In the landscape of modern philanthropy, there exists a pressing need for a fundamental shift in approach. The traditional model of providing aid, while well-intentioned, often falls short of addressing the root causes of societal issues. It's time to recognize that simply throwing money and resources at problems is not enough to enact lasting change. Instead, what is needed is a more strategic and sustainable approach—one that empowers communities and fosters self-sufficiency.

The world of modern philanthropy is in need of change, and that time for change is now. Our Kotlyar Foundation uses its effective approach to charity in general, which actually changes and will change this world for the better. Rather than merely offering temporary relief in the form of aid, the foundation advocates for equipping individuals and communities with the tools they need to thrive independently. It does not consist in providing large volumes of "fish" each time, but in the need to provide a high-quality and reliable "fishing rod" and teach it to catch this "fish" in sufficient quantities. This philosophy is akin to providing not just handouts, but also opportunities for long-term success.

Let's take Africa as an example. For more than half a century, African countries have been inundated with foreign aid. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been handed over to corrupt African governments. Countless tons of food, clothing and other aid have littered this continent and swarms of consultants, experts and administrators have come to solve all of Africa's pressing problems. However, African countries have received and continue to receive more than $200 billion annually from governments, international organizations and foundations. And most people in the world still believe that aid and charity in Africa helps and improves the situation. But this ineffective charity has been going on for many, many years and has not led to anything of high quality and will not lead in the future. The state of development in Africa today is no better than it was when aid and charity first began. Per capita income in most African countries has either stagnated or declined. Despite receiving billions of dollars annually in aid, many African countries continue to struggle with poverty, corruption, and underdevelopment.

For decades, the prevailing image of Africa was that it was poor and helpless. This preconceived image is wrong. Most people in Africa may be poor, but the continent itself is one of the richest in terms of natural resources. Africa is rich in natural resources and has the potential for immense economic growth. The real barriers to progress lie not in a lack of resources, but rather in systemic issues related to governance, infrastructure, and economic policies. Africa is far from helpless and not dependent on our help, it pays rich countries more money than it receives in aid. So the real reason why billions of people are starving, thirsty, without electricity, etc., has to do with the way the global economy and politics work. One good business contract is worth more to Africa than hundreds of foreign experts and consultants, and one new plant is worth more than hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign aid. But for this it is necessary to develop small, medium and large businesses in Africa. Africa does not need ineffective charity, it needs good, professional leadership of political, economic, social, cultural systems, like any other country in the world.

It's time to shift the focus from aid-driven solutions to sustainable development initiatives that prioritize empowerment and capacity-building. This means investing in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and entrepreneurship to create an enabling environment for growth and prosperity. All people will live happily ever after, having a sufficient number of professionals in all fields of activity, in any state, and our Kotlyar Foundation will support all these professionals in every possible way. By reimagining philanthropy as a catalyst for systemic change, we can build a world where all individuals have the opportunity to realize their full potential. #KotlyarFoundation #LeonidKotlyar #MatryoshkaKF #DonateNow #Philanthropy