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dreaming with open eyes after knowing everything then it's happening with anyone so
dreaming with open eyes after knowing everything then it's happening with anyone so
Crypto PM
LUNA Crashes to $0 in 1 Day | A Lasting Reminder of Crypto Risks
$40 billion in losses

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Also, don't forget to follow me @Crypto PM

The Terra network, founded by Do Kwon and Daniel Shin, initially aimed to revolutionize payments with its blockchain and stablecoin ecosystem.

By 2022, Terra's tokens LUNA and UST had become household names in crypto, drawing significant investor interest.

TerraUSD (UST) was an algorithmic stablecoin designed to maintain a $1 peg, backed by LUNA tokens.

Unlike traditional stablecoins, UST relied on complex algorithms and market incentives rather than tangible assets.

The system's backbone was the Anchor Protocol, which promised up to 20% annual yield on UST deposits.

This high yield attracted vast amounts of UST, making up 75% of its total supply, but also raised sustainability concerns.

In early May 2022, over $2 billion worth of UST was unstaked and rapidly liquidated.

This massive sell-off caused UST to lose its peg, dropping to $0.91, triggering a wave of panic selling and further destabilization.

The depegging led to an oversupply of LUNA as traders converted their devalued UST, causing LUNA's price to plummet.

The collapse wiped out approximately $60 billion from the crypto market.

Prominent firms like Voyager, Celsius, and Three Arrows Capital faced severe repercussions, leading to bankruptcies and forced liquidations.

TerraUSD (UST) was an algorithmic stablecoin designed to maintain a $1 peg, backed by LUNA tokens.

Unlike traditional stablecoins, UST relied on complex algorithms and market incentives rather than tangible assets.

1:00The system's backbone was the Anchor Protocol, which promised up to 20% annual yield on UST deposits.

This high yield attracted vast amounts of UST, making up 75% of its total supply, but also raised sustainability concerns.

In early May 2022, over $2 billion worth of UST was unstaked and rapidly liquidated.

This massive sell-off caused UST to lose its peg, dropping to $0.91, triggering a wave of panic selling and further destabilization.

The depegging led to an oversupply of LUNA as traders converted their devalued UST, causing LUNA's price to plummet.

Major crypto exchanges delisted LUNA and UST, and the Terra blockchain was temporarily halted.

1:56The collapse wiped out approximately $60 billion from the crypto market.

Prominent firms like Voyager, Celsius, and Three Arrows Capital faced severe repercussions, leading to bankruptcies and forced liquidations.

In the aftermath, Terra's Luna Foundation Guard deployed billions in Bitcoin reserves in an attempt to stabilize UST, but the effort failed.

Do Kwon's recovery plans, including launching Terra 2.0, did little to restore confidence.

In the aftermath, Terra's Luna Foundation Guard deployed billions in Bitcoin reserves in an attempt to stabilize UST, but the effort failed.

Do Kwon's recovery plans, including launching Terra 2.0, did little to restore confidence.

Do Kwon frequently misled people about the stability of Terra's tokens.

Before the crash, he even accepted a $1M bet that Luna wouldn't fall and wagered that UST would not lose its peg to the dollar.

On September 15, 2022, South Korean authorities issued an arrest warrant for Do Kwon, accusing him of fraud and illegal fundraising.

Kwon allegedly transferred 40,000 BTC to secret wallets, further tarnishing his reputation.

In March 2023, Do Kwon was arrested in Montenegro while attempting to board a flight to Dubai with falsified documents. He was sentenced to four months in prison for document forgery.

South Korea and the United States are seeking his extradition to face charges.

The LUNA-UST crash serves as a critical lesson in the risks associated with algorithmic stablecoins and high-yield promises.

