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My token portfolio 1. $ETH 2. $NEAR 3. $AGIX #x100
My token portfolio
1. $ETH
2. $NEAR
3. $AGIX
Nice subject
Nice subject
加密市场情绪研究报告(2024.03.22-03.29):从ASI(Artificial Superintelligence)探究三大AI项目合并
从 ASI(Artificial Superintelligence)探究三大 AI 项目合并

什么是 ASI?

人工智能可以分为三个主要等级:弱人工智能(Artificial Narrow Intelligence,简称 ANI)、通用人工智能(Artificial General Intelligence,简称 AGI)和超人工智能(Artificial Superintelligence,简称 ASI)。





五大 ASI 的发展趋势


大型语言模型(LLMs)的发展:语言模型利用自然语言处理(NLP)技术和算法来预测句子中一系列词语的出现。这些模型是专家系统,可以对文本数据进行摘要,并创建可视化图表。LLM 模型在大规模数据集上进行训练。其中一些著名的 LLM 示例包括 OpenAI 的 GPT-2 和 GPT-3 以及 Google 的 BERT。

多模态人工智能的进展:多模态人工智能结合了视觉和语音模态,创造出与人类感知相匹配的场景。OpenAI 的 DALL-E 是一个最近的多模态人工智能示例,它可以根据文本生成图像。另一个例子是 NVIDIA 的 GauGAN 2 模型,它可以根据文本输入生成逼真的照片。它使用文本到图像生成技术来创作出最精美逼真的艺术作品。

人工智能驱动的编程:近年来,人工智能驱动的编程取得了重要进展。多个工具如 Amazon 的 CodeGuru 可以提供相关建议,改善代码质量,确定应用程序中的昂贵代码。

AI 解决方案的垂直整合:亚马逊、谷歌和微软等顶级人工智能供应商现在已经商业化了他们的基于人工智能的产品。所有这些技术的融合,结合 LLM、对话式人工智能和多模态人工智能的前沿研究,将使得超级人工智能的发展成为可能。



Agents(FET)+Data(Ocean)+AGI(AGIX) 的强强联合代币取名 ASI

Fetch.ai是在 AI 代理方面积累了较为成熟经验的公司。德国电信在 2 月 20 日宣布与 基金会合作,成为 的首个企业盟友,并且德国电信的子公司 MMS 将成为 的验证者。此外, 还宣布推出名为"Fetch Compute"的基础设施投资项目,投资规模达到 1 亿美元,计划部署 Nvidia H 200、H 100 和 A 100 GPU,为开发人员和用户提供计算能力平台。

Ocean Protocol 在去中心化的数据共享、访问控制和支付方面构建了多个模块服务。据介绍,其产品 Predictoor 在推出后的六个月内销售额已超过 8 亿美元。

SingularityNET 是这三个项目中在 AGI(人工通用智能)领域探索最多的项目之一。SingularityNET 的 AGI 团队与合作伙伴 TrueAGI 和 OpenCog 社区自 2020 年以来一直致力于开发 AGI 框架 OpenCog Hyperon。SingularityNET 还计划在今年推出去中心化人工智能平台,旨在创建一个适合运行 AGI 系统的基础环境。

本周有关三个项目合并的消息发布后,FET、Ocean 和 AGIX 的价格经历了短期上涨后的回调。未来去中心化人工智能领域的发展动态值得持续关注。

比特币减半距离今天(2024.03.29)还有约 22 天






过去一周 BTC 价格上涨 8.06% ,ETH 价格上涨 1.94% 。

上图是 BTC 过去一周的价格图

上图是 ETH 过去一周的价格图



过去一周 BTC 在高位形成新的密集成交区而 ETH 价格在密集成交区上方。

上图是 BTC 过去一周的密集成交区分布图

上图是 ETH 过去一周的密集成交区分布图

表格显示 BTC 与 ETH 过去一周中每周的密集成交区间


过去一周 BTC 与 ETH 成交量在 3.27 创新高回落时最大;未平仓量 BTC 与 ETH 都上升。

上图最上方 BTC 的价格走势,中间是成交量、最下方是未平仓量、浅蓝色是 1 天均值,橘色是 7 天均值。其中 K 线的颜色代表当前的状态,绿色是价格上升有成交量支持,红色是在平仓,黄色是在缓慢累积仓位,黑色是拥挤状态。

