go to Earn section

Step 2: Search for BNB. Select 15-120 days

You can choose a fixed lock from 15 to 120 days, the longer the lock, the higher the score coefficient. Of course saying that 120 days will be the best option to maximize your Earnings!
Step 3: Select quantity and click "Confirm" to complete the step of locking BNB on the exchange

👉You can keep your BNB and BTC on Spot and participate.
Reward Mechanism Based on Points
Total Points = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
Locked BNB Score is based on the amount of BNB locked and the lock duration. The Web3 Quest Multiplier is applied to the Locked BNB Score when all Web3 Quests are completed.
The higher your total points, the greater your rewards.
How is Megadrop Different from Launchpool?
Some key differences between Megadrop and Launchpool include:
👉Participation Method: Megadrop allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB and/or completing Web3 tasks. Binance Launchpool only allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB or designated tokens.
👉Token Subscription: Megadrop only utilizes BNB Locked Products for token subscription. Binance Launchpool offers more diversity by allowing users to subscribe to tokens through BNB Locked Products, BNB Vault, or direct staking in Launchpool.
👉Reward Calculation: Megadrop rewards are based on the amount of BNB locked by users and the duration of lock, combined with the completion of Web3 Quests. Binance Launchpool rewards are based on the volume of subscriptions to Launchpool.
👉Reward Enhancement: Megadrop allows users to enhance their rewards by completing tasks within the Binance Web3 Wallet. Binance Launchpool does not offer this feature.

#ListaMegadrop #Megadrop
yahhhh i ike it
yahhhh i ike it
Before the altcoin season fully begins, Here is my altcoin basket that I prepared with great love! 💘


#StartInvestingInCrypto #Bitcoin

💥 Disclaimer: The posts here are for informational purposes only and do not contain buying or selling advice. Do your own research when making your investments, DYOR.
dont mi ss out
dont mi ss out
Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - All you need to know and why I am bullish on it!
In 2023, Manta Network experienced explosive growth, characterized by remarkable advancements, groundbreaking product launches, and an unwavering commitment to innovation in the realm of zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. Serving as a revolutionary modular ecosystem tailored for ZK applications, Manta Network has achieved a significant milestone as the first EVM-equivalent ZK application platform. The ecosystem offers an unmatched experience for developing and adopting advanced web3 applications, thanks to its effective use of ZK cryptography. We’ll take a look at the Manta Network ecosystem today, exploring its journey to success and what lies ahead for the network in the future.
With a Series A valuation of $500 million, Manta Network has raised over $60 million across pre-seed, seed, community, and Series A funding stages. Notable investors such as Polychain Capital, DeFiance Capital, and Qiming Venture Partners have contributed to its growth. The strategic backing from Binance Labs underscores the network’s significance in the industry. Founded in 2020 by Victor Ji and Kenny Li, the founding team, operating under p0x Labs, Manta Network received initial support from a Web3 Foundation grant, marking the beginning of its journey.
Arising from a visionary initiative to surpass the constraints of current blockchain solutions, Manta Network introduces a multi-modular ecosystem consisting of two blockchain networks. These networks provide advanced ZK tooling, streamlining the deployment of ZK-applications — Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.