It underscores the importance of transparency, proper risk management, and regulatory oversight in the crypto industry


#TerraLabs #LUNAUpdate #cryptopm #Reminder #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024
be awareप्रमुख क्रिप्टोकरेंसी घोटाले जिन पर नजर रखनी होगी क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाजार, उच्च रिटर्न की संभावना के बावजूद, कई घोटालों से भी ग्रस्त रहा है। जालसाज निवेशकों को धोखा देने के लिए लगातार नए-नए तरीके ईजाद करते रहते हैं। यहां क्रिप्टो दुनिया में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण घोटाले हैं: एफटीएक्स: नवंबर 2022 में ग्राहक निधि में अरबों की हेराफेरी के बाद एक्सचेंज ढह गया। संस्थापक सैम बैंकमैन-फ्राइड को धोखाधड़ी के लिए 25 साल की सजा सुनाई गई थी। लूना और टेरायूएसडी: इन क्रिप्टोकरेंसी को मई 2022 में $60 बिलियन का विनाशकारी नुकसान हुआ, जिसके कारण मार्च 2023 में संस्थापक डो क्वोन की गिरफ्तारी हुई। क्वाड्रिगासीएक्स: 2018 में संस्थापक गेराल्ड कॉटन की मृत्यु के बाद, $215 मिलियन अप्राप्य हो गए। बाद में इसे पोंजी स्कीम के रूप में उजागर किया गया। अफ़्रीक्रिप्ट: 2021 में निवेशकों से 70,000 बीटीसी का घोटाला किया गया। संस्थापक अमीर और रईस काजी की अब मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के लिए जांच की जा रही है। सेफमून: अधिकारियों ने 2021 में व्यक्तिगत उपयोग के लिए $200 मिलियन से अधिक की निकासी की, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप एसईसी धोखाधड़ी के आरोप लगे। अन्य उल्लेखनीय घोटालों में शामिल हैं: प्रो-डेम: यह 2018 में एक निकास घोटाला था, टीम के गायब होने के बाद निवेशकों के पास कुछ भी नहीं बचा था। पिनकॉइन और आईफैन: मॉडर्न टेक ने आईसीओ के माध्यम से 2018 में 660 मिलियन डॉलर जुटाए, लेकिन गायब हो गए, इसे एक और पोंजी योजना के रूप में चिह्नित किया गया। सेल्सियस नेटवर्क: इस प्लेटफ़ॉर्म ने 2022 में निकासी रोक दी और 4.7 बिलियन डॉलर के बकाया के साथ दिवालियापन के लिए दायर किया। वे अब ग्राहकों को संपत्ति लौटाने के लिए काम कर रहे हैं। सेंट्रा टेक: झूठे वादों पर 2017 में 25 मिलियन डॉलर जुटाए, जिसके कारण संस्थापकों को कारावास की सजा हुई। माइनिंग मैक्स: 2017 में निवेशकों को 250 मिलियन डॉलर का चूना लगाया गया, वास्तविक खनन के लिए केवल एक अंश का उपयोग किया गया, जिससे 18,000 निवेशक प्रभावित हुए। ऐसे घोटालों से खुद को बचाने के लिए, हमेशा गहन शोध करें, टीम की साख को सत्यापित करें, उन वादों से सावधान रहें जो सच होने के लिए बहुत अच्छे लगते हैं, सावधानी आपको क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाजार में इन धोखाधड़ी योजनाओं का शिकार होने के जोखिम को कम करने में मदद कर सकती है। समझदारी से निवेश करें और सूचित रहें