上图最上方 ETH 的价格走势,中间是成交量、最下方是未平仓量、浅蓝色是 1 天均值,橘色是 7 天均值。其中 K 线的颜色代表当前的状态,绿色是价格上升有成交量支持,红色是在平仓,黄色是在缓慢累积仓位,黑色是拥挤状态。


过去一周历史波动率 BTC 与 ETH 都在 3.25 时最高;隐含波动率 BTC 变化小而 ETH 都较周初上升。

黄色线为历史波动率,蓝色线为隐含波动率,红点是其 7 日平均





过去一周比特币/黄金/纳指/恒指/沪深 300 中,比特币最强势,而表现最差为沪深 300 。



过去一周 USD 放贷年化收益平均为 14.8% ,短期利率上升至 15% 左右。

黄色线为 USD 利率的最高价,蓝色线为最高价的 75% ,红色线为最高价的 75% 的 7 天平均值

表格显示 USD 利率过去不同持有天数的平均收益


过去一周 BTC 资费平均年化收益为 22.5% ,合约杠杆情绪低位回升。

蓝色线为币安上 BTC 的资金费率,红色线为其 7 日平均

表格显示 BTC 的资费过去不同持有天数的平均收益


过去一周选中的 129 个币中相关性上升至 0.75 左右,不同品种间产生较为一致的行情。

上图蓝色先为比特币价格,绿色线为['1000 floki', '1000 lunc', '1000 pepe', '1000 shib', '100 0x ec', '1inch', 'aave', 'ada', 'agix', 'algo', 'ankr', 'ant', 'ape', 'apt', 'arb', 'ar', 'astr', 'atom', 'audio', 'avax', 'axs', 'bal', 'band', 'bat', 'bch', 'bigtime', 'blur', 'bnb', 'btc', 'celo', 'cfx', 'chz', 'ckb', 'comp', 'crv', 'cvx', 'cyber', 'dash', 'dgb', 'doge', 'dot', 'dydx', 'egld', 'enj', 'ens', 'eos','etc', 'eth', 'fet', 'fil', 'flow', 'ftm', 'fxs', 'gala', 'gmt', 'gmx', 'grt', 'hbar', 'hot', 'icp', 'icx', 'imx', 'inj', 'iost', 'iotx', 'jasmy', 'kava', 'klay', 'ksm', 'ldo', 'link', 'loom', 'lpt', 'lqty', 'lrc', 'ltc', 'luna 2', 'magic', 'mana', 'matic', 'meme', 'mina', 'mkr', 'near', 'neo', 'ocean', 'one', 'ont', 'op', 'pendle', 'qnt', 'qtum', 'rndr', 'rose', 'rune', 'rvn', 'sand', 'sei', 'sfp', 'skl', 'snx', 'sol', 'ssv', 'stg', 'storj', 'stx', 'sui', 'sushi', 'sxp', 'theta', 'tia', 'trx', 't', 'uma', 'uni', 'vet', 'waves', 'wld', 'woo', 'xem', 'xlm', 'xmr', 'xrp', 'xtz', 'yfi', 'zec', 'zen', 'zil', 'zrx’]整体的相关性


过去一周选中的 129 个币,价格在 30 日均线上方的占比为 53% ,相对 BTC 价格在 30 日均线上方占比为 31% ,距离过去 30 天最低价大于 20% 的占比为 48% ,距离过去 30 天最高价小于 10% 的占比为 22% ,过去一周市场宽度指标显示过半数量的币价在 30 日均线上方,整体还属于盘整阶段。

