If you're confused about crypto, let me break it down for you in 60 seconds.

All you need to understand about crypto is that it is essentially taking the power to print money, which the Federal Reserve has, and giving it to everybody.

It is decentralizing and breaking down most of the traditional financial system's barriers, and that's a really exciting thing.

It's just money online that you need a password to access. 99% of cryptos ultimately are worthless long-term and will go to zero.

There is a lot of revolutionary stuff going on here long-term, but only 1% of those are actually going to change the world. But you care about it because you want to make some money.

Well, guess what? Over the next two years, we're about to see the greatest crypto bull run in the history of this ElOgiso Binance Whale Square. And if you're paying attention, lives will change.

If you want to read more about the tech side of crypto, I'm happy to make more binance feed about it, but most of you guys just care about money. I'm not a financial expert or advisor.

All I'm doing is telling you what I think. Drop a follow so you stay updated.

@El Ogiso

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