be aware

प्रमुख क्रिप्टोकरेंसी घोटाले जिन पर नजर रखनी होगी
क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाजार, उच्च रिटर्न की संभावना के बावजूद, कई घोटालों से भी ग्रस्त रहा है। जालसाज निवेशकों को धोखा देने के लिए लगातार नए-नए तरीके ईजाद करते रहते हैं। यहां क्रिप्टो दुनिया में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण घोटाले हैं:
एफटीएक्स: नवंबर 2022 में ग्राहक निधि में अरबों की हेराफेरी के बाद एक्सचेंज ढह गया। संस्थापक सैम बैंकमैन-फ्राइड को धोखाधड़ी के लिए 25 साल की सजा सुनाई गई थी।
लूना और टेरायूएसडी: इन क्रिप्टोकरेंसी को मई 2022 में $60 बिलियन का विनाशकारी नुकसान हुआ, जिसके कारण मार्च 2023 में संस्थापक डो क्वोन की गिरफ्तारी हुई।
क्वाड्रिगासीएक्स: 2018 में संस्थापक गेराल्ड कॉटन की मृत्यु के बाद, $215 मिलियन अप्राप्य हो गए। बाद में इसे पोंजी स्कीम के रूप में उजागर किया गया।
अफ़्रीक्रिप्ट: 2021 में निवेशकों से 70,000 बीटीसी का घोटाला किया गया। संस्थापक अमीर और रईस काजी की अब मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के लिए जांच की जा रही है।
सेफमून: अधिकारियों ने 2021 में व्यक्तिगत उपयोग के लिए $200 मिलियन से अधिक की निकासी की, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप एसईसी धोखाधड़ी के आरोप लगे।
अन्य उल्लेखनीय घोटालों में शामिल हैं:
प्रो-डेम: यह 2018 में एक निकास घोटाला था, टीम के गायब होने के बाद निवेशकों के पास कुछ भी नहीं बचा था।
पिनकॉइन और आईफैन: मॉडर्न टेक ने आईसीओ के माध्यम से 2018 में 660 मिलियन डॉलर जुटाए, लेकिन गायब हो गए, इसे एक और पोंजी योजना के रूप में चिह्नित किया गया।
सेल्सियस नेटवर्क: इस प्लेटफ़ॉर्म ने 2022 में निकासी रोक दी और 4.7 बिलियन डॉलर के बकाया के साथ दिवालियापन के लिए दायर किया। वे अब ग्राहकों को संपत्ति लौटाने के लिए काम कर रहे हैं।
सेंट्रा टेक: झूठे वादों पर 2017 में 25 मिलियन डॉलर जुटाए, जिसके कारण संस्थापकों को कारावास की सजा हुई।
माइनिंग मैक्स: 2017 में निवेशकों को 250 मिलियन डॉलर का चूना लगाया गया, वास्तविक खनन के लिए केवल एक अंश का उपयोग किया गया, जिससे 18,000 निवेशक प्रभावित हुए।
ऐसे घोटालों से खुद को बचाने के लिए, हमेशा गहन शोध करें, टीम की साख को सत्यापित करें, उन वादों से सावधान रहें जो सच होने के लिए बहुत अच्छे लगते हैं, सावधानी आपको क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाजार में इन धोखाधड़ी योजनाओं का शिकार होने के जोखिम को कम करने में मदद कर सकती है। समझदारी से निवेश करें और सूचित रहें
Bitcoin ATM scams have been increasing lately, prompting the Attorney General of North Carolina to issue a warning along with some tips to help people stay safe and avoid falling victim. It's essential to be aware and take precautions to protect oneself from financial harm.
In crypto world heavy rain use umbrella step to protect your profile and move forward 🌦️🌦️🌦️☔☔☔☔ #ARB #LDO #TWT
In crypto world heavy rain use umbrella step to protect your profile and move forward 🌦️🌦️🌦️☔☔☔☔
it's time to secure your future if you want, then fill your portfolio with some ARB, TWT, and, LDO. it's not rocket science it's simple to understand after watching Graf movements. just invested as you wish and sit back.🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣👍👍👍👍👍👍
$ARB #LDO/USDT📈 it's time to secure your future if you want, then fill your portfolio with some ARB, TWT, and, LDO. it's not rocket science it's simple to understand after watching Graf movements. just invested as you wish and sit back.🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣👍👍👍👍👍👍
it's time to secure your future if you want, then fill your portfolio with some ARB, TWT, and, LDO. it's not rocket science it's simple to understand after watching Graf movements. just invested as you wish and sit back.🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣👍👍👍👍👍👍
🚨 World’s Top 10 Bitcoin Holders 🚨

1: Satoshi Nakamoto

2: Binance

3: Grayscale

4: US Government

5: MT. Gox

6: Bitfinex

7: China Government

8: MicroStrategy

9: Block.One

10: Robinhood
#US_Job_Market_Slowdown #MtGoxJulyRepayments #Megadrop #CryptoInsights

Attention Binance users,

We would like to inform you that Binance Margin will be removing several margin trading pairs effective July 17, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). The pairs being delisted are as follows:


To facilitate this process, isolated margin borrowing for the affected pairs will be suspended on July 11, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). Subsequently, on July 17, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC), all open positions will be closed, pending orders canceled, and an automatic settlement will be conducted for these pairs. Please note that you will not be able to modify your positions during this delisting period.