Manta Pacific
Manta Pacific introduces an EVM-native Layer 2 solution with versatile ZK capabilities, enabling the exclusive creation of ZK applications through Solidity with Universal Circuits. Leveraging Celestia for DA and the OP Stack for Solidity-based ZK application development ensures not only efficient scalability but also a significant reduction in transaction fees.
The shift from Ethereum for DA to Celestia’s specialized DA solution significantly reduces L2 network transaction fees, resulting in savings exceeding $1.5 million in gas fees. The upcoming developmental phase targets the establishment of a fully modular zkEVM rollup using the Polygon CDK, promising further amplification of Manta Pacific’s capabilities. The transition into zkEVM utilizing Polygon CDK is set for early 2024.
Manta Atlantic
In contrast, Manta Atlantic emerges as the fastest and most decentralized ZK Layer 1 chain designed, strategically crafted to facilitate modular on-chain compliance identities through zkSBTs. Officially launched in January 2024, its primary focus lies in the ZK compliance credential layer, emphasizing practical application and seamless interoperability. This unique approach empowers projects to attain interoperable identities without necessitating direct cryptographic involvement.
Manta Atlantic establishes a composable execution environment tailored for ZK applications and seamlessly integrates Manta Network’s ZK tooling infrastructure. Built upon the Substrate framework, it operates as a parachain within the Polkadot ecosystem, placing a significant emphasis on interoperable identity verification and the deployment of ZK applications.
ZK Toolings
Universal Circuits
Manta Network’s Universal Circuits revolutionize the landscape of ZK application development by addressing inherent complexities. Traditionally, developers face daunting learning curves, requiring deep expertise in cryptographic techniques and the manual creation of intricate ZK circuits using languages such as Circom.
To overcome these obstacles, Universal Circuits offer a comprehensive library of pre-built ZK circuits for seamless integration into applications, particularly those developed using Solidity for Ethereum. This approach simplifies the development process, empowering developers to incorporate ZK functionalities effortlessly, without the need for extensive cryptographic knowledge.
Functioning as ZK-as-a-Service, Universal Circuits enable Solidity developers to interact with Manta Pacific contracts via APIs, facilitating the integration of ZK features with minimal adjustments to existing codebases. Noteworthy circuit designs within Universal Circuits encompass zkContracts like zkShuffle and Semaphore-based circuits, developed by the Privacy Scaling and Exploration (PSE) Labs at the Ethereum Foundation.
Manta Network’s upcoming initiatives involve enhancing Manta Atlantic’s capabilities, expanding the adoption of zkSBT and MantaPay for Rust developers, and rolling out the Manta Pacific Testnet to engage a wider community of developers and applications. The aim is to broaden the network’s impact and offer comprehensive solutions across both Web3 and Web2 domains.
zkSBTs and Manta NPO
zkSBTs, known as ZK-enabled SoulBound Tokens, are non-transferable NFTs anchored to individual user identities on the blockchain. Harnessing ZKPs for heightened user security, these tokens excel in on-chain gaming items, identity authentication, and asset verification. Moreover, developers can seamlessly integrate zkSBTs into ZK applications without requiring advanced cryptographic skills or expertise in ZKP.
Key functionalities of zkSBTs:
👉On-chain Data Verification: zkSBT acts as a streamlined solution for on-chain data verification, especially beneficial for mobile applications. Despite having user-friendly wallets like Particle and Unipass, validating data such as KYC details, credentials, and assets still poses challenges on mobile platforms
👉Decentralized Compliance: KYC, valued at around $1.6 trillion, is crucial for web platforms, necessitating the distinction between real users and bots. Tools like zkBAB and zkGalxe allow users to authenticate their legitimacy without disclosing personal data or linking to a wallet. Many applications leverage zkSBT for this verification purpose.
👉Credential Verification for On-chain Activities: Galxe and Cyberconnect process substantial on-chain activities but struggle with privacy concerns. zkSBT provides a solution, enabling private credential verification without the need for constant wallet connections. It also supports multi-chain verification.
👉Game/Social Items: zkSBTs can serve as in-game items or assets in social platforms. Notable examples include Ultiverse and ReadON zkSBTs, minted on the Manta chain and utilized across diverse applications.
👉Asset Verification: zkSBTs play a crucial role in asset verification applications. Tools like POMP enable users to create zkSBTs, offering a confidential on-chain statement to verify their asset holdings. This functionality proves valuable in both traditional and decentralized financial contexts.
Manta Network’s Robust Ecosystem

Manta Network’s focus on cost efficiency and enhanced throughput for ZK applications, and has swiftly become a favored choice among decentralized applications (dApps). Since its launch in September 2023, Manta Pacific’s L2 network has seamlessly integrated more than 150 dApps, with nearly 15 of them being native ZK applications.
Manta Pacific’s mainnet has facilitated the processing of more than 10 million transactions since its initial debut. Despite its recent entry into the L2 scene, the network has amassed an impressive Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $1.5 billion, securing a prominent position among L2s according to L2 Beat. The significant increase in TVL can be attributed to the success of the New Paradigm bridge launch in December 2023, which brought in over 200,000 new users. Barely two months after the launch, users had bridged over $750 million in assets to the L2 network.
Manta Pacific’s rollout strategy kicked off with MantaFest, a dynamic 5-week promotional campaign launched alongside its mainnet debut. This initiative aimed to invigorate network activity by introducing users to a diverse array of newly integrated dApps spanning Bridging, DeFi, SocialFi, and GameFi. Participants in MantaFest had the opportunity to accrue points, which could be exchanged for MANTA rewards during the Token Generation Event (TGE). Additionally, in October 2023, just one month following Manta Pacific’s mainnet alpha launch, Manta Network unveiled the Uncharted Grants program, further fueling the ecosystem’s growth and fostering innovation.
Looking Forward To The Future Of Manta Network
Following its mainnet debut, Manta Pacific has unveiled a comprehensive four-phase roadmap to guide its developmental trajectory following the mainnet debut. The team aims to collaboratively achieve each milestone in tandem with the broader Manta Network ecosystem and community. At present, Manta Pacific has successfully concluded the second phase, operating as an OP Stack rollup with Celestia for DA. The imminent full transition to a zkEVM validium using the Polygon CDK stands as a pivotal objective for 2024.

