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How to Use the Binance Trading Bots Landing Page

How to Use the Binance Trading Bots Landing Page

2022-06-16 04:01
Tutorial Video
Binance’s Trading Bots Landing Page aggregates Grid Trading, DCA, Auto-Invest, Rebalancing, TWAP, and VP bots, and other automated algorithmic trading features.
The new landing page also provides a comprehensive overview of Spot and Futures Grid Trading strategies, along with their performance and popularity amongst users, allowing traders to quickly replicate their parameters.

How to access the Trading Bots Landing Page?

Log in to your Binance account and click [Trade] - [Trading Bots].
You may also access it via Binance Futures’ trading interface by clicking [Trading Bots] - [Overview].

What features does the Trading Bots Landing Page provide?

Binance provides quick access to a range of automated trading strategies via the Trading Bots Landing Page. You can also check Bot Marketplace rankings, filter trading bot strategies using different criteria, and get free educational resources from the Strategy Academy.

Trading Bots List

1. Spot Grid
Spot Grid Trading is a trading bot that automates the buying and selling on Spot trading. It is designed to place orders in the market at preset intervals within a configured price range. Binance Spot Grid Trading performs the best in volatile markets when prices fluctuate within a specific range.
To learn more, please refer to What Is Spot Grid Trading and How Does It Work?.
2. Futures Grid
Futures Grid Trading allows users to apply Grid Trading Strategies to Futures Contracts on Binance Futures, allowing them to increase their position sizes using leverage and maximize their potential profit.
To learn more, please refer to What Is Futures Grid Trading?.
3. Rebalancing Bot
The Rebalancing Bot automatically adjusts your portfolio position in the token combination of your choice. By buying low and selling high, your strategy can maintain the same ratio of asset values through rebalancing at preset intervals or thresholds.
4. Spot DCA
Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy that involves buying and selling an equal amount of assets regularly at different price points. It aims to achieve a better average price for the selected trading pair and reduce the impact of market volatility.
To learn more, please refer to What Is Spot DCA and How Does It Work?.
5. Auto-Invest
Auto-Invest is a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) investment strategy that allows you to automate crypto investments and grow your crypto holdings. You can choose the cryptocurrencies you want to purchase on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.
To learn more, please refer to What Is Auto-Invest and How to Use It?.
6. Futures TWAP
The TWAP trading algorithm allows you to disperse a large order into smaller quantities and execute them at regular intervals automatically to minimize price impact.
To learn more, please refer to How to Use TWAP Algorithm on Binance Futures.
7. Spot TWAP
API users can use the Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) trading algorithm on Binance Spot to slice large orders into smaller quantities. Orders will be executed at regular intervals automatically to reduce price impact.
To learn more, please refer to How to Use TWAP Algorithm on Binance Spot.
8. Futures VP
The Volume Participation (VP) trading algorithm executes large orders with a specified urgency level. It aims to perform a trade at a pace that matches a portion of the real-time market volume by respecting the targeted volume participation level.

How to visualize grid trading strategies’ performances and popularity via the Bot Marketplace?

The Bot Marketplace features top bot trading strategies on Binance Spot and Futures. You can replicate their parameters to build your own trading strategies.
You can filter grid trading strategies, view the strategies’ ROI, PnL, or Popularity, and replicate the parameters to create a similar bot trading strategy.

Bot Marketplace data updates

The Bot Marketplace data is refreshed hourly and will only display strategies that are currently active. To view each bot strategy’s performance, you can refer to 2 key metrics:
1. ROI (Return on Investment)
ROI = PNL / Investment
  • For spot grid strategies, investment refers to the total amount of assets committed to the creation of the grid.
  • For Futures grid strategies, investment is the Initial Margin when initiating the grid strategy.
2. PNL
PNL refers to the total profit or loss generated by a trading strategy over a period of time.
Spot grid strategy PNL: Total Profit = Current Value - Total Investment
  • Current value: The total value of assets allocated to the current strategy.
  • Total investment: The amount of assets used to initiate the grid strategy.
Futures grid strategy PNL: Total Profit = Realized Profit + Unrealized PNL + Funding Fee
  • Realized profit: Profits from closed positions within the strategy.
  • Unrealized PNL: The current profit or loss from open positions.
  • Funding fee: Costs or profits from holding Futures positions, included in PNL for strategies running in the trading bots account.
Note: For grid strategies operating in the master account (either Spot or Futures accounts), Funding Fee is not included in the PNL calculation.

How to filter grid trading strategies?

  • Markets - Select a trading pair
  • Directions - Neutral, long, or short
  • Runtime - Choose between seven time intervals
  • ROI - Choose an ROI interval
  • Zone - Specify symbol categories (e.g., CEX, DEX, Layer 1, Metaverse, NFT, etc.)

How to replicate/customize grid trading parameters on Spot Grid and Futures Grid?

Click [Create] to display the order and its shared parameters.
Please note that parameters can be adjusted.
You can refer to the respective FAQs for more details about parameters adjustment in Spot Grid Trading and Futures Grid Trading.

How to visualize trending pairs and volatility under the trading analytics view?

Top 10 Trending Markets

The Trading Analytics tab displays the top 10 trending asset pairs by the number of strategies running.
You can quickly look at the symbols with the highest number of grid orders and set up a grid trading strategy by clicking [Create].

Top 10 Volatility

You can also view the top 10 trending asset pairs by volatility, which is a crucial indicator for users deploying grid trading strategies.
The volatility % is calculated based on the symbol's hourly closing prices over the past 30 days.