Fetch AI, Singularity, and Ocean. What do I think the price action is going to be for these AI cryptos?

Now, if you guys read my previous articles I made a couple days ago, I told you that right now, short term, we're going to see some downsides for AI coins.

Only and Follow me Right now, This is going to be interesting. You'll forget later.

Now, that does not mean that AI is not the future. It does not mean I'm saying that AI is done.

I'm just saying that AI comes in waves. If you guys remember, last year when ChatGPT came out, there was a huge surge of initial AI coins that made a rally, and of course, we saw some of these similar names pump up.

Then, six months went by, everybody forgot about AI for a little bit, and then now, recently, three, four months ago, the wave came back.

There are some trends in crypto that come and go, and then you never hear about them again. AI is definitely here to stay for the future. However, you have to ask yourself, not every crypto is going to be the next AI crypto that goes to the moon.

Think about it. Even Fetch.AI, AGIX, and Ocean having a proposal to merge the cryptos, even they understand that it would probably be better and less competition if they just all work together and make something big.

For price action, in my personal opinion, I think right now, short-term AI cryptos for the next two to four weeks, you're probably not going to see that much movement.

You need people to forget about AI for a little bit, so that way, you can refuel, and then the rally starts again. Everywhere you go now, it's AI this, AI that. So short-term bearish for AI coins, but long-term, very bullish.

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