If Manta Network effectively executes its roadmap, it is primed to become a preferred choice for developers entering the dApp ecosystem. The ongoing evolution of Manta Network underscores a commitment to refining its offerings, expanding its influence, and bridging the web2 and web3 domains while upholding user privacy and data security.
Pretty Bullish on $MANTA and everything coming 🔥🔥
i like it
i like it
My Potential Altcoin My Watch List:


Which Coin do you trust the most? Share your Altcoin Suggestions with me and I will add only the coins you say to a $12,000 wallet.

#Write2Earn‬ #BinanceHerYerde #MemeWatch2024
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i like it
My Potential Altcoin My Watch List:


Which Coin do you trust the most? Share your Altcoin Suggestions with me and I will add only the coins you say to a $12,000 wallet.

#Write2Earn‬ #BinanceHerYerde #MemeWatch2024
dont miss out
dont miss out
⌛️ In recent years, I have been examining projects that showed great growth in a short time, Pepe, Doge, Shiba, Bonk coins that everyone "knows" increased by almost%10000.

In the past months, the project we just heard about: BlackCardCoin gained %5000 and reached the level of 32$ !

BCCOIN offers different services and advantages than other coins of its kind with its features such as rwa and unlimited credit card. I'm putting it on my watch list, but you must take it at your own risks.

Utilizing BCC (Black Card Coin) in your cryptocurrency portfolio offers several advantages, including:

1. Prestige and Status: BCC is often associated with exclusivity and prestige within the cryptocurrency community, akin to elite "black cards" in traditional finance. Holding BCC can elevate your status and provide access to exclusive membership perks and privileges.

2. Utility: BCC has real-world utility beyond its status symbol. It can be used for various purposes such as peer-to-peer transactions, online purchases, and as a store of value. Its versatility adds practical value to your portfolio.

3. Investment Potential: With its limited supply and growing demand, BCC has significant investment potential. As the cryptocurrency market evolves, BCC holders may benefit from capital appreciation and value appreciation, potentially yielding attractive returns on investment.

4. Innovation and Technology: BCC is built on a robust blockchain platform using cutting-edge technology, ensuring fast transaction speeds, low fees, and innovative protocols. Its technological advancements contribute to its appeal as a digital asset.

5. Diversification: Including BCC in your portfolio provides diversification, spreading risk across different assets. Diversifying with BCC alongside established cryptocurrencies like BTC and BNB can mitigate risk and potentially enhance overall portfolio performance.

#web3 #Bitcoin

dont miss out
dont miss out
Crypto Ahmet
😱🚀🚀Binance launched the Notcoin (NOT) project on Launchpool Here are the price prediction and Details!

Binance the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced its newest Launchpool project: #notcoin (NOT).

details here 🔥🚀

Start Pool Details and Farming
Users can place bets on BNB or FDUSD separate Launch pool pools to collect tokens over a three-day period starting from 00:00 UTC on May 13, 2024. The launch pool web page is expected to be available 24 hours before the start of farming.

After the plowing period, BTC, USDT, BNB, FDUSD and TRY trading pairs will be listed on Binance on May 16, 2024 at 12:00 UTC, as they will be available for sale.

Initializing Pool Key Details:
Token Name: Not coin (NOT)
Maximum Money Supply: NOT 102,719,221,714
Initial pool Rewards: NOT 3,081,576,651 (3% of the total supply)

Betting Requirements: KYC verification is mandatory
May May 13, 2024 (00:00 UTC) - May 15, 2024 (23:59 UTC) Agricultural Period: May 13, 2024 (00:00 UTC)

What's not? My opinions about the project
The NOT is the community token of the Note coin, which has not yet been released as of May 9. Cryptocurrency will meet with investors on May 16. The Notcoin community is incredibly large, which makes it a potentially good project. The note team works great, they are always coming up with new ideas to improve the project. My last word about the coin is that this project will be discussed further.