上图为['1000 floki', '1000 lunc', '1000 pepe', '1000 shib', '100 0x ec', '1inch', 'aave', 'ada', 'agix', 'algo', 'ankr', 'ant', 'ape', 'apt', 'arb', 'ar', 'astr', 'atom', 'audio', 'avax', 'axs', 'bal', 'band', 'bat', 'bch', 'bigtime', 'blur', 'bnb', 'btc', 'celo', 'cfx', 'chz', 'ckb', 'comp', 'crv', 'cvx', 'cyber', 'dash', 'dgb', 'doge', 'dot', 'dydx', 'egld', 'enj', 'ens', 'eos','etc', 'eth', 'fet', 'fil', 'flow', 'ftm', 'fxs', 'gala', 'gmt', 'gmx', 'grt', 'hbar', 'hot', 'icp', 'icx', 'imx', 'inj', 'iost', 'iotx', 'jasmy', 'kava', 'klay', 'ksm', 'ldo', 'link', 'loom', 'lpt', 'lqty', 'lrc', 'ltc', 'luna 2', 'magic', 'mana', 'matic', 'meme', 'mina', 'mkr', 'near', 'neo', 'ocean', 'one', 'ont', 'op', 'pendle', 'qnt', 'qtum', 'rndr', 'rose', 'rune', 'rvn', 'sand', 'sei', 'sfp', 'skl', 'snx', 'sol', 'ssv', 'stg', 'storj', 'stx', 'sui', 'sushi', 'sxp', 'theta', 'tia', 'trx', 't', 'uma', 'uni', 'vet', 'waves', 'wld', 'woo', 'xem', 'xlm', 'xmr', 'xrp', 'xtz', 'yfi', 'zec', 'zen', 'zil', 'zrx’] 30 日的各宽度指标占比


在过去一周的行情中,比特币(BTC)与以太坊(ETH)的价格都有一定幅度上升,其中比特币上涨 8.06% ,历史波动率在 3.25 上升时最大,成交量在 3.27 创新高回落是最大,未平仓量较周初都有上升。隐含波动率 BTC 变化小而 ETH 较周初上升。此外,资金费率低位回升,表明合约交易情绪逐步回暖。市场宽度指标显示过半数量的币价在 30 日均线上方,整体还属于盘整阶段。在事件方面,过去一周无重大数据公布,等待下个月初的非农数据。

Twitter: @DerivativesCN


The Biggest Merge In Crypto History: 🔥Superintelligence Alliance Token Merge $ASI🔥
Congratulations If you hold $FET or $OCEAN or AGXI this is All You Need To Know & how to SWAP or Automatically get your Super Token. is joining forces with SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol to create the Superintelligence Alliance with the token ticker $ASI "Artificial Superintelligence." You can read the full story about the Superintelligence Alliance here.
This blog post will detail the changes that are taking place to our native cryptocurrency FET.

The Superintelligence Alliance will form through the union of three top decentralized AI companies,, SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol. With increased activity on our platform, combined with a period of exponential growth for AI projects, the time is right to switch gears with our token too. As part of the union, there will be a token merge of FET, OCEAN and AGIX into a new ASI token. Let's dive in🥂
💥What is $ASI?💥
The most important thing to note is that FET is the reserve currency of The Superintelligence Alliance and will be changing its name to ASI, pending successful governance proposals., SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol will shortly be submitting governance proposals to their respective communities and voting is expected to open on 2nd April. will complete voting on 7th April with all proposals scheduled to complete voting by 16th April.
If approved, it will then be possible to swap FET for Artificial Superintelligence token at a rate of 1:1. For example, if you hold 100 FET then you will be able to swap it for 100 ASI.
As part of the new initiative, Ocean Protocol will convert OCEAN tokens into ASI and SingularityNET will convert AGIX tokens into ASI at a fixed exchange rate, detailed further down.
The ASI token (the renamed FET token) will have a new market capitalization based on the token merge. The combined value of the Superintelligence Alliance is expected to be around $7.5 Billion with 2.631 Billion tokens, and with FET as the benchmark currency, valued at $2.82 per FET at the time of writing.
Snapshot of the Projects

💡ASI Token Exchange Mechanism💡
Starting with FET as the base token of the Alliance, the FET token will be renamed $ASI, and an additional 1.48 Billion tokens will be minted, with 867 million $ASI allocated to AGXI holders and 611 million $ASI allocated to OCEAN token holders.
The total supply of ASI tokens will be 2.63 Billion tokens.
A snapshot taken on Monday, 25 March 2024 shows a summary of the Max Supply (#) and Fully Diluted Value ($):

