Good morning, Binancians. It is the 25th Thursday, January 2024. Great news here,

Okay, I just was watching news on the YouTube channel, and he brought up an article that was very, very good for XRP and passive income.

And we have talked about the XLS30D many times before on my binance square. And at the time when I talked about it, we had 14 yeses over the validators.

And I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, there's 34 validators, I believe. We are up to now 20 yes votes, 20. And we are only seven short of an absolute XLS30D adoption where you can earn passive income by staking XRP.

So it's exciting if you are looking for the passive income of XRP. Now, that being said, the reason why I believe this is starting to happen is because I believe the validators are now seeing that the banks are starting to soften on their use for XRP.

And I also was watching a little bit of a Lewis Jackson video, and he had a guest on and had a very, very interesting theory that he believes, which it kind of makes sense. So let's explore it for a second here.

The reason why he thinks we're going to have a very high price for XRP.

So in Europe alone, there are 50,000 plus institutions as far as asset managers and banks combined and other institutions that move money across borders and things of that nature.

Just in Europe alone. So that doesn't even count what the US can do. So that being said, he believes that you're going to get groups like the BIS and the WEF and all these international and world bank and institutional companies and marketers and whatever they're doing out there.

And they're going to get together, and they're going to go, okay, we need X amount, X amount, and the BIS is going to go, okay, here's how it's going to be, and we're going to make this fair.

This is in a nutshell. They're going to say, okay, you over here, BlackRock, you're going to get X amount of $XRP .

Vanguard, you're going to get X amount.

State Street, you're going to get X amount.

Bank of America, you're going to get X amount.

JP Morgan, you're going to get X amount.

And they're going to base it probably off of their volume and how much they do business.

And therefore, when you put all that together, okay, you can throw away market cap.

That ain't going to mean anything at this point.

Because when you put it that way, and they're going to divvy out what they believe that each institution and bank needs in order to conduct business over X amount of years, the price can't be low because they need to be able to use it for an extended amount of time,

years down the road. Whether they would calculate 50, 100 years, whatever they're going to calculate to make that calculation. So the price can't be low because then it'll eat up the supply quicker.

The price has to be high, okay? So that's a theory that I heard. So that's a possibility. But the exciting news is the XLS30D passive income.

So we're going to see how this all plays out. And I'm really excited to see how this is going to affect the everyday investors that have XRP.

How many are going to do the passive income? How many are going to participate? I mean, granted, you don't have to put your whole bag into a passive income situation. You can put a partial bag and see how it works out for you.

I don't know how it's going to be as far as is it locked up? Can you pull it out? I'm not sure about all that yet.

I don't know if that's been worked out or it's behind the scenes. I'll have to do some research on that.

But I will go live tonight. We're going to talk about this. But, you know, everyone wants to crap on the price action right now.

I don't care about the price action right now. The only thing I care about is accumulation, okay?

It's opportunity, okay? When there's blood in the water, that's when people become millionaires, okay? Institutions, big banks, when the prices are down, they buy, buy, buy.

When the retail people see that, they sell, sell, sell because they panic.

When there's blood in the streets, that's when you buy, folks.

That's why you have to, you know, keep your money and save your money and understand what your money can do for you in the times of downturn.

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