I make price predictions before listing notcoin (NOT). Due to the imminent launch of the Notcoin launch pool, it is difficult to predict its exact price due to market dynamics and other factors. However, I think that the Notcoin price may rise to $ 0.08 by the end of 2024. I also think that the project will open with 0.01 $ cents on Binance after the launch pool.
dont misss out
dont misss out
Crypto Ahmet
We are examining Binance's New Launchpool project NOT, please do not miss this article with detailed
I will explain to you in a simple way with screenshots how to withdraw #NOT tokens from the Telegram Not application to the Binance exchange

1. First of all, we will press the arrow sign that appears in the main menu. 👇

2. Then we will click on the Exchanges section 👇

3. Then we see the stock exchange sections, we will click on the binance section.👇

4. Then we will press yes. What we see below

5. Then we will come to the Binance exchange and press the wallet section, then write a note to the search, press the deposit section, copy the deposit address and copy the note number at the bottom.

6. Then, we go back to the Not application and paste the deposit address and Not number we copied from Binance here, press keep going and the transaction is completed.

What's not? My opinions about the project
NOT is the community token of the Not coin, which has not yet been launched as of May 9. Cryptocurrency will meet investors on May 16. The notcoin community is incredibly large, which makes it a potentially good project. The note team works great, they always come up with new ideas to improve the project. My last word about Not coin is that this project will be talked about more.

NOT, upon release, it will be replaced with a 1:1 ratio of what players have earned in the game so far. Cryptocurrencies will be distributed to players via airdrop.

The maximum cryptocurrency supply is limited to 102.7 billion NOT.

Listed in Binance LaunchPool
Not coin's cryptocurrency NOT will not be launched through the Launch pool through which Binance mediates the supply of new cryptocurrencies.

Farming in the #Binance Launchpool begins May 13. Users will be able to earn POINTS by tracking or locking BNB and FDUSD for three days.

The new cryptocurrency will be listed on May 16 with NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FUDUSD and NOT/TRY pairs.

I make price predictions before listing #Notcoin (NOT). Due to the imminent launch of the Notcoin launch pool, it is difficult to predict its exact price due to market dynamics and other factors. But I think the Notcoin price may rise to $0.08 by the end of 2024. I also think that the project will open with 0.01$ cents on Binance after the launchpool.

Farm FDUSD or BNB -
Note Launchpool Detail 🔥 👇
#NOTLAUNCHPOOL #BinanceLaunchpool #notcoin
join nw if you want rich
join nw if you want rich
Crypto Revolution Masters
Last few days to participate in BounceBit-The 1st Project on Binance Megadrop. All you need to know
What is BounceBit (BB)?
BounceBit (BB) is the first native staking chain for Bitcoin. It introduces a novel approach to staking through a dual-token system. This innovative platform leverages the security of Bitcoin alongside full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility to offer a convenient and secure restaking experience for users.
🔥 Personal Opinion about BounceBit 🔥
After the bankruptcy of Genesis Trading, Babel Finance, and Celsius, the Bitcoin ecosystem was left with a significant void in financial service provision. This caused underutilization of BTC assets and missed opportunities for profit, especially in sectors like DeFi and NFTs
The inherent conservatism of Bitcoin holders is not the only thing that prevents them from missing out on lucrative yield opportunities. On the inside, the absence of a robust smart contract platform within the Bitcoin ecosystem also limits the development of complex decentralized applications (dApps).
This is where BounceBit steps in to fill the gap. BounceBit is building a BTC restaking infrastructure that provides a foundational layer for different restaking products, secured by the regulated custody of Mainnet Digital (a premier asset management and fintech platform) and Ceffu ( a secure environment for storing digital currencies for institutional entities).
BounceBit’s TVL soared to over $600 million within a month after Early Access Launch ($550 million as of April 23), complemented by securing $6 million in seed funding from leading investors Blockchain Capital and Breyer Capital.

