I want to draw your attention and repost this Article because I'm going to explain why SYNCASDAO can easily 1000X in the next bull cycle.

And it all starts with this project called OlympusDAO, which was an extremely groundbreaking project in DeFi in the last bull cycle.

And their goal was to create a decentralized reserve currency with their token called $OHM.

Now where $OlympusDAO went wrong is they started to opt in for bonds, and a consequence to that is that a flywheel effect started to happen.

They had to sell bonds to grow treasury, but the problem with that was this, staking was way more profitable than bonds. But even though OlympusDAO failed in the last bull cycle, their market cap reached all the way to $5 billion.

Now this is where SYNCASDAO is going to capitalize where OlympusDAO failed. SYNCASDAO is actually introducing protocol taxes for every action such as buying and selling. They're using that to fund the treasury and produce real yield for stakers. And it's simply by recreating that flywheel effect that OlympusDAO tried to do, but by perfecting it and doing it better. But let me explain everything I just said like a 5th grader. The reason why SYNCASDAO is going to 1000X and hit that $10 billion market cap is simple. OlympusDAO hit $5 billion and it has shitty tokenomics and shitty utility. SYNCASDAO is a better OlympusDAO.

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