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#Hacker suffered losses after hacking DeFi project Raft DeFi platform Raft lost about $3.3 million in Ethereum as a result of a hack. But the attack likely brought only losses to the attacker, experts found. An analyst under the nickname 0xngmi noted that the hacker withdrew a total of 1577 ETH (~$3.3 million) from the protocol. However, he sent 1570 ETH to the burn address, and only 7 ETH to his wallet. For the attack, the attacker used 18 ETH, transferred through the Tornado Cash mixer . But after all the transactions and paying commissions, he was left with 14 ETH. “The son of a bitch could go to jail for losing 4 ETH,” the expert wrote. Raft provides the ability to issue the US dollar-pegged stablecoin R backed by liquid ether derivatives like stETH from Lido Finance . The head of research at Wintermute, Igor Igambergiev, revealed the attack scheme. The attacker created two “child” contracts to issue 3000 R using 2 cbETH. He then liquidated the collateralized positions with 1,000 ETH obtained through flash loans . #ETH #BTC #crypto2023 #BinanceSquareTalks $ETH $BNB $BTC

#Hacker suffered losses after hacking DeFi project Raft

DeFi platform Raft lost about $3.3 million in Ethereum as a result of a hack. But the attack likely brought only losses to the attacker, experts found.

An analyst under the nickname 0xngmi noted that the hacker withdrew a total of 1577 ETH (~$3.3 million) from the protocol. However, he sent 1570 ETH to the burn address, and only 7 ETH to his wallet.

For the attack, the attacker used 18 ETH, transferred through the Tornado Cash mixer . But after all the transactions and paying commissions, he was left with 14 ETH.

“The son of a bitch could go to jail for losing 4 ETH,” the expert wrote.

Raft provides the ability to issue the US dollar-pegged stablecoin R backed by liquid ether derivatives like stETH from Lido Finance .

The head of research at Wintermute, Igor Igambergiev, revealed the attack scheme. The attacker created two “child” contracts to issue 3000 R using 2 cbETH. He then liquidated the collateralized positions with 1,000 ETH obtained through flash loans .

#ETH #BTC #crypto2023 #BinanceSquareTalks


Avertissement : comprend des opinions de tiers. Il ne s’agit pas d’un conseil financier. Consultez les CG.
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