Although these specific margin trading pairs will be removed from Margin, you can continue trading these assets on other available trading pairs within Binance Margin. We strongly recommend that you take proactive steps to either close your positions or transfer your assets from Margin Wallets to Spot Wallets before the cessation of margin trading on July 17, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). Please be aware that Binance will not assume responsibility for any losses incurred during this process.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the original version of this announcement in English, as translations may contain discrepancies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
The Binance Team

#DelistingNotice #DelistingUpdate #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike

🚀 NOTCOIN Soars to New Heights! 🚀

🎉 $NOT Gains Momentum: +20% in 24 Hours! 🎉
📈 Consolidates Above $0.015 💪
🔥 Climbs to 8th in 24H Volume and 47th in Market Cap 🌟
🔝 $NOT Dominates Trends on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko 🏆

Join the NOT revolution and witness the rise! 🚀✨

🇳🇬 Central Bank of Nigeria vs. #Binance 😱

⚠️ Allegations Unveiled: Illegal Banking Transactions! ⚠️
🕵️ According to the regulator, @binance misled Nigerians by encouraging illegal naira transactions via P2P with zero commission.
💸 Additionally, Binance is accused of illegally converting naira into US dollars.

🌍 A Word to the Nigerian Government 🌍
Cryptocurrencies have the potential to empower people, foster innovation, and drive economic growth. By embracing and regulating this digital frontier, Nigeria can lead the way in financial inclusion and technological advancement. Let's work together for a brighter, decentralized future! 🌟💪

u know
u know
JUST IN: 🇩🇪 German Government sent 5,200 more #Bitcoin worth $297 million to exchanges

AWS Blog Home Blogs Editions AWS Database Blog Run a serverless Arbitrum full node on AWS by Guillaume Goutaudier | on 25 MAR 2024 | in AWS Fargate, Blockchain, Intermediate (200), Technical How-to | Permalink | Comments | Share Over the last 2 years, layer 2 technologies have gained traction and are solving the scaling constraints of Ethereum. L2beat provides a consolidated view of the different layer 2 projects. At the time of writing, Arbitrum represents approximatively half of the market value of layer 2 solutions. AWS offers a variety of services to help builders from node deployment blueprints to fully managed infrastructure and data services on Amazon Managed Blockchain. Although Arbitrum is not yet supported, running your own serverless Arbitrum node on AWS is an uncomplicated task. In this post, we show you how to deploy an Arbitrum full node in a serverless manner on AWS. We also illustrate how to interact with the Arbitrum network by connecting MetaMask to your Arbitrum node. To follow these instructions, you only need a working AWS account. Solution overview There are multiple considerations for running an Arbitrum full node, including transaction validation and security, and reduced trust requirements. The How to run a full node (Nitro) section of the Arbitrum documentation contains the prerequisites and instructions to run an Arbitrum full node. In this post, we propose an AWS architecture to address those requirements. This architecture is not intended to represent the single source of truth, but instead a way of implementing those requirements favoring serverless services like AWS Fargate. Alternatives based on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances would be as valid as the one presented here. The following diagram shows the different components of the solution.
AWS Blog Home
AWS Database Blog
Run a serverless Arbitrum full node on AWS
by Guillaume Goutaudier | on 25 MAR 2024 | in AWS Fargate, Blockchain, Intermediate (200), Technical How-to | Permalink | Comments | Share
Over the last 2 years, layer 2 technologies have gained traction and are solving the scaling constraints of Ethereum. L2beat provides a consolidated view of the different layer 2 projects. At the time of writing, Arbitrum represents approximatively half of the market value of layer 2 solutions.

AWS offers a variety of services to help builders from node deployment blueprints to fully managed infrastructure and data services on Amazon Managed Blockchain. Although Arbitrum is not yet supported, running your own serverless Arbitrum node on AWS is an uncomplicated task.

In this post, we show you how to deploy an Arbitrum full node in a serverless manner on AWS. We also illustrate how to interact with the Arbitrum network by connecting MetaMask to your Arbitrum node. To follow these instructions, you only need a working AWS account.

Solution overview
There are multiple considerations for running an Arbitrum full node, including transaction validation and security, and reduced trust requirements. The How to run a full node (Nitro) section of the Arbitrum documentation contains the prerequisites and instructions to run an Arbitrum full node. In this post, we propose an AWS architecture to address those requirements. This architecture is not intended to represent the single source of truth, but instead a way of implementing those requirements favoring serverless services like AWS Fargate. Alternatives based on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances would be as valid as the one presented here.

