Philanthropy is undergoing a significant transformation in the 21st century, driven by the advent of digital technology and the rise of philanthrocapitalism. This new approach merges traditional charitable efforts with business strategies and digital tools, creating more effective and scalable solutions for social problems. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, new trends and developments in charity are emerging, along with innovative programs and projects that promise to redefine the sector. Philanthrocapitalism is a term that describes the application of business principles to philanthropic efforts. This approach is characterized by a focus on efficiency, scalability, and measurable impact.

A generation of young billionaire philanthropists is moving to a new format of philanthropy. A society living in the era of globalization and the development of innovative technologies is experiencing qualitative changes in the charitable sector, which, in turn, is becoming more significant in terms of its goals and the most socially significant. We all need a new philosophy in philanthropy, new trends and development of charity, and new effective programs and projects. Digital Philanthrocapitalism, implemented through the application of effective business methods in philanthropy, this new generation is already attracting the attention of the public and the state and generally reorganizing existing philanthropy as such.

Real assistance to those who suffered from pandemics, natural disasters, environmental disasters, epidemics, repressions, etc. was not provided in full and inefficiently. Recently, more and more major philanthropists are beginning to understand that global social and environmental problems cannot be solved alone, because rich philanthropists in reality spend very little on charity. According to the results of the analysis of the participation in charity of two thousand billionaires, it turned out that they all donated only 1.2% of their fortune to charity. It is not even close to any donations of 10% of their wealth to charity. This is, to put it mildly, a very deplorable result and the frivolous attitude of wealthy philanthropists and founders of private foundations.

Digital philanthrocapitalism represents a new philosophy in philanthropy, one that combines the power of digital technology with the strategic approach of business. As the sector continues to evolve, new trends and innovative programs are emerging, promising to create a more impactful and equitable world. By embracing these changes, philanthropists can better address the complex social challenges of our time and drive sustainable progress. First of all, a person needs quality food, clean water, fresh air and a new state system that can ensure the health, happiness and well-being of his people. And this is a new kind of philanthropy and new charitable projects. #KotlyarFoundation #LeonidKotlyar #Philanthropy #Charity #Donate