I don't think people realize that if I sell 90% of my crypto, it doesn't mean I'm done with crypto.

It doesn't mean I'm retiring.

It doesn't mean I've stopped trading.

It does not mean I am not going to continue trading.

You have to understand, I've been trading crypto for so many years and I've been holding my cryptos and my spot positions since the 16,000, 18,000 Bitcoin range.

So if I am up so much, a good, good amount, alhamdulillah, if I am up such a large amount, it is not too bad of an idea to sell towards a top.

I think people forget that you don't always have to time the exact top.

Many times when people try to do that, they always get burnt out.

They can never do it at the right time. But if you sell at the top, some top at least, then it's better than getting crashed on or better than losing everything that you've built over the last couple of years or months or however long you've been bag holding.

And any good trader, any good investor doesn't need to have a lot of money to start winning trades or building back up.

So if, or even if I sell 100% of my crypto and I decide to restart because I'm confident with my trades, because I'm confident with myself, I can always rebuild back up and do it again. And that's what I always do because I always take healthy profits.

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