The following diagram shows the different components of the solution.
it's good
it's good
### Important Update for Binance Users: Good News and Bad News!

🚫 Permanent Account Termination 😲
Binance is enforcing a strict policy against users engaged in fraudulent activities or misuse, including unauthorized sale of account access. Accounts involved in such activities will be permanently terminated. This measure is crucial to preserving the safety and integrity of our community.

🎉 Rewards for Reporting MisuseTo maintain a secure platform, Binance is actively encouraging users to report any suspected misuse or fraudulent activities. Verified reports will be rewarded on a case-by-case basis. Your vigilance and cooperation are key to ensuring the safety and compliance of our platform. If you observe any suspicious behavior, please report it to

#Badnews #Goodnews #altcoins #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament
While others are panicking, 🇸🇻 El Salvador is buying Bitcoin dip daily.

You might think that the crypto market is dead now

But remember, after 8 months from now you'll thank yourself..

INDIA won World cup 2024, proud moment for me as a INDIAN❤🇮🇳

#BinanceTournament #Megadrop #altcoins #BTC #etf
8 Cryptocurrencies To Avoid Trading This Week As Token Unlocks Loom
Brace for Impact: 8 Cryptocurrencies Set to Drop as Major Token Unlocks Approach

The cryptocurrency market is on edge as upcoming token unlocks threaten to increase supply and drive prices down. Here are eight cryptocurrencies you might want to avoid trading this week:

**Arbitrum (ARB)**
Currently trading at $0.9227, ARB will unlock $86.23 million worth of tokens on June 16, impacting 3.32% of its circulating supply.

**Space ID (ID)**
ID, trading at $0.5654, faces a $44.37 million token unlock on June 22, affecting 18.23% of its circulating supply.

**Pixels (PIXEL)**
PIXEL, now at $0.3621, will unlock $19.65 million worth of tokens on June 19, impacting 7.05% of its supply.

**ApeCoin (APE)**
APE, priced at $1.05, is set to unlock $16.35 million worth of tokens on June 17, affecting 2.48% of its supply.

**Manta Network (MANTA)**
MANTA, trading at $1.27, will unlock $10.8 million worth of tokens on June 18, impacting 2.42% of its supply.

**Render (RNDR)**
RNDR, priced at $8.05, faces a $6.12 million token unlock on June 16, affecting 0.20% of its supply.

**NYM Coin**
NYM, trading at $0.1366, will unlock 2.96 million tokens on June 17, impacting 0.37% of its supply.

**Euler (EUL)**
EUL will unlock 88.98K tokens worth $386.16K on June 19, affecting 0.48% of its supply.

Historically, token unlocks exceeding 1% of the circulating supply have led to significant price declines. As these events approach, traders are closely monitoring these cryptocurrencies for potential price drops.
$ARB Stylus is now live on Arbitrum Sepolia, and we challenge you to push the MultiVM to the limits. We’re giving a total of $15,000 USD to projects that catch our eye 👀 Welcome to the Stylus Blitz - let’s see what you’ve got. Read more 👇…
Stylus is now live on Arbitrum Sepolia, and we challenge you to push the MultiVM to the limits.

We’re giving a total of $15,000 USD to projects that catch our eye 👀

Welcome to the Stylus Blitz - let’s see what you’ve got.

it good for crypto market
it good for crypto market

Saudi Arabia to Accept Digital Currency and Multiple Currencies for Oil Sales…

In a groundbreaking move set to transform the global energy market, Saudi Arabia has announced plans to accept digital currency for its oil sales. This unprecedented decision marks a significant shift from the traditional reliance on the US dollar and is expected to have far-reaching implications for the global economy. The Kingdom's adoption of digital currency aims to modernize its financial system, enhance transaction efficiency, and attract a broader range of international buyers.

In addition to this revolutionary step, Saudi Arabia will now sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. Experts believe this strategic pivot could accelerate the adoption of digital currencies worldwide and reshape financial dynamics within the oil industry. By embracing this innovative approach and diversifying its currency options, Saudi Arabia is positioning itself at the forefront of the digital economy, potentially setting a new standard for international trade. This development underscores the Kingdom's commitment to economic diversification and technological advancement as part of its Vision 2030 initiative.
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