If there's one time in your life where you should focus on something, it's right now for the next 180 days in crypto.

You focus for the next 180 days in crypto and you might never have to focus on anything you don't want to again. That is the fact.

I'm in full bull market mode. I'm farming airdrops. I'm farming new tokens. I'm seed investing in as much as I can. I'm trading. I'm sniping Solana tokens.

I'm trading meme coins because those are where the money is. I'm investing in altcoins, big, solid, fundamental altcoins, Bitcoin ecosystem, SocialFi, RWA, real world assets.

All of the narratives. I'm in full bull market mode. There's no better place to deploy your capital right now. And also, the best thing sometimes to do in crypto is hold and do nothing. So focus up.

A lot of you guys can't even do something for 20 days in a row.

Please, this is the number one time to focus, dude. I can't even stress it enough. People have literally 100x their net worth in two weeks and it's not going to stop.

It's not going to stop. It might change. It's not going to be Solana meme coins and Solana tokens forever.

It's going to move around. This money virus is going to move around to different narratives and I'm in all of them. I want my portfolio to have maximum exposure. So I'm trying to hype you guys up and let's go. If there's one.