👉 Currently OTC Prices are around $0.75-$0.80 I am expecting $2-$3 once it's listed on Binance! Long-term I'm expecting 2 digits in the next Bull Cycle!
Binance will then list BounceBit (BB) at 2024-05-13 10:00 (UTC) and open trading with BB/BTC, BB/USDT, BB/BNB, BB/FDUSD and BB/TRY trading pairs.
BounceBit Megadrop Period:
2024-04-26 00:00:00 (UTC) to 2024-05-12 23:59:59 (UTC)
BNB Locked Products Snapshot Period:
To maximize Locked BNB Scores, users may start locking their BNB in BNB Locked Products before 2024-04-26 00:00:00 (UTC), as hourly snapshots of users’ subscription amounts will be taken during this period.
Web3 Quest Period:
Users may complete Web3 Quest(s) during the Quest Period.
Web3 Quest 1: “Stake 0.0001 BTCB to BounceBit”
👉You can find more information here:
How BounceBit (BB) Works
1. Dual-Token Staking Mechanism
BounceBit offers a unique dual-token restaking mechanism. By staking both Bitcoin and BounceBit tokens (BB), participants play a vital role in securing the network. This approach not only enhances security but also introduces a diversified stakeholder base and helps boost the resilience of the ecosystem.
2. Proof-of-Stake Consensus
BounceBit adopts a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, known as Dual-Token PoS, where validators stake BB and/or BBTC (BounceBit's native token backed by Bitcoin) to record and verify transactions on the network. In return, validators receive transaction fees as staking rewards. This creates perpetual engagement and network reinforcement.
3. Transparent Financial Services
Addressing the transparency and misuse issues prevalent in traditional Bitcoin finance, BounceBit implements on-chain proof of reserve and transparent activities. This commitment to transparency rebuilds trust among users and creates a secure platform for earning yields on idle BTC.
4. Enhancing Bitcoin Utility
By providing avenues for BTC holders to actively engage their assets in DeFi and CeFi markets, BounceBit aims to enhance liquidity and expand utility for BTC in a transparent and efficient environment. Through its inclusive ecosystem catering to both retail and institutional investors, BounceBit democratizes access to Bitcoin-based financial products, thereby broadening yield opportunities and expanding use cases.
5. Smart Contract Features
Recognizing the importance of smart contract capabilities, BounceBit integrates full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Solidity programming language. This compatibility allows developers to easily migrate their projects and build sophisticated dApps on the BounceBit platform, thereby enhancing the diversity of applications and utility of Bitcoin.
6. Unification Across Multiple Chains
By developing a unified platform that integrates various forms of Wrapped BTC across different blockchain networks, BounceBit centralizes liquidity and streamlines transactions. This initiative will enhance the efficiency and liquidity of BTC assets across multiple blockchains.
How to Participate in the Megadrop? Instructions
Step 1: Log in to your Binance account. You can use either the website or the app.
Step 2: Navigate to "More" (Services) and select "Megadrop"

You will see Megadrop icon below:

Step 3: Subscribe to BNB Locked Products and/or complete Web3 Quests to accumulate points. The higher your points, the greater your rewards.

Step 4: Complete subscriptions to BNB Locked Products on the Earn feature to accumulate points.

You can keep your BNB and BTC on Spot and participate.
Reward Mechanism Based on Points
Total Points = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
Locked BNB Score is based on the amount of BNB locked and the lock duration. The Web3 Quest Multiplier is applied to the Locked BNB Score when all Web3 Quests are completed.
The higher your total points, the greater your rewards.
Binance Megadrop marks a significant step forward in the evolution of token launch platforms. With its unique combination of features and the introduction of projects like BounceBit, it promises to offer users exciting opportunities to engage with the crypto community and unlock valuable rewards. As Megadrop continues to grow and welcome new projects, it remains an essential platform for crypto enthusiasts looking to maximize their potential in the ever-expanding world of decentralized finance.
How is Megadrop Different from Launchpool?
Some key differences between Megadrop and Launchpool include:
Participation Method: Megadrop allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB and/or completing Web3 tasks. Binance Launchpool only allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB or designated tokens.
Token Subscription: Megadrop only utilizes BNB Locked Products for token subscription. Binance Launchpool offers more diversity by allowing users to subscribe to tokens through BNB Locked Products, BNB Vault, or direct staking in Launchpool.
Reward Calculation: Megadrop rewards are based on the amount of BNB locked by users and the duration of lock, combined with the completion of Web3 Quests. Binance Launchpool rewards are based on the volume of subscriptions to Launchpool.
Reward Enhancement: Megadrop allows users to enhance their rewards by completing tasks within the Binance Web3 Wallet. Binance Launchpool does not offer this feature.

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