Here is the calculation basis for the token minting to give a proportional share of new $ASI tokens to OCEAN and AGIX holders:

Token holders will receive 0.433226 ASI per OCEAN and 0.433350 ASI per AGIX. This exchange rate is fixed and will not change. We expect that smart arbitrageurs will notice if a price differential between the tokens arises, and then arb it out to maintain a balance and equilibrium in the exchange rate.
🟢 I am a FET holder, what action should I take?
FET holders don't need to do anything right now. With the announcement live, each Foundation will speak to business partners, answer questions from the community and start to plan the next steps.
The first priority is to execute the token merge. As mentioned, FET token will be the reserve currency of the Superintelligence Alliance and it will be renamed ASI --- 'Artificial Superintelligence.'
Holders of OCEAN and AGIX need not do anything right now. The exchange rate between FET/ASI and OCEAN and ASI and AGIX is fixed and the swap mechanism will remain open indefinitely, so users can choose to swap tokens at their leisure.
✨ FET Tokens on Exchanges
If you have OCEAN and AGIX tokens on an exchange, no action is needed. We will work with each exchange to ensure a smooth conversion and your holdings will automatically be converted to $ASI tokens directly by the exchange. You won't see OCEAN or AGIX on the exchange --- but don't panic! Your tokens are there, just look for the ASI symbol.
Don't Deposit OCEAN / AGIX tokens into Exchanges after they've Executed a Conversion When an exchange has converted all OCEAN and AGIX tokens, the tickers OCEAN and AGXI will be retired from the exchange. If anyone accidentally sends OCEAN or AGIX an exchange after the conversion event, we cannot guarantee that the tokens will be available or converted to ASI. So please keep abreast of notices and announcements from your exchanges.
If you hold OCEAN or AGIX outside of an exchange and want to convert them to $ASI tokens, please see the next paragraph.
⚡ OCEAN / AGIX Tokens in Hard Wallets or Offline
For those of you holding your tokens in hard wallets or offline, a token swap mechanism will be available in the coming weeks to allow holders to exchange their OCEAN and AGIX for ASI.
Once made available, this swap mechanism will be available indefinitely to allow long-term stakers to exchange their OCEAN and AGIX for ASI tokens when their tokens unlock, without any FX or exchange risk.
⏳Timing for the Token Swap Mechanism
The token swap contracts have been tested and audited but given the complexity of the coordination with hundreds of business partners, we'll complete a more detailed analysis, speak with partners & exchanges, and come back to the community with a firm date to release the token swap tool. Stay tuned to our official channels which you should access via links on our website.
🎯DEXes and Pool Liquidity
We encourage liquidity providers to remove any OCEAN and AGIX related liquidity from DEXs at their convenience. Users may experience higher slippage in pools with lower liquidity. We recommend that you size your swap according to the available liquidity to minimize slippage.
Once a threshold of 95% of the OCEAN and AGIX token supply is converted to ASI, Ocean Protocol and SingularityNET Foundations will remove any pool liquidity that we have provisioned.
🌿New Beginnings🌿
We hope you will continue to join us on this journey into AI. We are extremely excited to move forward as an Alliance and bring our combined knowledge and expertise to bear. All three companies have been working on different parts of the decentralized stack and by teaming up, the value-flow from deep research, to tools & applications, and finally to large-scale commercialization of data and AI services can be expedited.
📚 Source: FET News Article.
🖋️ By @CryptoVenom
Follow & Like for MORE Exclusive News🥂
Three Decentralized Platforms to Merge AI Tokens, Create AI Alliance
The three firms are seeking to create an AI collective to provide a decentralized alternative to existing projects that are controlled by Big Tech.

FET, the native token of AI-focused Web3 platform, will become ASI, which will have a total supply of around 2.63 billion tokens and a starting price of $2.82.

The native tokens of SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol will merge into ASI., SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol agreed to merge tokens and create an alliance for decentralized artificial intelligence (AI).

The three are seeking to create an AI collective, providing a decentralized alternative to existing projects that are controlled by large technology companies, according to an emailed announcement on Wednesday.

{{FET}}, the native token of AI-focused Web3 platform, will become ASI – "artificial superintelligence" – with a total supply of around 2.63 billion tokens and a starting price of $2.82. The native tokens of decentralized AI network SingularityNET {{AGIX}} and data platform Ocean Protocol {{OCEAN}} will merge into ASI, both at conversion rates of around 0.433 to 1. ASI will have a fully diluted market cap of around $7.5 billion.

The proposed combined entity plans to create an open decentralized AI infrastructure at scale, as compared to existing systems whose inner workings may be hidden from the public, the companies said.

AI has seen a surge in mainstream interest since the start of 2023 thanks to tools such as ChatGPT. However, there have been concerns that the largest companies – Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and Meta – will establish an oligarchy over the space. That has spurred blockchain and Web3 companies to throw their hats into the ring to present an alternative where data is more transparent and shared between contributors.

Read More: Tether to Establish AI Unit, Starts Recruitment Drive
Waiting 🤗 $NEAR
Waiting 🤗 $NEAR
Next on $NEAR
#x100 #blackdragon
$NEAR uptrend. Next to 12$ #x100
$NEAR uptrend. Next to 12$
Gem #x100
Gem #x100
Trading Heights
💎 Unlock the Hidden Gem with Money Rotation Theory! 💰

🚀 While Ethereum and Solana soar, @NEARProtocol (+22%) silently sparkles. Is this your ticket to 100x gains? Let's explore ⬇️

📈 Recent Growth of NEAR Protocol:

- 💼 Surpassed Fantom and Injective in Total Value Locked (TVL).
- 🧑‍💻 Active developer community, showcasing high monthly commits.
- 📊 Dapps on NEAR witnessing significant recent growth.

But why NEAR? Two compelling reasons:

1️⃣ Mass Adoption:
- 🌐 100 million created accounts, targeting web2 user onboarding.
- 📊 Compare this to the Unique Active Wallets (UAW) of Uniswap V3.

2️⃣ Chain Abstraction:
- 🔄 Focusing on boosting the BTC ecosystem with chain abstraction across all chains.
- 🚀 Riding the hype around BTC narratives.

🚀 Featured Projects on NEAR:

1. @burrow_finance:
- 💰 $5M raised from backers like DragonFly and ParaFi.
- 🔄 Aave on Near Protocol, offering supply, interest earning, and liquidity access.
- 🚀 Token surged 10x in the recent bull run!

2. @finance_ref:
- 💵 Raised $4.8M with support from Jump and DragonFly.
- 🔄 Leading DEX on the Near Ecosystem.
- 🚀 $REF token skyrocketed 80% in just a month.

🌐 Ref Finance + Burrow Incentive Program:

- 💰 Over $5 million USD infused into Ref Finance liquidity pools and Burrow's stable assets.
- 📈 Earn a stable return with 80%+ APY on a thriving chain. It's your time now!

🌾 Farming Rewards on Ref Finance:

- 🚜 As more users join farming, the APY and rewards decrease.
- 🚀 Become an LP to receive extra rewards with a +60% APY bonus currently.

🌉 Bridging from $ETH to $NEAR :

1. 🌈 Go to [].
2. 🔗 Link your ETH and NEAR wallet.
3. 💸 Bridge $1000 USDC.
4. 🔄 Buy $NEAR from Bybit or another CEX to fund your NEAR wallet.

⏰ Time to kickstart your farming journey! 🚀 #CryptoGems #NEARProtocol #BTC #DeFiFarming 🌐
50 like. I will give the next analysis $NEAR $AGIX #x100
50 like. I will give the next analysis
$NEAR $AGIX #x100
$NEAR will break 4.5$ and hit 6$ soon
#x100 #Write2Earn
MrRight $NEAR x100
MrRight $NEAR x100
$NEAR will break 4.5$ and hit 6$ soon
#x100 #Write2Earn
$AGIX #x100
$AGIX #x100
Top 4 Cryptocurrencies Under $1 with Potential for 10x Growth by 2024🤯💥📈

The cryptocurrency market is primed for a notable transformation, with several lesser-known tokens showing potential for substantial growth. Priced affordably, these assets have the potential to turn a modest investment into significant returns by 2024.

1. World Coin ($WLD):
Led by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, World Coin (WLD) has emerged as a top performer among the top 100 cryptocurrencies. Despite a slight dip to $7.80, World Coin remains positioned at number 73 on CoinMarketCap, with a market capitalization of $1 million.

2. SingularityNET ($AGIX):
SingularityNET is democratizing AI services on a decentralized platform, experiencing a remarkable 128% increase recently. With AGIX's value surging over 220% in the past month to $0.7038, it aligns with growing interest in AI cryptocurrencies.

3. Terra Classic ($LUNC):
Terra Classic (LUNC), known for its stablecoin-focused blockchain, has seen a notable uptick to $0.0001241, backed by token burn strategies and increased staking activities.

4. Lido DAO (LDO):
Lido DAO (LDO) introduces wrapped staked ETH (wstETH) on the Mantle Network, enhancing DEFI scalability. Priced at $3.23 with an 8% rise in a day, LDO's value has climbed impressively over the past year.

These cryptocurrencies, priced under $1, present promising technology and investment opportunities. With the potential for significant gains, a modest investment could multiply into $1,000 by 2024. Watch these projects closely as the crypto market anticipates growth.
#TrendingTopic #AmanSaiCommUNITY
It's coming
It's coming
$NEAR will break 4.5$ and hit 6$ soon
#x100 #Write2Earn
🛑🛑🛑 Urgent update breaking news

Baby AGI’ could be a reality in early 2025: SingularityNET founder

The “complete toolset” to making the precursor to a fully functioning Artificial General Intelligence might be only about a year away, says Ben Goertzel.

4️⃣ Scheduled for release in Alpha in April, Hyperon is described in a research paper with numerous coauthors as “a framework for AGI at the human level and beyond” that incorporates the latest ideas, software and techniques. OpenCog is an open-source AI project founded by Goertzel in 2008 and is affiliated with SingularityNET.

5️⃣ As he describes it, the Hyperon Alpha will be a sort of proto-AGI using a bespoke programming language called Metta that will open up in April so that open-source developers can use it to write better code for different AI applications.

Pressing Goertzel for more details, Cointelegraph asked if the alpha release would be something like a baby AGI that could be developed into a full AGI.

“We will have a complete toolset for building the baby AGI,” he clarified and said they needed to, and would, scale up the system massively between now and the end of the year.

“To get to something I would want to call a baby AGI we will need that million times speed up.”

“I think by early 2025 we might have a baby AGI," he said. "I think we can call it a fetal AGI if you want to pursue that metaphor.”

6️⃣ Goertzel supports Vitalik Buterin’s d/acc AGI approach
Goertzel also threw his support behind Vitalik Buterin’s defensive acceleration (d/acc) approach to developing superintelligent AI.

Opinion on AGI development is currently split between accelerationists (e/acc) who want to rush toward the technology due to its benefits, and decelerationists (decel), who want to slow down development for fear of the existential risks.

Part 2️⃣

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#TrendingTopic #BTC #Arweave #WIF #Portal


#near #trading #btc #crypto #DYOR!!
$AGIX #agix #singularityNET

Update: Perfect reaction $0.60 😁

The local support at $0.71 has been breached.

If the price holds and defends the support at $0.673, further increases and a retest of the recent peaks at $0.86 are possible.

🔥Currently, there’s no visible demand, so the price might fall lower to the next support around $0.62 / 0.60.

Ultimately, I believe that the AGIX price will reach the $1 level.

When this will happen depends on the strength of demand, which should activate around $0.60. 🚀
Good luck!
#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell
$NEAR will break 4.5$ and hit 6$ soon
#x100 #Write2Earn

I hope you are well, you can see the near currency chart in a weekly time frame.

If the neck line is broken and the head and shoulders are confirmed, I imagine the path indicated in the chart

$NEAR 4.5$ soon

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